Exemplo n.º 1
def exists_outgoing_network_socket(localip, localport, remoteip, remoteport):
    Determines if there exists a network socket with the specified unique tuple.
    Assumes TCP.

    localip: The IP address of the local socket
    localport: The port of the local socket
    remoteip:  The IP of the remote host
    remoteport: The port of the remote host
    A Tuple, indicating the existence and state of the socket. E.g. (Exists (True/False), State (String or None))

    # This only works if all are not of the None type
    if not (localip and localport and remoteip and remoteport):
        return (False, None)

    # Construct search strings, add a space so port 8 wont match 80
    localsocket = localip + ":" + str(localport) + " "
    remotesocket = remoteip + ":" + str(remoteport) + " "

    # Launch up a shell, get the feedback
    netstat_process = portable_popen.Popen(["netstat", "-an"])

    netstat_output, _ = netstat_process.communicate()

    target_lines = textops.textops_grep(localsocket, \
        textops.textops_rawtexttolines(netstat_output, linedelimiter="\r\n"))
    target_lines = textops.textops_grep(remotesocket, target_lines)

    target_lines = textops.textops_grep("tcp ",

    # Check each line, to make sure the local socket comes before the remote socket
    # Since we are just using find, the "order" is not imposed, so if the remote socket
    # is first that implies it is an inbound connection
    if len(target_lines) > 0:
        # Check each entry
        for line in target_lines:
            # Check the indexes for the local and remote socket, make sure local
            # comes first
            local_index = line.find(localsocket)
            remote_index = line.find(remotesocket)
            if local_index <= remote_index and local_index != -1:
                # Replace tabs with spaces, explode on spaces
                parts = line.replace("\t", "").strip("\r\n").split()
                # Get the state
                socket_state = parts[-1]

                return (True, socket_state)

        return (False, None)

    # If there were no entries, then there is no socket!
        return (False, None)
Exemplo n.º 2
def restart_software_updater():
    Attempts to start a new software updater, and will exit this one if the
    new one seems to start successfully.  If the new one does not start
    successfully, then we just return.


   Possible exception if there is problems writing the OK file.
  <Side Effects>
    If all goes well, a new softwareupdater will be started, and this one will

    In the successful case, it will not return.  If the new softwareupdater does
    not start correctly, we will return None.

        "[restart_software_updater] Attempting to restart software updater.")

    # find an unused mutex
    thismutex = get_mutex()

    # starts new with arg that is the mutex
    junkupdaterobject = portable_popen.Popen(
        ["python", "softwareupdater.py", thismutex])

    # wait for some time (1 minute) for them to init and stop them if they don't
    for junkcount in range(30):

        # if "OK" file exists, release softwareupdater.old, remove OK file and exit
        if os.path.exists("softwareupdater.OK." + thismutex):
            os.remove("softwareupdater.OK." + thismutex)
            # I'm happy, it is taking over
                "[restart_software_updater] The new instance of the software updater is running. This one is exiting."

    # else write "stop" file because it failed...
    file("softwareupdater.stop." + thismutex, "w").close()

        "[restart_software_updater] Failed to restart software updater. This instance will continue."

    # I continue normal operation
Exemplo n.º 3
def exists_outgoing_network_socket(localip, localport, remoteip, remoteport):
    Determines if there exists a network socket with the specified unique tuple.
    Assumes TCP.

    localip: The IP address of the local socket
    localport: The port of the local socket
    remoteip:  The IP of the remote host
    remoteport: The port of the remote host
    A Tuple, indicating the existence and state of the socket. E.g. (Exists (True/False), State (String or None))

    # This only works if all are not of the None type
    if not (localip and localport and remoteip and remoteport):
        return (False, None)

    # Grab netstat output.
    netstat_process = portable_popen.Popen(["netstat", "-an"])
    netstat_stdout, _ = netstat_process.communicate()
    netstat_lines = textops.textops_rawtexttolines(netstat_stdout)

