Exemplo n.º 1
    def plot_wireframe(self, *args, **kwargs):
        creates a three-dimensional wireframe plot
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param xyaxis: (*boolean*) Draw x and y axis or not.
        :param zaxis: (*boolean*) Draw z axis or not.
        :param grid: (*boolean*) Draw grid or not.
        :param boxed: (*boolean*) Draw boxed or not.
        :param mesh: (*boolean*) Draw mesh line or not.
        :returns: Legend
        if len(args) == 1:
            x = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            y = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
            z = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            args = args[3:]

        zcolors = kwargs.pop('zcolors', False)
        if not zcolors:
            line = plotutil.getlegendbreak('line', **kwargs)[0]
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createWireframe(x.asarray(), y.asarray(),
                                                      z.asarray(), line)
            cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
            if len(args) > 0:
                level_arg = args[0]
                if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                    cn = level_arg
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        z.min(), z.max(), cn, cmap)
                    if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                        level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        z.min(), z.max(), level_arg, cmap)
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cmap)
            ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polyline)
            plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createWireframe(x.asarray(), y.asarray(),
                                                      z.asarray(), ls)

        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 2
 def plot_isosurface(self, *args, **kwargs):
     creates a three-dimensional isosurface plot
     :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
     :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
     :param z: (*array_like*) Optional. Z coordinate array.
     :param data: (*array_like*) 3D data array.
     :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
     :param nthread: (*int*) Thread number.
     :returns: Legend
     if len(args) <= 3:
         x = args[0].dimvalue(2)
         y = args[0].dimvalue(1)
         z = args[0].dimvalue(0)
         data = args[0]   
         isovalue = args[1]
         args = args[2:]
         x = args[0]
         y = args[1]
         z = args[2]
         data = args[3]
         isovalue = args[4]
         args = args[5:]
     cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
     cvalue = kwargs.pop('cvalue', None)
     if not cvalue is None:
         if len(args) > 0:
             level_arg = args[0]
             if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                 cn = level_arg
                 ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(), cn, cmap)
                 if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                     level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                 ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(), level_arg, cmap)
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(), cmap)
         ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
         edge = kwargs.pop('edge', True)
         kwargs['edge'] = edge
         plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
         ls = plotutil.getlegendbreak('polygon', **kwargs)[0]
     nthread = kwargs.pop('nthread', None)
     if nthread is None:
         graphics = JOGLUtil.isosurface(data.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), isovalue, ls)
         graphics = JOGLUtil.isosurface(data.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), isovalue, ls, nthread)
     visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
     if visible:
     return graphics
Exemplo n.º 3
 def streamplot(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Plot streamline in a map.
     :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
     :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
     :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind direction.
     :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind speed.
     :param z: (*array_like*) Optional, 2-D z value array.
     :param color: (*Color*) Streamline color. Default is blue.
     :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``.
     :param isuv: (*boolean*) Is U/V or direction/speed data array pairs. Default is True.
     :param density: (*int*) Streamline density. Default is 4.
     :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None.
     :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display.
     :param select: (*boolean*) Set the return layer as selected layer or not.
     :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Created streamline VectoryLayer.
     cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
     fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
     proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None)
     cobj = kwargs.pop('color', 'b')
     color = plotutil.getcolor(cobj)
     isuv = kwargs.pop('isuv', True)
     density = kwargs.pop('density', 4)
     n = len(args)
     if n < 4:
         u = args[0]
         v = args[1]
         y = u.dimvalue(0)
         x = u.dimvalue(1)
         args = args[2:]
         x = args[0]
         y = args[1]
         u = args[2]
         v = args[3]
         args = args[4:]  
     ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polyline, color, 1)
     plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
     #layer = __plot_uvgriddata_m(plot, udata, vdata, None, ls, 'streamplot', isuv, proj=proj, density=density)
     layer = DrawMeteoData.createStreamlineLayer(u.array, v.array, x.array, y.array, density, ls, 'layer', isuv)
     if not proj is None:
     # Add layer
     isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True)
     if isadd:
         zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None)
         select = kwargs.pop('select', True)
         self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select)
     return MILayer(layer)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plot_surface(self, *args, **kwargs):
        creates a three-dimensional surface plot
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :returns: Legend
        if len(args) <= 2:
            x = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            y = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
            z = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            args = args[3:]

