Exemplo n.º 1
def phaserate(plotar, ms2mappings):
    if plotar.plotType != 'phatime':
        raise RuntimeError("phaserate() cannot run on plot type {0}".format(
    spm = ms2mappings.spectralMap
    # iterate over all plots and all data sets within the plots
    for k in plotar.keys():
        for d in plotar[k].keys():
            # get a reference to the data set
            dsref = plotar[k][d]
            # get the full data set label - we have access to all the data set's properties (FQ, SB, POL etc)
            n = plots.join_label(k, d)
            # fit a line through the unwrapped phase
            unw = numpy.unwrap(numpy.deg2rad(dsref.yval))
            coeffs = numpy.polyfit(dsref.xval, unw, 1)
            # evaluate the fitted polynomial at the x-loci
            extray = numpy.polyval(coeffs, dsref.xval)
            # here we could compute the reliability of the fit
            diff = unw - extray
            ss_tot = numpy.sum(numpy.square(unw - unw.mean()))
            ss_res = numpy.sum(numpy.square(diff))
            r_sq = 1.0 - ss_res / ss_tot
            # compare std deviation and variance in the residuals after fit
            std_r = numpy.std(diff)
            var_r = numpy.var(diff)
            f = spm.frequencyOfFREQ_SB(n.FQ, n.SB)
            rate = coeffs[0]
            if var_r < std_r:
                print("{0}: {1:.8f} ps/s @ {2:5.4f}MHz [R2={3:.3f}]".format(
                    n, rate / (2.0 * numpy.pi * f * 1.0e-12), f / 1.0e6, r_sq))
                # before plotting wrap back to -pi,pi and transform to degrees
                dsref.extra = [
                    drawline_fn(n, dsref.xval, numpy.rad2deg(do_wrap(extray)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def plotar2unidict(plotar):
    rv = plots.Dict()
    rv.plotType = plotar.plotType
    # loop over all plots and datasets-within-plot
    for k in plotar.keys():
        for d in plotar[k].keys():
            # get the full data set label - we have access to all the data set's properties (FQ, SB, POL etc)
            n = plots.join_label(k, d)
            # and make a copy of the dataset
            rv[n] = COPY(plotar[k][d])
    return rv
Exemplo n.º 3
def phasedbg(plotar, ms2mappings):
    global cache
    if plotar.plotType != 'phatime':
        raise RuntimeError("phasedbg() cannot run on plot type {0}".format(
    store = len(cache) == 0
    # iterate over all plots and all data sets within the plots
    for k in plotar.keys():
        for d in plotar[k].keys():
            # get a reference to the data set
            dsref = plotar[k][d]
            # get the full data set label - we have access to all the data set's properties (FQ, SB, POL etc)
            n = plots.join_label(k, d)
            # fit a line through the unwrapped phase
            unw = numpy.unwrap(numpy.deg2rad(dsref.yval))
            #coeffs = numpy.polyfit(dsref.xval, unw, 1)
            coeffs = numpy.polyfit(xrange(len(dsref.yval)), unw, 1)
            # evaluate the fitted polynomial at the x-loci
            extray = numpy.polyval(coeffs, dsref.xval)
            # here we could compute the reliability of the fit
            diff = unw - extray
            # compare std deviation and variance in the residuals after fit
            std_r = numpy.std(diff)
            var_r = numpy.var(diff)
            coeffs = numpy.rad2deg(coeffs)
            if var_r < std_r:
                # decide what to do
                if store:
                    cache[n] = coeffs
                    # check if current key exists in cache; if so
                    # do differencing
                    otherCoeffs = cache.get(n, None)
                    if otherCoeffs is None:
                        print("{0}: not found in cache".format(n))
                        delta = otherCoeffs - coeffs
                            "{0.BL} {0.SB} {0.P}: dRate={1:5.4f} dOff={2:4.1f}"
                                n, delta[0], delta[1] +
                                360.0 if delta[1] < 0.0 else delta[1]))
                # before plotting wrap back to -pi,pi and transform to degrees
                #dsref.extra = [ drawline_fn(n, dsref.xval, numpy.rad2deg(do_wrap(extray))) ]
    if not store:
        cache = {}