    # Search for things matching the local and remote ip+port we are trying to get
    # information about.
    target_lines = textops.textops_grep(localip + ':' + str(localport), netstat_lines) + \
        textops.textops_grep(localip + '.' + str(localport), netstat_lines)

    target_lines = textops.textops_grep(remoteip + ':' + str(remoteport), target_lines) + \
        textops.textops_grep(remoteip + '.' + str(remoteport), target_lines)

    # Only tcp connections.
    target_lines = textops.textops_grep('tcp', target_lines)

    # Check if there is any entries
    if len(target_lines) > 0:
        line = target_lines[0]
        # Replace tabs with spaces, explode on spaces
        parts = line.replace("\t", "").strip("\n").split()
        # Get the state
        socket_state = parts[-1]

        return (True, socket_state)

        return (False, None)
Exemplo n.º 4
def restart_client(filenamelist):
    Restarts the node manager.

    filenamelist - Currently not used, but is included for possible future use.


  <Side Effects>
    The current node manager is killed, and a new one is started.

    # kill nmmain if it is currently running
    retval = runonce.getprocesslock('seattlenodemanager')
    if retval == True:
            "[restart_client] Obtained the lock 'seattlenodemanager', it wasn't running."
        # I got the lock, it wasn't running...
        # we want to start a new one, so lets release
    elif retval == False:
        # Someone has the lock, but I can't do anything...
            "[restart_client] The lock 'seattlenodemanager' is held by an unknown process. Will try to start it anyways."
        safe_log("[restart_client] Stopping the nodemanager.")
        # I know the process ID!   Let's stop the process...

    safe_log("[restart_client] Starting the nodemanager.")

    # run the node manager.   I rely on it to do the smart thing (handle multiple
    # instances, etc.)
    nm_restart_command_args_list = ["python", "nmmain.py"]

    if run_nodemanager_in_foreground:

    junkprocessobject = portable_popen.Popen(nm_restart_command_args_list)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_system_thread_count():
    Returns the number of active threads running on the system.

    The thread count.
    # Use PS since it is can get the info for us
    process = portable_popen.Popen(["ps", "axH"])

    ps_output, _ = process.communicate()

    # Subtract 1 from the number of lines because the first line is a a table
    # header: "  PID TTY      STAT   TIME COMMAND"
    threads = len(textops.textops_rawtexttolines(ps_output)) - 1

    return threads
Exemplo n.º 6
def exists_listening_network_socket(ip, port, tcp):
    Determines if there exists a network socket with the specified ip and port which is the LISTEN state.
    ip: The IP address of the listening socket
    port: The port of the listening socket
    tcp: Is the socket of TCP type, else UDP

    True or False.

    # This only works if both are not of the None type
    if not (ip and port):
        return False

    # UDP connections are stateless, so for TCP check for the LISTEN state
    # and for UDP, just check that there exists a UDP port
    if tcp:
        find = ["tcp", "LISTEN"]
        find = ["udp"]

    # Launch up a shell, get the feed back
    netstat_process = portable_popen.Popen(["netstat", "-an"])

    netstat_output, _ = netstat_process.communicate()

    target_lines = textops.textops_grep(ip+':'+str(port)+' ', \
        textops.textops_rawtexttolines(netstat_output, linedelimiter="\r\n"))

    for term in find:  # Add additional grep's
        target_lines = textops.textops_grep(term,

    # Convert to an integer
    num = len(target_lines)

    return (num > 0)
Exemplo n.º 7
def exists_listening_network_socket(ip, port, tcp):
    Determines if there exists a network socket with the specified ip and port which is the LISTEN state.
    ip: The IP address of the listening socket
    port: The port of the listening socket
    tcp: Is the socket of TCP type, else UDP
    True or False.
    # This only works if both are not of the None type
    if not (ip and port):
        return False

    # UDP connections are stateless, so for TCP check for the LISTEN state
    # and for UDP, just check that there exists a UDP port
    if tcp:
        grep_terms = ["tcp", "LISTEN"]
        grep_terms = ["udp"]

    # Launch up a shell, get the feedback
    netstat_process = portable_popen.Popen(["netstat", "-an"])
    netstat_stdout, _ = netstat_process.communicate()
    netstat_lines = textops.textops_rawtexttolines(netstat_stdout)

