Exemplo n.º 1
def data_postprocessing(obj, event):
    # newly created object, without start/end/timezone (e.g. invokeFactory()
    # called without data from add form), ignore event; it will be notified 
    # again later:
    if getattr(obj, 'start', None) is None:
    # We handle date inputs as floating dates without timezones and apply
    # timezones afterwards.
    start = tzdel(obj.start)
    end = tzdel(obj.end)

    # set the timezone
    tz = pytz.timezone(obj.timezone)
    start = tz.localize(start)
    end = tz.localize(end)

    # adapt for whole day
    if IEventBasic(obj).whole_day:
        start = start.replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0)
        end = end.replace(hour=23,minute=59,second=59)

    # save back
    obj.start = utc(start)
    obj.end = utc(end)

    # reindex
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item <= dtzl and item or null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx > 0 and idx - 1 or idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize

    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item <= dtzl and item or null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx > 0 and idx - 1 or idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize
    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _prepare_dt_set(self, dt):
        # Always set the date in UTC, saving the timezone in another field.
        # But since the timezone value isn't known at the time of saving the
        # form, we have to save it timezone-naive first and let
        # timezone_handler convert it to the target zone afterwards.

        # TODO: end and start should be updated if the timezone changes. ?
        return tzdel(dt)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_occurrence_accessor(self):
     start = datetime.datetime.today()
     end = datetime.datetime.today()
     occ = Occurrence('ignored', start, end)
     occ = occ.__of__(self.portal['at'])
     data = IEventAccessor(occ)
     self.assertEqual(start, data.start)
Exemplo n.º 6
def data_postprocessing(obj, event):
    # We handle date inputs as floating dates without timezones and apply
    # timezones afterwards.
    start = tzdel(obj.start)
    end = tzdel(obj.end)

    # set the timezone
    tz = pytz.timezone(obj.timezone)
    start = tz.localize(start)
    end = tz.localize(end)

    # adapt for whole Day
    if obj.whole_day:
        start = start.replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0)
        end = end.replace(hour=23,minute=59,second=59)

    # save back
    obj.start = utc(start)
    obj.end = utc(end)

    # reindex
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _fix_zone(dt, zone):

        if dt.tzinfo is not None and isinstance(dt.tzinfo, FakeZone):
            # Delete the tzinfo only, if it was set by IEventBasic setter.
            # Only in this case the start value on the object itself is what
            # was entered by the user. After running this event subscriber,
            # it's in UTC then.
            # If tzinfo it's not available at all, a naive datetime was set
            # probably by invokeFactory in tests.
            dt = tzdel(dt)

        if dt.tzinfo is None:
            # In case the tzinfo was deleted above or was not present, we can
            # localize the dt value to the target timezone.
            dt = tz.localize(dt)

            # In this case, no changes to start, end or the timezone were made.
            # Just return the object's datetime (which is in UTC) localized to
            # the target timezone.
            dt = dt.astimezone(tz)

        return dt.replace(microsecond=0)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _fix_zone(dt, zone):

        if dt.tzinfo is not None and isinstance(dt.tzinfo, FakeZone):
            # Delete the tzinfo only, if it was set by IEventBasic setter.
            # Only in this case the start value on the object itself is what
            # was entered by the user. After running this event subscriber,
            # it's in UTC then.
            # If tzinfo it's not available at all, a naive datetime was set
            # probably by invokeFactory in tests.
            dt = tzdel(dt)

        if dt.tzinfo is None:
            # In case the tzinfo was deleted above or was not present, we can
            # localize the dt value to the target timezone.
            dt = tz.localize(dt)

            # In this case, no changes to start, end or the timezone were made.
            # Just return the object's datetime (which is in UTC) localized to
            # the target timezone.
            dt = dt.astimezone(tz)

        return dt.replace(microsecond=0)
Exemplo n.º 9
def recurrence_sequence_ical(start, recrule=None, from_=None, until=None, count=None):
    """ Calculates a sequence of datetime objects from a recurrence rule
    following the RFC2445 specification, using python-dateutil recurrence rules.

    @param start:   datetime or DateTime instance of the date from which the
                    recurrence sequence is calculated.

    @param recrule: String with RFC2445 compatible recurrence definition,
                    dateutil.rrule or dateutil.rruleset instances.

    @param from_:   datetime or DateTime instance of the date, to limit -
                    possibly with until - the result within a timespan -
                    The Date Horizon.

    @param until:   datetime or DateTime instance of the date, until the
                    recurrence is calculated. If not given, count or MAXDATE
                    limit the recurrence calculation.

    @param count:   Integer which defines the number of occurences. If not
                    given, until or MAXDATE limits the recurrence calculation.

    @return: A generator which generates a sequence of datetime instances.

    start = pydt(start) # always use python datetime objects
    from_ = pydt(from_)
    until = pydt(until)
    tz = start.tzinfo
    start = tzdel(start) # tznaive | start defines tz
    _from = tzdel(from_)
    _until = tzdel(until)

    if isinstance(recrule, str):
        # RFC2445 string
        # forceset: always return a rruleset
        # dtstart: optional used when no dtstart is in RFC2445 string
        #          dtstart is given as timezone naive time. timezones are
        #          applied afterwards, since rrulestr doesn't normalize
        #          timezones over DST boundaries
        rset = rrule.rrulestr(recrule,
                              # ignoretz=True
                              # compatible=True # RFC2445 compatibility
        rset = rrule.rruleset()
    rset.rdate(start) # RCF2445: always include start date

