Exemplo n.º 1
def main(N):
    Nx = Ny = N

    #g = structured.CartGrid([Nx, Ny], [2, 2])
    g = simplex.StructuredTriangleGrid([Nx, Ny], [1, 1])
    #co.coarsen(g, 'by_volume')

    # Assign parameters
    data = add_data(g)

    # Choose and define the solvers
    solver_flow = vem_dual.DualVEM('flow')
    A_flow, b_flow = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(g, data)

    solver_source = vem_source.DualSource('flow')
    A_source, b_source = solver_source.matrix_rhs(g, data)

    up = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_flow + A_source, b_flow + b_source)

    u = solver_flow.extract_u(g, up)
    p = solver_flow.extract_p(g, up)
    P0u = solver_flow.project_u(g, u, data)

    diam = np.amax(g.cell_diameters())
    return diam, error_p(g, p)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_upwind_example2(self, if_export=False):
        # Simple 2d upwind problem with explicit Euler scheme in time coupled with
        # a Darcy problem
        T = 2
        Nx, Ny = 10, 10
        folder = 'example2'

        def funp_ex(pt):
            return -np.sin(pt[0]) * np.sin(pt[1]) - pt[0]

        g = structured.CartGrid([Nx, Ny], [1, 1])

        param = Parameters(g)

        # Permeability
        perm = tensor.SecondOrderTensor(g.dim, kxx=np.ones(g.num_cells))
        param.set_tensor("flow", perm)

        # Source term
        param.set_source("flow", np.zeros(g.num_cells))

        # Boundaries
        b_faces = g.get_all_boundary_faces()
        bc = BoundaryCondition(g, b_faces, ['dir'] * b_faces.size)
        bc_val = np.zeros(g.num_faces)
        bc_val[b_faces] = funp_ex(g.face_centers[:, b_faces])
        param.set_bc("flow", bc)
        param.set_bc_val("flow", bc_val)

        # Darcy solver
        data = {'param': param}
        solver = vem_dual.DualVEM("flow")
        D_flow, b_flow = solver.matrix_rhs(g, data)

        solver_source = vem_source.DualSource('flow')
        D_source, b_source = solver_source.matrix_rhs(g, data)

        up = sps.linalg.spsolve(D_flow + D_source, b_flow + b_source)

        p, u = solver.extract_p(g, up), solver.extract_u(g, up)
        P0u = solver.project_u(g, u, data)

        save = Exporter(g, "darcy", folder)

        if if_export:
            save.write_vtk({'pressure': p, "P0u": P0u})

        # Discharge
        dis = u

        # Boundaries
        bc = BoundaryCondition(g, b_faces, ['dir'] * b_faces.size)
        bc_val = np.hstack(([1], np.zeros(g.num_faces - 1)))
        param.set_bc("transport", bc)
        param.set_bc_val("transport", bc_val)

        data = {'param': param, 'discharge': dis}

        # Advect solver
        advect = upwind.Upwind("transport")

        U, rhs = advect.matrix_rhs(g, data)

        data['deltaT'] = advect.cfl(g, data)
        M, _ = mass_matrix.MassMatrix().matrix_rhs(g, data)

        conc = np.zeros(g.num_cells)
        M_minus_U = M - U
        invM, _ = mass_matrix.InvMassMatrix().matrix_rhs(g, data)

        # Loop over the time
        Nt = int(T / data['deltaT'])
        time = np.empty(Nt)
        for i in np.arange(Nt):

            # Update the solution
            conc = invM.dot((M_minus_U).dot(conc) + rhs)
            time[i] = data['deltaT'] * i
            if if_export:
                save.write_vtk({"conc": conc}, time_step=i)

        if if_export:

