Exemplo n.º 1
def test_validate_invalid_fig():
    fig = {
        'layout': {
            'title': 'something'
        'data': {
            'x': [1, 2, 3],
            'y': [2, 1, 2]
    tls.validate(fig, 'Figure')
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_validate_valid_fig():
    fig = {
        'layout': {
            'title': 'something'
        'data': [{
            'x': [1, 2, 3],
            'y': [2, 1, 2]
    tls.validate(fig, 'Figure')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def write(self, trace, layout=None, validate=True,
              reconnect_on=(200, '', 408)):
        """Write to an open stream.

        Once you've instantiated a 'Stream' object with a 'stream_id',
        you can 'write' to it in real time.

        positional arguments:
        trace - A valid plotly trace object (e.g., Scatter, Heatmap, etc.).
                Not all keys in these are `stremable` run help(Obj) on the type
                of trace your trying to stream, for each valid key, if the key
                is streamable, it will say 'streamable = True'. Trace objects
                must be dictionary-like.

        keyword arguments:
        layout (default=None) - A valid Layout object
                                Run help(plotly.graph_objs.Layout)
        validate (default = True) - Validate this stream before sending?
                                    This will catch local errors if set to True.

        Some valid keys for trace dictionaries:
            'x', 'y', 'text', 'z', 'marker', 'line'

        >>> write(dict(x=1, y=2))  # assumes 'scatter' type
        >>> write(Bar(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[10, 20, 30]))
        >>> write(Scatter(x=1, y=2, text='scatter text'))
        >>> write(Scatter(x=1, y=3, marker=Marker(color='blue')))
        >>> write(Heatmap(z=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))

        The connection to plotly's servers is checked before writing
        and reconnected if disconnected and if the response status code
        is in `reconnect_on`.

        For more help, see: `help(plotly.plotly.Stream)`
        or see examples and tutorials here:
        stream_object = dict()
        if 'type' not in stream_object:
            stream_object['type'] = 'scatter'
        if validate:
                tools.validate(stream_object, stream_object['type'])
            except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "Part of the data object with type, '{0}', is invalid. "
                    "This will default to 'scatter' if you do not supply a "
                    "'type'. If you do not want to validate your data objects "
                    "when streaming, you can set 'validate=False' in the call "
                    "to 'your_stream.write()'. Here's why the object is "
                    "invalid:\n\n{1}".format(stream_object['type'], err)
                tools.validate_stream(stream_object, stream_object['type'])
            except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "Part of the data object with type, '{0}', cannot yet be "
                    "streamed into Plotly. If you do not want to validate your "
                    "data objects when streaming, you can set 'validate=False' "
                    "in the call to 'your_stream.write()'. Here's why the "
                    "object cannot be streamed:\n\n{1}"
                    "".format(stream_object['type'], err)
            if layout is not None:
                    tools.validate(layout, 'Layout')
                except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                    raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                        "Your layout kwarg was invalid. "
                        "Here's why:\n\n{0}".format(err)
        del stream_object['type']

        if layout is not None:

        # TODO: allow string version of this?
        jdata = json.dumps(stream_object, cls=utils._plotlyJSONEncoder)
        jdata += "\n"

            self._stream.write(jdata, reconnect_on=reconnect_on)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Stream has not been opened yet, "
                                         "cannot write to a closed connection. "
                                         "Call `open()` on the stream to open the stream.")
Exemplo n.º 4
def plot(figure_or_data, validate=True, **plot_options):
    """Create a unique url for this plot in Plotly and optionally open url.

    plot_options keyword agruments:
    filename (string) -- the name that will be associated with this figure
    fileopt ('new' | 'overwrite' | 'extend' | 'append') -- 'new' creates a
        'new': create a new, unique url for this plot
        'overwrite': overwrite the file associated with `filename` with this
        'extend': add additional numbers (data) to existing traces
        'append': add additional traces to existing data lists
    world_readable (default=True) -- make this figure private/public
    auto_open (default=True) -- Toggle browser options
        True: open this plot in a new browser tab
        False: do not open plot in the browser, but do return the unique url

    if isinstance(figure_or_data, dict):
        figure = figure_or_data
    elif isinstance(figure_or_data, list):
        figure = {'data': figure_or_data}
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError("The `figure_or_data` positional argument "
                                     "must be either `dict`-like or "
    if validate:
            tools.validate(figure, obj_type='Figure')
        except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Invalid 'figure_or_data' argument. "
                                         "Plotly will not be able to properly "
                                         "parse the resulting JSON. If you "
                                         "want to send this 'figure_or_data' "
                                         "to Plotly anyway (not recommended), "
                                         "you can set 'validate=False' as a "
                                         "plot option.\nHere's why you're "
                                         "seeing this error:\n\n{0}"
        if not figure['data']:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyEmptyDataError(
                "Empty data list found. Make sure that you populated the "
                "list of data objects you're sending and try again.\n"
                "Questions? [email protected]"
    for entry in figure['data']:
        for key, val in list(entry.items()):
                if len(val) > 40000:
                    msg = ("Woah there! Look at all those points! Due to "
                           "browser limitations, Plotly has a hard time "
                           "graphing more than 500k data points for line "
                           "charts, or 40k points for other types of charts. "
                           "Here are some suggestions:\n"
                           "(1) Trying using the image API to return an image "
                           "instead of a graph URL\n"
                           "(2) Use matplotlib\n"
                           "(3) See if you can create your visualization with "
                           "fewer data points\n\n"
                           "If the visualization you're using aggregates "
                           "points (e.g., box plot, histogram, etc.) you can "
                           "disregard this warning.")
            except TypeError:
    plot_options = _plot_option_logic(plot_options)
    res = _send_to_plotly(figure, **plot_options)
    if res['error'] == '':
        if plot_options['auto_open']:

        return res['url']
        raise exceptions.PlotlyAccountError(res['error'])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def write(self, trace, layout=None, validate=True,
              reconnect_on=(200, '', 408)):
        """Write to an open stream.

