Exemplo n.º 1
    def getPortlets(self):
        """Work out which portlets to display, returning a list of dicts
        describing assignments to render.
        manager = self.storage.__name__

        pcontext = IPortletContext(self.context, None)
        if pcontext is None:
            return []

        assignable = ILocalPortletAssignable(self.context, None)
        if assignable is None:
            return []

        annotations = IAnnotations(assignable, None)
        if annotations is None:
            return []

        local = annotations.get(CONTEXT_ASSIGNMENT_KEY, None)
        if local is None:
            return []

        localManager = local.get(manager, None)
        if localManager is None:
            return []

        assignments = []
        for assignment in localManager.values():
                settings = IPortletAssignmentSettings(assignment)
            except TypeError:
                # Portlet does not exist any longer
            if not settings.get('visible', True):

        return [{
            'category': CONTEXT_CATEGORY,
            'key': pcontext.uid,
            'name': a.__name__,
            'assignment': a
        } for a in assignments]
    def getManagedPortlets(self):
        """Work out which portlets to display, returning a list of dicts
        describing assignments to render.
        Bypass blacklist tests
        portal_state = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.context.REQUEST),
        portal = portal_state.portal()
        pcontext = IPortletContext(self.context, None)
        if pcontext is None:
            return []

        categories = []

        blacklisted = {}

        manager = self.storage.__name__

        current = self.context
        currentpc = pcontext
        blacklistFetched = set()
        parentsBlocked = False

        while current is not None and currentpc is not None:
            assignable = ILocalPortletAssignable(current, None)
            if assignable is not None:
                annotations = IAnnotations(assignable)
                local = annotations.get(CONTEXT_ASSIGNMENT_KEY, None)
                if local is not None:
                    localManager = local.get(manager, None)
                    if localManager is not None:
                        categories.extend([(CONTEXT_CATEGORY, currentpc.uid, a)
                                           for a in localManager.values()])

            # Check the parent - if there is no parent, we will stop
            current = currentpc.getParent()
            if current is not None:
                currentpc = IPortletContext(current, None)

        # Get all global mappings for non-blacklisted categories

        for category, key in pcontext.globalPortletCategories(False):
            mapping = self.storage.get(category, None)
            if mapping is not None:
                for a in mapping.get(key, {}).values():

        managerUtility = getUtility(IPortletManager, manager, portal)

        if not getattr(managerUtility, 'listAllManagedPortlets', []):
            managerUtility.listAllManagedPortlets = []

        hashlist = getattr(managerUtility, 'listAllManagedPortlets', [])
        assignments = []
        for category, key, assignment in categories:
            portletHash = hashPortletInfo(
            if portletHash not in hashlist:

        managerUtility.listAllManagedPortlets = hashlist

        #order the portlets
        assignments.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(hashlist.index(a['hash']),

        li = []
        here_url = '/'.join(aq_inner(self.context).getPhysicalPath())
        for assigndict in assignments:
            stopped = False
            if assigndict.has_key('stopUrls') and hasattr(
                    'sort') and len(assigndict['stopUrls']) > 0:
                for stopUrl in assigndict['stopUrls']:
                    if stopUrl in here_url:
                        stopped = True
            assigndict['stopped'] = stopped
            assigndict['here_url'] = here_url

        return assignments
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getPortlets(self):
        """Work out which portlets to display, returning a list of dicts
        describing assignments to render.

        pcontext = IPortletContext(self.context, None)
        if pcontext is None:
            return []

        # Holds a list of (category, key, assignment).
        categories = []

        # Keeps track of the blacklisting status for global categores
        # (user, group, content type). The status is either True (blocked)
        # or False (not blocked).
        blacklisted = {}

        # This is the name of the manager (column) we're rendering
        manager = self.storage.__name__

        # 1. Fetch blacklisting status for each global category

        # First, find out which categories we will need to determine
        # blacklist status for

        for category, key in pcontext.globalPortletCategories(False):
            blacklisted[category] = None

        # Then walk the content hierarchy to find out what blacklist status
        # was assigned. Note that the blacklist is tri-state; if it's None it
        # means no assertion has been made (i.e. the category has neither been
        # whitelisted or blacklisted by this object or any parent). The first
        # item to give either a blacklisted (True) or whitelisted (False)
        # value for a given item will set the appropriate value. Parents of
        # this item that also set a black- or white-list value will then be
        # ignored.

        # Whilst walking the hierarchy, we also collect parent portlets,
        # until we hit the first block.

        current = self.context
        currentpc = pcontext
        blacklistFetched = set()
        parentsBlocked = False

        while current is not None and currentpc is not None:
            assignable = ILocalPortletAssignable(current, None)
            if assignable is not None:
                annotations = IAnnotations(assignable)

                if not parentsBlocked:
                    local = annotations.get(CONTEXT_ASSIGNMENT_KEY, None)
                    if local is not None:
                        localManager = local.get(manager, None)
                        if localManager is not None:
                            #categories.extend([(CONTEXT_CATEGORY, currentpc.uid, a) for a in localManager.values()]) #SV -
                            new_categories = [
                                (CONTEXT_CATEGORY, currentpc.uid, a)
                                for a in localManager.values()
                            ]  #SV +
                            categories = new_categories + categories  #SV +

                blacklistStatus = annotations.get(CONTEXT_BLACKLIST_STATUS_KEY,
                                                  {}).get(manager, None)
                if blacklistStatus is not None:
                    for cat, status in blacklistStatus.items():
                        if cat == CONTEXT_CATEGORY:
                            if not parentsBlocked and status == True:
                                parentsBlocked = True
                        else:  # global portlet categories
                            if blacklisted.get(cat, False) is None:
                                blacklisted[cat] = status
                            if status is not None:

            # We can abort if parents are blocked and we've fetched all
            # blacklist statuses

            if parentsBlocked and len(blacklistFetched) == len(blacklisted):

            # Check the parent - if there is no parent, we will stop
            current = currentpc.getParent()
            if current is not None:
                currentpc = IPortletContext(current, None)

        # Get all global mappings for non-blacklisted categories

        for category, key in pcontext.globalPortletCategories(False):
            if not blacklisted[category]:
                mapping = self.storage.get(category, None)
                if mapping is not None:
                    for a in mapping.get(key, {}).values():

        assignments = []
        for category, key, assignment in categories:
                'category': category,
                'key': key,
                'name': assignment.__name__,
                'assignment': assignment
        return assignments