Exemplo n.º 1
    def getRemoteExecuteCmdArgs(self, test, runMachine, localArgs, postfix):
        scriptFileName = test.makeTmpFileName("run_test" + postfix + ".sh", forComparison=0)
        openType = "w" if os.name == "posix" else "wb" # the 'b' is necessary so we don't get \r\n written when we just want \n
        scriptFile = open(scriptFileName, openType)

        # Need to change working directory remotely
        tmpDir = self.getTmpDirectory(test)
        scriptFile.write("cd " + plugins.quote(tmpDir) + "\n")

        # Must set the environment remotely
        remoteTmp = test.app.getRemoteTmpDirectory()[1]
        for arg, value in self.getEnvironmentArgs(test, remoteTmp, postfix):
            # Two step export process for compatibility with CYGWIN and older versions of 'sh'
            scriptFile.write(arg + "=" + value + "\n")
            scriptFile.write("export " + arg + "\n")
        if test.app.getConfigValue("remote_shell_program") == "ssh":
            # SSH doesn't kill remote processes, create a kill script
            scriptFile.write('echo "kill $$" > kill_test.sh\n')
        cmdString = " ".join(map(self.quoteLocalArg, localArgs))
        if remoteTmp:
            cmdString = cmdString.replace(test.app.writeDirectory, remoteTmp)
        scriptFile.write("exec " + cmdString + "\n")
        os.chmod(scriptFileName, 0775) # make executable
        remoteTmp = test.app.getRemoteTestTmpDir(test)[1]
        if remoteTmp:
            test.app.copyFileRemotely(scriptFileName, "localhost", remoteTmp, runMachine)
            remoteScript = os.path.join(remoteTmp, os.path.basename(scriptFileName))
            return test.app.getCommandArgsOn(runMachine, [ plugins.quote(remoteScript) ])
            return test.app.getCommandArgsOn(runMachine, [ plugins.quote(scriptFileName) ])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getEnvironmentArgs(self, test, remoteTmp, postfix):
        vars = self.getEnvironmentChanges(test, postfix)
        args = []
        localTmpDir = test.app.writeDirectory
        for var, value in vars:
            if var in builtinVars:
            if remoteTmp:
                remoteValue = value.replace(localTmpDir, remoteTmp)
                remoteValue = value

            currentValue = os.getenv(var)
            if currentValue:
                remoteValue = remoteValue.replace(currentValue, "${" + var + "}")
                if var == "PATH" and os.name == "nt":
                    # We assume cygwin paths, make sure we use POSIX path separators
                    remoteValue = remoteValue.replace(";", ":")
            remoteValue = plugins.quote(remoteValue)
            args.append((var, remoteValue))
        return args
Exemplo n.º 3
 def fetchRemoteFiles(self, test, machine, tmpDir):
     sourcePaths = os.path.join(plugins.quote(tmpDir, '"'), "*")
     test.app.copyFileRemotely(sourcePaths, machine, test.getDirectory(temporary=1), "localhost")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def killRemoteProcess(self, test, machine):
     tmpDir = self.getTmpDirectory(test)
     remoteScript = os.path.join(tmpDir, "kill_test.sh")
     test.app.runCommandOn(machine, [ "sh", plugins.quote(remoteScript) ])
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getSlaveCommand(self, test, submissionRules):
     cmdArgs = [ plugins.getTextTestProgram(), "-d", ":".join(self.optionMap.rootDirectories),
                 "-a", test.app.name + test.app.versionSuffix(),
                 "-l", "-tp", plugins.quote(test.getRelPath()) ] + \
                 self.getSlaveArgs(test) + self.getRunOptions(test.app, submissionRules)
     return " ".join(cmdArgs)