Exemplo n.º 1
class Pipeline(Node):
    Node defined by a JSON definition.

    json : string
        pipeline JSON definition
    definition : OrderedDict
        pipeline definition
    output : Output
        pipeline output
    node : Node
        pipeline output node
    do_write_output : Bool
        True to call output.write() on execute, false otherwise.

    definition = OrderedDictTrait(readonly=True, help="pipeline definition")
    json = tl.Unicode(readonly=True, help="JSON definition")
    output = tl.Instance(Output, readonly=True, help="pipeline output")
    do_write_output = tl.Bool(True)

    def _first_init(self, path=None, **kwargs):
        if (path is not None) + ('definition' in kwargs) + ('json'
                                                            in kwargs) != 1:
            raise TypeError(
                "Pipeline requires exactly one 'path', 'json', or 'definition' argument"

        if path is not None:
            with open(path) as f:
                kwargs['definition'] = json.load(f,

        return kwargs

    def _json_validate(self, proposal):
        s = proposal['value']
        definition = json.loads(s)
        return json.dumps(json.loads(s), cls=JSONEncoder)  # standardize

    def _validate_definition(self, proposal):
        definition = proposal['value']
        return definition

    def _json_from_definition(self):
        return json.dumps(self.definition, cls=JSONEncoder)

    def _definition_from_json(self):
        print("definition from json")
        return json.loads(self.json, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

    def _parse_definition(self):
        return parse_pipeline_definition(self.definition)

    def eval(self, coordinates, output=None):
        """Evaluate the pipeline, writing the output if one is defined.

        coordinates : TYPE

        self._requested_coordinates = coordinates

        output = self.output.node.eval(coordinates, output)
        if self.do_write_output:
            self.output.write(output, coordinates)

        self._output = output
        return output

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # properties, forwards output node
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def node(self):
        return self.output.node

    def units(self):
        return self.node.units

    def dtype(self):
        return self.node.dtype

    def cache_type(self):
        return self.node.cache_type

    def style(self):
        return self.node.style
Exemplo n.º 2
 class MyClass(tl.HasTraits):
     d = OrderedDictTrait()
Exemplo n.º 3
class Coordinates(tl.HasTraits):
    Multidimensional Coordinates.

    Coordinates are used to evaluate Nodes and to define the coordinates of a DataSource nodes. The API is modeled after
    coords in `xarray <http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/data-structures.html>`_:

     * Coordinates are created from a list of coordinate values and dimension names.
     * Coordinate values are always either ``float`` or ``np.datetime64``. For convenience, podpac
       automatically converts datetime strings such as ``'2018-01-01'`` to ``np.datetime64``.
     * The allowed dimensions are ``'lat'``, ``'lon'``, ``'time'``, and ``'alt'``.
     * Coordinates from multiple dimensions can be stacked together to represent a *list* of coordinates instead of a
       *grid* of coordinates. The name of the stacked coordinates uses an underscore to combine the underlying
       dimensions, e.g. ``'lat_lon'``.

    Coordinates are dict-like, for example:

     * get coordinates by dimension name: ``coords['lat']``
     * get iterable dimension keys and coordinates values: ``coords.keys()``, ``coords.values()``
     * loop through dimensions: ``for dim in coords: ...``

        Tuple of dimension names, potentially stacked.
        Tuple of individual dimension names, always unstacked.

    _coords = OrderedDictTrait(trait=tl.Instance(BaseCoordinates),

    def __init__(self,
        Create multidimensional coordinates.

        coords : list
            List of coordinate values for each dimension. Valid coordinate values:

             * single coordinate value (number, datetime64, or str)
             * array of coordinate values
             * list of stacked coordinate values
             * :class:`Coordinates1d` or :class:`StackedCoordinates` object
        dims : list of str, optional
            List of dimension names. Optional if all items in ``coords`` are named. Valid names are
             * 'lat', 'lon', 'alt', or 'time' for unstacked coordinates
             * dimension names joined by an underscore for stacked coordinates
        coord_ref_sys : str, optional
            Default coordinates reference system
        ctype : str, optional
            Default coordinates type. One of 'point', 'midpoint', 'left', 'right'.
        distance_units : Units
            Default distance units.

        if not isinstance(coords, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Invalid coords, expected list or array, not '%s'" %

        if dims is not None and not isinstance(dims, (tuple, list)):
            raise TypeError("Invalid dims type '%s'" % type(dims))

        if dims is None:
            for i, c in enumerate(coords):
                if not isinstance(c, (BaseCoordinates, xr.DataArray)):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Cannot get dim for coordinates at position %d with type '%s'"
                        "(expected 'Coordinates1d' or 'DataArray')" %
                        (i, type(c)))

            dims = [c.name for c in coords]

        if len(dims) != len(coords):
            raise ValueError("coords and dims size mismatch, %d != %d" %
                             (len(dims), len(coords)))

        # get/create coordinates
        dcoords = OrderedDict()
        for i, dim in enumerate(dims):
            if dim in dcoords:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Duplicate dimension name '%s' at position %d" % (dim, i))

            if isinstance(coords[i], BaseCoordinates):
                c = coords[i]
            elif '_' in dim:
                cs = [
                    val if isinstance(val, Coordinates1d) else
                    ArrayCoordinates1d(val) for val in coords[i]
                c = StackedCoordinates(cs)
                c = ArrayCoordinates1d(coords[i])

            dcoords[dim] = c
            self._set_properties(c, dim, ctype, distance_units, coord_ref_sys,

        self.set_trait('_coords', dcoords)
        super(Coordinates, self).__init__()

    def _validate_coords(self, d):
        val = d['value']

        if len(val) == 0:
            return val

        for dim, c in val.items():
            if dim != c.name:
                raise ValueError("Dimension name mismatch, '%s' != '%s'" %
                                 (dim, c.name))

        dims = [dim for c in val.values() for dim in c.dims]
        for dim in dims:
            if dims.count(dim) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Duplicate dimension name '%s' in dims %s" %
                                 (dim, tuple(val.keys())))

        crs = list(val.values())[0].coord_ref_sys
        for i, c in enumerate(val.values()):
            if c.coord_ref_sys != crs:
                raise ValueError(
                    "coord_ref_sys mismatch '%s' != '%s' at pos %d" %
                    (c.coord_ref_sys, crs, i))

        return val

    def _set_properties(self, c, name, ctype, distance_units, coord_ref_sys,
        if isinstance(c, Coordinates1d):
            cs = [c]
            names = [name]
            cs = list(c)
            names = name.split('_')

        for c, name in zip(cs, names):
            # set or check the coord_ref_sys
            if coord_ref_sys is not None:
                if 'coord_ref_sys' not in c.properties:
                    c.set_trait('coord_ref_sys', coord_ref_sys)
                elif coord_ref_sys != c.coord_ref_sys:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "coord_ref_sys mismatch %s != %s at pos %d" %
                        (coord_ref_sys, c.coord_ref_sys, pos))

            # only set name, ctype, and units if they aren't already set
            if name is not None and 'name' not in c.properties:
                c.name = name
            if ctype is not None and 'ctype' not in c.properties:
                c.set_trait('ctype', ctype)
            if distance_units is not None and c.name in [
                    'lat', 'lon', 'alt'
            ] and 'units' not in c.properties:
                c.set_trait('units', distance_units)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Alternate constructors
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _coords_from_dict(d, order=None):
        if sys.version < '3.6':
            if order is None and len(d) > 1:
                raise TypeError('order required')

        if order is not None:
            if set(order) != set(d):
                raise ValueError("order %s does not match dims %s" %
                                 (order, d))
            order = d.keys()

        coords = []
        for dim in order:
            if isinstance(d[dim], Coordinates1d):
                c = d[dim].copy(name=dim)
            elif isinstance(d[dim], tuple):
                c = UniformCoordinates1d.from_tuple(d[dim], name=dim)
                c = ArrayCoordinates1d(d[dim], name=dim)

        return coords

    def grid(cls,
        Create a grid of coordinates.

