def submitJob(self, test, submissionRules, commandArgs, slaveEnv, withProxy=True, jobType=""):"Submitting job at " + plugins.localtime() + ":" + repr(commandArgs))"Creating job at " + plugins.localtime()) self.fixDisplay(slaveEnv) self.fixProxyVar(slaveEnv, test, withProxy) cmdArgs = self.getSubmitCmdArgs(test, submissionRules, commandArgs, slaveEnv) if withProxy: cmdArgs = self.modifyCommandForProxy(test, cmdArgs, slaveEnv) jobName = submissionRules.getJobName()"Creating job " + jobName + " with command arguments : " + " ".join(cmdArgs)) with self.lock: if self.exited: self.cancel(test)"Q: Submission cancelled for " + repr(test) + " - exit underway") return False"Got lock for submission") queueSystem = self.getQueueSystem(test) logDir = self.getSlaveLogDir(test) jobId, errorMessage = queueSystem.submitSlaveJob(cmdArgs, slaveEnv, logDir, submissionRules, jobType) if jobId is not None:"Job created with id " + jobId), []).append((jobId, jobName))"Releasing lock for submission...") return True else:"Job not created : " + errorMessage) test.changeState(plugins.Unrunnable(errorMessage, "NOT SUBMITTED")) self.handleErrorState(test) return False
def notifyAllRead(self, suites): if not self.dynamic: self.notify("Status", "Reading tests completed at " + plugins.localtime() + ".") self.notify("ActionStop") self.notify("AllRead", suites) if self.dynamic and len(suites) == 0: self.topWindowGUI.forceQuit()
def createView(self): hbox = gtk.HBox() self.label = gtk.Label() self.label.set_name("GUI status") self.label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) # It seems difficult to say 'ellipsize when you'd otherwise need # to enlarge the window', so we'll have to settle for a fixed number # of max char's ... The current setting (90) is just a good choice # based on my preferred window size, on the test case I used to # develop this code. (since different chars have different widths, # the optimal number depends on the string to display) \ Mattias++ self.label.set_max_width_chars(90) self.label.set_use_markup(True) self.label.set_markup(plugins.convertForMarkup("TextTest started at " + plugins.localtime() + ".")) hbox.pack_start(self.label, expand=False, fill=False) imageDir = plugins.installationDir("images") try: staticIcon = os.path.join(imageDir, "throbber_inactive.png") temp = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(staticIcon) self.throbber = gtk.Image() self.throbber.set_from_pixbuf(temp) animationIcon = os.path.join(imageDir, "throbber_active.gif") self.animation = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation(animationIcon) hbox.pack_end(self.throbber, expand=False, fill=False) except Exception, e: plugins.printWarning("Failed to create icons for the status throbber:\n" + str(e) + \ "\nAs a result, the throbber will be disabled.", stdout=True) self.throbber = None
def notifyAllRead(self, suites): if not self.dynamic: self.notify("Status", "Reading tests completed at " + plugins.localtime() + ".") self.notify("ActionStop") self.notify("AllRead", suites) if self.dynamic and len(suites) == 0:"There weren't any tests to run, terminating...") self.topWindowGUI.forceQuit()
def notifyAllRead(self, suites): if not self.dynamic and self.initialApps: self.notify("Status", "Reading tests completed at " + plugins.localtime() + ".") self.notify("ActionStop", False) self.notify("AllRead", suites) for suite in suites: if not in self.initialApps: # We've added a new suite, we should also select it as it's likely the user wants to add stuff under it # Also include the knock-on effects, i.e. selecting the test tab etc self.notify("SetTestSelection", [ suite ], direct=True) if self.dynamic and len(suites) == 0: self.topWindowGUI.forceQuit()
def categorise(self): if self.failedPrediction: # Keep the category we had before self.freeText += self.getFreeTextInfo() return worstResult = self.getMostSevereFileComparison() if not worstResult: self.category = "success" if "save" in self.lifecycleChange: self.freeText = "(Saved at " + plugins.localtime("%H:%M") + ")" else: self.category = worstResult.getType() self.freeText = self.getFreeTextInfo()
def submitJob(self, test, submissionRules, command, slaveEnv):"Submitting job at " + plugins.localtime() + ":" + command)"Creating job at " + plugins.localtime()) cmdArgs = self.getSubmitCmdArgs(test, submissionRules) cmdArgs.append(self.shellWrap(command)) jobName = submissionRules.getJobName() self.fixDisplay(slaveEnv)"Creating job " + jobName + " with command arguments : " + repr(cmdArgs)) self.lock.acquire() if self.exited: self.cancel(test) self.lock.release()"Q: Submission cancelled for " + repr(test) + " - exit underway") return False"Got lock for submission") queueSystem = self.getQueueSystem(test) try: process = self.createSubmitProcess(test, cmdArgs, slaveEnv) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() errorMessage = self.findErrorMessage(stderr, queueSystem) except OSError: errorMessage = "local machine is not a submit host: running '" + cmdArgs[0] + "' failed." if not errorMessage: jobId = queueSystem.findJobId(stdout)"Job created with id " + jobId), []).append((jobId, jobName))"Releasing lock for submission...") self.lock.release() return True else: self.lock.release()"Job not created : " + errorMessage) fullError = self.getFullSubmitError(test, errorMessage, cmdArgs) test.changeState(plugins.Unrunnable(fullError, "NOT SUBMITTED")) self.handleErrorState(test) return False
