Exemplo n.º 1
    def Activate(self, active):
        if active:
            if AI.SuperAI.debugging:
                self.debug = Gooey.Plain("watch", 0, 75, 200, 105)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line0", 0, 0, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line1", 0, 15, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line2", 0, 30, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line3", 0, 45, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line4", 0, 60, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line5", 0, 75, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line6", 0, 90, 200, 15)

            Me = self.GetID()
            for i in range(0, self.GetNumComponents()):
                max_HP = plus.getHitpoints(Me, i)
                plus.damage(Me, i, max_HP, plus.getLocation(Me))
                plus.damage(Me, i, max_HP, plus.getLocation(Me))

            plus.damage(Me, 0, 41, plus.getLocation(Me))
            plus.damage(Me, 0, 41, plus.getLocation(Me))
            plus.damage(Me, 0, 41, plus.getLocation(Me))

        return AI.SuperAI.Activate(self, active)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def Tick(self):
        if self.emitting == True:
            if plus.isMatchOver():

            if self.timeEmitting < 1:  #flames are long enough by the end of 1 second
                self.timeEmitting += .25

            vel = vector3(self.velocity)
            flamepos = vel * self.timeEmitting
            flamepos = flamepos + vector3(self.location)
            arena = Arenas.currentArena
            if arena:
                compinfo = plus.rayTest(self.adjustedLoc.asTuple(),
                if not compinfo[
                        0] == -1:  # we got a valid bot and component back from the ray test
                    if not plus.isMatchPaused() and not plus.isMatchOver():
                        plus.damage(compinfo[0], compinfo[1], 25,
                                    (compinfo[2], compinfo[3], compinfo[4]))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def Tick(self):
        for each in plus.getPlayers():
            if plus.getLocation(each)[1] < -5 or abs(plus.getLocation(each)[0]) > 18 or abs(plus.getLocation(each)[2]) > 18:
                p = 1
                p = 0

        if self.NumBotsInRange()>0:
            if not plus.isMatchPaused() and not plus.isMatchOver():
                for bot, in_range in self.sensors.iteritems():
                    x = abs(plus.getLocation(bot)[0])
                    y = plus.getLocation(bot)[1]
                    z = abs(plus.getLocation(bot)[2])
                    if in_range and p==0 and y<3 and y>-5 and ((x>11.5 and x<18) or (z>11.5 and z<18)):
                        plus.damage(bot, 0, 16, plus.getLocation(bot))
                        plus.addPoints(bot, -16)
        if self.NumBotsInRange()==0:
            self.zapping = []
Exemplo n.º 4
    def Tick(self):
        #self.announcetimer -= .25
        if self.chargetimer == 0.0 and self.NumBotsInRange() == 1:

        if self.zaptimer > 0.0:
            self.zaptimer -= .25
            if self.zaptimer <= 0.0:
                self.zaptimer = 0.0
                self.zapping = []
            elif self.zaptimer > 0.0:
                for bot in self.zapping:
                    if not plus.isMatchPaused() and not plus.isMatchOver():
                        plus.damage(bot, 0, 25, plus.getLocation(bot))
                        if self.sensors[bot]:
                            plus.force(bot, 0, 115 * plus.getWeight(bot), 0)

        if self.chargetimer > 0.0:
            self.chargetimer -= .25
        elif self.chargetimer < 0.0:
            self.chargetimer = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 5
    def Activate(self, active):
        plus.damage(1, 0, 50000, plus.getLocation(1))
        plus.damage(1, 0, 50000, plus.getLocation(1))
        plus.damage(1, 0, 50000, plus.getLocation(1))
        if active:
            #if AI.SuperAI.debugging:
                self.debug = Gooey.Plain("watch", 0, 75, 200, 105)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line0", 0, 0, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line1", 0, 15, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line2", 0, 30, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line3", 0, 45, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line4", 0, 60, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line5", 0, 75, 200, 15)
                tbox = self.debug.addText("line6", 0, 90, 200, 15)

        return AI.SuperAI.Activate(self, active)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def Secret(self, bTarget):
        #This is definitely NOT a secret super death AI for Spinner from the west!!!  You don't need to scroll down any further!!!
        # Tauntauns
        if self.numComps > 0:
            if plus.getTimeElapsed() < 3:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("I have been waiting a long time for this.")
            if 3 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 5:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Go on, squirm!")
            if 5 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 8:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Just try and budge that useless hood ornament you call a weapon!")
            if 8 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 10:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Squirm like the worm you are!")
            if 10 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 12:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Your struggles will not avail you...")
            if 12 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 16:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("...against the power of the EYE OF THE WEST!")
            if 16 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 18:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Long have I tolerated your abuse, but NO LONGER!")
            if 18 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 22:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("With the power of the Western Eye at my command, I AM INVINCIBLE!")
            if 22 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 24:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Now... suffer.")
            if 24 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 27:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Know the black depths of pain you have inflicted upon me!")
            if 27 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 29:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("FEEL THE WRATH OF THE WEST!")
            if 29 < plus.getTimeElapsed() < 32:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...")

