def feature_scatterplot(fset_path, features_to_plot): """Create scatter plot of feature set. Parameters ---------- fset_path : str Path to feature set to be plotted. features_to_plot : list of str List of feature names to be plotted. Returns ------- (, fig.layout) Returns (, fig.layout) where `fig` is an instance of ``. """ with featureset.from_netcdf(fset_path, engine=cfg['xr_engine']) as fset: feat_df = fset.to_dataframe() feat_df = feat_df[features_to_plot] if 'target' in fset: feat_df['target'] = index = 'target' else: index = None # TODO replace 'trace {i}' with class labels fig = FF.create_scatterplotmatrix(feat_df, diag='box', index=index, height=800, width=800) py.plot(fig, auto_open=False, output_type='div') return, fig.layout
def plot_heatmap(samples_dict, output_path, cancer, df, genes, scale='binary'): # Plotting the heatmap if scale == 'binary': colorscale = [[0, "rgb(111, 168, 220)"], [1, "rgb(5, 10, 172)"]] colorbar = {'tick0': 0,'dtick': 1} elif scale == 'logarithmic': colorscale = [[0, 'rgb(250, 250, 250)'], [1./(4**4), 'rgb(200, 200, 200)'], [1./(4**3), 'rgb(150, 150, 150)'], [1./(4**2), 'rgb(100, 100, 100)'], [1./4, 'rgb(50, 50, 50)'], [1., 'rgb(0, 0, 0)']] colorbar = {'tick0': 0, 'tickmode': 'array', 'tickvals': [0, 4, 16, 64, 256]} heatmap_trace = go.Heatmap(z=[df[i] for i in genes], y=genes, x=df.patient_id, showscale=True, colorscale=colorscale, colorbar=colorbar) mutation_load_trace = go.Bar(x=df.patient_id, y=df.somatic_mutations_count/30.0) fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=29, cols=1, specs=[[{'rowspan':5, 'colspan' : 1}]] + [[None]] * 4 + [[{'rowspan' : 24, 'colspan' : 1}]] + [[None]] * 23) fig.append_trace(mutation_load_trace, 1, 1) fig.append_trace(heatmap_trace, 6, 1) fig['layout']['xaxis1'].update(showticklabels = False) fig['layout']['xaxis1'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid=False) fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid = False, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', size=4)) fig['layout']['xaxis2'].update(showticklabels = False) fig['layout']['xaxis2'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid=False) fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid = False, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', size=4)) plot(fig, auto_open=False, filename="%s_%s_heatmap.html" % (output_path, cancer)) plot_clustered_heatmap(df, genes, cancer, output_path, scale)
def plotly_js_viz(word_2_vec_model): tsne_model=TSNE(n_components=2,random_state=5) data=tsne_model.fit_transform(word_2_vec_model.syn0) xd=list(data[:,0]) yd=list(data[:,1]) names_our=word_2_vec_model.index2word plot([Scatter(x=xd,y=yd,mode="markers",text=names_our)])
def ranking_trend(billboard): #set the dataframe df2 = [rows for _, rows in billboard.groupby('Genre')] df3 = [rows for _, rows in df2[7].groupby('artist')] artist_name = ['Drake','Adele','Rihanna','Lady Gaga','Kanye West','Calvin Harris'] data = [0]*len(artist_name) count = 0 for i in range(len(df3)): if list(df3[i]['artist'])[0] in artist_name: # Create traces data[count]= go.Scatter( x = df3[i]['Date'], y = df3[i]['rank'], mode = 'lines+markers', name = list(df3[i]['artist'])[0] ) count = count+1 layout = go.Layout( title='Billboard Ranking Trend', xaxis=dict(title='Time'), yaxis=dict(title='Rank') ) data1 = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot(data1, filename='line-mode.html')
def plot_flux_vs_Q(filename, labelX, path='data/analysis_files/', pathexport='graphs/analysis/', plotTitle='$$$$$'): # plots flux vs time given a flux file written according to # determine plot title if plotTitle == '$$$$$': plotTitle = 'Flux vs ' + labelX + ' ' + filename[0:4] + ' channel ' + filename[5] df = pd.read_csv(path+filename, skiprows=[0,1], header=0, delim_whitespace=True) trace1 = Scatter( x=df[labelX], y=df['Flux'], mode='markers' ) layout = Layout( title=plotTitle, xaxis=dict( title=labelX ), yaxis=dict( title='Flux (events/60s*m^2)' ), width=2000, height=600, ) data = [trace1] fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) plot(fig, filename=pathexport+filename+'_plot.html',auto_open=True) return pathexport+filename+'_plot.html'
def make_panel_plot(basepath, outf, dataset=None, atlas=None): fnames = [name for name in os.listdir(basepath) if os.path.splitext(name)[1] == '.pkl'] fnames = sorted(fnames) paths = [os.path.join(basepath, item) for item in fnames] keys = ["_".join(n.split('.')[0].split('_')[1:]) for n in fnames] ylabs = ['Count', 'Count', 'Count', 'Count', 'Eigenvalue', 'Count', 'Count', 'Portion of Total Variance'] xlabs = ['Betweenness Centrality', 'Clustering Coefficient', 'Degree', 'Edge Weight', 'Dimension', 'Number of Non-zeros', 'Locality Statistic-1', 'Dimension'] traces = list(()) for idx, curr in enumerate(paths): f = open(curr) dat = pickle.load(f)[keys[idx]] f.close() if keys[idx] == 'number_non_zeros': fig = pp.plot_rugdensity(dat.values()) elif keys[idx] == 'eigen_sequence' or keys[idx] == 'scree_eigen': dims = len(dat.values()[0]) fig = pp.plot_series(dat.values()) else: xs = dat['xs'].values() ys = dat['pdfs'].values() fig = pp.plot_density(xs, ys) traces += [pp.fig_to_trace(fig)] multi = pp.traces_to_panels(traces) for idx, curr, in enumerate(paths): key = 'axis%d' % (idx+1) d = multi.layout['x'+key]['domain'] multi.layout['x'+key]['domain'] = [d[0], d[1]-0.0125] multi.layout['y'+key]['zeroline'] = False multi.layout['x'+key]['zeroline'] = False multi.layout['x'+key]['title'] = xlabs[idx] multi.layout['y'+key]['title'] = ylabs[idx] multi.layout['x'+key]['nticks'] = 3 multi.layout['y'+key]['nticks'] = 3 if idx in [0, 2, 3, 6]: multi.layout['x'+key]['type'] = 'log' multi.layout['x'+key]['title'] += ' (log scale)' if idx in [4, 7]: multi.layout['x'+key]['range'] = [1, dims] multi.layout['x'+key]['tickvals'] = [1, dims/2, dims] if idx in [7]: multi.layout['y'+key]['range'] = [0, 1] multi.layout['y'+key]['tickvals'] = [0, 0.5, 1] if idx in [1]: multi.layout['x'+key]['range'] = [0, 1] if dataset is not None and atlas is not None: if atlas == 'desikan': atlas = atlas.capitalize() tit = dataset + ' Dataset (' + atlas + ' parcellation)' else: tit = None multi.layout['title'] = tit # iplot(multi, validate=False) plot(multi, validate=False, filename=outf+'.html')
def dist_plot(df, groupby=None, val=None, bin_size=1, title=None, show_hist=True, show_kde=True, show_rug=True, show_legend=True, figsize=None, outfile=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): if groupby is None: fig = FF.create_distplot([df[c] for c in df.columns], df.columns.values.tolist(), bin_size=bin_size, show_rug=show_rug, show_curve=show_kde) else: groups = sorted(df[groupby].unique().tolist(), reverse=True) data = [] if val is None: val = df.columns.drop(groupby)[0] # choose first non-groupby column for group in groups: mask = df[groupby] == group data.append(df.loc[mask, val]) fig = FF.create_distplot(data, groups, bin_size=bin_size, show_hist=show_hist, show_rug=show_rug, show_curve=show_kde) fig['layout'].update(showlegend=show_legend) if title: fig['layout'].update(title=title) if xlabel: fig['layout'].update(xaxis=go.XAxis(title=xlabel)) if ylabel: fig['layout'].update(yaxis=go.YAxis(title=ylabel)) if figsize and len(figsize) == 2: fig['layout'].update(width=figsize[0]) fig['layout'].update(height=figsize[1]) ol.iplot(fig, show_link=False) # write figure to HTML file if outfile: print('Exporting copy of figure to %s...' % outfile) ol.plot(fig, auto_open=False, filename=outfile)
def pretty_table(df, outfile=None): """ Display pandas dataframe as a nicely-formated HTML Parameters ---------- outfile: filepath str If provided, output to an HTML file at provided location Example ------- import pandas as pd animals = pd.DataFrame([ ['cat',10, 'housepet'], ['dog',20,'housepet'], ['fish',5,'housepet'], ['cat',20,'zooanimal'], ['dog',50,'zooanimal'], ['fish',20,'zooanimal'],], columns=['animal','value','group']) pretty_table(animals) """ table = FF.create_table(df) ol.iplot(table, show_link=False) # write figure to HTML file if outfile: print('Exporting copy of figure to %s...' % outfile) ol.plot(table, auto_open=False, filename=outfile)
def get_plotly_path_period_return(self, file_name='period_return.html'): path_plotly = self.path_dir_plotly_html + os.sep + file_name 本基金 = [-2.59,-2.59,-11.07,8.66,-5.84] 沪深300 = [1.64,1.64,0.73,5.01,14.20] 同类平均 = [-0.79,-0.79,-2.08,0.76,7.03] trace1 = go.Bar( x=['今年以来', '最近一个月', '最近三个月', '最近半年', '最近一年'], y=本基金, name='本基金' ) trace2 = go.Bar( x=['今年以来', '最近一个月', '最近三个月', '最近半年', '最近一年'], y=沪深300, name='沪深300' ) trace3 = go.Bar( x=['今年以来', '最近一个月', '最近三个月', '最近半年', '最近一年'], y=同类平均, name='同类平均' ) data = [trace1, trace2, trace3] layout = go.Layout( barmode='group' ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) pyof.plot(fig, filename=path_plotly, auto_open=False) return path_plotly
def draw_map(lon, lat, text, titre="NO TITLE"): """ Take 3 list as input, and the title of the map. """ py.plot( { # use `py.iplot` inside the ipython notebook "data": [ { "type": "scattergeo", "locationmode": "france", "lon": lon, "lat": lat, "text": text, "mode": "markers", "marker": dict(size=8, opacity=0.8, line=dict(width=1, color="rgb(102,102,102)")), } ], "layout": { "title": str(titre), "geo": dict( scope="europe", projection=dict(type="albers europe"), showland=True, landcolor="rgb(200, 200, 200)", subunitcolor="rgb(217, 217, 217)", countrycolor="rgb(217, 217, 217)", countrywidth=1, subunitwidth=1, ), }, }, filename="interactive_map", # name of the file as saved in your plotly account # sharing='public' )
def get_plotly_path_lagest_back(self, file_name='lagest_back.html'): path_plotly = self.path_dir_plotly_html + os.sep + file_name lagest_down = [-3.74, -3.736, -3.736, -5.969, -5.969] lagest_back = [-6.29, -6.285, -6.042, -11.651, -13.942] std = [10.271, 8.552, 9.123, 10.839, 10.529] xticks = ['2016/9', '2016/10','2016/11','2016/12','2017/1',] trace1 = go.Bar( x=xticks, y=lagest_down, name='最大下跌' ) trace2 = go.Bar( x=xticks, y=lagest_back, name='最大回撤' ) data = [trace1, trace2] layout = go.Layout(barmode='group') fig = go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout) pyof.plot(fig, filename=path_plotly, auto_open=False) return path_plotly
def ribbonPlot(flattened3d,yearlist): y_raw = list(set(yearlist)) nartists = flattened3d.shape[1]-1 traces = [] for i in range(1, nartists): z_raw = flattened3d[:,i] ci = int(255/nartists*i) x = [] y = [] z = [] for j in range(0,len(z_raw)): z.append([z_raw[j],z_raw[j]]) y.append([y_raw[j],y_raw[j]]) x.append([i*2,i*2+1]) traces.append(dict( z=z, x=x, y=y, colorscale=[[i,'rgb(%d,%d,255)'%(ci, ci)] for i in np.arange(0,1.1,0.1) ], showscale=False, type='surface', )) fig = {'data':traces,'layout':{'title':'Frequency of Rare Words by Year'}} plot(fig)
def plot_insert_size_distribution(traces_list, outdir): """ Collect the data to produce a distribution plot of the insert sizes Parameters ---------- traces_list : list List of plot traces (plotly.graph_objs.Scatter) outdir : str Path to the output directory Returns ------- """ plot_off.plot({"data": traces_list, "layout": graph_obj.Layout(title="Insert size distribution", xaxis=dict(title='Insert size'), yaxis=dict(title='Frequency')) }, show_link=False, output_type='file', filename=os.path.join(outdir, 'insert_size_distribution.html'), include_plotlyjs=True, auto_open=False, )
def _example_main(input_file, output_file, **kwargs): """ This func should be imported from your python package. This should have *no* dependency on the pbcommand IO, such as the RTC/TC models. """ # This is just for test purposes"Running example main with {i} {o} kw:{k}".format(i=input_file, o=output_file, k=kwargs)) # Open dset CSV. Store absolute path of each alignment set. dset_paths = _get_dset_paths(input_file[0]) # Open plots CSV. Store names of plots to produce. plots_to_generate = _get_plots_to_generate(input_file[1]) dsets_kpis = {} for f in dset_paths: dset = openDataSet(dset_paths[f]['aset']) subsampled_dset = _subsample_alignments(dset) dsets_kpis[f] = _getKPIs(dset, subsampled_dset) figures = [] # figure tuple has form (plot_group_id, plot_id, figure) if 'accuracy_vs_readlength' in plots_to_generate: figures.append(('accuracy', 'accuracy_vs_readlength', accuracy_plots._plot_accuracy_vs_readlength(dsets_kpis))) if 'accuracy' in plots_to_generate: figures.append(('accuracy', 'accuracy', accuracy_plots._plot_accuracy_distribution(dsets_kpis))) if 'accuracy_boxplot' in plots_to_generate: figures.append(('accuracy', 'accuracy_boxplot', accuracy_plots._plot_accuracy_boxplots(dsets_kpis))) all_plots = {} # dictionary of plots. keys are groups for plot_group, plot_id, fig in figures: if plot_group not in all_plots.keys(): all_plots[plot_group] = [] plot(fig, filename='{i}.html'.format(i=plot_id), show_link=False, auto_open=False) phantomjs_driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080) phantomjs_driver.get('{i}.html'.format(i=plot_id)) phantomjs_driver.save_screenshot('{i}.png'.format(i=plot_id)) phantomjs_driver.get('{i}.html'.format(i=plot_id)) phantomjs_driver.save_screenshot('{i}_thumb.png'.format(i=plot_id)) os.remove('{i}.html'.format(i=plot_id)) plot_path = '{i}.png'.format(i=plot_id) thumb_path = '{i}_thumb.png'.format(i=plot_id) all_plots[plot_group].append(Plot(plot_id, plot_path, thumbnail=thumb_path)) plot_groups = [] for plot_group_title in all_plots.keys(): plot_group = PlotGroup( plot_group_title, plots=all_plots[plot_group_title]) plot_groups.append(plot_group) report = Report('mh_toy', tables=(), plotgroups=plot_groups, attributes=()) report.write_json( output_file ) phantomjs_driver.quit() return 0
def save_plot(fig, file_name=None): try: from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode init_notebook_mode(connected=True) iplot(fig, filename=file_name) except: from plotly.offline import plot plot(fig, auto_open=False, filename=file_name)
def pl(df, r, var): tmp = df[df.randomSeed.isin(r)] plot(px.line(tmp, height=300 * len(r), x="tick", y = var, color="FirmNumID", line_dash="scenario", facet_row="randomSeed" ))
def ptly3d(trace, fileName, off=True, labs=['$x$', '$y$', '$z$'], showLegend=False): layout = ptlyLayout3d(labs=labs, showLegend=showLegend) fig = go.Figure(data=trace, layout=layout) if off: pyoff.plot(fig, filename=fileName) else: py.plot(fig, filename=fileName, fileopt='overwrite')
def render_plotly_viz(data, filename='/tmp/temp-viz.html', show_link=False, auto_open=True, **kwargs): offline.plot( data, filename=filename, show_link=False, auto_open=False, **kwargs ) return clean_plotly_viz(filename, auto_open=auto_open)
def save(self, filename=None, xLimits=None): """ Saves all plots and their data points that have been added to the plotFactory. Args: filename (str): Name for the output file. Default = "spectrum_plot.html" mz_range (tuple): m/z range which should be considered [start, end]. Default = None """ plot_number = len(self.plots) rows, cols = int(math.ceil(plot_number / float(2))), 2 if plot_number % 2 == 0: my_figure = tools.make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=cols, vertical_spacing=0.6 / rows ) else: specs = [[{}, {}] for x in range(rows - 1)] specs.append([{"colspan": 2}, None]) my_figure = tools.make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=cols, vertical_spacing=0.6 / rows, specs=specs, subplot_titles=self.titles, ) for i, plot in enumerate(self.plots): for j, trace in enumerate(plot): my_figure.append_trace(trace, int(math.floor((i / 2) + 1)), (i % 2) + 1) for i in range(plot_number): if xLimits: my_figure["layout"]["xaxis" + str(i + 1)].update(range=xLimits[i]) my_figure["layout"]["xaxis" + str(i + 1)].update(title="m/z ") my_figure["layout"]["yaxis" + str(i + 1)].update(title="Intensity") my_figure["layout"]["xaxis" + str(i + 1)].update( titlefont={"color": "#000000", "family": "Helvetica", "size": "18"} ) my_figure["layout"]["yaxis" + str(i + 1)].update( titlefont={"color": "#000000", "family": "Helvetica", "size": "18"} ) my_figure["layout"]["legend"].update(font={"size": 10, "color": "#FF0000"}) if self.filename is None: _filename = "spectrum_plot.html" else: _filename = self.filename if filename is not None: # save fkt name definition overrules original filename _filename = filename plt.plot(my_figure, filename=_filename, auto_open=False) return
def start160Parralel(): import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import * py.sign_in('username', 'api_key') trace1 = Box( y=[17.107424020767212, 23.18073296546936, 23.362980842590332, 23.812504053115845, 23.346518993377686], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(8, 81, 156)' ), name='Mininethosts (1W)', ysrc='setchring:103:df6b28' ) trace2 = Box( y=[11.409734010696411, 14.017661094665527, 14.139786958694458, 14.00459909439087, 13.936722993850708], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(8, 81, 156)' ), name='Mininethosts (2W)', ysrc='setchring:103:e9dd30' ) trace3 = Box( y=[62.070091009140015, 56.22917199134827, 56.44520902633667, 57.48769211769104, 58.8430700302124], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(10, 140, 208)' ), name='Ubuntu Container (1W)', ysrc='setchring:103:5a50e4' ) trace4 = Box( y=[32.30044984817505, 30.182456016540527, 30.279242038726807, 30.52851104736328, 30.67842388153076], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(10, 140, 208)' ), name='Ubuntu Container (2W)', ysrc='setchring:103:58e6b9' ) data = Data([trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]) layout = Layout( title='Startvergleich mit 160 Hosts bzw. Containern' ) layout = Layout( showlegend=False, title='Startvergleich mit 160 Hosts bzw. Containern (Parallel)', yaxis=dict( range=[0, 70], showgrid=True, zeroline=True, title="Startzeit in Sekunden" ), xaxis=dict(tickangle=45)) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, plot init_notebook_mode() plot(fig, image='svg', filename='startvergleich160paralel.html')
def plotly_pca(self, plotFile, Wt, pvar, PCs, eigenvalues, cols, plotTitle): """ A plotly version of plot_pca, that's called by it to do the actual plotting """ fig = go.Figure() fig['layout']['xaxis1'] = {'domain': [0.0, 0.48], 'anchor': 'x1', 'title': 'PC{} ({:4.1f}% of var. explained)'.format(PCs[0], 100.0 * pvar[PCs[0] - 1])} fig['layout']['yaxis1'] = {'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'anchor': 'x1', 'title': 'PC{} ({:4.1f}% of var. explained)'.format(PCs[1], 100.0 * pvar[PCs[1] - 1])} fig['layout']['xaxis2'] = {'domain': [0.52, 1.0], 'title': 'Principal Component'} fig['layout']['yaxis2'] = {'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'anchor': 'x2', 'title': 'Eigenvalue', 'rangemode': 'tozero', 'showgrid': False} fig['layout']['yaxis3'] = {'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'anchor': 'x2', 'title': 'Cumulative variability', 'rangemode': 'tozero', 'side': 'right', 'overlaying': 'y2'} fig['layout'].update(title=plotTitle) # PCA if cols is not None: colors = itertools.cycle(cols) n = len(self.labels) data = [] for i in range(n): trace = go.Scatter(x=[Wt[PCs[0] - 1, i]], y=[Wt[PCs[1] - 1, i]], mode='marker', xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', name=self.labels[i]) trace['marker'].update(size=20) if cols is not None: trace['marker'].update(color=next(colors)) data.append(trace) # Scree plot trace = go.Bar(showlegend=False, name='Eigenvalues', x=range(1, n + 1), y=eigenvalues[:n], xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2') data.append(trace) # Cumulative variability trace = go.Scatter(showlegend=False, x=range(1, n + 1), y=pvar.cumsum()[:n], mode='lines+markers', name='Cumulative variability', xaxis='x2', yaxis='y3', line={'color': 'red'}, marker={'symbol': 'circle-open-dot', 'color': 'black'}) data.append(trace) annos = [] annos.append({'yanchor': 'bottom', 'xref': 'paper', 'xanchor': 'center', 'yref': 'paper', 'text': 'PCA', 'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.25, 'font': {'size': 16}, 'showarrow': False}) annos.append({'yanchor': 'bottom', 'xref': 'paper', 'xanchor': 'center', 'yref': 'paper', 'text': 'Scree plot', 'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.75, 'font': {'size': 16}, 'showarrow': False}) fig['data'] = data fig['layout']['annotations'] = annos offline.plot(fig, filename=plotFile, auto_open=False)
