Exemplo n.º 1
def pqw2ijk(pqw, inc, raan, argp):
    """Converts from perifocal to IJK.

    ijk = transform(pqw, -argp, 2)
    ijk = transform(ijk, -inc, 0)
    ijk = transform(ijk, -raan, 2)

    return ijk
Exemplo n.º 2
def coe2rv(k, p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu):
    """Converts from classical orbital elements to vectors.

    k : float
        Standard gravitational parameter (km^3 / s^2).
    p : float
        Semi-latus rectum or parameter (km).
    ecc : float
    inc : float
        Inclination (rad).
    omega : float
        Longitude of ascending node (rad).
    argp : float
        Argument of perigee (rad).
    nu : float
        True anomaly (rad).

    r_pqw, v_pqw = rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu)

    r_ijk = transform(r_pqw, -argp, 2)
    r_ijk = transform(r_ijk, -inc, 0)
    r_ijk = transform(r_ijk, -raan, 2)
    v_ijk = transform(v_pqw, -argp, 2)
    v_ijk = transform(v_ijk, -inc, 0)
    v_ijk = transform(v_ijk, -raan, 2)

    return r_ijk, v_ijk
Exemplo n.º 3
def coe2rv(k, p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu):
    """Converts from classical orbital elements to vectors.

    k : float
        Standard gravitational parameter (km^3 / s^2).
    p : float
        Semi-latus rectum or parameter (km).
    ecc : float
    inc : float
        Inclination (rad).
    omega : float
        Longitude of ascending node (rad).
    argp : float
        Argument of perigee (rad).
    nu : float
        True anomaly (rad).

    r_pqw, v_pqw = rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu)

    r_ijk = transform(r_pqw, -argp, 2)
    r_ijk = transform(r_ijk, -inc, 0)
    r_ijk = transform(r_ijk, -raan, 2)
    v_ijk = transform(v_pqw, -argp, 2)
    v_ijk = transform(v_ijk, -inc, 0)
    v_ijk = transform(v_ijk, -raan, 2)

    return r_ijk, v_ijk
Exemplo n.º 4
def coe2rv(k, p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu):
    r"""Converts from classical orbital to state vectors.

    Classical orbital elements are converted into position and velocity
    vectors by `rv_pqw` algorithm. A rotation matrix is applied to position
    and velocity vectors to get them expressed in terms of an IJK basis.

        .. math::
                \vec{r}_{IJK} &= [ROT3(-\Omega)][ROT1(-i)][ROT3(-\omega)]\vec{r}_{PQW}
                                   = \left [ \frac{IJK}{PQW} \right ]\vec{r}_{PQW}\\
                \vec{v}_{IJK} &= [ROT3(-\Omega)][ROT1(-i)][ROT3(-\omega)]\vec{v}_{PQW}
                                   = \left [ \frac{IJK}{PQW} \right ]\vec{v}_{PQW}\\

    Previous rotations (3-1-3) can be expressed in terms of a single rotation matrix:

        .. math::
            \left [ \frac{IJK}{PQW} \right ]

        .. math::
            \cos(\Omega)\cos(\omega) - \sin(\Omega)\sin(\omega)\cos(i) & -\cos(\Omega)\sin(\omega) - \sin(\Omega)\cos(\omega)\cos(i) & \sin(\Omega)\sin(i)\\
            \sin(\Omega)\cos(\omega) + \cos(\Omega)\sin(\omega)\cos(i) & -\sin(\Omega)\sin(\omega) + \cos(\Omega)\cos(\omega)\cos(i) & -\cos(\Omega)\sin(i)\\
            \sin(\omega)\sin(i) & \cos(\omega)\sin(i) & \cos(i)

    k : float
        Standard gravitational parameter (km^3 / s^2).
    p : float
        Semi-latus rectum or parameter (km).
    ecc : float
    inc : float
        Inclination (rad).
    omega : float
        Longitude of ascending node (rad).
    argp : float
        Argument of perigee (rad).
    nu : float
        True anomaly (rad).

    r_ijk: np.array
        Position vector in basis ijk
    v_ijk: np.array
        Velocity vector in basis ijk
    r_pqw, v_pqw = rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu)

    r_ijk = transform(r_pqw, -argp, 2)
    r_ijk = transform(r_ijk, -inc, 0)
    r_ijk = transform(r_ijk, -raan, 2)
    v_ijk = transform(v_pqw, -argp, 2)
    v_ijk = transform(v_ijk, -inc, 0)
    v_ijk = transform(v_ijk, -raan, 2)

    return r_ijk, v_ijk