def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION calculates Sb from VGP Long,VGP Lat,Directional kappa,Site latitude data SYNTAX scalc -h [command line options] [< standard input] INPUT takes space delimited files with PLong, PLat,[kappa, N_site, slat] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file -c cutoff: specify VGP colatitude cutoff value -k cutoff: specify kappa cutoff -v : use the VanDammme criterion -a: use antipodes of reverse data: default is to use only normal -C: use all data without regard to polarity -b: do a bootstrap for confidence -p: do relative to principle axis NOTES if kappa, N_site, lat supplied, will consider within site scatter OUTPUT N Sb Sb_lower Sb_upper Co-lat. Cutoff """ coord, kappa, cutoff = "0", 0, 90. nb, anti, boot = 1000, 0, 0 all = 0 n = 0 v = 0 spin = 1 coord_key = 'tilt_correction' if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] f = open(in_file, 'rU') lines = f.readlines() else: lines = sys.stdin.readlines() if '-c' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-c') cutoff = float(sys.argv[ind + 1]) if '-k' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-k') kappa = float(sys.argv[ind + 1]) if '-n' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-n') n = int(sys.argv[ind + 1]) if '-a' in sys.argv: anti = 1 if '-C' in sys.argv: cutoff = 180. # no cutoff if '-b' in sys.argv: boot = 1 if '-v' in sys.argv: v = 1 if '-p' in sys.argv: spin = 0 # # # find desired vgp lat,lon, kappa,N_site data: # A, Vgps, slats, Pvgps = 180., [], [], [] for line in lines: if '\t' in line: rec = line.replace('\n', '').split( '\t') # split each line on space to get records else: rec = line.replace( '\n', '').split() # split each line on space to get records vgp = {} vgp['vgp_lon'], vgp['vgp_lat'] = rec[0], rec[1] Pvgps.append([float(rec[0]), float(rec[1])]) if anti == 1: if float(vgp['vgp_lat']) < 0: vgp['vgp_lat'] = '%7.1f' % (-1 * float(vgp['vgp_lat'])) vgp['vgp_lon'] = '%7.1f' % (float(vgp['vgp_lon']) - 180.) if len(rec) == 5: vgp['average_k'], vgp['average_nn'], vgp['average_lat'] = rec[ 2], rec[3], rec[4] slats.append(float(rec[4])) else: vgp['average_k'], vgp['average_nn'], vgp[ 'average_lat'] = "0", "0", "0" if 90. - (float(vgp['vgp_lat'])) <= cutoff and float( vgp['average_k']) >= kappa and int(vgp['average_nn']) >= n: Vgps.append(vgp) if spin == 0: # do transformation to pole ppars = pmag.doprinc(Pvgps) for vgp in Vgps: vlon, vlat = pmag.dotilt(float(vgp['vgp_lon']), float(vgp['vgp_lat']), ppars['dec'] - 180., 90. - ppars['inc']) vgp['vgp_lon'] = vlon vgp['vgp_lat'] = vlat vgp['average_k'] = "0" S_B = pmag.get_Sb(Vgps) A = cutoff if v == 1: thetamax, A = 181., 180. vVgps, cnt = [], 0 for vgp in Vgps: vVgps.append(vgp) # make a copy of Vgps while thetamax > A: thetas = [] A = 1.8 * S_B + 5 cnt += 1 for vgp in vVgps: thetas.append(90. - (float(vgp['vgp_lat']))) thetas.sort() thetamax = thetas[-1] if thetamax < A: break nVgps = [] for vgp in vVgps: if 90. - (float(vgp['vgp_lat'])) < thetamax: nVgps.append(vgp) vVgps = [] for vgp in nVgps: vVgps.append(vgp) S_B = pmag.get_Sb(vVgps) Vgps = [] for vgp in vVgps: Vgps.append(vgp) # make a new Vgp list SBs, Ns = [], [] if boot == 1: print 'please be patient... bootstrapping' for i in range(nb): # now do bootstrap BVgps = [] for k in range(len(Vgps)): ind = random.randint(0, len(Vgps) - 1) random.jumpahead(int(ind * 1000)) BVgps.append(Vgps[ind]) SBs.append(pmag.get_Sb(BVgps)) SBs.sort() low = int(.025 * nb) high = int(.975 * nb) print len(Vgps), '%7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f ' % (S_B, SBs[low], SBs[high], A) else: print len(Vgps), '%7.1f %7.1f ' % (S_B, A) if len(slats) > 2: stats = pmag.gausspars(slats) print 'mean lat = ', '%7.1f' % (stats[0])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION calculates Sb from VGP Long,VGP Lat,Directional kappa,Site latitude data SYNTAX scalc -h [command line options] [< standard input] INPUT takes