        #stay put unless we're being counted out
        if not self.bImmobile:

        for bot in self.bids:
            #cool psychic lightning effects
            self.arena.SetLightningStartEnd(bot, self.GetLocation(), plus.getLocation(bot))
            self.zaptimer += 1
            if self.zaptimer > 4:
                plus.zap(bot, 20, 1)
                self.zaptimer = 0

            #apply more force as bots get further from center
            self.xforce = -1 * plus.getLocation(bot)[0] * plus.getWeight(bot)
            self.yforce = -30 * (plus.getLocation(bot)[1] - self.yCenter) * plus.getWeight(bot)
            self.zforce = -1 * plus.getLocation(bot)[2] * plus.getWeight(bot)

            plus.force(bot, self.xforce, self.yforce, self.zforce)

            #summon THE EYE OF THE WEST
            if abs(plus.getLocation(bot)[0]) < 2 and abs(plus.getLocation(bot)[2]) < 2 and self.eyetimer == 0:
                self.summon = 1

        if self.summon == 1 and self.eyetimer < 17:
            self.eyetimer += 0.25
        if 0 < self.eyetimer <= 8 and self.eyetimer%1 == 0:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((4*math.cos((math.pi/8)*self.eyetimer), (self.yCenter - 6), 4*math.sin((math.pi/8)*self.eyetimer)), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((4*math.cos((math.pi/8)*self.eyetimer + math.pi), (self.yCenter - 6), 4*math.sin((math.pi/8)*self.eyetimer + math.pi)), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 9:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((1, (self.yCenter - 6), 3), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-1, (self.yCenter - 6), -3), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 10:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((1.6, (self.yCenter - 6), 2), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-1.6, (self.yCenter - 6), -2), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 11:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((1.9, (self.yCenter - 6), 1), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-1.9, (self.yCenter - 6), -1), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 12:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((2, (self.yCenter - 6), 0), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-2, (self.yCenter - 6), 0), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 13:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((1.9, (self.yCenter - 6), -1), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-1.9, (self.yCenter - 6), 1), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 14:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((1.6, (self.yCenter - 6), -2), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-1.6, (self.yCenter - 6), 2), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 15:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((1, (self.yCenter - 6), -3), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((-1, (self.yCenter - 6), 3), (0, 3, 0), (1, 5, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
        if self.eyetimer == 16:
            plus.AddParticleEmitter((0, (self.yCenter - 6), 0), (0, 16, 0), (1, 16, 1)).SetEmitting(True)
            self.timetodie = 1

        #remove enemy components one by one
        if self.timetodie == 1:
            if self.numComps > 0:
                self.numComps -= 0.25
                if self.numComps%1 == 0:
                    plus.addPoints(self.GetID(), 1337)
                    for bot in self.bids:
                        if self.numComps > 0:
                            plus.emitSmoke(30, (plus.getLocation(bot)), (0, 0, 0), (5, 5, 5))
                            plus.damage(bot, self.numComps, 100000, plus.getLocation(bot))
                            plus.damage(bot, self.numComps, 100000, plus.getLocation(bot))
                            plus.addPoints(bot, -1000)

        #finishing blow
        if self.numComps == 0:
            if self.smoker == 32:
                plus.fadeInToLoop(self.finale, -100, 3200)
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("Do you hear that sound? Know what it is?")
            if self.smoker > 1:
                self.smoker -= 0.5
            self.smoketimer += 0.1
            self.smokeh = (self.yCenter - 6) + (6 * ((1 / self.smoker) ** 2))

            #SMOKE TORNADO
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((math.pi/2) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((math.pi/2) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((3*math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((3*math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((math.pi) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((math.pi) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((5*math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((5*math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((3*math.pi/2) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((3*math.pi/2) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((7*math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((7*math.pi/4) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))
            plus.emitSmoke(30, ((self.smoker * (math.cos((2*math.pi) + self.smoketimer))), self.smokeh, (self.smoker * (math.sin((2*math.pi) + self.smoketimer)))), (0, 0, 0), (5, 8, 5))

            if self.smoker == 24:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("That is the sound of your death approaching.")
            if self.smoker == 16:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("At last... vengeance shall be mine.")
            if self.smoker == 8:
                self.tauntbox.get("taunt1").setText("HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...")
            if self.smoker == 2:
            if self.smoker == 1:
                self.smoker = 0.9
                for bot in self.bids:
                    #must un-disable bots in order to kill them
                    plus.disable(bot, 0)
                    self.arena.SetLightningVisible(bot, False)
                    plus.damage(bot, 0, 100000, plus.getLocation(bot))
                    plus.damage(bot, 0, 100000, plus.getLocation(bot))
                    plus.damage(bot, 0, 100000, plus.getLocation(bot))
                    plus.damage(bot, 0, 100000, plus.getLocation(bot))
                    #reset numLosses
                    file("adaptiveAI_2.txt", "w").write("0")