def startTextTestProcess(self, usecase, runModeOptions, testSelOverride=None, filterFileOverride=None): app = self.getCurrentApplication() writeDir = os.path.join(self.getLogRootDirectory(app), "dynamic_run" + str(self.runNumber)) plugins.ensureDirectoryExists(writeDir) filterFile = self.createFilterFile(writeDir, filterFileOverride) ttOptions = runModeOptions + self.getTextTestOptions(filterFile, app, usecase)"Starting " + usecase + " run of TextTest with arguments " + repr(ttOptions)) logFile = os.path.join(writeDir, "output.log") errFile = os.path.join(writeDir, "errors.log") BasicRunningAction.runNumber += 1 description = "Dynamic GUI started at " + plugins.localtime() cmdArgs = self.getInterpreterArgs() + [ sys.argv[0] ] + ttOptions env = self.getNewUseCaseEnvironment(usecase) testsAffected = self.getTestsAffected(testSelOverride) guiplugins.processMonitor.startProcess(cmdArgs, description, env=env, killOnTermination=self.killOnTermination(), stdout=open(logFile, "w"), stderr=open(errFile, "w"), exitHandler=self.checkTestRun, exitHandlerArgs=(errFile,testsAffected,filterFile,usecase))
def __init__(self, optionMap, allApps): includeSite, includePersonal = optionMap.configPathOptions() self.readGtkRCFiles(includeSite, includePersonal) self.dynamic = not optionMap.has_key("gx") self.initialApps = self.storeInitial(allApps) self.interactiveActionHandler = InteractiveActionHandler(self.dynamic, allApps, optionMap) self.setUpGlobals(allApps, includePersonal) self.shortcutBarGUI = ShortcutBarGUI(includeSite, includePersonal) plugins.Responder.__init__(self) plugins.Observable.__init__(self) testCount = int(optionMap.get("count", 0)) initialStatus = "TextTest started at " + plugins.localtime() + "." # This is perhaps not an ideal design, throwing up the application creation dialog from the middle of a constructor. # Would possibly be better to move this, and all the code below, to a later call # At the moment that would be setObservers, not fantastic as a side-effect there either # Perhaps an entirely new call would be needed? [GB 20130524] if len(allApps) == 0: newApp, initialStatus = self.createNewApplication(optionMap) allApps.append(newApp) self.statusMonitor = statusviews.StatusMonitorGUI(initialStatus) self.textInfoGUI = textinfo.TextInfoGUI(self.dynamic) runName = optionMap.get("name", "").replace("<time>", plugins.startTimeString()) reconnect = optionMap.has_key("reconnect") self.runInfoGUI = textinfo.RunInfoGUI(self.dynamic, runName, reconnect) self.testRunInfoGUI = textinfo.TestRunInfoGUI(self.dynamic, reconnect) self.progressMonitor = statusviews.TestProgressMonitor(self.dynamic, testCount) self.progressBarGUI = statusviews.ProgressBarGUI(self.dynamic, testCount) self.idleManager = IdleHandlerManager() uiManager = gtk.UIManager() self.defaultActionGUIs, self.actionTabGUIs = self.interactiveActionHandler.getPluginGUIs(uiManager) self.menuBarGUI, self.toolBarGUI, testPopupGUI, testFilePopupGUI, appFilePopupGUI = self.createMenuAndToolBarGUIs(uiManager, includeSite, includePersonal) self.testColumnGUI = testtree.TestColumnGUI(self.dynamic, testCount) self.testTreeGUI = testtree.TestTreeGUI(self.dynamic, allApps, testPopupGUI, self.testColumnGUI) self.testFileGUI = filetrees.TestFileGUI(self.dynamic, testFilePopupGUI) self.appFileGUI = filetrees.ApplicationFileGUI(self.dynamic, allApps, appFilePopupGUI) self.rightWindowGUI = self.createRightWindowGUI() self.topWindowGUI = self.createTopWindowGUI(allApps, runName)
def messageAfterPerform(self): return self.performedDescription() + " " + self.describeTestsWithCount() + " at " + plugins.localtime() + "."
def getExplicitKillInfo(self): timeStr = plugins.localtime("%H:%M") return "KILLED", "killed explicitly at " + timeStr
def __init__(self, *args): guiplugins.ActionDialogGUI.__init__(self, *args) self.addOption("brief", "Brief text", "Checked") self.addOption("free", "Free text", "Checked at " + plugins.localtime())
def notifyAllComplete(self): self.text += "End time : " + plugins.localtime() + "\n" self.updateView()
def progressText(self): perc = self.calculatePercentage() if perc is not None: return "\nReckoned to be " + str(perc) + "% complete by comparing total file sizes at " + plugins.localtime() + "." else: return ""
def getEditInfo(self, fullPath): # Check modified times for files and directories, targets for links if os.path.islink(fullPath): return os.path.realpath(fullPath) else: return plugins.localtime(seconds=plugins.modifiedTime(fullPath))
def setKilledPending(self, test, jobId): timeStr = plugins.localtime("%H:%M") briefText = "cancelled pending job at " + timeStr freeText = "Test job " + jobId + " was cancelled (while still pending in " + queueSystemName( +\ ") at " + timeStr self.cancel(test, briefText, freeText)
def getFractionMessage(self): if self.nofCompletedTests >= self.totalNofTests: completionTime = plugins.localtime() return "All " + str(self.totalNofTests) + " tests completed at " + completionTime else: return str(self.nofCompletedTests) + " of " + str(self.totalNofTests) + " tests completed"
def __str__(self): return self.title + plugins.localtime(format="%d%b%H:%M") + ")"