def _plot(self, grobby, filename): global notebook_mode, notebook_mode_init if notebook_mode: if not notebook_mode_init: ply.init_notebook_mode() notebook_mode_init = True ply.iplot(grobby) else: ply.plot(grobby, filename=filename)
def plot_df(df, title): ax = ['x', 'y', 'z'] data = [Scatter(y=df[a], name=a) for a in ax] layout = Layout(title=title, xaxis=XAxis(title='Timestep'), yaxis=YAxis(title='{x, y, z} coordinates in Gs')) plot({'data': data, 'layout': layout}, show_link=False)
def compare(names,columns): try: data = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(company, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) for company in names], axis=1, keys=names) except(FileNotFoundError, IOError): print('Wrong file or file path.') return None data = data.ix[:,data.columns.get_level_values(1).isin(set(columns))] fig = data.iplot(theme='pearl',kind='scatter',title='Line Plot of {} of {}.'.format(','.join(columns), ','.join([s.strip('.csv') for s in names])),subplots=True,asFigure=True) py.plot(fig,filename='../../plots/'+compareplot,validate=False,auto_open=False)
def plot_clustered_heatmap(df, genes_list, cancer, output_path, scale='binary'): # Build nxm matrix (n samples, m genes) X = df[genes_list].as_matrix().transpose() if scale == 'binary': Z = linkage(X, method='complete', metric='hamming') colorscale = [[0, "rgb(111, 168, 220)"], [1, "rgb(5, 10, 172)"]] colorbar = {'tick0': 0,'dtick': 1} elif scale == 'logarithmic': Z = linkage(X, method='ward') X_max = X.max() colorscale = [[0, 'rgb(250, 250, 250)'], [1./X_max, 'rgb(200, 200, 200)'], [5./X_max, 'rgb(150, 150, 200)'], [20./X_max, 'rgb(100, 100, 200)'], [100./X_max, 'rgb(50, 50, 200)'], [1., 'rgb(0, 0, 200)']] colorbar = {'tick0': 0, 'tickmode': 'array', 'tickvals': [0, 1, 5, 20, 100, X_max]} c, coph_dists = cophenet(Z, pdist(X)) print "Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient:", c #layout = go.Layout(yaxis=dict(title='%s germline mutations (ordered by samples somatic mutation load)'% cancer, zeroline=False)) # fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(8,8)) # ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.09,0.1,0.2,0.6]) # ax1.set_xticks([]) # ax1.set_yticks([]) # axmatrix = fig.add_axes([0.3,0.1,0.6,0.6]) den = dendrogram(Z, orientation='left') idx = den['leaves'] X = X[idx,:] print "X shape:", X.shape genes_ordered = [genes_list[i] for i in idx]"ordered genes: %s", str(genes_ordered)) # im = axmatrix.matshow(X, aspect='auto', origin='lower', # axmatrix.set_xticks([]) # axmatrix.set_yticks([]) # # Plot colorbar. # axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.91,0.1,0.02,0.6]) # pylab.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) # fig.savefig(output_path) # Plotting the heatmap (without the hirarchy) heatmap_trace = go.Heatmap(z=X.tolist(), x=df.patient_id, y=genes_ordered, showscale=True, colorscale=colorscale, colorbar=colorbar) mutation_load_trace = go.Bar(x=df.patient_id, y=df.somatic_mutations_count/30.0) fig = tls.make_subplots(rows=29, cols=1, specs=[[{'rowspan':5, 'colspan' : 1}]] + [[None]] * 4 + [[{'rowspan' : 24, 'colspan' : 1}]] + [[None]] * 23) fig.append_trace(mutation_load_trace, 1, 1) fig.append_trace(heatmap_trace, 6, 1) fig['layout']['xaxis1'].update(showticklabels = False) fig['layout']['xaxis1'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid=False) fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid = False, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', size=4)) fig['layout']['xaxis2'].update(showticklabels = False) fig['layout']['xaxis2'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid=False) fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(zeroline = False, showgrid = False, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', size=4)) plot(fig, auto_open=False, filename="%s_%s_heatmap_clustered.html" % (output_path, cancer))
def main(): """ main function """ def fun(v_x, params): """ function """ p_a, = params return p_a * v_x ** 2 def residual(params, v_x, v_y): """ residual """ return fun(v_x, params) - v_y x_i = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5]) y_i = np.array([0.7, 3.4, 7.2, 12.4, 20.1]) fit_xy = optimize.leastsq(residual, [1], (x_i, y_i)) y_i_r = fun(x_i, fit_xy[0]) fig = dict( data=[ dict( type='scatter', x=x_i, y=y_i_r, name='y = ax^2', line=dict( shape='spline' ) ), dict( type='scatter', x=x_i, y=y_i, name='real', line=dict( dash='dot', color='red', ), marker=dict( symbol='x', size=10 ), ) ], layout=dict( title='Least-square fitting test' ) ) print(fit_xy[0]) py.plot(fig, filename='./08/m0801.html')
def start160Sequenziell(): import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import * py.sign_in('username', 'api_key') trace1 = Box( y=[16.710778951644897, 23.12172794342041, 23.15219497680664, 23.376353979110718, 23.672327041625977], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(8, 81, 156)' ), name='Mininethosts (1W)', ysrc='setchring:81:588b00' ) trace2 = Box( y=[18.521923065185547, 18.818742036819458, 18.903568029403687, 19.197312116622925, 19.296133041381836], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(8, 81, 156)' ), name='Mininethosts (2W)', ysrc='setchring:81:188a28' ) trace3 = Box( y=[55.71610999107361, 50.11128902435303, 51.42167401313782, 52.32876491546631, 53.01005816459656], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(10, 140, 208)' ), name='Ubuntu Container (1W)', ysrc='setchring:81:fb5f3d' ) trace4 = Box( y=[46.878589153289795, 47.398112058639526, 47.66672992706299, 48.80990219116211, 49.06117510795593], boxmean='sd', marker=Marker( color='rgb(10, 140, 208)' ), name='Ubuntu Container (2W)', ysrc='setchring:81:80411e' ) data = Data([trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]) layout = Layout( showlegend=False, title='Startvergleich mit 160 Hosts bzw. Containern (Sequenziell)', yaxis = dict( range=[0, 60], showgrid=True, zeroline=True, title="Startzeit in Sekunden" ), xaxis=dict(tickangle=45) ) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, plot init_notebook_mode() plot(fig, image='svg', filename='startvergleich160seq.html')
def handlePlotly(data, i): #py.sign_in("neural", "u47280okou") dataToPlot = createDataToPlot(data, i) fileName = '-'.join(['simulation', str(model.votesIncludeSelf), str(model.probabilityOfStatusQuoShouldCalculateWithOne), str(model.offerMakerUseTheFirstMatrix), str(model.offerMakerAcceptOffersByMinDistance), str(model.stabilizedDistance)]) plot(dataToPlot, filename=fileName)
def main(): x_t = np.linspace(-3.3, 3.3, num=1000) y_1 = np.linspace(0, 0, num=1000) y_2 = np.linspace(0, 0, num=1000) y_3 = np.linspace(0, 0, num=1000) y_4 = 1 / np.linspace(0.25, 3, num=500) x_1 = np.linspace(0, 0, num=1000) for i in range(len(x_t)): if (x_t[i] <= 3): if (x_t[i] >= -3): y_1[i] = math.sqrt(9 - x_t[i] * x_t[i]) y_3[i] = -1 * math.sqrt(9 - x_t[i] * x_t[i]) y_2[i] = math.fabs(x_t[i]) z_t = np.linspace(-3.1, 3.1, num=1000) for i in range(len(z_t)): x_1[i] = (-1) * 3 * math.fabs(math.sin(z_t[i])) # print(x_1) fig = dict( data=[ dict( x=x_t - 3, y=y_1, name='x^2+y^2=9', ), dict( x=x_t + 2, y=y_2, name='y=2|x|', ), dict( x=x_t - 3, y=y_3, name='x^2+y^2=9', showlegend=False, ), dict( x=np.linspace(0.25, 3, num=500) - 8, y=y_4, name='y=1/x', ), dict( x=x_1 + 6, y=z_t, name='x=-3|sin(y)|', ), ], ) py.plot(fig, filename='love.html')
def plot_train_history(epochs, acc, loss, output_file): trace0 = go.Scatter(x=epochs, y=loss, name='Loss') trace1 = go.Scatter(x=epochs, y=acc, name='Accuracy') layout = go.Layout(showlegend=True, title='Training history') fig = go.Figure(data=[trace0, trace1], layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename=output_file, auto_open=False, link_text=False)
currentvalue={"prefix": "Date: "}, pad={"t": 1}, steps=steps) ][0].visible = True[1].visible = True fig.update_geos(showcountries=True, countrycolor="RebeccaPurple", projection_type='natural earth') fig.update_layout(sliders=sliders, title=(f"Rise of the Novel Coronavirus<br>" f"A Python Data Visualization " f"by Advait Joshi"), title_x=0.5, legend_title='Key', height=600) return fig if __name__ == "__main__": import plotly.offline as pl CORONA_GRAPH = CoronaVirusGrapher(url=URL).create_graph() pl.plot(CORONA_GRAPH, filename='./map_cov.html', validate=True, auto_open=False)
