Exemplo n.º 1
def get_response_content(fs):
    parental_state = multiline_state_to_ndarray(fs.parental_state)
    nchromosomes, npositions = parental_state.shape
    if nchromosomes * npositions > 10:
        raise ValueError('at most 2^10 states are allowed')
    mutation = 0.5 * fs.mutation_param
    recombination = 0.5 * fs.recombination_param
    selection = fs.selection_param
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'number of chromosomes:'
    print >> out, nchromosomes
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'number of positions per chromosome:'
    print >> out, npositions
    print >> out
    # define the transition matrix
    P = get_transition_matrix(
            selection, mutation, recombination, nchromosomes, npositions)
    # sample the endpoint conditioned path
    initial_integer_state = popgenmarkov.bin2d_to_int(initial_state)
    final_integer_state = popgenmarkov.bin2d_to_int(final_state)
    path = sample_endpoint_conditioned_path(
            initial_integer_state, final_integer_state,
            fs.ngenerations, P)
    print >> out, 'sampled endpoint conditioned path, including endpoints:'
    print >> out
    for integer_state in path:
        # print integer_state
        print >> out, ndarray_to_multiline_state(
                    integer_state, nchromosomes, npositions))
        print >> out
    return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_transition_matrix(
        selection, mutation, recombination,
        nchromosomes, npositions):
    This factors into the product of two transition matrices.
    The first transition matrix accounts for selection and recombination.
    The second transition matrix independently accounts for mutation.
    @param selection: a fitness ratio
    @param mutation: a state change probability
    @param recombination: a linkage phase change probability
    @param nchromosomes: number of chromosomes in the population
    @param npositions: number of positions per chromosome
    @return: a numpy array
    nstates = 1 << (nchromosomes * npositions)
    # define the mutation transition matrix
    P_mutation = np.zeros((nstates, nstates))
    for source in range(nstates):
        for sink in range(nstates):
            ndiff = gmpy.hamdist(source, sink)
            nsame = nchromosomes * npositions - ndiff
            P_mutation[source, sink] = (mutation**ndiff)*((1-mutation)**nsame)
    print 'mutation transition matrix row sums:'
    for value in np.sum(P_mutation, axis=1):
        print value
    # init the unnormalized selection and recombination transition matrix
    M = np.zeros((nstates, nstates))
    for source_index in range(nstates):
        K_source = popgenmarkov.int_to_bin2d(
                source_index, nchromosomes, npositions)
        chromosome_distn = popgenmarkov.get_chromosome_distn(
                selection, recombination, K_source)
        for x in product(range(1<<npositions), repeat=nchromosomes):
            weight = 1
            for index in x:
                weight *= chromosome_distn[index]
            sink_index = 0
            for i, index in enumerate(x):
                sink_index <<= npositions
                sink_index |= index
            M[source_index, sink_index] = weight
    M_row_sums = np.sum(M, axis=1)
    P_selection_recombination = (M.T / M_row_sums).T
    print 'selection-recombination matrix row sums:'
    for value in np.sum(P_selection_recombination, axis=1):
        print value
    # define the state transition probability matrix
    P = np.dot(P_selection_recombination, P_mutation)
    return P