    # Search for things matching the ip+port we are trying to get
    # information about.
    target_lines = textops.textops_grep(ip + ':' + str(port), netstat_lines) + \
        textops.textops_grep(ip + '.' + str(port), netstat_lines)

    for term in grep_terms:
        target_lines = textops.textops_grep(term, target_lines)

    number_of_sockets = len(target_lines)

    return (number_of_sockets > 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_available_interfaces():
    Returns a list of available network interfaces.
    An array of string interfaces
    # Common headers
    # This list contains common header elements so that they can be stripped
    common_headers_list = ["Name", "Kernel", "Iface"]

    # Netstat will return all interfaces, but also has some duplication.
    # Cut will get the first field from each line, which is the interface name.
    # Sort prepares the input for uniq, which only works on sorted lists.
    # Uniq, is somewhat obvious, it will only return the unique interfaces to remove duplicates.
    # Launch up a shell, get the feedback
    netstat_process = portable_popen.Popen(["netstat", "-i"])
    netstat_stdout, _ = netstat_process.communicate()
    netstat_lines = textops.textops_rawtexttolines(netstat_stdout)

    target_lines = textops.textops_cut(netstat_lines,
                                       delimiter=" ",

    unique_lines = set(target_lines)

    # Create an array for the interfaces
    interfaces_list = []

    for line in unique_lines:
        # Strip the newline
        line = line.strip("\n")
        # Check if this is a header
        if line in common_headers_list:

    # Done, return the interfaces
    return interfaces_list
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_interface_ip_addresses(interfaceName):
    Returns the IP address associated with the interface.
    interfaceName: The string name of the interface, e.g. eth0
    A list of IP addresses associated with the interface.

    # Launch up a shell, get the feed back
    # We use ifconfig with the interface name.
    ifconfig_process = portable_popen.Popen(
        ["/sbin/ifconfig", interfaceName.strip()])

    ifconfig_output, _ = ifconfig_process.communicate()
    ifconfig_lines = textops.textops_rawtexttolines(ifconfig_output)

    # Look for ipv4 addresses
    target_lines = textops.textops_grep("inet", ifconfig_lines)
    # and not ipv6
    target_lines = textops.textops_grep("inet6", target_lines, exclude=True)

    # Only take the ip(s)
    target_lines = textops.textops_cut(target_lines, delimiter=":", fields=[1])
    target_lines = textops.textops_cut(target_lines, delimiter=" ", fields=[0])

    # Create an array for the ip's
    ipaddressList = []

    for line in target_lines:
        # Strip the newline and any spacing
        line = line.strip("\n\t ")

    # Done, return the interfaces
    return ipaddressList
Exemplo n.º 10
def _fetch_ipconfig_infomation():
    Fetch's the information from ipconfig and stores it in a useful format.
    A dictionary object.

    # Launch up a shell, get the feedback
    process = portable_popen.Popen(["ipconfig", "/all"])

    # Get the output
    outputdata = process.stdout.readlines()

    # Close the pipe

    # Stores the info
    info_dict = {}

    # Store the current container
    current_container = None

    # Process each line
    for line in outputdata:
        # Strip unwanted characters
        line = line.strip("\r\n")

        # Check if this line is blank, skip it
        if line.strip() == "":

        # This is a top-level line if it does not start with a space
        if not line.startswith(" "):
            # Do some cleanup
            line = line.strip(" :")

            # Check if this exists in the top return dictionary, if not add it
            if line not in info_dict:
                info_dict[line] = {}

            # Set the current container
            current_container = line

        # Otherwise, this line just contains some information
            # Check if we are in a container
            if not current_container:

            # Cleanup
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.replace(". ", "")

            # Explode on the colon
            (key, value) = line.split(":", 1)

            # More cleanup
            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip()

            # Store this
            info_dict[current_container][key] = value

    # Return everything
    return info_dict
Exemplo n.º 11
program_name = "noop_program_for_repy_callarg_test.r2py"
except OSError:
    # The file wasn't there. No problem.

noop_prog = open(program_name, "w")

# Call Repy. If repy.py mistakingly consumes the --logfile arg, it
# will create a file named logfile_prefix + ".old" (or .new if .old
# already existed).
logfile_prefix = "REPY_CALLARG_TEST"
repy_process = portable_popen.Popen([
    sys.executable, "repy.py", "restrictions.default", program_name,
    "--logfile", logfile_prefix

# Give things time to settle (launching of subprocess, code safety check, etc.)

# See if the logfile was created.
for filename in os.listdir("."):
    if filename.startswith(logfile_prefix):
        print "Found file", filename, "which indicates that repy.py consumed "
        print "the argument meant for the sandboxed program. Bad."