        if kwargs.has_key('colors'):
            cn = len(kwargs['colors'])
            cn = None
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        if len(args) > 0:
            level_arg = args[0]
            if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                cn = level_arg
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cn,
                if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                    level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(),
                                                     level_arg, cmap)
            if cn is None:
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cmap)
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cn,
        ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
        edge = kwargs.pop('edge', True)
        kwargs['edge'] = edge
        plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
        graphics = JOGLUtil.surface(x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), ls)
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 5
 def plot_surface(self, *args, **kwargs):
     creates a three-dimensional surface plot
     :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
     :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
     :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
     :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
     :param xyaxis: (*boolean*) Draw x and y axis or not.
     :param zaxis: (*boolean*) Draw z axis or not.
     :param grid: (*boolean*) Draw grid or not.
     :param boxed: (*boolean*) Draw boxed or not.
     :param mesh: (*boolean*) Draw mesh line or not.
     :returns: Legend
     if len(args) <= 2:
         x = args[0].dimvalue(1)
         y = args[0].dimvalue(0)
         x, y = minum.meshgrid(x, y)
         z = args[0]    
         args = args[1:]
         x = args[0]
         y = args[1]
         z = args[2]
         args = args[3:]
     cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
     if len(args) > 0:
         level_arg = args[0]
         if isinstance(level_arg, int):
             cn = level_arg
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cn, cmap)
             if isinstance(level_arg, MIArray):
                 level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), level_arg, cmap)
         ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cmap)
     ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
     edge = kwargs.pop('edge', True)
     kwargs['edge'] = edge
     plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
     graphics = GraphicFactory.createMeshPolygons(x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), ls)
     visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
     if visible:
     return graphics
Exemplo n.º 6
 def plot_surface(self, *args, **kwargs):
     creates a three-dimensional surface plot
     :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
     :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
     :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
     :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
     :param xyaxis: (*boolean*) Draw x and y axis or not.
     :param zaxis: (*boolean*) Draw z axis or not.
     :param grid: (*boolean*) Draw grid or not.
     :param boxed: (*boolean*) Draw boxed or not.
     :param mesh: (*boolean*) Draw mesh line or not.
     :returns: Legend
     if len(args) <= 2:
         x = args[0].dimvalue(1)
         y = args[0].dimvalue(0)
         x, y = minum.meshgrid(x, y)
         z = args[0]    
         args = args[1:]
         x = args[0]
         y = args[1]
         z = args[2]
         args = args[3:]
     cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
     if len(args) > 0:
         level_arg = args[0]
         if isinstance(level_arg, int):
             cn = level_arg
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cn, cmap)
             if isinstance(level_arg, MIArray):
                 level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), level_arg, cmap)
         ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cmap)
     ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
     edge = kwargs.pop('edge', True)
     kwargs['edge'] = edge
     plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
     graphics = GraphicFactory.createMeshPolygons(x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), ls)
     visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
     if visible:
     return graphics
Exemplo n.º 7
    def plot_particles(self, *args, **kwargs):
        creates a three-dimensional particles plot

        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Optional. Z coordinate array.
        :param data: (*array_like*) 3D data array.
        :param s: (*float*) Point size.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param vmin: (*float*) Minimum value for particle plotting.
        :param vmax: (*float*) Maximum value for particle plotting.
        :param alpha_min: (*float*) Minimum alpha value.
        :param alpha_max: (*float*) Maximum alpha value.
        :param density: (*int*) Particle density value.

        :returns: Legend
        if len(args) <= 3:
            x = args[0].dimvalue(2)
            y = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            z = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            data = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            data = args[3]
            args = args[4:]
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', data.min())
        vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', data.max())
        if vmin >= vmax:
            raise ValueError("Minimum value larger than maximum value")

        if len(args) > 0:
            level_arg = args[0]
            if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                cn = level_arg
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(vmin, vmax, cn, cmap)
                if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                    level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(vmin, vmax, level_arg,
            ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(vmin, vmax, cmap)
        plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
        alpha_min = kwargs.pop('alpha_min', 0.1)
        alpha_max = kwargs.pop('alpha_max', 0.6)
        density = kwargs.pop('density', 2)
        graphics = JOGLUtil.particles(data.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), ls, \
                                      alpha_min, alpha_max, density)
        s = kwargs.pop('s', None)
        if s is None:
            s = kwargs.pop('size', None)
        if not s is None:
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 8
 def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Plot filled contours.
     :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
     :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
     :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
     :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves 
         to draw, in increasing order.
     :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
     :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a 
         string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib 
         color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in 
         the order specified.
     :param smooth: (*boolean*) Smooth countour lines or not.
     :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Contour VectoryLayer created from array data.
     n = len(args)
     cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
     fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
     offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0)
     xaxistype = None
     if n <= 2:
         gdata = minum.asgriddata(args[0])
         if isinstance(args[0], DimArray):
             if args[0].islondim(1):
                 xaxistype = 'lon'
             elif args[0].islatdim(1):
                 xaxistype = 'lat'
             elif args[0].istimedim(1):
                 xaxistype = 'time'
         args = args[1:]
     elif n <=4:
         x = args[0]
         y = args[1]
         a = args[2]
         gdata = minum.asgriddata(a, x, y, fill_value)
         args = args[3:]
     if len(args) > 0:
         level_arg = args[0]
         if isinstance(level_arg, int):
             cn = level_arg
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(gdata.min(), gdata.max(), cn, cmap)
             if isinstance(level_arg, MIArray):
                 level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
             ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(gdata.min(), gdata.max(), level_arg, cmap)
         ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(gdata.min(), gdata.max(), cmap)
     ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
     edge = kwargs.pop('edge', None)
     if edge is None:
         kwargs['edge'] = False
         kwargs['edge'] = edge
     plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
     smooth = kwargs.pop('smooth', True)
     zdir = kwargs.pop('zdir', 'z')
     if zdir == 'xy':
         sepoint = kwargs.pop('sepoint', [0,0,1,1])
         igraphic = GraphicFactory.createContourPolygons(gdata.data, offset, zdir, ls, smooth, \
         igraphic = GraphicFactory.createContourPolygons(gdata.data, offset, zdir, ls, smooth)
     visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
     if visible:
     return igraphic
Exemplo n.º 9
    def plot_slice(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Volume slice planes
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Optional. Z coordinate array.
        :param data: (*array_like*) 3D data array.
        :param xslice: (*list*) X slice locations.
        :param yslice: (*list*) Y slice locations.
        :param zslice: (*list*) Z slice locations.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        if len(args) <= 3:
            x = args[0].dimvalue(2)
            y = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            z = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            data = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            data = args[3]
            args = args[4:]
        if x.ndim == 3:
            x = x[0, 0]
        if y.ndim == 3:
            y = y[0, :, 0]
        if z.ndim == 3:
            z = z[:, 0, 0]

        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        if len(args) > 0:
            level_arg = args[0]
            if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                cn = level_arg
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(),
                                                     cn, cmap)
                if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                    level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(),
                                                     level_arg, cmap)
            ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(), cmap)
        ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
        edge = kwargs.pop('edge', True)
        kwargs['edge'] = edge
        plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)

        xslice = kwargs.pop('xslice', [])
        if isinstance(xslice, numbers.Number):
            xslice = [xslice]
        yslice = kwargs.pop('yslice', [])
        if isinstance(yslice, numbers.Number):
            yslice = [yslice]
        zslice = kwargs.pop('zslice', [])
        if isinstance(zslice, numbers.Number):
            zslice = [zslice]
        graphics = JOGLUtil.slice(data.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), xslice, \
                                  yslice, zslice, ls)
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
            for gg in graphics:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 10
    def plot_surface(self, *args, **kwargs):
        creates a three-dimensional surface plot
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :returns: Legend
        warnings.warn("plot_surface is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
        if len(args) <= 2:
            x = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            y = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
            z = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            args = args[3:]

        if kwargs.has_key('colors'):
            cn = len(kwargs['colors'])
            cn = None
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        if len(args) > 0:
            level_arg = args[0]
            if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                cn = level_arg
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cn,
                if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                    level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(),
                                                     level_arg, cmap)
            if cn is None:
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cmap)
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(z.min(), z.max(), cn,
        ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
        facecolor = kwargs.pop('facecolor', None)
        face_interp = None
        if not facecolor is None:
            face_interp = (facecolor == 'interp')
            if not face_interp:
                if not facecolor in ['flat', 'texturemap', 'none']:
                    kwargs['facecolor'] = facecolor
        plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
        graphics = JOGLUtil.surface(x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), ls)
        if face_interp:
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 11
    def slice(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Volume slice planes
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Optional. Z coordinate array.
        :param data: (*array_like*) 3D data array.
        :param xslice: (*list*) X slice locations.
        :param yslice: (*list*) Y slice locations.
        :param zslice: (*list*) Z slice locations.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        if len(args) <= 3:
            x = args[0].dimvalue(2)
            y = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            z = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            data = args[0]
            args = args[1:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            data = args[3]
            args = args[4:]
        if x.ndim == 3:
            x = x[0, 0]
        if y.ndim == 3:
            y = y[0, :, 0]
        if z.ndim == 3:
            z = z[:, 0, 0]

        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        if len(args) > 0:
            level_arg = args[0]
            if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                cn = level_arg
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(),
                                                     cn, cmap)
                if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                    level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(),
                                                     level_arg, cmap)
            ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(data.min(), data.max(), cmap)
        ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
        facecolor = kwargs.pop('facecolor', None)
        face_interp = None
        if not facecolor is None:
            face_interp = (facecolor == 'interp')
            if not face_interp:
                if not facecolor in ['flat', 'texturemap', 'none']:
                    facecolor = plotutil.getcolor(facecolor)
                    ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(
                        ShapeTypes.Polygon, facecolor, 1)
        plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)

        xslice = kwargs.pop('xslice', [])
        if isinstance(xslice, numbers.Number):
            xslice = [xslice]
        yslice = kwargs.pop('yslice', [])
        if isinstance(yslice, numbers.Number):
            yslice = [yslice]
        zslice = kwargs.pop('zslice', [])
        if isinstance(zslice, numbers.Number):
            zslice = [zslice]
        graphics = JOGLUtil.slice(data.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray(), z.asarray(), xslice, \
                                  yslice, zslice, ls)
        if face_interp:
            for gg in graphics:
        lighting = kwargs.pop('lighting', None)
        if not lighting is None:
            for gg in graphics:
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
            for gg in graphics:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 12
    def streamslice(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot stream lines slice in 3D axes.

        :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param w: (*array_like*) W component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param xslice: (*list*) X slice locations.
        :param yslice: (*list*) Y slice locations.
        :param zslice: (*list*) Z slice locations.
        :param density: (*int*) Streamline density. Default is 4.
        :return: Streamline slices
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        density = kwargs.pop('density', 4)
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        if len(args) < 6:
            u = args[0]
            v = args[1]
            w = args[2]
            u = np.asarray(u)
            nz, ny, nx = u.shape
            x = np.arange(nx)
            y = np.arange(ny)
            z = np.arange(nz)
            args = args[3:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            u = args[3]
            v = args[4]
            w = args[5]
            args = args[6:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            cdata = args[0]
            iscolor = True
            args = args[1:]
        x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        z = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        u = plotutil.getplotdata(u)
        v = plotutil.getplotdata(v)
        w = plotutil.getplotdata(w)

        if ls is None:
            if iscolor:
                if len(args) > 0:
                    cn = args[0]
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                    levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                    if levs is None:
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                        if isinstance(levs, NDArray):
                            levs = levs.tolist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
                if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                    c = cmap.getColor(0)
                    c = Color.black
                ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(
                    ShapeTypes.Polyline, c, 1)
            ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_line(ls, **kwargs)

        if not kwargs.has_key('headwidth'):
            kwargs['headwidth'] = 1
        if not kwargs.has_key('headlength'):
            kwargs['headlength'] = 2.5
        for i in range(ls.getBreakNum()):
            lb = plotutil.line2stream(ls.getLegendBreak(i), **kwargs)
            ls.setLegendBreak(i, lb)

        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = plotutil.getplotdata(cdata)

        min_points = kwargs.pop('min_points', 3)
        zslice_index = kwargs.pop('zslice_index', None)
        if zslice_index is None:
            xslice = kwargs.pop('xslice', [])
            if isinstance(xslice, numbers.Number):
                xslice = [xslice]
            yslice = kwargs.pop('yslice', [])
            if isinstance(yslice, numbers.Number):
                yslice = [yslice]
            zslice = kwargs.pop('zslice', [])
            if isinstance(zslice, numbers.Number):
                zslice = [zslice]
            graphics = GraphicFactory.streamSlice(x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata,
                                                  xslice, yslice, zslice,
                                                  density, ls)
            if isinstance(zslice_index, int):
                zslice_index = [zslice_index]
            graphics = GraphicFactory.streamSlice(x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata,
                                                  zslice_index, density, ls)

        lighting = kwargs.pop('lighting', None)
        if not lighting is None:
            for gg in graphics:
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
            for gg in graphics:

        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 13
    def streamplot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot stream lines in 3D axes.

        :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param w: (*array_like*) W component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param density: (*int*) Streamline density. Default is 4.
        :return: Streamlines
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        density = kwargs.pop('density', 4)
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        if len(args) < 6:
            u = args[0]
            v = args[1]
            w = args[2]
            u = np.asarray(u)
            nz, ny, nx = u.shape
            x = np.arange(nx)
            y = np.arange(ny)
            z = np.arange(nz)
            args = args[3:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            u = args[3]
            v = args[4]
            w = args[5]
            args = args[6:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            cdata = args[0]
            iscolor = True
            args = args[1:]
        x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        z = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        u = plotutil.getplotdata(u)
        v = plotutil.getplotdata(v)
        w = plotutil.getplotdata(w)

        if ls is None:
            if iscolor:
                if len(args) > 0:
                    cn = args[0]
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                    levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                    if levs is None:
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                        if isinstance(levs, NDArray):
                            levs = levs.tolist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
                if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                    c = cmap.getColor(0)
                    c = Color.black
                ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(
                    ShapeTypes.Polyline, c, 1)
            ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_line(ls, **kwargs)

        if not kwargs.has_key('headwidth'):
            kwargs['headwidth'] = 1
        if not kwargs.has_key('headlength'):
            kwargs['headlength'] = 2.5
        for i in range(ls.getBreakNum()):
            lb = plotutil.line2stream(ls.getLegendBreak(i), **kwargs)
            ls.setLegendBreak(i, lb)

        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = plotutil.getplotdata(cdata)

        min_points = kwargs.pop('min_points', 3)
        start_x = kwargs.pop('start_x', None)
        start_y = kwargs.pop('start_y', None)
        start_z = kwargs.pop('start_z', None)
        if start_x is None or start_y is None or start_z is None:
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createStreamlines3D(
                x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata, density, ls, min_points)
            start_x = np.asarray(start_x).flatten()
            start_y = np.asarray(start_y).flatten()
            start_z = np.asarray(start_z).flatten()
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createStreamlines3D(
                x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata, density, ls, min_points,
                start_x._array, start_y._array, start_z._array)
        lighting = kwargs.pop('lighting', None)
        if not lighting is None:

        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 14
    def imshow(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Display an image on the 3D axes.
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D or 3-D (RGB) z value array.
        :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves 
            to draw, in increasing order.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a 
            string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib 
            color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in 
            the order specified.
        :returns: (*RasterLayer*) RasterLayer created from array data.
        n = len(args)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
        xaxistype = None
        isrgb = False
        if n <= 2:
            if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)):
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = args[0]
                if isinstance(rgbdata[0], NDArray):
                    x = np.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[1])
                    y = np.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[0])
                    x = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(1)
                    y = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(0)
            elif args[0].ndim > 2:
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = args[0]
                if isinstance(rgbdata, NDArray):
                    x = np.arange(0, rgbdata.shape[1])
                    y = np.arange(0, rgbdata.shape[0])
                    x = rgbdata.dimvalue(1)
                    y = rgbdata.dimvalue(0)
                gdata = np.asgridarray(args[0])
                if isinstance(args[0], DimArray):
                    if args[0].islondim(1):
                        xaxistype = 'lon'
                    elif args[0].islatdim(1):
                        xaxistype = 'lat'
                    elif args[0].istimedim(1):
                        xaxistype = 'time'
                args = args[1:]
        elif n <= 4:
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            a = args[2]
            if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = a
            elif a.ndim > 2:
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = a
                gdata = np.asgridarray(a, x, y, fill_value)
                args = args[3:]

        offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0)
        zdir = kwargs.pop('zdir', 'z')
        interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', None)
        if isrgb:
            if isinstance(rgbdata, (list, tuple)):
                rgbd = []
                for d in rgbdata:
                rgbdata = rgbd
                rgbdata = rgbdata.asarray()
            x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
            y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createImage(x, y, rgbdata, offset, zdir,
            ls = None
            if len(args) > 0:
                level_arg = args[0]
                if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                    cn = level_arg
                    ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, cn, cmap)
                    if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                        level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                    ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, level_arg, cmap)
                ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme(args, gdata.min(), gdata.max(),
            ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Image)
            plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
            if zdir == 'xy':
                sepoint = kwargs.pop('sepoint', [0, 0, 1, 1])
                sepoint = None
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createImage(gdata, ls, offset, zdir,
                                                  sepoint, interpolation)

        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics
Exemplo n.º 15
    def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot filled contours.
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
        :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves 
            to draw, in increasing order.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a 
            string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib 
            color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in 
            the order specified.
        :param smooth: (*boolean*) Smooth countour lines or not.
        :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Contour VectoryLayer created from array data.
        n = len(args)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
        offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0)
        xaxistype = None
        if n <= 2:
            gdata = np.asgriddata(args[0])
            if isinstance(args[0], DimArray):
                if args[0].islondim(1):
                    xaxistype = 'lon'
                elif args[0].islatdim(1):
                    xaxistype = 'lat'
                elif args[0].istimedim(1):
                    xaxistype = 'time'
            args = args[1:]
        elif n <= 4:
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            a = args[2]
            gdata = np.asgriddata(a, x, y, fill_value)
            args = args[3:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            level_arg = args[0]
            if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                cn = level_arg
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(gdata.min(), gdata.max(),
                                                     cn, cmap)
                if isinstance(level_arg, NDArray):
                    level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(gdata.min(), gdata.max(),
                                                     level_arg, cmap)
            ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(gdata.min(), gdata.max(),
        ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon)
        edge = kwargs.pop('edge', None)
        if edge is None:
            kwargs['edge'] = False
            kwargs['edge'] = edge
        plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)

        smooth = kwargs.pop('smooth', True)
        zdir = kwargs.pop('zdir', 'z')
        if zdir == 'xy':
            sepoint = kwargs.pop('sepoint', [0, 0, 1, 1])
            igraphic = GraphicFactory.createContourPolygons(gdata.data, offset, zdir, ls, smooth, \
            igraphic = GraphicFactory.createContourPolygons(
                gdata.data, offset, zdir, ls, smooth)
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return igraphic
Exemplo n.º 16
    def quiver(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot a 2-D field of arrows.
        :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param w: (*array_like*) W component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param z: (*array_like*) Optional, 2-D z value array.
        :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level 
            vectors to draw, in increasing order.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``.
        :param length: (*float*) The length of each quiver, default to 1.0, the unit is 
            the same with the axes.
        :returns: (*Graphic list*) Created quiver graphics.
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
        n = len(args)
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        xaxistype = None
        x = args[0]
        y = args[1]
        z = args[2]
        u = args[3]
        v = args[4]
        w = args[5]
        args = args[6:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            cdata = args[0]
            iscolor = True
            args = args[1:]
        x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        z = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        u = plotutil.getplotdata(u)
        v = plotutil.getplotdata(v)
        w = plotutil.getplotdata(w)

        if ls is None:
            if iscolor:
                if len(args) > 0:
                    cn = args[0]
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                    levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                    if levs is None:
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                        if isinstance(levs, NDArray):
                            levs = levs.tolist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
                if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                    c = cmap.getColor(0)
                    c = Color.black
                ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(
                    ShapeTypes.Point, c, 10)
            ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_point(ls, **kwargs)

        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = plotutil.getplotdata(cdata)
        length = kwargs.pop('length', 1)
        igraphic = GraphicFactory.createArrows3D(x, y, z, u, v, w, length,
                                                 cdata, ls)

        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return igraphic
Exemplo n.º 17
 def imshow(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Display an image on the 3D axes.
     :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
     :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
     :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D or 3-D (RGB) z value array.
     :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves 
         to draw, in increasing order.
     :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
     :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a 
         string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib 
         color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in 
         the order specified.
     :returns: (*RasterLayer*) RasterLayer created from array data.
     n = len(args)
     cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
     fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
     xaxistype = None
     isrgb = False
     if n <= 2:
         if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)):
             isrgb = True
             rgbdata = args[0]
             if isinstance(rgbdata[0], MIArray):
                 x = minum.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[1])
                 y = minum.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[0])
                 x = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(1)
                 y = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(0)
         elif args[0].ndim > 2:
             isrgb = True
             rgbdata = args[0]
             if isinstance(rgbdata, MIArray):
                 x = minum.arange(0, rgbdata.shape[1])
                 y = minum.arange(0, rgbdata.shape[0])
                 x = rgbdata.dimvalue(1)
                 y = rgbdata.dimvalue(0)
             gdata = minum.asgridarray(args[0])
             if isinstance(args[0], DimArray):
                 if args[0].islondim(1):
                     xaxistype = 'lon'
                 elif args[0].islatdim(1):
                     xaxistype = 'lat'
                 elif args[0].istimedim(1):
                     xaxistype = 'time'
             args = args[1:]
     elif n <=4:
         x = args[0]
         y = args[1]
         a = args[2]
         if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
             isrgb = True
             rgbdata = a
         elif a.ndim > 2:
             isrgb = True
             rgbdata = a
             gdata = minum.asgridarray(a, x, y, fill_value)
             args = args[3:]   
     offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0)
     zdir = kwargs.pop('zdir', 'z')
     interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', None)
     if isrgb:
         if isinstance(rgbdata, (list, tuple)):
             rgbd = []
             for d in rgbdata:
             rgbdata = rgbd
             rgbdata = rgbdata.asarray()
         x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
         y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
         graphics = GraphicFactory.createImage(x, y, rgbdata, offset, zdir, interpolation)
         ls = None
         if len(args) > 0:
             level_arg = args[0]
             if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                 cn = level_arg
                 ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, cn, cmap)
                 if isinstance(level_arg, MIArray):
                     level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                 ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, level_arg, cmap)
             ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme(args, gdata.min(), gdata.max(), **kwargs)
         ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Image)
         plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
         if zdir == 'xy':
             sepoint = kwargs.pop('sepoint', [0,0,1,1])
             sepoint = None
         graphics = GraphicFactory.createImage(gdata, ls, offset, zdir, sepoint, interpolation)
     visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
     if visible:
     return graphics
Exemplo n.º 18
    def barbs(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot a 2-D field of barbs in a map.
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind direction.
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind speed.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Optional, 2-D z value array.
        :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level 
            barbs to draw, in increasing order.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``.
        :param isuv: (*boolean*) Is U/V or direction/speed data array pairs. Default is True.
        :param size: (*float*) Base size of the arrows.
        :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None.
        :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display.
        :param select: (*boolean*) Set the return layer as selected layer or not.
        :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Created barbs VectoryLayer.
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
        proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None)
        order = kwargs.pop('order', None)
        isuv = kwargs.pop('isuv', True)
        n = len(args) 
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        onlyuv = True
        if n >= 4 and isinstance(args[3], (DimArray, MIArray)):
            onlyuv = False
        if onlyuv:
            u = minum.asarray(args[0])
            v = minum.asarray(args[1])
            xx = args[0].dimvalue(1)
            yy = args[0].dimvalue(0)
            x, y = minum.meshgrid(xx, yy)
            args = args[2:]
            if len(args) > 0:
                cdata = minum.asarray(args[0])
                iscolor = True
                args = args[1:]
            x = minum.asarray(args[0])
            y = minum.asarray(args[1])
            u = minum.asarray(args[2])
            v = minum.asarray(args[3])
            args = args[4:]
            if len(args) > 0:
                cdata = minum.asarray(args[0])
                iscolor = True
                args = args[1:]
        if iscolor:
            if len(args) > 0:
                cn = args[0]
                ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                if levs is None:
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                    if isinstance(levs, MIArray):
                        levs = levs.tolist()
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
            if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                c = cmap.getColor(0)
                c = Color.black
            ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Point, c, 10)
        ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_point(ls, **kwargs)
        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = cdata.array
        layer = DrawMeteoData.createBarbLayer(x.array, y.array, u.array, v.array, cdata, ls, 'layer', isuv)
        if not proj is None:
        # Add layer
        isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True)
        if isadd:
            zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None)
            select = kwargs.pop('select', True)
            self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select)

        return MILayer(layer)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def imshow(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Display an image on the map.
        :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array.
        :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves 
            to draw, in increasing order.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a 
            string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib 
            color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in 
            the order specified.
        :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``.
        :param fill_color: (*color*) Fill_color. Default is None (white color).
        :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None.
        :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display.
        :param interpolation: (*string*) Interpolation option [None | bilinear | bicubic].
        :returns: (*RasterLayer*) RasterLayer created from array data.
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)        
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        n = len(args) 
        isrgb = False
        if n <= 2:
            if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)):
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = args[0]
                if isinstance(rgbdata[0], DimArray):
                    x = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(1)
                    y = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(0)                
                    x = minum.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[1])
                    y = minum.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[0])
            elif args[0].ndim > 2:
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = args[0]
                x = rgbdata.dimvalue(1)
                y = rgbdata.dimvalue(0)
                gdata = minum.asgridarray(args[0])
                args = args[1:]
        elif n <=4:
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            a = args[2]
            if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = a
            elif a.ndim > 2:
                isrgb = True
                rgbdata = a
                gdata = minum.asgridarray(a, x, y, fill_value)
                args = args[3:]    
        isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True)
        interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', None)
        if isrgb:
            if isinstance(rgbdata, (list, tuple)):
                rgbd = []
                for d in rgbdata:
                rgbdata = rgbd
                rgbdata = rgbdata.asarray()        
            extent = [x[0],x[-1],y[0],y[-1]]
            igraphic = GraphicFactory.createImage(rgbdata, extent)
            x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
            y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
            layer = DrawMeteoData.createImageLayer(x, y, igraphic, 'layer_image')
            if len(args) > 0:
                if ls is None:
                    level_arg = args[0]
                    if isinstance(level_arg, int):
                        cn = level_arg
                        ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, cn, cmap)
                        if isinstance(level_arg, MIArray):
                            level_arg = level_arg.aslist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, level_arg, cmap)
                if ls is None:
                    ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, cmap)
            plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs)
            fill_color = kwargs.pop('fill_color', None)
            if not fill_color is None:
                cb = ls.getLegendBreaks().get(ls.getBreakNum() - 1)
                if cb.isNoData():

            layer = DrawMeteoData.createRasterLayer(gdata, 'layer', ls) 
        proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None)
        if not proj is None:
        if not interpolation is None:
        if isadd:
            zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None)
            select = kwargs.pop('select', True)
            if zorder is None:
                zorder = 0
            self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select)
        return MILayer(layer)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def quiver(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot a 2-D field of arrows.
        :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param w: (*array_like*) W component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param z: (*array_like*) Optional, 2-D z value array.
        :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level 
            vectors to draw, in increasing order.
        :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string.
        :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``.
        :param length: (*float*) The length of each quiver, default to 1.0, the unit is 
            the same with the axes.
        :returns: (*Graphic list*) Created quiver graphics.
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0)
        n = len(args) 
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        xaxistype = None
        x = args[0]
        y = args[1]
        z = args[2]
        u = args[3]
        v = args[4]
        w = args[5]
        args = args[6:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            cdata = args[0]
            iscolor = True
            args = args[1:]
        x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        z = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        u = plotutil.getplotdata(u)
        v = plotutil.getplotdata(v)   
        w = plotutil.getplotdata(w)
        if ls is None:
            if iscolor:
                if len(args) > 0:
                    cn = args[0]
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                    levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                    if levs is None:
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                        if isinstance(levs, MIArray):
                            levs = levs.tolist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
                if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                    c = cmap.getColor(0)
                    c = Color.black
                ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Point, c, 10)
            ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_point(ls, **kwargs)
        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = plotutil.getplotdata(cdata)
        length = kwargs.pop('length', 1)
        igraphic = GraphicFactory.createArrows3D(x, y, z, u, v, w, length, cdata, ls)

        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return igraphic