ean = ExergyAnalysis(network=nw, E_F=[power, heat_geo], E_P=[heat_cons]) ean.analyse(pamb, Tamb) print("\n##### EXERGY ANALYSIS #####\n") ean.print_results() # create sankey diagram links, nodes = ean.generate_plotly_sankey_input() fig = go.Figure( go.Sankey(arrangement="snap", node={ "label": nodes, 'pad': 11, 'color': 'orange' }, link=links)) plot(fig, filename='NH3_sankey.html') # %% plot exergy destruction # create data for bar chart comps = ['E_F'] E_F = ean.network_data.E_F # top bar E_D = [0] # no exergy destruction in the top bar E_P = [E_F] # add E_F as the top bar for comp in ean.component_data.index: # only plot components with exergy destruction > 1 W if ean.component_data.E_D[comp] > 1: comps.append(comp) E_D.append(ean.component_data.E_D[comp]) E_F = E_F - ean.component_data.E_D[comp]
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Generates a graphic showing how well reference transcripts are covered by a transcript assembly' ) ## output file to be written parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_files', type=str, required=True, help='Comma-separated list of cov files to be plotted') parser.add_argument('-l', '--labels', type=str, required=True, help='Labels for each cov file passed') parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', type=str, required=False, default='Transcript coverage', help='Title for the plot') parser.add_argument('-s', '--stacked', dest='stacked', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(stacked=False) parser.add_argument('-rf', '--ref_fasta', required=False, help='Only needed if passing --stacked') parser.add_argument('-qf', '--qry_fasta', required=False, help='Only needed if passing --stacked') parser.add_argument( '-mb', '--margin_bottom', type=int, required=False, default=120, help='Size of the bottom margin, in case X labels are being cut off') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output_image', type=str, required=False, help= 'Name for PNG file to be created. If not passed, will post to plotly site' ) args = parser.parse_args() cov_files = args.input_files.split(",") labels = args.labels.split(",") colors = [ 'rgb(49,130,189)', #blue 'rgb(204,204,204)', #light grey 'rgb(50, 171, 96)', #green 'rgb(222,45,38)', #red 'rgb(142, 124, 195)', #purple 'rgb(100,100,100)', #darker grey 'rgb(255,255,61)', #yellow 'rgb(255,169,58)' #orange ] #print("Got {0} coverage files".format(len(cov_files))) #print("Got {0} labels".format(len(labels))) if len(labels) > len(colors): raise Exception( "Sorry, this many datasets is not yet supported (only because not enough colors were defined in code.)" ) # This stores the positions of the labels label_position = dict() if len(cov_files) > 1 and args.stacked == True: raise Exception( "Use of the --stacked option requires a single input file") # Only used if doing a single-file stacked bar chart if args.stacked == True: ref_sizes = biocode.utils.fasta_sizes_from_file(args.ref_fasta) qry_sizes = biocode.utils.fasta_sizes_from_file(args.qry_fasta) traces = [] file_idx = 0 for file in cov_files: xvals = [] yvals = [] stacked_yvals = [] for line in open(file): cols = line.rstrip().split("\t") ref_id = cols[0] xvals.append(ref_id) yvals.append(float(cols[1])) if args.stacked == True: qry_id = cols[2] if qry_sizes[qry_id] > ref_sizes[ref_id]: # what percentage larger than the reference is the query? rel_perc = (qry_sizes[qry_id] / ref_sizes[ref_id]) * 100 # for the stacked bars we have to subtract the current yval cov, since this adds to it rel_perc_adj = rel_perc - float(cols[1]) stacked_yvals.append(rel_perc_adj) else: stacked_yvals.append(0) trace = go.Bar(x=xvals, y=yvals, name=labels[file_idx], marker=dict(color=colors[file_idx])) traces.append(trace) if args.stacked == True: trace2 = go.Bar(x=xvals, y=stacked_yvals, name=labels[file_idx], marker=dict(color='rgb(200,200,200)')) traces.append(trace2) file_idx += 1 if args.stacked == True: barmode = 'stack' else: barmode = 'group' layout = go.Layout( title=args.title, xaxis=dict( # set x-axis' labels direction at 45 degree angle tickangle=-65), yaxis=dict(title='Percent coverage', titlefont=dict(size=16, color='rgb(107, 107, 107)'), tickfont=dict(size=16, color='rgb(107, 107, 107)')), legend=dict( #x=0, #y=1.2, bgcolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', bordercolor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', font=dict(size=20, color='#000')), barmode=barmode, bargap=0.15, bargroupgap=0.1, width=1500, height=800, margin=go.Margin(b=args.margin_bottom, pad=5)) fig = go.FigureWidget(data=traces, layout=layout) if args.output_image is None: plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename='angled-text-bar') print("Navigate to {0} for your image".format(plot_url)) else: #py.image.save_as(fig, filename=args.output_image) fig.write_image(args.output_image) print("Output written to file: {0}".format(args.output_image))
labels.append(label) # Make visualization data = [{ 'type': 'bar', 'x': repo_names, 'y': stars, 'hovertext': labels, 'marker': { 'color': 'rgb(60,100,150)', 'line': {'width': 1.5, 'color': 'rgb(25,25,25)'} }, 'opacity': 0.6, }] my_layout = { 'title': 'Most-Starred Python Projects on GitHub', 'titlefont': {'size': 28}, 'xaxis': { 'title': 'Repository', 'titlefont': {'size': 24}, 'tickfont': {'size': 14}, }, 'yaxis': { 'title': 'Stars', 'titlefont': {'size': 24}, 'tickfont': {'size': 14}, }, } fig = {'data': data, 'layout': my_layout} offline.plot(fig, filename='python_repos.html')
# # 'color': df['color'].values, # # 'colorscale': colorscale, # 'width': 1 # }, # 'opacity': 0.9 # }, # 'mode': frame_mode, # 'name': name_2d, # 'type': 'scatter', # 'x': df['x'].values[k:k+slice_size], # 'xaxis': 'x1', # 'y': df['phenomenon'].values[k:k+slice_size], # 'yaxis': 'y1' # }, # ] # } # for k in range(0, periods, slice_size) ] ) plot(figure, filename='../output/plotly_line_slider.html', auto_open=False)'done') finish_time = time() elapsed_hours, elapsed_remainder = divmod(finish_time - start_time, 3600) elapsed_minutes, elapsed_seconds = divmod(elapsed_remainder, 60)'Time: {:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:05.2f}'.format(int(elapsed_hours), int(elapsed_minutes), elapsed_seconds)) console_handler.close() logger.removeHandler(console_handler)
layout = go.Layout(boxmode='group') # fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # pyo.plot(fig) # Present vs Absent by Gender - BAR trace5 = go.Bar(x=df_present_patients['Gender'].value_counts().index, y=df_present_patients['Gender'].value_counts().values, name='Present') trace6 = go.Bar(x=df_absent_patients['Gender'].value_counts().index, y=df_absent_patients['Gender'].value_counts().values, name='Absent') data = [trace5, trace6] layout = go.Layout(barmode='group') # fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # pyo.plot(fig, filename='grouped-bar') # Days of the week people do not show up - BAR trace7 = go.Bar(x=df_absent_patients['WeekDay'].value_counts().index, y=df_absent_patients['WeekDay'].value_counts().values, name='Absent ') data = [trace7] layout = go.Layout(barmode='group') fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) pyo.plot(fig, filename='grouped-bar')
# Sort and select top 20 new_df = df.sort_values(by=['Total'], ascending=[False]).head(20).reset_index() # Prepare data trace_1 = go.Bar(x=new_df['NOC'], y=new_df['Bronze'], name='Bronze', marker={'color': '#e07b39'}) trace_2 = go.Bar(x=new_df['NOC'], y=new_df['Silver'], name='Silver', marker={'color': '#AFAFAF'}) trace_3 = go.Bar(x=new_df['NOC'], y=new_df['Gold'], name='Gold', marker={'color': '#F9FF42'}) data = [trace_1, trace_2, trace_3] # Prepare Layout layout = go.Layout( title= "Number of medals awarded to the top 20 countries in the 2016 Olympics", xaxis_title='Country', yaxis_title='Number of Medals', barmode='stack') # Plot the graph fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) pyo.plot(fig, filename='stackbarchart.html')
def plotly_pca(self, plotFile, Wt, pvar, PCs, eigenvalues, cols, plotTitle): """ A plotly version of plot_pca, that's called by it to do the actual plotting """ fig = go.Figure() fig['layout']['xaxis1'] = { 'domain': [0.0, 0.48], 'anchor': 'x1', 'title': 'PC{} ({:4.1f}% of var. explained)'.format( PCs[0], 100.0 * pvar[PCs[0] - 1]) } fig['layout']['yaxis1'] = { 'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'anchor': 'x1', 'title': 'PC{} ({:4.1f}% of var. explained)'.format( PCs[1], 100.0 * pvar[PCs[1] - 1]) } fig['layout']['xaxis2'] = { 'domain': [0.52, 1.0], 'title': 'Principal Component' } fig['layout']['yaxis2'] = { 'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'anchor': 'x2', 'title': 'Eigenvalue', 'rangemode': 'tozero', 'showgrid': False } fig['layout']['yaxis3'] = { 'domain': [0.0, 1.0], 'anchor': 'x2', 'title': 'Cumulative variability', 'rangemode': 'tozero', 'side': 'right', 'overlaying': 'y2' } fig['layout'].update(title=plotTitle) # PCA if cols is not None: colors = itertools.cycle(cols) n = len(self.labels) data = [] for i in range(n): trace = go.Scatter(x=[Wt[PCs[0] - 1, i]], y=[Wt[PCs[1] - 1, i]], mode='marker', xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', name=self.labels[i]) trace['marker'].update(size=20) if cols is not None: trace['marker'].update(color=next(colors)) data.append(trace) # Scree plot trace = go.Bar(showlegend=False, name='Eigenvalues', x=range(1, n + 1), y=eigenvalues[:n], xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2') data.append(trace) # Cumulative variability trace = go.Scatter(showlegend=False, x=range(1, n + 1), y=pvar.cumsum()[:n], mode='lines+markers', name='Cumulative variability', xaxis='x2', yaxis='y3', line={'color': 'red'}, marker={ 'symbol': 'circle-open-dot', 'color': 'black' }) data.append(trace) annos = [] annos.append({ 'yanchor': 'bottom', 'xref': 'paper', 'xanchor': 'center', 'yref': 'paper', 'text': 'PCA', 'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.25, 'font': { 'size': 16 }, 'showarrow': False }) annos.append({ 'yanchor': 'bottom', 'xref': 'paper', 'xanchor': 'center', 'yref': 'paper', 'text': 'Scree plot', 'y': 1.0, 'x': 0.75, 'font': { 'size': 16 }, 'showarrow': False }) fig['data'] = data fig['layout']['annotations'] = annos offline.plot(fig, filename=plotFile, auto_open=False)