space delimited files with PLong, PLat,[kappa, N_site, slat] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file -c cutoff: specify VGP colatitude cutoff value -k cutoff: specify kappa cutoff -v : use the VanDammme criterion -a: use antipodes of reverse data: default is to use only normal -C: use all data without regard to polarity -b: do a bootstrap for confidence -p: do relative to principle axis NOTES if kappa, N_site, lat supplied, will consider within site scatter OUTPUT N Sb Sb_lower Sb_upper Co-lat. Cutoff """ coord,kappa,cutoff="0",0,90. nb,anti,boot=1000,0,0 all=0 n=0 v=0 spin=1 coord_key='tilt_correction' if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] f=open(in_file,'rU') lines=f.readlines() else: lines=sys.stdin.readlines() if '-c' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-c') cutoff=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-k' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-k') kappa=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-n' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-n') n=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-a' in sys.argv: anti=1 if '-C' in sys.argv: cutoff=180. # no cutoff if '-b' in sys.argv: boot=1 if '-v' in sys.argv: v=1 if '-p' in sys.argv: spin=0 # # # find desired vgp lat,lon, kappa,N_site data: # A,Vgps,slats,Pvgps=180.,[],[],[] for line in lines: if '\t' in line: rec=line.replace('\n','').split('\t') # split each line on space to get records else: rec=line.replace('\n','').split() # split each line on space to get records vgp={} vgp['vgp_lon'],vgp['vgp_lat']=rec[0],rec[1] Pvgps.append([float(rec[0]),float(rec[1])]) if anti==1: if float(vgp['vgp_lat'])<0: vgp['vgp_lat']='%7.1f'%(-1*float(vgp['vgp_lat'])) vgp['vgp_lon']='%7.1f'%(float(vgp['vgp_lon'])-180.) if len(rec)==5: vgp['average_k'],vgp['average_nn'],vgp['average_lat']=rec[2],rec[3],rec[4] slats.append(float(rec[4])) else: vgp['average_k'],vgp['average_nn'],vgp['average_lat']="0","0","0" if 90.-(float(vgp['vgp_lat']))<=cutoff and float(vgp['average_k'])>=kappa and int(vgp['average_nn'])>=n: Vgps.append(vgp) if spin==0: # do transformation to pole ppars=pmag.doprinc(Pvgps) for vgp in Vgps: vlon,vlat=pmag.dotilt(float(vgp['vgp_lon']),float(vgp['vgp_lat']),ppars['dec']-180.,90.-ppars['inc']) vgp['vgp_lon']=vlon vgp['vgp_lat']=vlat vgp['average_k']="0" S_B= pmag.get_Sb(Vgps) A=cutoff if v==1: thetamax,A=181.,180. vVgps,cnt=[],0 for vgp in Vgps:vVgps.append(vgp) # make a copy of Vgps while thetamax>A: thetas=[] A=1.8*S_B+5 cnt+=1 for vgp in vVgps:thetas.append(90.-(float(vgp['vgp_lat']))) thetas.sort() thetamax=thetas[-1] if thetamax<A:break nVgps=[] for vgp in vVgps: if 90.-(float(vgp['vgp_lat']))<thetamax:nVgps.append(vgp) vVgps=[] for vgp in nVgps:vVgps.append(vgp) S_B= pmag.get_Sb(vVgps) Vgps=[] for vgp in vVgps:Vgps.append(vgp) # make a new Vgp list SBs,Ns=[],[] if boot==1: print 'please be patient... bootstrapping' for i in range(nb): # now do bootstrap BVgps=[] for k in range(len(Vgps)): ind=random.randint(0,len(Vgps)-1) random.jumpahead(int(ind*1000)) BVgps.append(Vgps[ind]) SBs.append(pmag.get_Sb(BVgps)) SBs.sort() low=int(.025*nb) high=int(.975*nb) print len(Vgps),'%7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f '%(S_B,SBs[low],SBs[high],A) else: print len(Vgps),'%7.1f %7.1f '%(S_B,A) if len(slats)>2: stats= pmag.gausspars(slats) print 'mean lat = ','%7.1f'%(stats[0])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION calculates Sb from pmag_results files SYNTAX scalc_magic -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted pmag_results table pmag_result_name must start with "VGP: Site" must have average_lat if spin axis is reference OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input results file, default is 'pmag_results.txt' -c cutoff: specify VGP colatitude cutoff value -k cutoff: specify kappa cutoff -crd [s,g,t]: specify coordinate system, default is geographic -v : use the VanDammme criterion -a: use antipodes of reverse data: default is to use only normal -C: use all data without regard to polarity -r: use reverse data only -p: do relative to principle axis -b: do bootstrap confidence bounds OUTPUT: if option -b used: N, S_B, lower and upper bounds otherwise: N, S_B, cutoff """ in_file = 'pmag_results.txt' coord, kappa, cutoff = "0", 1., 90. nb, anti, spin, v, boot = 1000, 0, 1, 0, 0 coord_key = 'tilt_correction' rev = 0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-c' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-c') cutoff = float(sys.argv[ind + 1]) if '-k' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-k') kappa = float(sys.argv[ind + 1]) if '-crd' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-crd") coord = sys.argv[ind + 1] if coord == 's': coord = "-1" if coord == 'g': coord = "0" if coord == 't': coord = "100" if '-a' in sys.argv: anti = 1 if '-C' in sys.argv: cutoff = 180. # no cutoff if '-r' in sys.argv: rev = 1 if '-p' in sys.argv: spin = 0 if '-v' in sys.argv: v = 1 if '-b' in sys.argv: boot = 1 data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) # # # find desired vgp lat,lon, kappa,N_site data: # # # A, Vgps, Pvgps = 180., [], [] VgpRecs = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'vgp_lat', '', 'F') # get all non-blank vgp latitudes VgpRecs = pmag.get_dictitem(VgpRecs, 'vgp_lon', '', 'F') # get all non-blank vgp longitudes SiteRecs = pmag.get_dictitem(VgpRecs, 'data_type', 'i', 'T') # get VGPs (as opposed to averaged) SiteRecs = pmag.get_dictitem(SiteRecs, coord_key, coord, 'T') # get right coordinate system for rec in SiteRecs: if anti == 1: if 90. - abs(float(rec['vgp_lat'])) <= cutoff and float( rec['average_k']) >= kappa: if float(rec['vgp_lat']) < 0: rec['vgp_lat'] = '%7.1f' % (-1 * float(rec['vgp_lat'])) rec['vgp_lon'] = '%7.1f' % (float(rec['vgp_lon']) - 180.) Vgps.append(rec) Pvgps.append([float(rec['vgp_lon']), float(rec['vgp_lat'])]) elif rev == 0: # exclude normals if 90. - (float(rec['vgp_lat'])) <= cutoff and float( rec['average_k']) >= kappa: Vgps.append(rec) Pvgps.append([float(rec['vgp_lon']), float(rec['vgp_lat'])]) else: # include normals if 90. - abs(float(rec['vgp_lat'])) <= cutoff and float( rec['average_k']) >= kappa: if float(rec['vgp_lat']) < 0: rec['vgp_lat'] = '%7.1f' % (-1 * float(rec['vgp_lat'])) rec['vgp_lon'] = '%7.1f' % (float(rec['vgp_lon']) - 180.) Vgps.append(rec) Pvgps.append( [float(rec['vgp_lon']), float(rec['vgp_lat'])]) if spin == 0: # do transformation to pole ppars = pmag.doprinc(Pvgps) for vgp in Vgps: vlon, vlat = pmag.dotilt(float(vgp['vgp_lon']), float(vgp['vgp_lat']), ppars['dec'] - 180., 90. - ppars['inc']) vgp['vgp_lon'] = vlon vgp['vgp_lat'] = vlat vgp['average_k'] = "0" S_B = pmag.get_Sb(Vgps) A = cutoff if v == 1: thetamax, A = 181., 180. vVgps, cnt = [], 0 for vgp in Vgps: vVgps.append(vgp) # make a copy of Vgps while thetamax > A: thetas = [] A = 1.8 * S_B + 5 cnt += 1 for vgp in vVgps: thetas.append(90. - (float(vgp['vgp_lat']))) thetas.sort() thetamax = thetas[-1] if thetamax < A: break nVgps = [] for vgp in vVgps: if 90. - (float(vgp['vgp_lat'])) < thetamax: nVgps.append(vgp) vVgps = [] for vgp in nVgps: vVgps.append(vgp) S_B = pmag.get_Sb(vVgps) Vgps = [] for vgp in vVgps: Vgps.append(vgp) # make a new Vgp list SBs = [] if boot == 1: for i in range(nb): # now do bootstrap BVgps = [] if i % 100 == 0: print(i, ' out of ', nb) for k in range(len(Vgps)): random.seed() ind = random.randint(0, len(Vgps) - 1) BVgps.append(Vgps[ind]) SBs.append(pmag.get_Sb(BVgps)) SBs.sort() low = int(.025 * nb) high = int(.975 * nb) print(len(Vgps), '%7.1f _ %7.1f ^ %7.1f %7.1f' % (S_B, SBs[low], SBs[high], A)) else: print(len(Vgps), '%7.1f %7.1f ' % (S_B, A))
