Exemplo n.º 1
 def _single(self, content: Dict) -> None:
     raw: Optional[Any] = nesteddicts.get(content,
     if raw is None:
     display: str = self.display_format(raw)
     nesteddicts.put(content, self.target_path, display)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_put_parent_missing():
    target: Dict = {"a": {}}
    spec: List[str] = ["a", "b", "c"]
    value: str = "value"
    nesteddicts.put(target, spec, value)

    expected: Dict = {"a": {"b": {"c": "value"}}}
    assert expected == target
Exemplo n.º 3
def assign_bmi_by_year(person: Dict) -> None:
    height = nesteddicts.get(person, ["immutable", "height"])
    years = set(person.keys()) - {"immutable"}
    h_squared = height**2
    for year in years:
        weight = nesteddicts.get(person, [year, "weight"])
        bmi = weight / h_squared * 703
        nesteddicts.put(person, [year, "bmi"], bmi)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_put_tree_exists():
    target: Dict = {"a": {"b": {"c": "old value"}}}
    spec: List[str] = ["a", "b", "c"]
    value: str = "new value"
    nesteddicts.put(target, spec, value)

    expected: Dict = {"a": {"b": {"c": "new value"}}}
    assert expected == target
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _record_exception(self, exception_type: str, path: List[str],
                       value: Optional[Any], period: Optional[str]) -> None:
     # Note: in the event that there is a list in the path, it will be omitted; hence, if there is more than one
     # exception in that list, you will only see a single example
     error_path: List[str] = [
         period or "immutable", "qc", "_exceptions", exception_type
     ] + path
     nesteddicts.put(self.composite.content, error_path, value)
Exemplo n.º 6
def assign_regression_stats(person: Dict) -> None:
    years = set(person.keys()) - {"immutable"}
    years_ordered = sorted([int(year) for year in years])
    weights = [
        nesteddicts.get(person, [str(year), "weight"])
        for year in years_ordered
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(
        years_ordered, weights)
    nesteddicts.put(person, ["immutable", "weight_change", "slope"], slope)
    nesteddicts.put(person, ["immutable", "weight_change", "p_value"], p_value)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _assign(self, content: Dict, value: Optional[Any], value_identifier: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        Places a value (min, max, etc.) and possibly a value identifier (e.g. argmin) into the appropriate place in the
        content dictionary.
        if value is None:
        target_path: ListType[str] = self.schema.get(self.value_target).absolute_path
        nesteddicts.put(content, target_path, value)

        if self.identifier_target is not None and value_identifier != POLYTROPOS_NA:
            id_target_path: ListType[str] = self.schema.get(self.identifier_target).absolute_path
            nesteddicts.put(content, id_target_path, value_identifier)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def encode_list(self, mappings: Dict[str, VariableId],
                 content: List[Dict]) -> Iterator[Dict]:
     """Create a schema-compliant version of a list of dicts based on data structured in some other format.
     :param mappings: A mapping between the internal list item names and the IDs of the list-item variables they
     correspond to.
     :param content: The content in the internal format."""
     for list_item in content:
         ret: Dict = {}
         for internal_key in list_item.keys():
             if internal_key not in mappings:
                 raise ValueError(
                     'No mapping specified from internal key "%s" to schema'
                     % internal_key)
             var_id: VariableId = mappings[internal_key]
             var: Variable = self.schema.get(var_id)
             path: List[str] = list(var.relative_path)
             nesteddicts.put(ret, path, list_item[internal_key])
         yield ret
Exemplo n.º 9
 def encode_named_list(self, mappings: Dict[str, str],
                       content: Dict[str, Dict]) -> Dict:
     """Create a schema-compliant version of a named list of dicts based on data structured in some other format.
     :param mappings: A mapping between the internal list item names and the IDs of the list-item variables they
     correspond to.
     :param content: The content in the internal format."""
     ret = {}
     for key, list_item in content.items():
         encoded: Dict = {}
         for internal_key in list_item.keys():
             if internal_key not in mappings:
                 raise ValueError(
                     'No mapping specified from internal key "%s" to schema'
                     % internal_key)
             var_id: str = mappings[internal_key]
             var: Variable = self.schema.get(var_id)
             path: List[str] = list(var.relative_path)
             nesteddicts.put(encoded, path, list_item[internal_key])
         ret[key] = encoded
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 10
 def put_observation(self, var_id: VariableId, period: str,
                     value: Optional[Any]) -> None:
     """Assign (or overwrite) the value of a temporal variable into a particular time period's observation."""
     var = self.as_var(var_id, track_type=TrackType.TEMPORAL)
     path: List = [period] + list(var.absolute_path)
     nesteddicts.put(self.content, path, value)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def put_immutable(self, var_id: VariableId, value: Optional[Any]) -> None:
     var = self.as_var(var_id, track_type=TrackType.IMMUTABLE)
     path: List = ["immutable"] + list(var.absolute_path)
     nesteddicts.put(self.content, path, value)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_put_incomplete_nesting():
    target: Dict = {"a": "b"}
    spec: List[str] = ["a", "b", "c"]
    value: str = "value"
    with raises(nesteddicts.IncompleteNestingError):
        nesteddicts.put(target, spec, value)
Exemplo n.º 13
def assign_mean_bmi(person: Dict) -> None:
    years = set(person.keys()) - {"immutable"}
    bmis = [nesteddicts.get(person, [year, "bmi"]) for year in years]
    mean_bmi = numpy.average(bmis)
    nesteddicts.put(person, ["immutable", "mean_bmi"], mean_bmi)
Exemplo n.º 14
genders = ["male", "female", "overall"]
for gender in genders:
    mean_bmi_dict[gender] = {}

for fn, person in people.items():
    gender: str = "female"
    if person["immutable"]["male"]:
        gender = "male"
    mean_bmi = person["immutable"]["mean_bmi"]
    mean_bmi_dict[gender][fn] = mean_bmi
    mean_bmi_dict["overall"][fn] = mean_bmi

ranked: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for gender in genders:
    people_ranked = list(
               key=lambda k: -1 * mean_bmi_dict[gender][k]))
    ranked[gender] = people_ranked

for gender in ["male", "female"]:
    for k, person in enumerate(ranked[gender]):
                        ["immutable", "bmi_rank_within_gender"], k + 1)

for k, person in enumerate(ranked["overall"]):
    nesteddicts.put(people[person], ["immutable", "bmi_rank_overall"], k + 1)

for fn, person in people.items():
    with open("%s/expected/%s" % (basepath, fn), "w") as output_fh:
        json.dump(person, output_fh, indent=2)