Exemplo n.º 1
    def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, input, info):
        user = info.request_context.user
        if not user.is_authenticated():
            raise Exception("You need to be logged in to unsubscribe from podcasts.")

        podcast = get_podcast_by_url(input["podcast_url"])
        result = unsubscribe_user_from_podcast(user, podcast)

        return Unsubscribe(user=user, podcast=podcast, success=result)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_get_podcast_by_url_retrieves_model(monkeypatch):
    """Test that get_podcast_by_url returns the podcast model from the database if it exists."""
    podcast_model = get_valid_podcast_model()
    objects_get_mock = Mock(return_value=podcast_model)
    monkeypatch.setattr(models.Podcast.objects, "get", objects_get_mock)

    result = services.get_podcast_by_url(FEED_URL)

    assert result == podcast_model
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_get_podcast_by_url_fetches_podcast_if_not_in_db(monkeypatch):
    """Test that get_podcast_by_url fetches the podcast if it isn't in the database"""
    # We want to force the podcast to be fetched, so Podcast.objects.get needs to raise an error.
    objects_get_mock = Mock(side_effect=models.models.ObjectDoesNotExist())
    # Set up the mock value for the fetcher to return.
    podcast_model = get_valid_podcast_model()
    parsed_podcast_mock = Mock(spec=parsed_podcasts.ParsedPodcast())
    parsed_podcast_mock.save_to_db.return_value = podcast_model
    fetch_mock = Mock(return_value=parsed_podcast_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr(models.Podcast.objects, "get", objects_get_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fetcher, "fetch", fetch_mock)

    result = services.get_podcast_by_url(FEED_URL)

    # Assert that it checks the db first,
    # Assert that it calls the fetcher.
    # Assert that it calls the save_to_db of the parsed podcast.
    # Assert that it returns the model, as returned from save_to_db.
    assert result == podcast_model
Exemplo n.º 4
 def resolve_podcast_by_url(self, args, info):
     return PodcastNode(get_podcast_by_url(args.get("url")))