        known = \
            np.array([9.63168200e-01,   8.64054875e-01,   7.25390695e-01,
                      5.72228235e-01,   4.25640080e-01,   2.99387331e-01,
                      1.99574336e-01,   1.26276876e-01,   7.59011550e-02,
                      4.33431230e-02,   3.30416807e-02,   1.13058617e-01,
                      2.05372538e-01,   2.78382057e-01,   3.14035373e-01,
                      3.09920132e-01,   2.75024694e-01,   2.23163145e-01,
                      1.67386939e-01,   1.16897527e-01,   1.06111312e-03,
                      1.11951850e-02,   3.87907727e-02,   8.38516119e-02,
                      1.36617802e-01,   1.82773271e-01,   2.10446545e-01,
                      2.14651936e-01,   1.97681518e-01,   1.66549151e-01,
                      3.20751341e-05,   9.85780113e-04,   6.07062715e-03,
                      1.99393042e-02,   4.53237556e-02,   8.00799828e-02,
                      1.17199623e-01,   1.47761481e-01,   1.64729339e-01,
                      1.65390555e-01,   9.18585872e-07,   8.08267622e-05,
                      8.47227168e-04,   4.08879583e-03,   1.26336029e-02,
                      2.88705048e-02,   5.27841497e-02,   8.10459333e-02,
                      1.07956484e-01,   1.27665318e-01,   2.51295298e-08,
                      6.29844122e-06,   1.09361990e-04,   7.56743783e-04,
                      3.11384414e-03,   9.04446601e-03,   2.03443897e-02,
                      3.75208816e-02,   5.89595194e-02,   8.11457277e-02,
                      6.63498510e-10,   4.73075468e-07,   1.33728945e-05,
                      1.30243418e-04,   7.01905707e-04,   2.55272292e-03,
                      6.96686157e-03,   1.52290448e-02,   2.78607282e-02,
                      4.40402650e-02,   1.71197497e-11,   3.47118057e-08,
                      1.57974045e-06,   2.13489614e-05,   1.48634295e-04,
                      6.68104990e-04,   2.18444135e-03,   5.58646819e-03,
                      1.17334966e-02,   2.09744728e-02,   4.37822313e-13,
                      2.52373622e-09,   1.83589660e-07,   3.40553325e-06,
                      3.02948532e-05,   1.66504215e-04,   6.45119867e-04,
                      1.90731440e-03,   4.53436628e-03,   8.99977737e-03,
                      1.12627412e-14,   1.84486857e-10,   2.13562387e-08,
                      5.39492977e-07,   6.08223906e-06,   4.05535296e-05,
                      1.84731221e-04,   6.25871542e-04,   1.66459389e-03,

        assert np.allclose(conc, known)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def compute_up(self, g, l, data):
        Return the velocity and pressure computed from the hybrid variables.

        g : grid, or a subclass, with geometry fields computed.
        l : array (g.num_faces) Hybrid solution of the system.
        data: dictionary to store the data. See self.matrix_rhs for a detaild

        u : array (g.num_faces) Velocity at each face.
        p : array (g.num_cells) Pressure at each cell.

        # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        if g.dim == 0:
            return 0, l[0]

        param = data['param']
        k = param.get_tensor(self)
        f = param.get_source(self)
        a = param.aperture

        faces, _, sgn = sps.find(g.cell_faces)

        # Map the domain to a reference geometry (i.e. equivalent to compute
        # surface coordinates in 1d and 2d)
        c_centers, f_normals, f_centers, _, _, _ = cg.map_grid(g)

        # Weight for the stabilization term
        diams = g.cell_diameters()
        weight = np.power(diams, 2 - g.dim)

        # Allocation of the pressure and velocity vectors
        p = np.zeros(g.num_cells)
        u = np.zeros(g.num_faces)
        massHdiv = dual.DualVEM().massHdiv

        for c in np.arange(g.num_cells):
            # For the current cell retrieve its faces
            loc = slice(g.cell_faces.indptr[c], g.cell_faces.indptr[c + 1])
            faces_loc = faces[loc]
            ndof = faces_loc.size

            # Retrieve permeability and normals assumed outward to the cell.
            sgn_loc = sgn[loc].reshape((-1, 1))
            normals = np.multiply(np.tile(sgn_loc.T, (g.dim, 1)),
                                  f_normals[:, faces_loc])

            # Compute the H_div-mass local matrix
            A = massHdiv(k.perm[0:g.dim, 0:g.dim, c], c_centers[:, c],
                         a[c] * g.cell_volumes[c], f_centers[:, faces_loc],
                         a[c] * normals, np.ones(ndof), diams[c], weight[c])[0]
            # Compute the Div local matrix
            B = -np.ones((ndof, 1))
            # Compute the hybrid local matrix
            C = np.eye(ndof, ndof)

            # Perform the static condensation to compute the pressure and velocity
            S = 1 / np.dot(B.T, solve(A, B))
            l_loc = l[faces_loc].reshape((-1, 1))

            p[c] = np.dot(S, f[c] - np.dot(B.T, solve(A, np.dot(C, l_loc))))
            u[faces_loc] = -np.multiply(sgn_loc, solve(A, np.dot(B, p[c]) + \
                                                       np.dot(C, l_loc)))

        return u, p
Exemplo n.º 4
    def matrix_rhs(self, g, data):
        Return the matrix and righ-hand side for a discretization of a second
        order elliptic equation using hybrid dual virtual element method.
        The name of data in the input dictionary (data) are:
        perm : tensor.SecondOrder
            Permeability defined cell-wise. If not given a identity permeability
            is assumed and a warning arised.
        source : array (self.g.num_cells)
            Scalar source term defined cell-wise. If not given a zero source
            term is assumed and a warning arised.
        bc : boundary conditions (optional)
        bc_val : dictionary (optional)
            Values of the boundary conditions. The dictionary has at most the
            following keys: 'dir' and 'neu', for Dirichlet and Neumann boundary
            conditions, respectively.

        g : grid, or a subclass, with geometry fields computed.
        data: dictionary to store the data.