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION calculates Sb from pmag_results files SYNTAX scalc_magic -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted pmag_results table pmag_result_name must start with "VGP: Site" must have average_lat if spin axis is reference OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input results file, default is 'pmag_results.txt' -c cutoff: specify VGP colatitude cutoff value -k cutoff: specify kappa cutoff -crd [s,g,t]: specify coordinate system, default is geographic -v : use the VanDammme criterion -a: use antipodes of reverse data: default is to use only normal -C: use all data without regard to polarity -r: use reverse data only -p: do relative to principle axis -b: do bootstrap confidence bounds OUTPUT: if option -b used: N, S_B, lower and upper bounds otherwise: N, S_B, cutoff """ in_file='pmag_results.txt' coord,kappa,cutoff="0",1.,90. nb,anti,spin,v,boot=1000,0,1,0,0 coord_key='tilt_correction' rev=0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-c' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-c') cutoff=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-k' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-k') kappa=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-crd' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=='s':coord="-1" if coord=='g':coord="0" if coord=='t':coord="100" if '-a' in sys.argv: anti=1 if '-C' in sys.argv: cutoff=180. # no cutoff if '-r' in sys.argv: rev=1 if '-p' in sys.argv: spin=0 if '-v' in sys.argv: v=1 if '-b' in sys.argv: boot=1 data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) # # # find desired vgp lat,lon, kappa,N_site data: # # # A,Vgps,Pvgps=180.,[],[] VgpRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(data,'vgp_lat','','F') # get all non-blank vgp latitudes VgpRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(VgpRecs,'vgp_lon','','F') # get all non-blank vgp longitudes SiteRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(VgpRecs,'data_type','i','T') # get VGPs (as opposed to averaged) SiteRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteRecs,coord_key,coord,'T') # get right coordinate system for rec in SiteRecs: if anti==1: if 90.-abs(float(rec['vgp_lat']))<=cutoff and float(rec['average_k'])>=kappa: if float(rec['vgp_lat'])<0: rec['vgp_lat']='%7.1f'%(-1*float(rec['vgp_lat'])) rec['vgp_lon']='%7.1f'%(float(rec['vgp_lon'])-180.) Vgps.append(rec) Pvgps.append([float(rec['vgp_lon']),float(rec['vgp_lat'])]) elif rev==0: # exclude normals if 90.-(float(rec['vgp_lat']))<=cutoff and float(rec['average_k'])>=kappa: Vgps.append(rec) Pvgps.append([float(rec['vgp_lon']),float(rec['vgp_lat'])]) else: # include normals if 90.-abs(float(rec['vgp_lat']))<=cutoff and float(rec['average_k'])>=kappa: if float(rec['vgp_lat'])<0: rec['vgp_lat']='%7.1f'%(-1*float(rec['vgp_lat'])) rec['vgp_lon']='%7.1f'%(float(rec['vgp_lon'])-180.) Vgps.append(rec) Pvgps.append([float(rec['vgp_lon']),float(rec['vgp_lat'])]) if spin==0: # do transformation to pole ppars=pmag.doprinc(Pvgps) for vgp in Vgps: vlon,vlat=pmag.dotilt(float(vgp['vgp_lon']),float(vgp['vgp_lat']),ppars['dec']-180.,90.-ppars['inc']) vgp['vgp_lon']=vlon vgp['vgp_lat']=vlat vgp['average_k']="0" S_B= pmag.get_Sb(Vgps) A=cutoff if v==1: thetamax,A=181.,180. vVgps,cnt=[],0 for vgp in Vgps:vVgps.append(vgp) # make a copy of Vgps while thetamax>A: thetas=[] A=1.8*S_B+5 cnt+=1 for vgp in vVgps:thetas.append(90.-(float(vgp['vgp_lat']))) thetas.sort() thetamax=thetas[-1] if thetamax<A:break nVgps=[] for vgp in vVgps: if 90.-(float(vgp['vgp_lat']))<thetamax:nVgps.append(vgp) vVgps=[] for vgp in nVgps:vVgps.append(vgp) S_B= pmag.get_Sb(vVgps) Vgps=[] for vgp in vVgps:Vgps.append(vgp) # make a new Vgp list SBs=[] if boot==1: for i in range(nb): # now do bootstrap BVgps=[] if i%100==0: print(i,' out of ',nb) for k in range(len(Vgps)): random.seed() ind=random.randint(0,len(Vgps)-1) BVgps.append(Vgps[ind]) SBs.append(pmag.get_Sb(BVgps)) SBs.sort() low=int(.025*nb) high=int(.975*nb) print(len(Vgps),'%7.1f _ %7.1f ^ %7.1f %7.1f'%(S_B,SBs[low],SBs[high],A)) else: print(len(Vgps),'%7.1f %7.1f '%(S_B,A))