Exemplo n.º 1
def fit_msd(comp_key, conn, make_plot=False):
    (fin,) = conn.execute("select fout from msd where comp_key = ?", (comp_key,)).fetchone()
    Fin = h5py.File(fin, "r")
    g_name = _fd("mean_squared_disp", comp_key)

    msd = Fin[g_name]["msd"][:]
    dt = Fin[g_name].attrs["dtime"]
    temp = Fin[g_name].attrs["temperature"]
    del Fin

    t = (np.arange(len(msd)) + 1) * dt

    (x, r, rn, s) = np.linalg.lstsq(np.transpose(np.array([t, np.ones(len(msd))])), msd)

    if make_plot:
        fig = plots.tac_figure("t [ms]", "msd [px^2]", "msd and fit")
        fig.draw_line(t, msd, "x", label="msd")
        print x[1]
        fig.draw_line(t, t * x[0] + x[1], label="fit")

    scale = 6.45 / 60  # u[m]/[pix]

    # lamda_x = sqrt(2Dt) (Einstein 1905)
    # msd = 2*lambda_x^2 = 4 D t (Einstein 1905)
    # the extra 2 is because I am looking at total displacement in 2D
    D = (x[0] / 4) * (scale ** 2) * 1000  # u[m]^2/sec
    r = _dilute_D_to_rad(D, temp)  # u[m]

    return (x[0], temp, r)
Exemplo n.º 2
def display_fit(x,y,p,func,fig=None):
    """Displays the raw data and the fit. fig is an plots.tac_figure
    if fig is None:
        fig = plots.tac_figure('x','y','fitting')
    fig.plot(x,np.log(func(p,x)),'--x',label=func.__name__ +  '('+
             ','.join(['%.1e'%k for k in p])+ ')')
    return fig
Exemplo n.º 3
def plot_msd_series(comp_key_lst, conn, sname=None):
    """ Takes in a list of msd computations and makes a nice plot"""

    tltstr = "mean squared displacement"
    if not sname is None:
        tltstr = tltstr + " " + sname

    fig = plots.tac_figure(
        "t[ms]", r"$\langle \Delta \rangle ^2$", tltstr, count=len(comp_key_lst), func=matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot
    for c in comp_key_lst:
        plot_msd(c[0], conn, fig)
Exemplo n.º 4
def plot_msd_old(comp_key, conn, fig=None):
    if fig is None:
        fig = plots.tac_figure("t[s]", "msd", "msd")

    (fin, dset) = conn.execute("select fout,dset_key from comps where comp_key = ?", (comp_key,)).fetchone()
    (temp,) = conn.execute("select temp from dsets where key = ?", (dset,)).fetchone()

    Fin = h5py.File(fin, "r")
    g_name = _fd("mean_squared_disp", comp_key)
    msd = Fin[g_name]
    msd = Fin[g_name]["data"][:]
    dt = Fin[g_name].attrs["dtime"]
    print "the delta is ", dt, "for comp ", comp_key
    t = (np.arange(len(msd)) + 1) * dt

    cm = plots.color_mapper(27, 33)

    fig.plot(t, msd, label=str(temp), color=cm.get_color(temp))
    del Fin
    return fig
Exemplo n.º 5
def plot_msd(comp_key, conn, fig=None):
    if fig is None:
        fig = plots.tac_figure("t[s]", "msd", "msd")

    (fin,) = conn.execute("select fout from msd where comp_key = ?", (comp_key,)).fetchone()

    Fin = h5py.File(fin, "r")
    g_name = _fd("mean_squared_disp", comp_key)

    msd = Fin[g_name]["msd"][:]
    dt = Fin[g_name].attrs["dtime"]
    temp = Fin[g_name].attrs["temperature"]
    mtl = Fin[g_name].attrs["min_track_length"]
    print "the delta is ", dt, "for comp ", comp_key
    t = (np.arange(len(msd)) + 1) * dt

    cm = plots.color_mapper(27, 33)

    fig.plot(t, msd, label="%(#).2fC, %(!)d" % {"!": mtl, "#": temp}, color=cm.get_color(temp))
    del Fin
    return fig