        Valid coordinate values:

         * single coordinate value (number, datetime64, or str)
         * array of coordinate values
         * ``(start, stop, step)`` tuple for uniformly-spaced coordinates
         * Coordinates1d object

        This is equivalent to creating unstacked coordinates with a list of coordinate values::

            podpac.Coordinates.grid(lat=[0, 1, 2], lon=[10, 20], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
            podpac.Coordinates([[0, 1, 2], [10, 20]], dims=['lan', 'lon'])

        lat : optional
            coordinates for the latitude dimension
        lon : optional
            coordinates for the longitude dimension
        alt : optional
            coordinates for the altitude dimension
        time : optional
            coordinates for the time dimension
        dims : list of str, optional in Python>=3.6
            List of dimension names, must match the provided keyword arguments. In Python 3.6 and above, the ``dims``
            argument is optional, and the dims will match the order of the provided keyword arguments.
        coord_ref_sys : str, optional
            Default coordinates reference system
        ctype : str, optional
            Default coordinates type. One of 'point', 'midpoint', 'left', 'right'.
        distance_units : Units
            Default distance units.

            podpac Coordinates

        See Also

        coords = cls._coords_from_dict(kwargs, order=dims)
        return cls(coords,

    def points(cls,
        Create a list of multidimensional coordinates.

        Valid coordinate values:

         * single coordinate value (number, datetime64, or str)
         * array of coordinate values
         * ``(start, stop, step)`` tuple for uniformly-spaced coordinates
         * Coordinates1d object

        Note that the coordinates for each dimension must be the same size.

        This is equivalent to creating stacked coordinates with a list of coordinate values and a stacked dimension

            podpac.Coordinates.points(lat=[0, 1, 2], lon=[10, 20, 30], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
            podpac.Coordinates([[[0, 1, 2], [10, 20, 30]]], dims=['lan_lon'])

        lat : optional
            coordinates for the latitude dimension
        lon : optional
            coordinates for the longitude dimension
        alt : optional
            coordinates for the altitude dimension
        time : optional
            coordinates for the time dimension
        dims : list of str, optional in Python>=3.6
            List of dimension names, must match the provided keyword arguments. In Python 3.6 and above, the ``dims``
            argument is optional, and the dims will match the order of the provided keyword arguments.
        coord_ref_sys : str, optional
            Default coordinates reference system
        ctype : str, optional
            Default coordinates type. One of 'point', 'midpoint', 'left', 'right'.
        distance_units : Units
            Default distance units.

            podpac Coordinates

        See Also

        coords = cls._coords_from_dict(kwargs, order=dims)
        stacked = StackedCoordinates(coords)
        return cls([stacked],

    def from_xarray(cls,
        Create podpac Coordinates from xarray coords.

        xcoord : xarray.core.coordinates.DataArrayCoordinates
            xarray coords
        coord_ref_sys : str, optional
            Default coordinates reference system
        ctype : str, optional
            Default coordinates type. One of 'point', 'midpoint', 'left', 'right'.
        distance_units : Units
            Default distance units.

            podpac Coordinates

        if not isinstance(xcoord,
            raise TypeError(
                "Coordinates.from_xarray expects xarray DataArrayCoordinates, not '%s'"
                % type(xcoord))

        coords = []
        for dim in xcoord.dims:
            if isinstance(xcoord.indexes[dim],
                          (pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.Float64Index, pd.Int64Index)):
                c = ArrayCoordinates1d.from_xarray(xcoord[dim])
            elif isinstance(xcoord.indexes[dim], pd.MultiIndex):
                c = StackedCoordinates.from_xarray(xcoord[dim])

        return cls(coords,

    def from_definition(cls, d):
        Create podpac Coordinates from a coordinates definition.

        d : list
            coordinates definition

            podpac Coordinates

        See Also
        from_json, definition

        if not isinstance(d, list):
            raise TypeError(
                "Could not parse coordinates definition of type '%s'" %

        coords = []
        for elem in d:
            if isinstance(elem, list):
                c = StackedCoordinates.from_definition(elem)
            elif 'start' in elem and 'stop' in elem and ('step' in elem
                                                         or 'size' in elem):
                c = UniformCoordinates1d.from_definition(elem)
            elif 'values' in elem:
                c = ArrayCoordinates1d.from_definition(elem)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Could not parse coordinates definition item with keys %s"
                    % elem.keys())


        return cls(coords)

    def from_json(cls, s):
        Create podpac Coordinates from a coordinates JSON definition.

        Example JSON definition::

                    "name": "lat",
                    "start": 1,
                    "stop": 10,
                    "step": 0.5,
                    "name": "lon",
                    "start": 1,
                    "stop": 2,
                    "size": 100
                    "name": "time",
                    "ctype": "left"
                    "values": [

        s : str
            coordinates JSON definition

            podpac Coordinates

        See Also

        d = json.loads(s)
        return cls.from_definition(d)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # standard dict-like methods
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def keys(self):
        """ dict-like keys: dims """
        return self._coords.keys()

    def values(self):
        """ dict-like values: coordinates for each key/dimension """
        return self._coords.values()

    def items(self):
        """ dict-like items: (dim, coordinates) pairs """
        return self._coords.items()

    def get(self, dim, default=None):
        """ dict-like get: get coordinates by dimension name with an optional """
            return self[dim]
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._coords)

    def __getitem__(self, dim):
        if dim in self._coords:
            return self._coords[dim]

        # extracts individual coords from stacked coords
        for c in self._coords.values():
            if isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates) and dim in c.dims:
                return c[dim]

        raise KeyError("Dimension '%s' not found in Coordinates %s" %
                       (dim, self.dims))

    def __setitem__(self, dim, c):
        if not dim in self.dims:
            raise KeyError("Cannot set dimension '%s' in Coordinates %s" %
                           (dim, self.dims))

        # try to cast to ArrayCoordinates1d
        if not isinstance(c, BaseCoordinates):
            c = ArrayCoordinates1d(c)

        if c.name is None:
            c.name = dim

        d = self._coords.copy()
        d[dim] = c
        self._coords = d

    def __delitem__(self, dim):
        if not dim in self.dims:
            raise KeyError("Cannot delete dimension '%s' in Coordinates %s" %
                           (dim, self.dims))

        del self._coords[dim]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._coords)

    def update(self, other):
        """ dict-like update: add/replace coordinates using another Coordinates object """
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinates):
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot update Coordinates with object of type '%s'" %

        d = self._coords.copy()
        self._coords = d

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinates):
            return False

        # shortcuts
        if self.dims != other.dims:
            return False

        if self.shape != other.shape:
            return False

        # full check of underlying coordinates
        if self._coords != other._coords:
            return False

        return True

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def dims(self):
        """:tuple: Tuple of dimension names, potentially stacked.

        See Also

        return tuple(c.name for c in self._coords.values())

    def shape(self):
        """:tuple: Tuple of the number of coordinates in each dimension."""

        return tuple(c.size for c in self._coords.values())

    def ndim(self):
        """:int: Number of dimensions. """

        return len(self.dims)

    def size(self):
        """:int: Total number of coordinates."""

        if len(self.shape) == 0:
            return 0
        return np.prod(self.shape)

    def udims(self):
        """:tuple: Tuple of unstacked dimension names.

        If there are no stacked dimensions, then ``dims`` and ``udims`` will be the same::

            In [1]: lat = [0, 1]

            In [2]: lon = [10, 20]

            In [3]: time = '2018-01-01'
            In [4]: c = podpac.Coordinates([lat, lon, time], dims=['lat', 'lon', 'time'])
            In [5]: c.dims
            Out[5]: ('lat', 'lon', 'time')
            In [6]: c.udims
            Out[6]: ('lat', 'lon', 'time')

        If there are stacked dimensions, then ``udims`` contains the individual dimension names::

            In [7]: c = podpac.Coordinates([[lat, lon], time], dims=['lat_lon', 'time'])

            In [8]: c.dims
            Out[8]: ('lat_lon', 'time')

            In [9]: c.udims
            Out[9]: ('lat', 'lon', 'time')

        See Also

        return tuple(dim for c in self._coords.values() for dim in c.dims)

    def coords(self):
        :xarray.core.coordinates.DataArrayCoordinates: xarray coords, a dictionary-like container of coordinate arrays.

        x = xr.DataArray(np.empty(self.shape),
                         coords=[c.coordinates for c in self._coords.values()],
        return x.coords

    def definition(self):
        Serializable coordinates definition.

        The ``definition`` can be used to create new Coordinates::

            c = podpac.Coordinates(...)
            c2 = podpac.Coordinates.from_definition(c.definition)

        See Also
        from_definition, json

        return [c.definition for c in self._coords.values()]

    def json(self):
        """:str: JSON-serialized coordinates definition.

        The ``json`` can be used to create new Coordinates::

            c = podapc.Coordinates(...)
            c2 = podpac.Coordinates.from_json(c.definition)

        The serialized definition is used to define coordinates in pipelines and to transport coordinates, e.g.
        over HTTP and in AWS lambda functions. It also provides a consistent hashable value.

        See Also

        return json.dumps(self.definition, cls=podpac.core.utils.JSONEncoder)

    def hash(self):
        Coordinates hash.

        *Note: To be replaced with the __hash__ method.*

        return hash_alg(self.json.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

    # #@property
    # #def gdal_transform(self):
    #     if self['lon'].regularity == 'regular' and self['lat'].regularity == 'regular':
    #         lon_bounds = self['lon'].area_bounds
    #         lat_bounds = self['lat'].area_bounds
    #         transform = [lon_bounds[0], self['lon'].delta, 0, lat_bounds[0], 0, -self['lat'].delta]
    #     else:
    #         raise NotImplementedError
    #     return transform

    def coord_ref_sys(self):
        """:str: coordinate reference system."""

        if not self._coords:
            return None

        # the coord_ref_sys is the same for all coords
        return list(self._coords.values())[0].coord_ref_sys

    def gdal_crs(self):
        """:str: GDAL coordinate reference system."""

        if not self._coords:
            return None

        return GDAL_CRS[self.coord_ref_sys]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Methods
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def drop(self, dims, ignore_missing=False):
        Remove the given dimensions from the Coordinates `dims`.

        dims : str, list
            Dimension(s) to drop.
        ignore_missing : bool, optional
            If True, do not raise an exception if a given dimension is not in ``dims``. Default ``False``.

            Coordinates object with the given dimensions removed

            If a given dimension is missing in the Coordinates (and ignore_missing is ``False``).

        See Also

        if not isinstance(dims, (tuple, list)):
            dims = (dims, )

        for dim in dims:
            if not isinstance(dim, string_types):
                raise TypeError("Invalid drop dimension type '%s'" % type(dim))
            if dim not in self.dims and not ignore_missing:
                raise KeyError(
                    "Dimension '%s' not found in Coordinates with dims %s" %
                    (dim, self.dims))

        return Coordinates(
            [c for c in self._coords.values() if c.name not in dims])

    # do we ever need this?
    def udrop(self, dims, ignore_missing=False):
        Remove the given individual dimensions from the Coordinates `udims`.

        Unlike `drop`, ``udrop`` will remove parts of stacked coordinates::

            In [1]: c = podpac.Coordinates([[[0, 1], [10, 20]], '2018-01-01'], dims=['lat_lon', 'time'])

            In [2]: c
                lat_lon[lat]: ArrayCoordinates1d(lat): Bounds[0.0, 1.0], N[2], ctype['midpoint']
                lat_lon[lon]: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[10.0, 20.0], N[2], ctype['midpoint']
                time: ArrayCoordinates1d(time): Bounds[2018-01-01, 2018-01-01], N[1], ctype['midpoint']
            In [3]: c.udrop('lat')
                lon: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[10.0, 20.0], N[2], ctype['midpoint']
                time: ArrayCoordinates1d(time): Bounds[2018-01-01, 2018-01-01], N[1], ctype['midpoint']

        dims : str, list
            Individual dimension(s) to drop.
        ignore_missing : bool, optional
            If True, do not raise an exception if a given dimension is not in ``udims``. Default ``False``.

            Coordinates object with the given dimensions removed.

            If a given dimension is missing in the Coordinates (and ignore_missing is ``False``).

        See Also

        if not isinstance(dims, (tuple, list)):
            dims = (dims, )

        for dim in dims:
            if not isinstance(dim, string_types):
                raise TypeError("Invalid drop dimension type '%s'" % type(dim))
            if dim not in self.udims and not ignore_missing:
                raise KeyError(
                    "Dimension '%s' not found in Coordinates with udims %s" %
                    (dim, self.udims))

        cs = []
        for c in self._coords.values():
            if isinstance(c, Coordinates1d):
                if c.name not in dims:
            elif isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates):
                stacked = [s for s in c if s.name not in dims]
                if len(stacked) > 1:
                elif len(stacked) == 1:

        return Coordinates(cs)

    def intersect(self, other, outer=False, return_indices=False):
        Get the coordinate values that are within the bounds of a given coordinates object.

        The intersection is calculated in each dimension separately.