colors = ['#FEBFB3', '#E1396C'] trace = Pie(labels=labels, values=values, hoverinfo='label+percent', textinfo='value', textfont=dict(size=20), marker=dict(colors=colors, line=dict(color='#000000', width=2))) data=[trace] layout = Layout( height=600, width=800, ) fig = dict( data=data, layout=layout ) plot(fig) zero_list = [] one_list = [] for col in binary_columns: zero_list.append((train_master[col]==0).sum()) one_list.append((train_master[col]==1).sum()) trace0 = Bar( x=binary_columns, y=zero_list )
# that plots seven days worth of temperature data on one graph. # You can use a for loop to assign each day to its own trace. ###### # Perform imports here: import pandas as pd import plotly.offline as pyo import plotly.graph_objects as go # Create a pandas DataFrame from 2010YumaAZ.csv df = pd.read_csv('../data/2010YumaAZ.csv') days = df['DAY'].unique() # Use a for loop (or list comprehension to create traces for the data list) data = [] for day in days: # What should go inside this Scatter call? trace = go.Scatter(x=df['LST_TIME'], y=df[df['DAY'] == day]['T_HR_AVG'], mode='lines', name=day) data.append(trace) # Define the layout layout = go.Layout(title='Daily Temp Averages') # Create a fig from data and layout, and plot the fig fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) pyo.plot(fig)
def plotly_scatter(self, plot_filename, corr_matrix, plot_title='', minXVal=None, maxXVal=None, minYVal=None, maxYVal=None): """Make the scatter plot of a matrix with plotly""" n = self.matrix.shape[1] self.matrix = self.matrix fig = go.Figure() domainWidth = 1. / n annos = [] for i in range(n): x = domainWidth * (i + 1) y = 1 - (domainWidth * i + 0.5 * domainWidth) anno = dict(text=self.labels[i], showarrow=False, xref='paper', yref='paper', x=x, y=y, xanchor='right', yanchor='middle') annos.append(anno) data = [] zMin = np.inf zMax = -np.inf for x in range(n): xanchor = 'x{}'.format(x + 1) base = x * domainWidth domain = [base, base + domainWidth] if x > 0: base = 1 - base fig['layout']['xaxis{}'.format(x + 1)] = dict( domain=domain, range=[minXVal, maxXVal], anchor='free', position=base) for y in range(0, n): yanchor = 'y{}'.format(y + 1) if x == 1: base = 1 - y * domainWidth domain = [base - domainWidth, base] fig['layout']['yaxis{}'.format(y + 1)] = dict( domain=domain, range=[minYVal, maxYVal], side='right', anchor='free', position=1.0) if x > y: vector1 = self.matrix[:, x] vector2 = self.matrix[:, y] Z, xEdges, yEdges = np.histogram2d(vector1, vector2, bins=50) Z = np.log10(Z) if np.min(Z) < zMin: zMin = np.min(Z) if np.max(Z) > zMax: zMax = np.max(Z) name = '{}={:.2f}'.format(self.corr_method, corr_matrix[x, y]) trace = go.Heatmap(z=Z, x=xEdges, y=yEdges, showlegend=False, xaxis=xanchor, yaxis=yanchor, name=name, showscale=False) data.append(trace) # Fix the colorbar bounds for trace in data: trace.update(zmin=zMin, zmax=zMax) data[-1]['colorbar'].update(title="log10(instances per bin)", titleside="right") data[-1].update(showscale=True) fig['data'] = data fig['layout'].update(title=plot_title, showlegend=False, annotations=annos) offline.plot(fig, filename=plot_filename, auto_open=False)
all_eq_data = json.load(f) readable_file = 'data/readable_eqdata_lastday.json' with open(readable_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(all_eq_data, f, indent=4) all_eq_dicts = all_eq_data['features'] mags, lons, lats = [], [], [] for eq_dict in all_eq_dicts: mag = eq_dict['properties']['mag'] lon = eq_dict['geometry']['coordinates'][0] lat = eq_dict['geometry']['coordinates'][1] mags.append(mag) lons.append(lon) lats.append(lat) # Map the earthquake data = [{ 'type': 'scattergeo', 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats, 'marker': { 'size': [5*mag for mag in mags], }, }] my_layout = Layout(title='Global Earthquakes') fig = {'data': data, 'layout': my_layout} offline.plot(fig, filename='global_earthquakes.html')
def test_run(): ''' Test run of script ''' d2c = {} # Displayname to Cluster c2d = {} # Cluster to Displayname c2t = {} # Cluster to Template t2c = {} # Template to Cluster resource_positions = {} # Positions of all the resources html_results_string = "" # Results to print to flask webpage. # Add a title to our tab. html_results_string += "<head><title>Albion Resource Count</title></head><br>" game_data_xml_filenames, cluster_data_xml_filenames = grab_xml_filenames() displayname_to_cluster(d2c, c2d) cluster_to_template(cluster_data_xml_filenames, c2t, t2c) for entry in d2c: results, html_results_string = parse_template_resources( c2t[d2c[entry]], entry, resource_positions, html_results_string, True) resources = {} # Dict of all resources position data for displayname in d2c: if 'ORE_HIGH_NODE' in results[displayname]: resources['ORE_HIGH_NODE'] = [] x_position = [] y_position = [] z_position = [] for resource in results[displayname]['ORE_HIGH_NODE']: resource_list = resource.split() x_position.append(int(resource_list[0])) z_position.append(int(resource_list[1])) y_position.append(int(resource_list[2])) trace1 = go.Scatter3d(x=np.asarray(x_position), y=np.asarray(y_position), z=np.asarray(z_position), mode='markers', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict( color='rgb(228, 26, 28)', width=0.5), opacity=0.8)) if 'ORE_MEDIUM_NODE' in results[displayname]: resources['ORE_MEDIUM_NODE'] = [] x_position = [] y_position = [] z_position = [] for resource in results[displayname]['ORE_MEDIUM_NODE']: resource_list = resource.split() x_position.append(int(resource_list[0])) z_position.append(int(resource_list[1])) y_position.append(int(resource_list[2])) trace2 = go.Scatter3d(x=np.asarray(x_position), y=np.asarray(y_position), z=np.asarray(z_position), mode='markers', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict( color='rgb(55, 126, 184)', width=0.5), opacity=0.8)) if 'ORE_LOW_NODE' in results[displayname]: resources['ORE_LOW_NODE'] = [] x_position = [] y_position = [] z_position = [] for resource in results[displayname]['ORE_LOW_NODE']: resource_list = resource.split() x_position.append(int(resource_list[0])) z_position.append(int(resource_list[1])) y_position.append(int(resource_list[2])) trace3 = go.Scatter3d(x=np.asarray(x_position), y=np.asarray(y_position), z=np.asarray(z_position), mode='markers', marker=dict(size=12, line=dict( color='rgb(77, 175, 74)', width=0.5), opacity=0.8)) data = [trace1, trace2, trace3] layout = go.Layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0)) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) offline.plot(fig, filename=displayname) return html_results_string
def index(request): if request.method == "POST": prediction = PredictionForm(request.POST) if prediction.is_valid(): speed = prediction.cleaned_data['speed'] therotic = prediction.cleaned_data['therotic'] direction = prediction.cleaned_data['direction'] dataset = pd.read_csv('T1.csv') features_intake = [ 'LV ActivePower (kW)', 'Wind Speed (m/s)', 'Theoretical_Power_Curve (KWh)', 'Wind Direction (°)' ] features = dataset[features_intake] features.index = dataset['Date/Time'] dataset = features.values data_in = dataset[:, 1:4] data_out = dataset[:, 0] try: speed = float(speed) therotic = float(therotic) direction = float(direction) except: return render(request, 'weather/index.html', { 'form': prediction, 'msg1': 'Enter Numeric Values' }) user = np.array([speed, therotic, direction]) user = np.reshape(user, (1, -1)) data_total = np.concatenate((data_in, user)) scale = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) data_out = np.reshape(data_out, (-1, 1)) data_in = scale.fit_transform(data_total) data_out = scale.fit_transform(data_out) lis = [] for i in range(1, 121): lis.append(data_in[-i, :]) data = np.array(lis) model = load_model('saved_model_result/final_model.h5') x_train = np.reshape(data, (1, 120, 3)) x = model.predict(x_train) pred = scale.inverse_transform(x)[0][:] trace = Scatter(x=np.arange(200), y=pred, fill='tonexty', fillcolor='orange', marker={'color': 'green'}) data = Data([trace]) layout = Layout( title='The Predicted Wind Power in 72 Hours Future is', xaxis={'title': 'Hours'}, yaxis={'title': 'Power'}) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) fig.update_layout( legend_title=dict(text='Hours', font=dict(color='blue'))) div = plot(fig, auto_open=False, output_type='div') return render(request, 'weather/index.html', { 'speed': div, 'form': prediction }) else: prediction = PredictionForm() return render(request, 'weather/index.html', {'form': prediction})
import numpy as np import plotly.offline as pyo import plotly.graph_objs as go np.random.seed(56) # Now we will create evenly distributed 100 points for our x-axis values x_values = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) # for y we'll create random values y_values = np.random.randn(100) trace0 = go.Scatter(x=x_values, y=y_values + 5, mode='markers', name='markers') trace1 = go.Scatter(x=x_values, y=y_values, mode='lines', name='mylines') trace2 = go.Scatter(x=x_values, y=y_values - 5, mode='lines+markers', name='both') # now we'll append all these traces to the data list data = [trace0, trace1, trace2] # Now we'll create a layout layout = go.Layout(title='Line Charts', xaxis=dict(title='My X-Axis'), yaxis=dict(title='My Y-Axis')) # Now we will create the figure object fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # now we'll plot the graph pyo.plot(fig, filename='Line.html')
