Exemplo n.º 1
def init(register_endpoint, main_module, session_scope):
    suggestion_model = main_module.load_model('suggestion')
    Suggestion = suggestion_model.get(main_module.Base)

    def list_suggestions(user_id: int, page: int):
        List suggestions filtering by user.

        :param user_id: Twitch uid of the user you want to search for.
        :param page: Page number you want. Pages are 50 or less entries in size, indexed from 0.

        .. start-raw
                <b>page (Number)</b> page number you are on.
                <b>page_size (Number)</b> maximum size of a page.
                <b>count (Number)</b> total number of suggestions.
                <b>data (Object[])</b> data
                        <b>text (String)</b> text of the suggestion
                        <b>notes (String)</b> notes from the suggestion
                        <b>state (String)</b> suggestion state, can be 'new', 'not_a_suggestion', 'rejected', 'accepted'
                        <b>creation_date (String)</b> ISO representation of the date,
                        format string used is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%SZ"
        .. stop-raw
        with main_module.session_scope() as session:
            user: main_module.User = (session.query(main_module.User).filter(main_module.User.twitch_id == user_id)
            if user is None:
                r = jsonify({
                    'status': 200,
                    'page': page,
                    'page_size': main_module.PAGE_SIZE,
                    'count': 0,
                    'data': []
                return r

            suggestion_query = (session.query(Suggestion)
                                .filter(Suggestion.author_alias == user.id)
                                .filter(Suggestion.is_hidden == False))
            count = suggestion_query.count()
            suggestions = (suggestion_query.offset(page * main_module.PAGE_SIZE)
        return jsonify({
            'status': 200,
            'page': page,
            'page_size': main_module.PAGE_SIZE,
            'count': count,
            'data': [
                    'text': suggestion.text,
                    'notes': suggestion.notes,
                    'state': suggestion.state.name,
                    'id': suggestion.id,
                    'creation_date': (suggestion.creation_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%SZ")
                                      if suggestion.creation_date is not None else None),
                for suggestion in suggestions


    def list_all_suggestions(page):
        List suggestions

        :param page: Page number you want. Pages are 50 or less entries in size, indexed from 0.

        .. start-raw
                <b>page (Number)</b> page number you are on.
                <b>page_size (Number)</b> maximum size of a page.
                <b>count (Number)</b> total number of suggestions.
                <b>data (Object[])</b> data
                        <b>text (String)</b> text of the suggestion
                        <b>notes (String)</b> notes from the suggestion
                        <b>state (String)</b> suggestion state, can be 'new', 'not_a_suggestion', 'rejected', 'accepted'
                        <b>creation_date (String)</b> ISO representation of the date,
                        format string used is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%SZ"
                        <b>author (Object)</b> object representing the author of the suggestion
                                <b>id</b> Twitch user id of the account
                                <b>name</b> Last known user name of this account.
        .. stop-raw
        with main_module.session_scope() as session:
            suggestion_query = (session.query(Suggestion)
                                .filter(Suggestion.is_hidden == False))
            count = suggestion_query.count()
            suggestions = (suggestion_query.offset(page * main_module.PAGE_SIZE)
            return jsonify({
                'status': 200,
                'page': page,
                'page_size': main_module.PAGE_SIZE,
                'count': count,
                'data': [
                        'text': suggestion.text,
                        'notes': suggestion.notes,
                        'state': suggestion.state.name,
                        'id': suggestion.id,
                        'creation_date': (suggestion.creation_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%SZ")
                                          if suggestion.creation_date is not None else None),
                        'author': {
                            'id': suggestion.author.twitch_id,
                            'name': suggestion.author.last_known_username
                    for suggestion in suggestions


    def list_all_suggestions_newest_first(page):
        List suggestions. Sorted by ID descending.

        :param page: Page number you want. Pages are 50 or less entries in size, indexed from 0.

        .. start-raw
                <b>page (Number)</b> page number you are on.
                <b>page_size (Number)</b> maximum size of a page.
                <b>count (Number)</b> total number of suggestions.
                <b>data (Object[])</b> data
                        <b>text (String)</b> text of the suggestion
                        <b>notes (String)</b> notes from the suggestion
                        <b>state (String)</b> suggestion state, can be 'new', 'not_a_suggestion', 'rejected', 'accepted'
                        <b>creation_date (String)</b> ISO representation of the date,
                        format string used is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%SZ"
                        <b>author (Object)</b> object representing the author of the suggestion
                                <b>id</b> Twitch user id of the account
                                <b>name</b> Last known user name of this account.
        .. stop-raw
        with main_module.session_scope() as session:
            suggestion_query = (session.query(Suggestion)
                                .filter(Suggestion.is_hidden == False))
            count = suggestion_query.count()
            suggestions = (suggestion_query
                           .offset(page * main_module.PAGE_SIZE)
            return jsonify({
                'status': 200,
                'page': page,
                'page_size': main_module.PAGE_SIZE,
                'count': count,
                'data': [
                        'text': suggestion.text,
                        'notes': suggestion.notes,
                        'state': suggestion.state.name,
                        'id': suggestion.id,
                        'creation_date': (suggestion.creation_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%SZ")
                                          if suggestion.creation_date is not None else None),
                        'author': {
                            'id': suggestion.author.twitch_id,
                            'name': suggestion.author.last_known_username
                    for suggestion in suggestions

    def stats():
        Show statistics of suggestions.

        .. start-raw
                <b>count (Number)</b> Number of suggestions
                <b>count_hidden (Number)</b> Number of hidden suggestions
                <b>states (Object)</b>
                STATE_NAME = COUNT
                <b>top_users (Object[])</b>
                        Type: int<br>
                        Twitch ID of the person
                        Type: int<br>
                        Number of this person's suggestions
                        Type: String<br>
                        Last known username of this person.
        .. stop-raw
        with main_module.session_scope() as session:
            return jsonify({
                'status': 200,
                'count': session.query(Suggestion).count(),
                'count_hidden': session.query(Suggestion).filter(Suggestion.is_hidden == True).count(),
                'states': {
                    i[0].name: i[1] for i in (session.query(Suggestion.state, sqlalchemy.func.count())
                'top_users': [
                        'id': i[2].twitch_id,
                        'count': i[1],
                        'name': i[2].last_known_username
                    for i in (
                        session.query(Suggestion.author_alias, sqlalchemy.func.count(), main_module.User)
except ImportError:
    import plugins.plugin_prefixes as plugin_prefixes

    import plugin_plugin_ipc as plugin_ipc
except ImportError:
    import plugins.plugin_ipc as plugin_ipc

import plugins.models.suggestion as suggestion_model
__meta_data__ = {'name': 'suggestions', 'commands': []}
log = main.make_log_function('suggestions')

Suggestion = suggestion_model.get(main.Base)

    'Suggest something. You can use this to report a bug, '
    'request a feature etc.', ['suggest'])
def command_suggest(msg: twitchirc.ChannelMessage):
    cd_state = main.do_cooldown('suggest',
    if cd_state: