Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self, m):
        input = get_input(m)

        if not is_trusted(self.bot, m.sender.id):
            return self.bot.send_message(
                extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        if not input:
            return self.bot.send_message(
                extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        if m.reply:
            target = str(m.reply.sender.id)
            name = m.reply.sender.first_name

        elif first_word(input) == '-g':
            target = str(m.conversation.id)
            name = m.conversation.title
            input = all_but_first_word(input)

        elif first_word(input).isdigit():
            target = first_word(input)
            name = target
            input = all_but_first_word(input)

            target = str(m.sender.id)
            name = m.sender.first_name

        tags = input.split()

        # Adds a tag to user or group. #
        if is_command(self, 1, m.content):
            for tag in tags:
                if not has_tag(self.bot, target, tag):
                    set_tag(self.bot, target, tag)
            return self.bot.send_message(
                self.bot.trans.plugins.tags.strings.tagged % (name, tags),
                extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Removes a tag from user or group. #
        elif is_command(self, 2, m.content):
            for tag in tags:
                if has_tag(self.bot, target, tag):
                    del_tag(self.bot, target, tag)
            return self.bot.send_message(
                self.bot.trans.plugins.tags.strings.untagged % (name, tags),
                extra={'format': 'HTML'})
Exemplo n.º 2
    def kick_spammer(self, m, spam_type='spam', content='content'):
        name = get_full_name(self.bot, m.sender.id)
        gid = str(m.conversation.id)
        if content == 'name':
            text = m.sender.first_name
        elif content == 'title':
            text = m.conversation.title
            text = m.content
        if not has_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id, spam_type):
                'Marked as {}: {} [{}] from group {} [{}] for {}: {}'.format(
                    spam_type, name, m.sender.id, self.bot.groups[gid].title,
                    gid, content, text))
            set_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id, spam_type)
            if spam_type in self.bot.groups[gid]:
                self.bot.groups[gid][spam_type] += 1
                self.bot.groups[gid][spam_type] = 1
            set_data('groups/%s/%s' % (self.bot.name, gid),

            if self.bot.groups[gid][spam_type] >= 10 or str(
                    m.sender.id) == str(m.conversation.id):
                set_tag(self.bot, gid, spam_type)
                    'Marked group as %s: %s [%s]' %
                    (spam_type, self.bot.groups[gid].title, gid))
                if not has_tag(self.bot,
                               m.conversation.id, 'safe') and not has_tag(
                                   self.bot, gid, 'resend:?') and not has_tag(
                                       self.bot, gid, 'fwd:?'):

        if im_group_admin(self.bot, m) and has_tag(self.bot, m.conversation.id,
                                                   'anti' + spam_type):
                'Kicked {}: {} [{}] from group {} [{}] for {}: {}'.format(
                    spam_type, name, m.sender.id, self.bot.groups[gid].title,
                    gid, content, text))
                                  extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                                  extra={'message_id': m.id})
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run(self, m):
        if m.conversation.id > 0:
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        input = get_input(m, ignore_reply=False)
        parameter = first_word(input)
        enabled = ['reactions', 'roulette',
                   'replies', 'pole', 'fiesta', 'nsfw']
        disabled = ['antispam', 'antiarab', 'antirussian', 'polereset']
        config = {}

        for param in enabled:
            config[param] = not has_tag(
                self.bot, m.conversation.id, 'no' + param)

        for param in disabled:
            config[param] = has_tag(self.bot, m.conversation.id, param)

        text = ''
        if not input:
            text = self.bot.trans.plugins.config.strings.explanation % "', '".join(
            for param in config:
                text += '\n' + ('✔️' if config[param] else '❌') + \
                    ' ' + self.bot.trans.plugins.config.strings[param]

        elif parameter in enabled or parameter in disabled:
            if not is_admin(self.bot, m.sender.id, m) and not is_trusted(self.bot, m.sender.id, m):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if config[parameter]:
                if parameter in enabled:
                    set_tag(self.bot, m.conversation.id, 'no' + parameter)
                elif parameter in disabled:
                    del_tag(self.bot, m.conversation.id, parameter)
                if parameter in enabled:
                    del_tag(self.bot, m.conversation.id, 'no' + parameter)
                elif parameter in disabled:
                    set_tag(self.bot, m.conversation.id, parameter)

            text = ('❌' if config[parameter] else '✔️') + \
                ' ' + self.bot.trans.plugins.config.strings[parameter]

        return self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
Exemplo n.º 4
    def run(self, m):
        input = get_input(m)

        if not is_owner(self.bot, m.sender.id) and not is_trusted(self.bot, m.sender.id):
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        if not input:
            return self.bot.send_message(m, generate_command_help(self, m.content), extra={'format': 'HTML'})
            # return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        if not m.reply:
            input = all_but_first_word(input)

        target = get_target(self.bot, m, get_input(m))
        if target:
            name = get_username(self.bot, target, False)

        elif first_word(input) == '-g':
            target = str(m.conversation.id)
            name = get_username(self.bot, target, False)

            target = str(m.sender.id)
            name = get_username(self.bot, target, False)

        tags = input.split()

        if not target:
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.no_results, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Adds a tag to user or group. #
        if is_command(self, 1, m.content):
            for tag in tags:
                if not has_tag(self.bot, target, tag):
                    set_tag(self.bot, target, tag)
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.tags.strings.tagged % (name, tags), extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Removes a tag from user or group. #
        elif is_command(self, 2, m.content):
            for tag in tags:
                if has_tag(self.bot, target, tag):
                    del_tag(self.bot, target, tag)
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.tags.strings.untagged % (name, tags), extra={'format': 'HTML'})
Exemplo n.º 5
    def run(self, m):
        if not is_trusted(self.bot, m.sender.id):
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        if not input:
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        input = get_input(m)
        if m.reply:
            target = str(m.reply.sender.id)
            name = m.reply.sender.first_name

        elif first_word(input) == '-g':
            target = str(m.conversation.id)
            name = m.conversation.title
            input = all_but_first_word(input)

        elif first_word(input).isdigit():
            target = first_word(input)
            name = target
            input = all_but_first_word(input)

            target = str(m.sender.id)
            name = m.sender.first_name

        tags = input.split()

        # Adds a tag to user or group. #
        if is_command(self, 1, m.content):
            for tag in tags:
                if not has_tag(self.bot, target, tag):
                    set_tag(self.bot, target, tag)
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.tags.strings.tagged % (name, tags), extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Removes a tag from user or group. #
        elif is_command(self, 2, m.content):
            for tag in tags:
                if has_tag(self.bot, target, tag):
                    del_tag(self.bot, target, tag)
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.tags.strings.untagged % (name, tags), extra={'format': 'HTML'})
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self, m):
        uid = m.sender.id
        gid = m.conversation.id

        if gid > 0:
            return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        bullets = None
        roulette = has_tag(self.bot, gid, 'roulette:?', return_match = True)
        if roulette:
            bullets = int(roulette[0].split(':')[1])

        if not bullets:
            set_tag(self.bot, gid, 'roulette:6')
            bullets = 6
        if randint(1, bullets) == 1:
            del_tag(self.bot, gid, 'roulette:?')
            set_tag(self.bot, gid, 'roulette:6')

            res = self.bot.kick_user(m, uid)

            if not res:
                self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.russian_roulette.strings.cant_bang % m.sender.first_name, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.russian_roulette.strings.bang % m.sender.first_name, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            del_tag(self.bot, gid, 'roulette:%s' % bullets)
            bullets -= 1
            set_tag(self.bot, gid, 'roulette:%s' % bullets)
            text = self.bot.trans.plugins.russian_roulette.strings.empty % (m.sender.first_name, bullets)

            self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
Exemplo n.º 7
    def run(self, m):
        if is_command(self, 1, m.content):
            username = get_input(m)

            if not username:
                #username = get_setting(self.bot, m.sender.id, 'lastfm.username')
                tags = has_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id,
                               'lastfm:?', return_match=True)
                if tags and len(tags) > 0:
                    username = tags[0].split(':')[1]
                if not username and m.sender.username:
                    username = m.sender.username
                if not username:
                    return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            url = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/'
            params = {
                'method': 'user.getrecenttracks',
                'format': 'json',
                'limit': '1',
                'api_key': self.bot.config.api_keys.lastfm,
                'user': username

            lastfm = send_request(url, params=params, bot=self.bot)

            # If the user didn't have any tracks or doesn't exist return No Results error. #
                last = lastfm.recenttracks.track[0]
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.no_results, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            artist = last.artist['#text'].title()
            track = last.name.title()
            album = last.album['#text'].title()
            track_url = last.url

                nowplaying = last['@attr'].nowplaying
                if nowplaying == 'true':
                    nowplaying = True
                    nowplaying == False
                date = last.date['#text']
                nowplaying = False

            if nowplaying:
                text = self.bot.trans.plugins.lastfm.strings.now_playing % username
                text = self.bot.trans.plugins.lastfm.strings.last_played % username

            text += '\n🎵 <i>%s</i>\n💽 %s' % (track, artist)
            if album:
                text += ' - %s' % album

            # Gets the link of a Youtube video of the track. #
            url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search'
            params = {
                'type': 'video',
                'part': 'snippet',
                'maxResults': '1',
                'q': '%s %s' % (track, artist),
                'key': self.bot.config.api_keys.google_developer_console

            youtube = send_request(url, params=params, bot=self.bot)

            if not 'error' in youtube and len(youtube['items']) > 0:
                text += '\n\n🌐 %s\n%s\nhttps://youtu.be/%s' % (
                    self.bot.trans.plugins.lastfm.strings.might_be, youtube['items'][0].snippet.title, youtube['items'][0].id.videoId)

                m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML', 'preview': False})

        elif is_command(self, 2, m.content):
            input = get_input(m)
            if not input:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, generate_command_help(self, m.content), extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                # return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            # set_setting(self.bot, m.sender.id, 'lastfm.username', input)
            del_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id, 'lastfm:?')
            set_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id, 'lastfm:%s' % input)
            self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.lastfm.strings.username_set, extra={
                                  'format': 'HTML', 'preview': False})
Exemplo n.º 8
    def run(self, m):
        input = get_input(m)
        uid = str(m.sender.id)
        gid = str(m.conversation.id)

        # List all administration commands. #
        if is_command(self, 1, m.content):
            text = self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.commands
            for command in self.commands:
                # Adds the command and parameters#
                if command.command == '^new_chat_member$':
                    text += '\n • ' + \
                    text += '\n • ' + \
                        command.command.replace('/', self.bot.config.prefix)

                if 'parameters' in command and command.parameters:
                    for parameter in command.parameters:
                        name, required = list(parameter.items())[0]
                        # Bold for required parameters, and italic for optional #
                        if required:
                            text += ' <b>&lt;%s&gt;</b>' % name
                            text += ' [%s]' % name

                if 'description' in command:
                    text += '\n   <i>%s</i>' % command.description
                    text += '\n   <i>?¿</i>'

            return self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # List all groups. #
        if is_command(self, 2, m.content):
            text = self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.groups
            if len(self.bot.administration) > 0:
                for gid, attr in self.bot.administration.items():
                    if 'public' in self.bot.administration[gid] and self.bot.administration[gid].public:
                        if 'link' in self.bot.administration[gid] and self.bot.config.bindings != 'telegram-cli':
                            text += '\n • <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
                                self.bot.administration[gid].link, self.bot.groups[gid].title)
                            text += '\n • %s' % self.bot.groups[gid].title

                        if self.bot.administration[gid].alias:
                            text += ' /<b>%s</b>/' % attr.alias

                text = self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.no_groups

            return self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML', 'preview': False})

        # Join a group. #
        elif is_command(self, 3, m.content):
            if not input:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            gid_to_join = None
            for id in self.bot.administration:
                if (input in self.bot.administration
                    or compile('^' + input.lower() + '$').search(self.bot.administration[id].alias.lower())
                        or compile('^' + input.lower() + '$').search(self.bot.groups[id].title.lower())):
                    gid_to_join = id

            if gid_to_join:
                if not gid_to_join in self.bot.administration:
                    return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

                added = self.bot.bindings.invite_conversation_member(
                    gid_to_join, uid)

                if not added:
                    text = '<b>%s</b>' % self.bot.groups[gid_to_join].title
                    if self.bot.administration[gid_to_join].motd:
                        text += '\n<i>%s</i>' % self.bot.administration[gid_to_join].motd

                    text += '\n\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.rules
                    i = 1
                    if 'rules' in self.bot.administration[gid_to_join]:
                        for rule in self.bot.administration[gid_to_join].rules:
                            text += '\n %s. <i>%s</i>' % (i, rule)
                            i += 1
                        text += '\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.norules

                    if not self.bot.administration[gid_to_join].link:
                        text += '\n\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.nolink
                        text += '\n\n<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
                            self.bot.administration[gid_to_join].link, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.join)
                    return self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML', 'preview': False})

        # Information about a group. #
        elif is_command(self, 4, m.content) or is_command(self, 16, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
            if not gid in self.bot.administration:
                if is_command(self, 4, m.content):
                    return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                elif is_command(self, 16, m.content):

            text = '<b>%s</b>' % self.bot.groups[gid].title
            if 'motd' in self.bot.administration[gid]:
                text += '\n<i>%s</i>' % self.bot.administration[gid].motd

            text += '\n\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.rules
            i = 1

            if not 'rules' in self.bot.administration[gid]:
                text += '\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.norules
                for rule in self.bot.administration[gid].rules:
                    text += '\n %s. <i>%s</i>' % (i, rule)
                    i += 1

            if is_command(self, 4, m.content):
                if not self.bot.administration[gid].link:
                    text += '\n\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.nolink
                    text += '\n\n<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
                        self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.join, self.bot.administration[gid].link)
            return self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML', 'preview': False})

        # Rules of a group. #
        elif is_command(self, 5, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
            if not gid in self.bot.administration:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if input and is_int(input):
                    i = int(input)
                    text = '%s. <i>%s</i>' % (i,
                                              self.bot.administration[gid].rules[i - 1])
                    text = self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.notfound

                text = self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.rules
                i = 1
                for rule in self.bot.administration[gid].rules:
                    text += '\n %s. <i>%s</i>' % (i, rule)
                    i += 1

            if not self.bot.administration[gid].rules:
                text += '\n%s' % self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.norules
            return self.bot.send_message(m, text, extra={'format': 'HTML', 'preview': False})

        # Set rules #
        elif is_command(self, 6, m.content):
            if not input:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m) and not is_mod(self.bot, uid, gid):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                self.bot.administration[gid].rules = input.split('\n')
                set_data('administration/%s/%s/rules' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid].rules)
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.set % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Set rule #
        elif is_command(self, 7, m.content):
            if not input:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m) and not is_mod(self.bot, uid, gid):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                    i = int(first_word(input))-1
                    if i > len(self.bot.administration[gid].rules):
                        i = len(self.bot.administration[gid].rules)
                    elif i < 1:
                        i = 0
                    return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.invalid_syntax, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

                    i, all_but_first_word(input))
                set_data('administration/%s/%s/rules' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid].rules)
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.set % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Remove rule #
        elif is_command(self, 8, m.content):
            if not input:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m) and not is_mod(self.bot, uid, gid):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                    i = int(first_word(input))-1
                    if i > len(self.bot.administration[gid].rules):
                        i = len(self.bot.administration[gid].rules)
                    elif i < 1:
                        i = 0
                    return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.invalid_syntax, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

                del self.bot.administration[gid].rules[i]
                set_data('administration/%s/%s/rules' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid].rules)
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.set % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Add mod #
        elif is_command(self, 9, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            set_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id, 'mod:%s' % gid)

        # Remove mod #
        elif is_command(self, 10, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, gid):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            del_tag(self.bot, m.sender.id, 'mod:%s' % gid)

        # Add group #
        elif is_command(self, 11, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not gid in self.bot.administration:
                self.bot.administration[gid] = {
                    'alias': None,
                    'description': None,
                    'link': None,
                    'rules': [],
                    'public': False
                set_data('administration/%s/%s' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid])
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.already_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Remove group #
        elif is_command(self, 12, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                del self.bot.administration[gid]
                delete_data('administration/%s/%s' % (self.bot.name, gid))
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.removed % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Set alias #
        elif is_command(self, 13, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                self.bot.administration[gid].alias = input.lower()
                set_data('administration/%s/%s/alias' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid].alias)
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.set % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Set link #
        elif is_command(self, 14, m.content):
            if m.conversation.id > 0:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.group_only, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if not is_admin(self.bot, uid, m):
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.permission_required, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                self.bot.administration[gid].link = input.lower()
                set_data('administration/%s/%s/link' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid].link)
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.set % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

        # Make public #
        elif is_command(self, 15, m.content):
            if not input:
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.errors.missing_parameter, extra={'format': 'HTML'})

            if gid in self.bot.administration:
                if input and 'true' in input.lower():
                    self.bot.administration[gid].public = True
                    self.bot.administration[gid].public = False
                set_data('administration/%s/%s/public' %
                         (self.bot.name, gid), self.bot.administration[gid].public)
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.set % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})
                return self.bot.send_message(m, self.bot.trans.plugins.administration.strings.not_added % m.conversation.title, extra={'format': 'HTML'})