def LineSurvey( spec, overlay=None, wunit="cm-1", Iunit="hitran", medium="air", cutoff=None, plot="S", lineinfo=["int", "A", "El"], barwidth=0.07, yscale="log", writefile=None, xunit=None, yunit=None, # deprecated ): """Plot Line Survey (all linestrengths above cutoff criteria) in Plotly (html) Parameters ---------- spec: Spectrum result from SpectrumFactory calculation (see overlay: tuple (w, I, [name], [units]), or list or tuples plot (w, I) on a secondary axis. Useful to compare linestrength with calculated / measured data wunit: ``'nm'``, ``'cm-1'`` wavelength / wavenumber units Iunit: ``'hitran'``, ``'splot'`` Linestrength output units: - ``'hitran'``: (cm-1/(molecule/cm-2)) - ``'splot'`` : (cm-1/atm) (Spectraplot units [2]_) Note: if not None, cutoff criteria is applied in this unit. Not used if plot is not 'S' medium: ``'air'``, ``'vacuum'`` show wavelength either in air or vacuum. Default ``'air'`` plot: str what to plot. Default ``'S'`` (scaled line intensity). But it can be any key in the lines, such as population (``'nu'``), or Einstein coefficient (``'Aul'``) lineinfo: list, or ``'all'`` extra line information to plot. Should be a column name in the databank (s.lines). For instance: ``'int'``, ``'selbrd'``, etc... Default [``'int'``] Other Parameters ---------------- writefile: str if not ``None``, a valid filename to save the plot under .html format. If ``None``, use the ``fig`` object returned to show the plot. yscale: ``'log'``, ``'linear'`` Default ``'log'`` Returns ------- fig: a Plotly figure. If using a Jupyter Notebook, the plot will appear. Else, use ``writefile`` to export to an html file. See typical output in [1]_ Examples -------- An example using the :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` to generate a spectrum:: from radis import SpectrumFactory sf = SpectrumFactory( wavenum_min=2380, wavenum_max=2400, mole_fraction=400e-6, path_length=100, # cm isotope=[1], db_use_cached=True) sf.load_databank('HITRAN-CO2-TEST') s = sf.eq_spectrum(Tgas=1500) s.apply_slit(0.5) s.line_survey(overlay='radiance_noslit', barwidth=0.01) See the output in :ref:`Examples <label_examples>` References ---------- .. [1] `RADIS Online Documentation (LineSurvey) <>`__ .. [2] `SpectraPlot <>`__ """ # Check inputs if xunit is not None: warn(DeprecationWarning("xunit replaced with wunit")) wunit = xunit if yunit is not None: warn(DeprecationWarning("yunit replaced with Iunit")) Iunit = yunit assert yscale in ["log", "linear"] try: spec.lines assert spec.lines is not None except (AttributeError, AssertionError): raise AttributeError( "Spectrum has no `lines`. Cant run line survey. If your code allows " + "it, recompute the spectrum with 'export_lines=True'" ) # Get input T = spec.conditions["Tgas"] P = spec.conditions["pressure_mbar"] / 1000 # bar1013.25 # atm Xi = spec.conditions["mole_fraction"] sp = spec.lines.copy() dbformat = spec.conditions["dbformat"] if not plot in list(sp.keys()): raise KeyError( "Key {0} is not in line database: {1}".format(plot, list(sp.keys())) ) def hitran2splot(S): """convert Linestrength in HITRAN units (cm-1/( to SpectraPlot units (cm-2/atm)""" return S / (k_b * T) / 10 # Parsers to get units and more details if dbformat == "hitran": columndescriptor = hitrancolumns elif dbformat == "cdsd-hitemp": columndescriptor = cdsdcolumns elif dbformat == "cdsd-4000": columndescriptor = cdsd4000columns # Apply cutoff, get ylabel if plot == "S": if Iunit == "hitran": if cutoff is None: cutoff = spec.conditions["cutoff"] sp = sp[(sp.S > cutoff)] Iunit_str = "cm-1/(molecule/cm-2)" elif Iunit == "splot": if cutoff is None: cutoff = spec.conditions["cutoff"] # if None, use default cutoff expressed in Hitran units sp = sp[(sp.S > cutoff)] else: sp["S"] = hitran2splot(sp.S) sp = sp[(sp.S > cutoff)] Iunit_str = "cm-1/atm" else: raise ValueError("Unknown Iunit: {0}".format(Iunit)) ylabel = "Linestrength ({0})".format(Iunit_str) else: cutoff = 0 try: # to find units and real name (if exists in initial databank) _, _, name, unit = columndescriptor[plot] ylabel = "{0} - {1} [{2}]".format(name, plot, unit) except KeyError: ylabel = plot print(len(sp), "lines") if len(sp) == 0: raise ValueError("0 lines. Change your cutoff criteria?") # %% Plot - Plotly version def get_x(w): """w (input) is supposed to be in vacuum wavenumbers in the lines database""" # Convert wavelength / wavenumber if wunit == "cm-1": x = w elif wunit == "nm": x = cm2nm(w) # Correct if requested medium is air if medium == "air": x = vacuum2air(x) elif medium == "vacuum": pass else: raise ValueError("Unknown medium: {0}".format(medium)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown wunit: {0}".format(wunit)) return x # Parse databank to get relevant information on each line # (one function per databank format) def get_label_hitran(row, details): """ Todo ------- replace with simple astype(str) statements and str operations ex: > '['+df[locl].astype(str)+']('+df[globl].astype(str)+'->'+ > df[globu].astype(str)'+)' will be much faster! """ molecule = get_molecule( # Get global labels if molecule in HITRAN_CLASS1: label = ( "{molec}[iso{iso:.0f}] [{branch}{jl:.0f}]({vl:.0f})->({vu:.0f})".format( **dict( [(k, row[k]) for k in ["vu", "vl", "jl", "iso"]] + [ ("molec", molecule), ("branch", _fix_branch_format[row["branch"]]), ] ) ) ) elif molecule in HITRAN_CLASS4: label = "{molec}[iso{iso:.0f}] [{branch}{jl:.0f}]({v1l:.0f}{v2l:.0f}`{l2l:.0f}`{v3l:.0f})->({v1u:.0f}{v2u:.0f}`{l2u:.0f}`{v3u:.0f})".format( **dict( [ (k, row[k]) for k in [ "v1u", "v2u", "l2u", "v3u", "v1l", "v2l", "l2l", "v3l", "jl", "iso", ] ] + [ ("molec", molecule), ("branch", _fix_branch_format[row["branch"]]), ] ) ) elif molecule in HITRAN_CLASS5: label = "{molec}[iso{iso:.0f}] [{branch}{jl:.0f}]({v1l:.0f}{v2l:.0f}`{l2l:.0f}`{v3l:.0f} {rl:.0f})->({v1u:.0f}{v2u:.0f}`{l2u:.0f}`{v3u:.0f} {ru:.0f})".format( **dict( [ (k, row[k]) for k in [ "v1u", "v2u", "l2u", "v3u", "v1l", "v2l", "l2l", "v3l", "rl", "ru", "jl", "iso", ] ] + [ ("molec", molecule), ("branch", _fix_branch_format[row["branch"]]), ] ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "No label for {0}. Please add it!".format(molecule) ) # Add details about some line properties for k in details: name, _, unit = details[k] if is_float(row[k]): label += "<br>{0} {1}: {2:.3g} {3}".format(k, name, row[k], unit) else: label += "<br>{0} {1}: {2} {3}".format(k, name, row[k], unit) return label def get_label_cdsd(row, details): label = "CO2[iso{iso}] [{branch}{jl:.0f}](p{polyl:.0f}c{wangl:.0f}n{rankl:.0f})->(p{polyu:.0f}c{wangu:.0f}n{ranku:.0f})".format( **dict( [ (k, row[k]) for k in [ "polyl", "wangl", "rankl", "polyu", "wangu", "ranku", "jl", "iso", ] ] + [("branch", _fix_branch_format[row["branch"]])] ) ) for k in details: name, _, unit = details[k] if is_float(row[k]): label += "<br>{0} {1}: {2:.3g} {3}".format(k, name, row[k], unit) else: label += "<br>{0} {1}: {2} {3}".format(name, k, row[k], unit) return label def get_label_cdsd_hitran(row, details): label = "CO2[iso{iso}] [{branch}{jl:.0f}]({v1l:.0f}{v2l:.0f}`{l2l:.0f}`{v3l:.0f})->({v1u:.0f}{v2u:.0f}`{l2u:.0f}`{v3u:.0f})".format( **dict( [ (k, row[k]) for k in [ "v1u", "v2u", "l2u", "v3u", "v1l", "v2l", "l2l", "v3l", "jl", "iso", ] ] + [("branch", _fix_branch_format[row["branch"]])] ) ) for k in details: name, _, unit = details[k] if is_float(row[k]): label += "<br>{0} {1}: {2:.3g} {3}".format(k, name, row[k], unit) else: label += "<br>{0} {1}: {2} {3}".format(name, k, row[k], unit) return label def get_label_none(row): return "unknown databank format. \ndetails cant be read" # add extra info to label details = {} if columndescriptor: for k in lineinfo: if not k in sp.columns: raise KeyError( "{0} not a {1} databank entry ({2} format)".format( k, columndescriptor, dbformat.upper() ) ) try: # to find units and real name (if exists in initial databank) _, ktype, name, unit = columndescriptor[k] details[k] = (name, ktype, " [{0}]".format(unit)) except: details[k] = ("", None, "") # keep short name # Get label if dbformat == "hitran": sp["label"] = sp.apply(lambda r: get_label_hitran(r, details), axis=1) elif dbformat in ["cdsd-hitemp", "cdsd-4000"]: try: sp["label"] = sp.apply(lambda r: get_label_cdsd_hitran(r, details), axis=1) except KeyError: sp["label"] = sp.apply(lambda r: get_label_cdsd(r, details), axis=1) else: sp["label"] = sp.apply(get_label_none, axis=1) # from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Figure, Layout # l = [ go.Bar( x=get_x(sp.shiftwav), y=sp[plot], text=sp.label, width=barwidth, name="linestrength", ) ] if wunit == "nm": xlabel = "Wavelength (nm) [{0}]".format(medium) elif wunit == "cm-1": xlabel = "Wavenumber (cm-1)" else: raise ValueError("unknown wunit: {0}".format(wunit)) if yscale == "log": plot_range = ( int(np.log10(max(cutoff, sp[plot].min()))), int(np.log10(sp[plot].max())) + 1, ) else: plot_range = (max(cutoff, sp[plot].min()), sp[plot].max() + 1) layout = go.Layout( title="Line Survey ({T}K, {P:.3f}bar, Mfrac={Xi:.3f})".format( **{"T": T, "P": P, "Xi": Xi} ), hovermode="closest", xaxis=dict( title=xlabel, ), yaxis=dict( title=ylabel, # note: LaTeX doesnt seem to work in Offline mode yet. type=yscale, range=plot_range, titlefont=dict(color="#1f77b4"), tickfont=dict(color="#1f77b4"), ), showlegend=False, ) # %% Add overlay def add_overlay(overlay): over_w = overlay[0] over_I = overlay[1] args = overlay[2:] over_name = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else "overlay" over_units = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else "a.u" l.append( go.Scatter( x=over_w, # y=spec.out[overlay], y=over_I, yaxis="y2", name=over_name, ) ) layout["yaxis2"] = dict( title="{0} ({1})".format( over_name.capitalize(), over_units ), # note: LaTeX doesnt seem to # work in Offline mode yet. overlaying="y", type="log", side="right", titlefont=dict(color="#ff7f0e"), tickfont=dict(color="#ff7f0e"), ) if overlay is not None: if type(overlay) is not list: overlay = [overlay] for ov in overlay: add_overlay(ov) # %% Plot fig = go.Figure(data=l, layout=layout) if writefile: py.plot(fig, filename=writefile, auto_open=True) return fig