    # limit
    if _from and _until:
        # between doesn't add a ruleset but returns a list
        rset = rset.between(_from, _until, inc=True)

    for cnt, date in enumerate(rset):
        # Localize tznaive dates from rrulestr sequence
        date = tz.localize(date)

        # Limit number of recurrences otherwise calculations take too long
        if MAXCOUNT and cnt+1 > MAXCOUNT: break
        if count and cnt+1 > count: break
        if from_ and utc(date) < utc(from_): continue
        if until and utc(date) > utc(until): break

        yield date
Exemplo n.º 10
def recurrence_sequence_ical(
    """Calculates a sequence of datetime objects from a recurrence rule
    following the RFC2445 specification, using python-dateutil recurrence
    rules.  The resolution of the resulting datetime objects is one second,
    since python-dateutil rrulestr doesn't support microseconds.

    :param start:   datetime or DateTime instance of the date from which the
                    recurrence sequence is calculated.
    :type start: datetime.datetime

    :param recrule: Optional string with RFC2445 compatible recurrence
                    definition, dateutil.rrule or dateutil.rruleset instances.
    :type recrule: string

    :param from_:   Optional datetime or DateTime instance of the date, to
                    limit the result within a timespan.
    :type from_: datetime.datetime

    :param until:   Optional datetime or DateTime instance of the date, until
                    the recurrence is calculated. If not given, count or
                    MAXDATE limit the recurrence calculation.
    :type until: datetime.datetime

    :param count:   Optional integer which defines the number of occurences.
                    If not given, until or MAXDATE limits the recurrence
    :type count: integer

    :param duration: Optional timedelta instance, which is used to calculate
                     if a occurence datetime plus duration is within the
                     queried timerange.
    :type duration:  datetime.timedelta

    :returns: A generator which generates a sequence of datetime instances.
    :rtype: generator

    # Always use python datetime objects and remove the microseconds
    start = pydt(start, exact=False)
    from_ = pydt(from_, exact=False)
    until = pydt(until, exact=False)
    tz = start.tzinfo
    start = tzdel(start)  # tznaive | start defines tz
    _from = tzdel(from_)
    _until = tzdel(until)
    if duration:
        assert (isinstance(duration, datetime.timedelta))
        duration = datetime.timedelta(0)

    if recrule:
        # THIS HACK ensures, that UNTIL, RDATE and EXDATE definitions with
        # incorrect time (currently always set to 0:00 by the recurrence
        # widget) are handled correctly.
        # Following fixes are made:
        # - The UNTIL date should be included in the recurrence set, as defined
        #   by RFC5545 (fix sets it to the end of the day)
        # - RDATE definitions should have the same time as the start date.
        # - EXDATE definitions should exclude occurrences on the specific date
        #   only the same time as the start date.
        # In the long term ,the recurrence widget should be able to set the
        # time for UNTIL, RDATE and EXDATE.
        t0 = start.time()  # set initial time information.
        # First, replace all times in the recurring rule with starttime
        t0str = 'T{0:02d}{1:02d}{2:02d}'.format(t0.hour, t0.minute, t0.second)
        # Replace any times set to 000000 with start time, not all
        # rrules are set by a specific broken widget.  Don't waste time
        # subbing if the start time is already 000000.
        if t0str != 'T000000':
            recrule = re.sub(r'T000000', t0str, recrule)
        # Then, replace incorrect until times with the end of the day
        recrule = re.sub(

        # RFC2445 string
        # forceset: always return a rruleset
        # dtstart: optional used when no dtstart is in RFC2445 string
        #          dtstart is given as timezone naive time. timezones are
        #          applied afterwards, since rrulestr doesn't normalize
        #          timezones over DST boundaries
        rset = rrule.rrulestr(
            # compatible=True # RFC2445 compatibility
        rset = rrule.rruleset()
    rset.rdate(start)  # RCF2445: always include start date

    # limit
    if _from and _until:
        # between doesn't add a ruleset but returns a list
        rset = rset.between(_from - duration, _until, inc=True)
    for cnt, date in enumerate(rset):
        # Localize tznaive dates from rrulestr sequence
        date = tz.localize(date)

        # Limit number of recurrences otherwise calculations take too long
        if MAXCOUNT and cnt + 1 > MAXCOUNT:
        if count and cnt + 1 > count:
        if from_ and utc(date) + duration < utc(from_):
        if until and utc(date) > utc(until):

        yield date
Exemplo n.º 11
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    """Build a dictionary of timezone information from a timezone identifier
    and a date/time object for which the timezone information should be

    :param tzmap: An existing dictionary of timezone information to be extended
                  or an empty dictionary.
    :type tzmap: dictionary
    :param tzid: A timezone identifier.
    :type tzid: string
    :param dt: A datetime object.
    :type dt: datetime

    :returns: A dictionary with timezone information needed to build VTIMEZONE
    :rtype: dictionary

    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item if item <= dtzl else null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx - 1 if idx > 0 else idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize

    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Exemplo n.º 12
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    """Build a dictionary of timezone information from a timezone identifier
    and a date/time object for which the timezone information should be

    :param tzmap: An existing dictionary of timezone information to be extended
                  or an empty dictionary.
    :type tzmap: dictionary
    :param tzid: A timezone identifier.
    :type tzid: string
    :param dt: A datetime object.
    :type dt: datetime

    :returns: A dictionary with timezone information needed to build VTIMEZONE
    :rtype: dictionary

    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item if item <= dtzl else null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx - 1 if idx > 0 else idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize
    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap