Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        logging.debug('Plugin manager initializing')

        # This will be set later, unable to activate plugins untill set
        self.config = None

        self.plugins = {}
        self.plugin_bases = {}
        for plugin_base in Plugin.__subclasses__():
            plugin_name = plugin_base.__name__
            self.plugin_bases[plugin_name] = plugin_base
            self.plugins[plugin_name] = []

        logging.debug('Searching for plugins')

        plugins_found = self.find_plugins(Plugin.__subclasses__())

        for i, plugin_base in enumerate(Plugin.__subclasses__()):
            plugin_type = plugin_base.__name__

            for plugin in plugins_found[i]:

        # list of active plugins
        self.active = {}
        for key in self.plugins:
            self.active[key] = []
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testPluginReload(self):
        "Make sure the plugin classes are only loaded once."
        for i in range(1,5):

        plugin_set = Set(Plugin.__subclasses__())

        self.assertEquals(len(plugin_set), len(Plugin.__subclasses__()))
def load_plugins():
    with open(__config_file__, "r") as fh:
        for line in fh:
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("#") or line == "":
            # just load the whole shit...
                __import__(pluginPath+"."+line,  globals(), locals(), [], -1)
            except NecessaryModuleNotFound as e:
                logger.critical("Failed loading plugin due to missing module: "+str(e))
            except ApiKeyNotFoundException as e:
                logger.critical("Failed loading plugin due to missing API key: "+str(e))
                logger.exception("Plugin loading failed")
    # as they are loaded in the order in the file we will have the same order in __subclasses__()... I hope

    for clazz in Plugin.__subclasses__():
        # look at all functions of a class lets filter them first
        methods = filter(lambda x: type(x) == FunctionType, clazz.__dict__.values())
        # now we check if the method is decorated by register
        for method in methods:
            if __criteria_key__ in method.__dict__:
                criterias = method.__dict__[__criteria_key__]
                for lang, regex in criterias.items():
                    if not lang in plugins:
                        plugins[lang] = []
                    # yeah... save the regex, the clazz and the method, shit just got loaded...
                    plugins[lang].append((regex, clazz, method))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        # load config
        self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        if not self.config.read("config.ini"):
            print "Error: your config.ini could not be read"

        # load plugins
        importdir.do("plugins", globals())
        self.plugins = [
            module(config=self.config) for module in Plugin.__subclasses__()

        # load required config
        self.server = self.config.get('IRC', 'server')
        self.port = int(self.config.get('IRC', 'port'))
        self.nick = self.config.get('IRC', 'nick')
        self.ircchan = self.config.get('IRC', 'ircchan').split(",")
        self.debugchan = self.config.get('IRC', 'debugchan')

        # optional config
            self.ignore = self.config.get('IRC', 'ignore').split(',')
        except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
            self.ignore = []

            self.joindelay = int(self.config.get('IRC', 'joindelay'))
        except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
            self.joindelay = 0

        self.irc = IRCBot(self.server, self.port, self.nick)
Exemplo n.º 5
def load_plugins():
    with open(__config_file__, "r") as fh:
        for line in fh:
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("#") or line == "":
            # just load the whole shit...
                __import__(pluginPath+"."+line,  globals(), locals(), [], -1)
            except NecessaryModuleNotFound as e:
                logger.critical("Failed loading plugin due to missing module: "+str(e))
            except ApiKeyNotFoundException as e:
                logger.critical("Failed loading plugin due to missing API key: "+str(e))
                logger.exception("Plugin loading failed")
    # as they are loaded in the order in the file we will have the same order in __subclasses__()... I hope

    for clazz in Plugin.__subclasses__():
        # look at all functions of a class lets filter them first
        methods = filter(lambda x: type(x) == FunctionType, clazz.__dict__.values())
        # now we check if the method is decorated by register
        for method in methods:
            if __criteria_key__ in method.__dict__:
                criterias = method.__dict__[__criteria_key__]
                for lang, regex in criterias.items():
                    if not lang in plugins:
                        plugins[lang] = []
                    # yeah... save the regex, the clazz and the method, shit just got loaded...
                    plugins[lang].append((regex, clazz, method))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        ss = listdir(BASE_PATH+'/plugins')
        sys.path.insert(0, BASE_PATH+'/plugins')
        for s in ss:
            if (splitext(s)[1] == '.py'):
                __import__(splitext(s)[0], None, None, [''])
        for plugin in Plugin.__subclasses__():
            p = plugin()
            if p.keyword == 'default':
                self.default_plugin = p
            if p.controlled:
Exemplo n.º 7
  def __init__(self):

    # load config
    self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    self.translations = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    if not self.config.read("config.ini"):
      print "Error: your config.ini could not be read"

    if not self.translations.read("language.ini"):
      print "Error: your language.ini could not be read"

    # load plugins
    importdir.do("plugins", globals())
    self.plugins = [module(config=self.config) for module in Plugin.__subclasses__()]

    # load required config
    self.port=int(self.config.get('IRC', 'port'))
    self.nick=self.config.get('IRC', 'nick')
    self.ircchan=self.config.get('IRC', 'ircchan').split(",")
    self.debugchan=self.config.get('IRC', 'debugchan')
    self.useragent=self.config.get('HTTP', 'useragent')
    self.spacestatus=self.config.get('SpaceStatus', 'url')

    except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
      self.ignore = []

    # load translation keys

    # load optional config
      self.nickservpassword=self.config.get('IRC', 'nickservpassword')
    except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):

    self.identified = False
    self.httpregex = re.compile(r'https?://')
    self.irc = IRCBot(self.server, self.port, self.nick)
Exemplo n.º 8
def load_plugins():
    with open(config_file, "r") as fh:
        for line in fh:
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("#") or line == "":
            # just load the whole shit...
            __import__(pluginPath+"."+line,  globals(), locals(), [], -1)
    # as they are loaded in the order in the file we will have the same order in __subclasses__()... I hope

    for clazz in Plugin.__subclasses__():
        # look at all functions of a class lets filter them first
        methods = filter(lambda x: type(x) == FunctionType, clazz.__dict__.values())
        # now we check if the method is decorated by register
        for method in methods:
            if __criteria_key__ in method.__dict__:
                criterias = method.__dict__[__criteria_key__]
                for lang, regex in criterias.items():
                    if not lang in plugins:
                        plugins[lang] = []
                    # yeah... save the regex, the clazz and the method, shit just got loaded...
                    plugins[lang].append((regex, clazz, method))
Exemplo n.º 9
  def __init__(self):

    # load config
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    if not config.read("config.ini"):
      print "Error: your config.ini could not be read"

    # load plugins
    importdir.do("plugins", globals())
    self.plugins = [module() for module in Plugin.__subclasses__()]

    self.port=int(config.get('IRC', 'port'))
    self.nick=config.get('IRC', 'nick')
    self.ircchan=config.get('IRC', 'ircchan')
    self.debugchan=config.get('IRC', 'debugchan')
    self.useragent=config.get('HTTP', 'useragent')
    self.site = wiki.Wiki(config.get('MediaWiki', 'wikiapiurl'))
    self.site.login(config.get('MediaWiki', 'user'), config.get('MediaWiki', 'password'))

    self.irc = IRCBot(self.server, self.port, self.nick)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):

        # load config
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        if not config.read("config.ini"):
            print "Error: your config.ini could not be read"

        # load plugins
        importdir.do("plugins", globals())
        self.plugins = [module() for module in Plugin.__subclasses__()]

        self.server = config.get('IRC', 'server')
        self.port = int(config.get('IRC', 'port'))
        self.nick = config.get('IRC', 'nick')
        self.ircchan = config.get('IRC', 'ircchan')
        self.debugchan = config.get('IRC', 'debugchan')
        self.useragent = config.get('HTTP', 'useragent')
        self.site = wiki.Wiki(config.get('MediaWiki', 'wikiapiurl'))
        self.site.login(config.get('MediaWiki', 'user'),
                        config.get('MediaWiki', 'password'))
        self.httpregex = re.compile(r'https?://')

        self.irc = IRCBot(self.server, self.port, self.nick)