# Finally, remove any files we might created
for filename in [
        program_name, logfile_prefix + ".old", logfile_prefix + ".new"
Exemplo n.º 12
def startvessel_ex(vesselname, prog_platform, argstring):

    # Convert the programming platform to lowercase to make
    # it case insensitive.
    prog_platform = prog_platform.lower()

    if vesselname not in vesseldict:
        raise BadRequest, "No such vessel"

    if vesseldict[vesselname]['status'] == 'Started':
        raise BadRequest("Vessel has already been started")

    if prog_platform not in prog_platform_dir.keys():
        raise BadRequest("Programming language platform is not supported.")

    # remove any prior stop file so that we can start
    if os.path.exists(vesseldict[vesselname]['stopfilename']):

    for char in argstring:
        if char not in allowedchars:
            raise BadRequest("Character '" + char +
                             "' not allowed in arguments")

    # I'm going to capture the status and timestamp and then check the see if
    # the timestamp is updated...
    oldstatus, oldtimestamp = statusstorage.read_status(

    # Armon: this is required to fetch the networkrestrictions information from the configuration
    configuration = persist.restore_object("nodeman.cfg")

    # Armon: Generate the IP/Iface preferences if they exist
    ip_iface_preference_flags = []
    ip_iface_preference_str = ""  # Needed for Win Mobile

    # Only add the flags if everything necessary exists
    if 'networkrestrictions' in configuration and 'repy_restricted' in configuration['networkrestrictions'] \
      and configuration['networkrestrictions']['repy_restricted'] and 'repy_user_preference' in configuration['networkrestrictions']:
        # Generate the preference list
        for (is_ip, value
             ) in configuration['networkrestrictions']['repy_user_preference']:
            # Append the correct flag
            if is_ip:
                ip_iface_preference_str += "--ip "
                ip_iface_preference_str += "--iface "

            # Append the value
            ip_iface_preference_str += "'" + value + "' "

        # Check for the --nootherips flag
        if 'repy_nootherips' in configuration[
                'networkrestrictions'] and configuration[
            # Append the flag
            ip_iface_preference_str += "--nootherips "

    # Find the location where the sandbox files is located. Location of repyV1, repyV2 etc.
    prog_platform_location = os.path.join(prog_platform_dir[prog_platform],

    # I use absolute paths so that repy can still find the files after it
    # changes directories...

    # Conrad: switched this to sequence-style Popen invocation so that spaces
    # in files work. Switched it back to absolute paths.
    command = [
        sys.executable, prog_platform_location
    ] + ip_iface_preference_flags + [
        os.path.abspath(vesseldict[vesselname]['logfilename']), "--stop",
        os.path.abspath(vesseldict[vesselname]['stopfilename']), "--status",
        os.path.abspath(vesseldict[vesselname]['statusfilename']), "--cwd",
        os.path.abspath(vesselname), "--servicelog", "--execinfo",
    ] + argstring.split()


    starttime = nonportable.getruntime()

    # wait for 10 seconds for it to start (else return an error)
    while nonportable.getruntime() - starttime < 10:
        newstatus, newtimestamp = statusstorage.read_status(
        # Great!   The timestamp was updated...   The new status is the result of
        # our work.   Let's tell the user what happened...
        if newtimestamp != oldtimestamp and newstatus != None:

        # sleep while busy waiting...

        return "Did not start in a timely manner\nWarning"

    # We need to update the status in the table because the status thread might
    # not notice this before our next request... (else occasional failures on XP)
    nmstatusmonitor.update_status(vesseldict, vesselname, newstatus,

    return newstatus + "\nSuccess"