def generate_view(options): # find all the log_names to load log_names = [] views_per_figure = [] for i, view_raw in enumerate(options['view']): views = [] for view_interim in view_raw.split('+'): log_name, view_name = view_interim.split(':') views.append({ 'view_interim': view_interim, # logs:train_epoch.loss 'log_name': log_name, # logs 'view_name': view_name, # train_epoch.loss 'split_name': view_name.split('.')[0] # train_epoch }) log_names.append(log_name) views_per_figure.append(views) log_names = list(set(log_names)) # unique data_dict = {} for log_name in log_names: path_json = os.path.join(options['exp']['dir'], '{}.json'.format(log_name)) if os.path.isfile(path_json): with open(path_json, 'r') as handle: data_json = json.load(handle) data_dict[log_name] = data_json else: Logger()("Json log file '{}' not found in '{}'".format( log_name, path_json), log_level=Logger.WARNING) nb_keys = len(options['view']) nb_rows = math.ceil(nb_keys / 2) nb_cols = min(2, nb_keys) figure = tools.make_subplots(rows=nb_rows, cols=nb_cols, subplot_titles=options['view'], print_grid=False) colors = { 'train_epoch': 'rgb(214, 39, 40)', 'train_batch': 'rgb(214, 39, 40)', #'trainval_epoch': 'rgb(214, 39, 40)', 'trainval_batch': 'rgb(214, 39, 40)', 'val_epoch': 'rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'val_batch': 'rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'eval_epoch': 'rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'eval_batch': 'rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'test_epoch': 'rgb(31, 180, 80)', 'test_batch': 'rgb(31, 180, 80)' } for figure_id, views in enumerate(views_per_figure): figure_pos_x = figure_id % 2 + 1 figure_pos_y = int(figure_id / 2) + 1 for view in views: if view['log_name'] not in data_dict: continue if view['view_name'] not in data_dict[view['log_name']]: Logger()("View '{}' not in '{}.json'".format( view['view_name'], view['log_name']), log_level=Logger.WARNING) continue if view['split_name'] not in colors: Logger()("Split '{}' not in colors '{}'".format( view['split_name'], list(colors.keys())), log_level=Logger.WARNING) color = colors['train_epoch'] else: color = colors[view['split_name']] y = data_dict[view['log_name']][view['view_name']] if 'epoch' in view['split_name']: # example: data_dict['logs_last']['test_epoch.epoch'] key = view[ 'split_name'] + '.epoch' # TODO: ugly fix, to be remove if key not in data_dict[view['log_name']]: key = 'eval_epoch.epoch' x = data_dict[view['log_name']][key] else: x = list(range(len(y))) scatter = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, name=view['view_interim'], line=dict(color=color)) figure.append_trace(scatter, figure_pos_y, figure_pos_x) figure['layout'].update(autosize=False, width=1800, height=400 * nb_rows) path_view = os.path.join(options['exp']['dir'], 'view.html') plot(figure, filename=path_view, auto_open=False) Logger()('View generated in ' + path_view)
Total, CountryName, lons, lats = [], [], [], [] for wholedata_dict in wholedata_dicts: cases = wholedata_dict['cases'] lon = wholedata_dict['countryInfo']['long'] lat = wholedata_dict['countryInfo']['lat'] Total.append(cases) lons.append(lon) lats.append(lat) data = [Scattergeo(lon=lons, lat=lats)] data = [{ 'type': 'scattergeo', 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats, 'marker': { 'size': [0.0004 * cases for cases in Total], 'color': Total, 'colorscale': 'Viridis', 'reversescale': True, 'colorbar': { 'title': 'Total Cases', }, }, }] my_layout = Layout(title='Global Coronavirus Cases') fig = {'data': data, 'layout': my_layout} offline.plot(fig, filename='Program1_plot.html')
brightnesses.append(brightness) lats.append(row[0]) lons.append(row[1]) hover_texts.append(label) row_num += 1 if row_num == num_rows: break # Map the fires. data = [{ 'type': 'scattergeo', 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats, 'text': hover_texts, 'marker': { 'size': [brightness / 20 for brightness in brightnesses], 'color': brightnesses, 'colorscale': 'YlOrRd', 'reversescale': True, 'colorbar': { 'title': 'Brightness' }, }, }] my_layout = Layout(title='Global Fire Activity') fig = {'data': data, 'layout': my_layout} offline.plot(fig, filename='global_fires.html')
)] data3 = [go.Heatmap( z=tempMinY, zmin=-7, zmax=27, )] data4 = [go.Heatmap( z=tempMinO, zmin=-7, zmax=27, )] #Creates divs from plots plot1 = py.plot(data1, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') plot2 = py.plot(data2, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') plot3 = py.plot(data3, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') plot4 = py.plot(data4, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') #Beginning of webpage html_str1 = """ <html> <head><b>Daymet 2000 Minimum Temperature Heat Maps of Tucson, AZ<b/></head> <p> <p> <body> <script src=""></script> """ #End of webpage
def make_plot(plot_list, use_median=False, use_five_numbers=False, plot_width=None, plot_height=None, title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None): data = [] p25, p50, p75 = [], [], [] p0, p100 = [], [] for idx, plt in enumerate(plot_list): color = core.color_defaults[idx % len(core.color_defaults)] if use_median: p25.append(np.mean(plt.percentile25)) p50.append(np.mean(plt.percentile50)) p75.append(np.mean(plt.percentile75)) x = list(range(len(plt.percentile50))) y = list(plt.percentile50) y_upper = list(plt.percentile75) y_lower = list(plt.percentile25) y_extras = [] elif use_five_numbers: p0.append(np.mean(plt.percentile0)) p25.append(np.mean(plt.percentile25)) p50.append(np.mean(plt.percentile50)) print('>>> mean: {}'.format(plt.mean)) p75.append(np.mean(plt.percentile75)) p100.append(np.mean(plt.percentile100)) x = list(range(len(plt.percentile50))) y = list(plt.percentile50) y_upper = list(plt.percentile75) y_lower = list(plt.percentile25) y_extras = [ list(ys) for ys in [plt.percentile0, plt.percentile100] ] else: x = list(range(len(plt.means))) y = list(plt.means) y_upper = list(plt.means + plt.stds) y_lower = list(plt.means - plt.stds) y_extras = [] if hasattr(plt, "custom_x"): x = list(plt.custom_x) data.append( go.Scatter(x=x + x[::-1], y=y_upper + y_lower[::-1], fill='tozerox', fillcolor=core.hex_to_rgb(color, 0.2), line=go.Line(color='hsva(0,0,0,0)', width=4), showlegend=False, legendgroup=plt.legend, hoverinfo='none')) data.append( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, name=plt.legend, legendgroup=plt.legend, line=dict(color=core.hex_to_rgb(color), width=4), )) for y_extra in y_extras: data.append( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y_extra, showlegend=False, legendgroup=plt.legend, line=dict(color=core.hex_to_rgb(color), dash='dot') # choices: solid, dot, dash, longdash, dashdot, longdashdot )) def numeric_list_to_string(numbers): s = '[' for num in numbers: s += (str(num) + ',') s += ']' return s print(numeric_list_to_string(p25)) print(numeric_list_to_string(p50)) print(numeric_list_to_string(p75)) layout = go.Layout( legend=dict(x=1, y=1, font=dict(size=24) # xanchor="left", # yanchor="bottom", ), width=1000, height=500, title=title, xaxis=go.XAxis(range=xlim, tickfont=dict(size=24)), yaxis=go.YAxis(range=ylim, tickfont=dict(size=24)), ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) fig_div = po.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False) if "footnote" in plot_list[0]: footnote = "<br />".join([ r"<span><b>%s</b></span>: <span>%s</span>" % (plt.legend, plt.footnote) for plt in plot_list ]) return r"%s<div>%s</div>" % (fig_div, footnote) else: return fig_div
def generate_report(summary_file, barcode_file, outfile, qual=7, filter_calibration=False, config=None, template_file=None, verbose_level=1, title=None): """ Runs pycoQC and generates the HTML report""" # Parse configuration file logger.warning("PARSE CONFIGURATION FILE") config_dict = parse_config_file(config) logger.debug(config_dict) # Initiate pycoQC logger.warning("PARSE DATA FILES") p = pycoQC(seq_summary_file=summary_file, barcode_summary_file=barcode_file, verbose_level=verbose_level, min_pass_qual=qual, filter_calibration=filter_calibration) # Loop over configuration file and run the pycoQC functions defined logger.warning("GENERATES PLOTS") plots = list() titles = list() for method_name, method_args in config_dict.items(): # Check if method exists and is callable if not method_name in plot_methods: "\tWarning: Method {} is defined in configuration but not supported" .format(method_name)) try:"\tRunning method {}".format(method_name)) logger.debug("\t{} ({})".format(method_name, method_args)) # Store plot title for HTML tittle and remove from data passed to plotly plot_title = method_args["plot_title"] method_args["plot_title"] = "" # Get method and generate plot method = getattr(p, method_name) fig = method(**method_args) plot = py.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False, image_width='', image_height='', show_link=False, auto_open=False) plots.append(plot) titles.append(plot_title) except pycoQCError as E:"\t\t{}".format(E)) logger.warning("WRITE HTML REPORT") # Load HTML template for Jinja"\tLoad HTML template") template = get_jinja_template(template_file) # Set a title for the HTML report report_title = "" if title: report_title += title + "<br>" report_title += "generated on " + "%d/%m/%y") # # Calculate SHA checksum and pass it to template # with open(summary_file, 'rb') as f: # contents = # summary_file_hash = hashlib.sha256(contents).hexdigest() # Render plots"\tRender plots with Jinja2") rendering = template.render(plots=plots, titles=titles, plotlyjs=py.get_plotlyjs(), report_title=report_title) # Write to HTML file"\tWrite to HTML file") with open(outfile, "w") as f: f.write(rendering)