        The default intersection selects coordinates that are within the other coordinates bounds::

            In [1]: coords = Coordinates([[0, 1, 2, 3]], dims=['lat'])

            In [2]: other = Coordinates([[1.5, 2.5]], dims=['lat'])

            In [3]: coords.intersect(other).coords
              * lat      (lat) float64 2.0

        The *outer* intersection selects the minimal set of coordinates that contain the other coordinates::
            In [4]: coords.intersect(other, outer=True).coords
              * lat      (lat) float64 1.0 2.0 3.0

        The *outer* intersection also selects a boundary coordinate if the other coordinates are outside this
        coordinates bounds but *inside* its area bounds::
            In [5]: other_near = Coordinates([[3.25]], dims=['lat'])
            In [6]: other_far = Coordinates([[10.0]], dims=['lat'])

            In [7]: coords.intersect(other_near, outer=True).coords
              * lat      (lat) float64 3.0

            In [8]: coords.intersect(other_far, outer=True).coords
              * lat      (lat) float64
        other : :class:`Coordinates1d`, :class:`StackedCoordinates`, :class:`Coordinates`
            Coordinates to intersect with.
        outer : bool, optional
            If True, do an *outer* intersection. Default False.
        return_indices : bool, optional
            If True, return slice or indices for the selection in addition to coordinates. Default False.

        intersection : :class:`Coordinates`
            Coordinates object consisting of the intersection in each dimension.
        idx : list
            List of indices for each dimension that produces the intersection, only if ``return_indices`` is True.

        intersections = [
            c.intersect(other, outer=outer, return_indices=return_indices)
            for c in self.values()
        if return_indices:
            coords = Coordinates([c for c, I in intersections])
            idx = [I for c, I in intersections]
            return coords, tuple(idx)
            return Coordinates(intersections)

    def unique(self):
        Remove duplicate coordinate values from each dimension.

        coords : Coordinates
            New Coordinates object with unique, sorted coordinate values in each dimension.

        return Coordinates([
            c[np.unique(c.coordinates, return_index=True)[1]]
            for c in self.values()

    def unstack(self):
        Unstack the coordinates of all of the dimensions.

        unstacked : :class:`Coordinates`
            A new Coordinates object with unstacked coordinates.

        See Also

        return Coordinates([self[dim] for dim in self.udims])

    def iterchunks(self, shape, return_slices=False):
        Get a generator that yields Coordinates no larger than the given shape until the entire Coordinates is covered.

        shape : tuple
            The maximum shape of the chunk, with sizes corresponding to the `dims`.
        return_slice : boolean, optional
            Return slice in addition to Coordinates chunk.

        coords : :class:`Coordinates`
            A Coordinates object with one chunk of the coordinates.
        slices : list
            slices for this Coordinates chunk, only if ``return_slices`` is True

        l = [[slice(i, i + n) for i in range(0, m, n)]
             for m, n in zip(self.shape, shape)]
        for slices in itertools.product(*l):
            coords = Coordinates([
                self._coords[dim][slc] for dim, slc in zip(self.dims, slices)
            if return_slices:
                yield coords, slices
                yield coords

    def transpose(self, *dims, **kwargs):
        Transpose (re-order) the dimensions of the Coordinates.

        dim_1, dim_2, ... : str, optional
            Reorder dims to this order. By default, reverse the dims.
        in_place : boolean, optional
            If True, transpose the dimensions in-place.
            Otherwise (default), return a new, transposed Coordinates object.

        transposed : :class:`Coordinates`
            The transposed Coordinates object.

        See Also
        xarray.DataArray.transpose : return a transposed DataArray


        in_place = kwargs.get('in_place', False)

        if len(dims) == 0:
            dims = list(self._coords.keys())[::-1]

        if len(dims) != self.ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid transpose dimensions, input %s does not match dims %s"
                % (dims, self.dims))

        if in_place:
            self._coords = OrderedDict([(dim, self._coords[dim])
                                        for dim in dims])
            return self

            return Coordinates([self._coords[dim] for dim in dims])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Operators/Magic Methods
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __repr__(self):
        # TODO JXM
        rep = str(self.__class__.__name__)
        for c in self._coords.values():
            if isinstance(c, Coordinates1d):
                rep += '\n\t%s: %s' % (c.name, c)
            elif isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates):
                for _c in c:
                    rep += '\n\t%s[%s]: %s' % (c.name, _c.name, _c)
        return rep