        matrix: sparse csr (g.num_faces+g_num_cells, g.num_faces+g_num_cells)
            Saddle point matrix obtained from the discretization.
        rhs: array (g.num_faces+g_num_cells)
            Right-hand side which contains the boundary conditions and the scalar
            source term.

        b_faces_neu = ... # id of the Neumann faces
        b_faces_dir = ... # id of the Dirichlet faces
        bnd = bc.BoundaryCondition(g, np.hstack((b_faces_dir, b_faces_neu)),
                                ['dir']*b_faces_dir.size + ['neu']*b_faces_neu.size)
        bnd_val = {'dir': fun_dir(g.face_centers[:, b_faces_dir]),
                   'neu': fun_neu(f.face_centers[:, b_faces_neu])}

        data = {'perm': perm, 'source': f, 'bc': bnd, 'bc_val': bnd_val}

        H, rhs = hybrid.matrix_rhs(g, data)
        l = sps.linalg.spsolve(H, rhs)
        u, p = hybrid.compute_up(g, l, data)
        P0u = dual.project_u(g, perm, u)

        # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        # If a 0-d grid is given then we return an identity matrix
        if g.dim == 0:
            return sps.identity(self.ndof(g), format="csr"), np.zeros(1)

        param = data['param']
        k = param.get_tensor(self)
        f = param.get_source(self)
        bc = param.get_bc(self)
        bc_val = param.get_bc_val(self)
        a = param.aperture

        faces, _, sgn = sps.find(g.cell_faces)

        # Map the domain to a reference geometry (i.e. equivalent to compute
        # surface coordinates in 1d and 2d)
        c_centers, f_normals, f_centers, _, _, _ = cg.map_grid(g)

        # Weight for the stabilization term
        diams = g.cell_diameters()
        weight = np.power(diams, 2 - g.dim)

        # Allocate the data to store matrix entries, that's the most efficient
        # way to create a sparse matrix.
        size = np.sum(np.square(g.cell_faces.indptr[1:] - \
        I = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int)
        J = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int)
        data = np.empty(size)
        rhs = np.zeros(g.num_faces)

        idx = 0
        massHdiv = dual.DualVEM().massHdiv

        for c in np.arange(g.num_cells):
            # For the current cell retrieve its faces
            loc = slice(g.cell_faces.indptr[c], g.cell_faces.indptr[c + 1])
            faces_loc = faces[loc]
            ndof = faces_loc.size

            # Retrieve permeability and normals assumed outward to the cell.
            sgn_loc = sgn[loc].reshape((-1, 1))
            normals = np.multiply(np.tile(sgn_loc.T, (g.dim, 1)),
                                  f_normals[:, faces_loc])

            # Compute the H_div-mass local matrix
            A = massHdiv(k.perm[0:g.dim, 0:g.dim, c], c_centers[:, c],
                         a[c] * g.cell_volumes[c], f_centers[:, faces_loc],
                         a[c] * normals, np.ones(ndof), diams[c], weight[c])[0]
            # Compute the Div local matrix
            B = -np.ones((ndof, 1))
            # Compute the hybrid local matrix
            C = np.eye(ndof, ndof)

            # Perform the static condensation to compute the hybrid local matrix
            invA = np.linalg.inv(A)
            S = 1 / np.dot(B.T, np.dot(invA, B))
            L = np.dot(np.dot(invA, np.dot(B, np.dot(S, B.T))), invA)
            L = np.dot(np.dot(C.T, L - invA), C)

            # Compute the local hybrid right using the static condensation
            rhs[faces_loc] += np.dot(C.T,
                                            np.dot(B, np.dot(S, f[c]))))[:, 0]

            # Save values for hybrid matrix
            cols = np.tile(faces_loc, (faces_loc.size, 1))
            loc_idx = slice(idx, idx + cols.size)
            I[loc_idx] = cols.T.ravel()
            J[loc_idx] = cols.ravel()
            data[loc_idx] = L.ravel()
            idx += cols.size

        # construct the global matrices
        H = sps.coo_matrix((data, (I, J))).tocsr()

        # Apply the boundary conditions
        if bc is not None:

            if np.any(bc.is_dir):
                norm = sps.linalg.norm(H, np.inf)
                is_dir = np.where(bc.is_dir)[0]

                H[is_dir, :] *= 0
                H[is_dir, is_dir] = norm
                rhs[is_dir] = norm * bc_val[is_dir]

            if np.any(bc.is_neu):
                faces, _, sgn = sps.find(g.cell_faces)
                sgn = sgn[np.unique(faces, return_index=True)[1]]

                is_neu = np.where(bc.is_neu)[0]
                rhs[is_neu] += sgn[is_neu] * bc_val[is_neu] * g.face_areas[

        return H, rhs
Exemplo n.º 5
 def flux_disc(self):
     if self.is_GridBucket:
         return vem_dual.DualVEMMixedDim(physics=self.physics)
         return vem_dual.DualVEM(physics=self.physics)