feature = 'sum' group = 'A' title = feature + group + ' ' + vec + ' ' + measure + ' ' + stem[:1] sem = sem[feature + group] sur = sur[feature + group] uni = uni[feature + group] trace1 = go.Box(x=sem, opacity=1, name='seminal', marker=dict(color='blue')) trace2 = go.Box(x=sur, opacity=1, name='survey', marker=dict(color='orange')) trace3 = go.Box(x=uni, opacity=1, name='uninfluential', marker=dict(color='green')) layout = go.Layout(showlegend=False, autosize=False, width=800, height=250, xaxis_type='log', margin=go.layout.Margin(l=50, r=15, b=40, t=10, pad=4), xaxis=dict( title='Value for ' + feature + group, showgrid=True, gridcolor='#E2E2E2' ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False ), paper_bgcolor='#FFFFFF', plot_bgcolor='#FFFFFF' ) fig = go.Figure(layout=layout) fig.add_trace(trace3) fig.add_trace(trace2) fig.add_trace(trace1) plot(fig, get_file_base() + 'plots/' + title, image='jpeg')
def make_plot(plot_list, title=None): data = [] for idx, plt in enumerate(plot_list): color = core.color_defaults[idx % len(core.color_defaults)] x = list(plt.xs) if plt.display_mode in ["mean_std", "mean_se"]: y = list(plt.means) if plt.display_mode == "mean_std": y_upper = list(plt.means + plt.stds) y_lower = list(plt.means - plt.stds) elif plt.display_mode == "mean_se": y_upper = list(plt.means + y_lower = list(plt.means - else: raise NotImplementedError data.append( go.Scatter(x=x + x[::-1], y=y_upper + y_lower[::-1], fill='tozerox', fillcolor=core.hex_to_rgb(color, 0.2), line=go.Line(color='transparent'), showlegend=False, legendgroup=plt.legend, hoverinfo='none')) data.append( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, name=plt.legend, legendgroup=plt.legend, line=dict(color=core.hex_to_rgb(color)), )) elif plt.display_mode == "individual": for idx, y in enumerate(plt.ys): data.append( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, name=plt.legend, legendgroup=plt.legend, line=dict(color=core.hex_to_rgb(color)), showlegend=idx == 0, )) else: raise NotImplementedError layout = go.Layout( legend=dict( x=1, y=1, ), title=title, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) fig_div = po.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False) if "footnote" in plot_list[0]: footnote = "<br />".join([ r"<span><b>%s</b></span>: <span>%s</span>" % (plt.legend, plt.footnote) for plt in plot_list ]) return r"%s<div>%s</div>" % (fig_div, footnote) else: return fig_div
def main(): # DATA load dateparse = lambda dates: pd.datetime.strptime(dates, '%Y-%m-%d') path = r'D:\users\S598658\Projects\Flat_pattern\env\Data_production_variations.csv' data = pd.read_csv(path, sep=',', parse_dates=['TimeIndex'], index_col='TimeIndex', date_parser=dateparse) data = data[102:162] ts = data["Data"] last_element = ts.index[-1] nb_predictions = 10 SPLIT = 1 - (nb_predictions / len(ts)) TRAIN_SIZE = int(len(ts) * SPLIT) ts_train, ts_test = ts[0:TRAIN_SIZE], ts[TRAIN_SIZE:len(ts)] train = np.array(ts_train) test = np.array(ts_test) index_test = ts_test.index ts_test.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ############### # Modeling & Prediction DATA signal_no_tendance, coef_tendance = _retirerTendance(train) FRAC = 1 / 20 coefficients = _LOESS(ts_train, frac=FRAC) WINDOW = len(ts_test) coefficients = coefficients[len(coefficients) - WINDOW:] index_train = coefficients.index TS_train = pd.Series(index=index_train, data=coefficients.values) first_coef = TS_train.values[1] last_coef = TS_train.values[-1] delta = last_coef - first_coef DELTA = 0.1 coefficients.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) print('delta :') print(delta) f = interp1d(coefficients.index, coefficients.values) if (abs(delta) > DELTA): y_predictions = f(ts_test.index) + delta print('ajout delta') else: y_predictions = f(ts_test.index) TS_pred = pd.Series(index=index_test, data=y_predictions) TS_final = pd.concat([TS_train, TS_pred], axis=0) mean_signal = int(sum(TS_pred)) / len(TS_pred) std = np.std(TS_pred) born_sup = TS_pred + (mean_signal - 1.96 * std) / np.sqrt(len(test)) born_inf = TS_pred - (mean_signal - 1.96 * std) / np.sqrt(len(test)) # Estimation error on predictions _error(ts_test, TS_pred) ############ # Plotting results trace0 = go.Scatter(x=data.index, y=data.Data, mode='markers', name='TS') trace1 = go.Scatter(x=TS_train.index, y=TS_train, mode='lines', name='Model Fourier') trace2 = go.Scatter(x=TS_pred.index, y=TS_pred, mode='lines', name='Predictions Loess & interpolation') trace3 = go.Scatter(x=TS_pred.index, y=born_sup, name='Born Sup', line=dict(color='gray', dash='dot')) trace4 = go.Scatter(x=TS_pred.index, y=born_inf, name='Born Inf', line=dict(color='gray', dash='dot')) trace5 = go.Scatter(x=TS_pred.index, y=born_sup, fill='tonexty', mode='none', name='IC 95%') layout = go.Layout({ 'shapes': [{ 'type': 'line', 'x0': '2015-01-01', 'y0': 1, 'x1': last_element, 'y1': 1, 'line': { 'color': 'red', } }, { 'type': 'line', 'x0': '2015-01-01', 'y0': -1, 'x1': last_element, 'y1': -1, 'line': { 'color': 'red' } }] }) donnees = [trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5] fig = dict(data=donnees, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='TS_Loess_interp.html')
def DrawHeatMap(data): fig = px.density_mapbox(data, lat='lat', lon='lon', z='size', radius=15, color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Sunsetdark, height=800, width=1000) pltoff.plot(fig, filename='1_forecast_heatmap_19.html')
) fig.update_layout( margin={'l': 0, 't': 0, 'b': 0, 'r': 0}, mapbox={ # 'center': {'lon': places19.ln[0], 'lat':[0]}, # 'style': "stamen-terrain", # 'center': {'lon': places19.ln[0], 'lat':[0]}, 'zoom': 1}) pltoff.plot(fig, filename='1_forecast_heatmap.html') # draw heatmap def DrawHeatMap(data): fig = px.density_mapbox(data, lat='lat', lon='lon', z='size', radius=15, color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Sunsetdark, height=800, width=1000) pltoff.plot(fig, filename='1_forecast_heatmap_19.html') data = ConvertFile('GM_19.txt') DrawHeatMap(data) # print(data) # DrawMapScatter(data) ''''' fig=px.scatter_mapbox(data,lat='lat',lon='lon',color='size', color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Agsunset, center={'lat':48.95559,'lon':-122.661}, mapbox_style='satellite', #width=600,height=500) ) pltoff.plot(fig,filename='1_forecast_heatmap.html') '''
Convert the data to stationary if it is not Converting from time series to supervised for having the feature set of LSTM model Scale the data- check if the data is not stationary? see plot: ''' #plot monthly sales plot_data = [go.Scatter( x=data['BILLING_DATE'], y=data['SALES_VOLUME'], )] plot_layout = go.Layout(title='VSP Monthly Sales - Volume Analysis') fig = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=plot_layout) pyoff.iplot(fig) # Below code prints plot as html page in new window in browser pyoff.plot(fig) ''' Data is not stationary and has an increasing trend over the months. Get the difference in sales compared to the previous month and build the model on it: ''' #create a new dataframe to model the difference in sales volume # df_diff = data.copy() is causing keyerror and hence changed df_diff = data.copy() to df_diff = data # df_diff = data.copy() df_diff = data #add previous sales to the next row data['prev_sales'] = df_diff['SALES_VOLUME'].shift(1) #drop the null values and calculate the difference df_diff = df_diff.dropna()
from plotly.graph_objs import Bar,Layout from plotly import offline from die import Die #Utworzenie kosci typu D6 i D10 die_1=Die() die_2=Die() #Wykonanie pewnej liczby rzutów i umieszczenie wynikow na liscie results = [] for roll_num in range(11000): result = die_1.roll()*die_2.roll() results.append(result) #Analizam wynikow frequencies = [] max_result = die_1.num_sides * die_2.num_sides for value in range(1,max_result+1): frequency = results.count(value) frequencies.append(frequency) #Wizualizacja wynikow na histogramie x_values = list(range(1,max_result+1)) data = [Bar(x=x_values,y=frequencies)] x_axis_config ={'title':"Wynik",'dtick':1} y_axis_config = {'title': 'Częstotliwośc występowania wartości'} my_layout = Layout(title='Wynik wyrzucenia dwoma kośćmi D6 i pomnożenia ich przez sie - ilosc probek 5000',xaxis=x_axis_config,yaxis = y_axis_config) offline.plot({'data':data,'layout':my_layout},filename='d6xd6.html')
text_annotation = [annotation] * 10 x_trace.append(None) y_trace.append(None) text_annotation.append(None) edge_trace['x'] += x_trace edge_trace['y'] += y_trace edge_trace['text'] += text_annotation for node in G.nodes(): x, y = graph_pos[node] node_trace['x'].append(x) node_trace['y'].append(y) node_info = ''.join( (str(node + 1), ': ', str(list(topic_terms[node])[:n_ann_terms]))) node_trace['text'].append(node_info) for node, adjacencies in enumerate(G.adjacency()): node_trace['marker']['color'].append(len(adjacencies)) fig = Figure(data=Data([edge_trace, node_trace]), layout=Layout(showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=True, zeroline=False, showticklabels=True), yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=True, zeroline=False, showticklabels=True))) py.plot(fig)