Exemplo n.º 1
def incorporate(word, type=NOUN):

    """Combines this noun with another.

    This results in invented words that have a double meaning,
    for instance the lyrical "flowerewolf" that is even a palindrome!

    By specifying a type (None, NOUN, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB),
    you can specify what kind of word to mix in.


    if type == NOUN: f = nouns
    if type == ADJECTIVE: f = adjectives
    if type == VERB:
        word = en.verb.infinitive(word)
        f = verbs

    for i in [4,3,2,1]:
        a = alliterations(head=word[-i:])
        if type != None: a = f(a)
        if len(a) > 0:
            tail = choice(a)
            if random() > 0.25:
                if i > len(word): return tail
                return word + tail[i:]

    return word + tail[i:]
Exemplo n.º 2
def eloquate(noun, antonise=True):

    """Returns an alliteration with an adjective.

    Picks a synonym for the given noun from WordNet.
    Alliterates an adjective for this synonym.


    antonym = en.noun.antonym(noun)
    if antonise and len(antonym) > 0 and random() > 0.4:
        antonym = choice(choice(antonym))
        return "no " + eloquate(antonym, antonise=False)

    noun = choice(choice(en.noun.hyponyms(noun)))
    adjective = alliterate(noun, type=NOUN)
    if adjective == None:
        noun = choice(choice(en.noun.hypernyms(noun)))
        adjective = alliterate(noun, type=NOUN)

    if adjective == None:
        return noun
    elif random() > 0.2:
        return adjective + " " + noun
    elif random() > 0.5:
        return noun + " " + adjective
        return noun + " so " + adjective
Exemplo n.º 3
def consonate(verb, noun):

    """Match a consonating verb synonym to the noun.

    Finds a synonym of the given noun,
    that has the same ending characters.


        h = en.verb.hyponym(verb)
        h = en.wordnet.flatten(h)
        return verb

    verbs = []
    for v in h:
        if v[-1:] == noun[-1:]: verbs.append(v)
    if len(verbs) > 0: return choice(verbs)

    return verb
Exemplo n.º 4
def alliterate(word, type=ADJECTIVE):

    """Returns an alliteration of the given word.

    When a noun is supplied, returns an adjective alliteration.
    When an adjective is supplied, returns a noun alliteration.
    When a verb is supplied, returns a infinitive verb alliteration.
    Attempts to alliterate as strongly as possible,
    with the three starting characters and two ending characters,
    and gradually weakens down when no results are found.


    if type == NOUN: f = adjectives
    if type == ADJECTIVE: f = nouns
    if type == VERB:
        word = en.verb.infinitive(word)
        f = verbs

    x = alliterations(word[0:3], word[-2:])
    x = f(x)

    if len(x) == 0 or x[0] == word:
        x = alliterations(word[0:3], word[-1:])
        x = f(x)

    if len(x) == 0 or x[0] == word:
        x = alliterations(word[0], word[-1:])
        x = f(x)

    if len(x) == 0 or x[0] == word:
        x = alliterations(word[0])
        x = f(x)

        alliteration = choice(x)
        return alliteration
        return None
Exemplo n.º 5
def genColor(ctx):
    fn = choice(
        (genFill, genFill, genFill, genFill, genFill, genFill, genStroke,
         genStroke, genStroke, genNofill, genNostroke, genStrokewidth))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 6
def genTransform(ctx):
    fn = choice((genRotate, genTranslate, genScale, genSkew, genReset))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 7
def genPathDraw(ctx):
    fn = choice((genLineto, genCurveto))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 8
def genDraw(ctx):
    fn = choice((genRect,genOval,genArrow,genStar,genPath))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 9
def genStatement(ctx):
    fn = choice((genVisual,genLoop,genColor,genTransform))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 10
def genStatement(ctx):
    fn = choice((genVisual, genLoop, genColor, genTransform))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 11
def genColor(ctx):
    fn = choice((genFill,genFill,genFill,genFill,genFill,genFill,genStroke,genStroke,genStroke,genNofill,genNostroke,genStrokewidth))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 12
def genTransform(ctx):
    fn = choice((genRotate, genTranslate, genScale, genSkew, genReset))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 13
def genPathDraw(ctx):
    fn = choice((genLineto, genCurveto))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 14
def dada(query, foreground=None, background=None, fonts=[], transparent=False):

    # Create some lines of poetry based on the query.
    h = en.noun.hyponyms(query)
    h = choice(en.wordnet.flatten(h))

    lines = verse(h)
    lines = lines.split("\n")

    # Setup the colors and fonts.
    if foreground == None:
        foreground = _ctx.color(1,1,1)
    if background == None:
        background = _ctx.color(1,0,0)
    if len(fonts) == 0:
        fonts = [_ctx.font()]
    f = _ctx.fontsize()
    if transparent:

    # Poem title.
    _ctx.text(query, _ctx.WIDTH/15, _ctx.HEIGHT/7-f)

    for i in range(1):

        x = _ctx.WIDTH / 15
        y = _ctx.HEIGHT / 7

        for words in lines:
            for word in words.split(" "):

                # For each word in a line,
                # pick a random font from the list and a random fontsize.
                if random() > 0.7:
                    _ctx.fontsize(random(f*0.6, f*1.2))

                # A word that is s
                #                 l
                #                  a
                #                   n
                #                    t
                #                     e
                #                      d.
                #                       The text continues on the next line.
                if random() > 0.9:
                    _ctx.rotate(-45 * random(1, 2))
                    _ctx.text(word+" ", x, y+_ctx.textwidth(word)/2)
                    y += _ctx.textwidth(word) * 1.5

                # ...or we continue on this line as normal:

                    # The word is sometimes printed DESREVNI:
                    # e.g red text in white box instead of white text on red.
                    # Some wiggling occurs.
                    if random() > 0.85:
                        r = random(50)
                        if random() > 0.8: _ctx.oval(x, y, r, r)
                        _ctx.rotate(random(-3, 3))
                        _ctx.text(word+" ", x, y)

                    # Otherwise, just print out the word.
                        _ctx.text(word+" ", x, y)

                    # Word is repeated for poetic stress effect.
                    #         repeated
                    if random() > 0.99:
                        _ctx.text(word+" ", x, y+_ctx.textheight(word))

                    # Add a line for visual effect,.
                    if random() > 0.9:
                        d = random(100)
                        _ctx.line(x+_ctx.textwidth(word), y, x+_ctx.textwidth(word)+d, y)
                        x += d

                    # Some play with indentation.
                    # Now where did I leave that oval?
                    x += _ctx.textwidth(word+" ")
                    if x > _ctx.WIDTH * 0.65:
                        x = _ctx.WIDTH / 15
                        y += _ctx.textheight(word)

            x = _ctx.WIDTH / 15
            y += _ctx.textheight(word)
Exemplo n.º 15
def genLoop(ctx):
    fn = choice((genFor, genGrid))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 16
def genVisual(ctx):
    fn = choice((genDraw, ))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 17
def genLoop(ctx):
    fn = choice((genFor, genGrid))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 18
def genDraw(ctx):
    fn = choice((genRect, genOval, genArrow, genStar, genPath))
    return fn(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 19
def genVisual(ctx):
    fn = choice((genDraw,))
    return fn(ctx)