        Once you've instantiated a 'Stream' object with a 'stream_id',
        you can 'write' to it in real time.

        positional arguments:
        trace - A valid plotly trace object (e.g., Scatter, Heatmap, etc.).
                Not all keys in these are `stremable` run help(Obj) on the type
                of trace your trying to stream, for each valid key, if the key
                is streamable, it will say 'streamable = True'. Trace objects
                must be dictionary-like.

        keyword arguments:
        layout (default=None) - A valid Layout object
                                Run help(plotly.graph_objs.Layout)
        validate (default = True) - Validate this stream before sending?
                                    This will catch local errors if set to True.

        Some valid keys for trace dictionaries:
            'x', 'y', 'text', 'z', 'marker', 'line'

        >>> write(dict(x=1, y=2))  # assumes 'scatter' type
        >>> write(Bar(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[10, 20, 30]))
        >>> write(Scatter(x=1, y=2, text='scatter text'))
        >>> write(Scatter(x=1, y=3, marker=Marker(color='blue')))
        >>> write(Heatmap(z=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))

        The connection to plotly's servers is checked before writing
        and reconnected if disconnected and if the response status code
        is in `reconnect_on`.

        For more help, see: `help(plotly.plotly.Stream)`
        or see examples and tutorials here:
        stream_object = dict()
        if 'type' not in stream_object:
            stream_object['type'] = 'scatter'
        if validate:
                tools.validate(stream_object, stream_object['type'])
            except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "Part of the data object with type, '{0}', is invalid. "
                    "This will default to 'scatter' if you do not supply a "
                    "'type'. If you do not want to validate your data objects "
                    "when streaming, you can set 'validate=False' in the call "
                    "to 'your_stream.write()'. Here's why the object is "
                    "invalid:\n\n{1}".format(stream_object['type'], err)
                tools.validate_stream(stream_object, stream_object['type'])
            except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "Part of the data object with type, '{0}', cannot yet be "
                    "streamed into Plotly. If you do not want to validate your "
                    "data objects when streaming, you can set 'validate=False' "
                    "in the call to 'your_stream.write()'. Here's why the "
                    "object cannot be streamed:\n\n{1}"
                    "".format(stream_object['type'], err)
            if layout is not None:
                    tools.validate(layout, 'Layout')
                except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                    raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                        "Your layout kwarg was invalid. "
                        "Here's why:\n\n{0}".format(err)
        del stream_object['type']

        if layout is not None:

        # TODO: allow string version of this?
        jdata = json.dumps(stream_object, cls=utils._plotlyJSONEncoder)
        jdata += "\n"

            self._stream.write(jdata, reconnect_on=reconnect_on)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Stream has not been opened yet, "
                                         "cannot write to a closed connection. "
                                         "Call `open()` on the stream to open the stream.")
Exemplo n.º 6
def plot(figure_or_data, validate=True, **plot_options):
    """Create a unique url for this plot in Plotly and optionally open url.

    plot_options keyword agruments:
    filename (string) -- the name that will be associated with this figure
    fileopt ('new' | 'overwrite' | 'extend' | 'append') -- 'new' creates a
        'new': create a new, unique url for this plot
        'overwrite': overwrite the file associated with `filename` with this
        'extend': add additional numbers (data) to existing traces
        'append': add additional traces to existing data lists
    world_readable (default=True) -- make this figure private/public
    auto_open (default=True) -- Toggle browser options
        True: open this plot in a new browser tab
        False: do not open plot in the browser, but do return the unique url

    if isinstance(figure_or_data, dict):
        figure = figure_or_data
    elif isinstance(figure_or_data, list):
        figure = {'data': figure_or_data}
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError("The `figure_or_data` positional argument "
                                     "must be either `dict`-like or "
    if validate:
            tools.validate(figure, obj_type='Figure')
        except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Invalid 'figure_or_data' argument. "
                                         "Plotly will not be able to properly "
                                         "parse the resulting JSON. If you "
                                         "want to send this 'figure_or_data' "
                                         "to Plotly anyway (not recommended), "
                                         "you can set 'validate=False' as a "
                                         "plot option.\nHere's why you're "
                                         "seeing this error:\n\n{0}"
        if not figure['data']:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyEmptyDataError(
                "Empty data list found. Make sure that you populated the "
                "list of data objects you're sending and try again.\n"
                "Questions? [email protected]"
    for entry in figure['data']:
        for key, val in list(entry.items()):
                if len(val) > 40000:
                    msg = ("Woah there! Look at all those points! Due to "
                           "browser limitations, Plotly has a hard time "
                           "graphing more than 500k data points for line "
                           "charts, or 40k points for other types of charts. "
                           "Here are some suggestions:\n"
                           "(1) Trying using the image API to return an image "
                           "instead of a graph URL\n"
                           "(2) Use matplotlib\n"
                           "(3) See if you can create your visualization with "
                           "fewer data points\n\n"
                           "If the visualization you're using aggregates "
                           "points (e.g., box plot, histogram, etc.) you can "
                           "disregard this warning.")
            except TypeError:
    plot_options = _plot_option_logic(plot_options)
    res = _send_to_plotly(figure, **plot_options)
    if res['error'] == '':
        if plot_options['auto_open']:

        return res['url']
        raise exceptions.PlotlyAccountError(res['error'])