Exemplo n.º 1
def copy_items(items, source, target, target_user, target_folder=None,
               relationships=None, work_dir=tempfile.gettempdir()):
    """ Copy items from the source portal to the target portal."""
    if not target.is_logged_in():
        raise PortalError('Must be logged into target portal to copy')

    # Make sure the folder exists (or gets created) on the target portal
    target_folder_id = None
    if target_folder:
        target_folder_id = _get_or_create_folder(target, target_user,

    # Create a temporary folder to use for copying items.
    copy_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='copy_items_',
        # Copy the items
        copied_items = _copy_items(items, source, target, target_user,
                                   target_folder_id, None, copy_dir)

        # Copy the related items (if specified)
        if relationships:
            related_items = _copy_relationships(copied_items, source, target,
                                                target_user, target_folder_id, relationships,

        if clean_temp_files:

    return copied_items
Exemplo n.º 2
    def serialize_items(self, items, path, portal=None):
        """ Serialize items to JSON. """
        base_dir = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
        elif not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
            base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_dir)

        for item in items:
            item_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, item['id'])
            if not os.path.exists(item_dir):

            # Write the thumbnail to a file (per the name specified in the item)
            if self.thumbnails:
                if not portal:
                    raise PortalError('The "portal" argument is required to  '\
                                      + 'download thumbnails')
                thumbnail = item.get('thumbnail')
                if thumbnail:
                    portal.item_thumbnaild(item['id'], item_dir, thumbnail)

            # Handle the data
            if self.data:
                if not portal:
                    raise PortalError('The "portal" argument is required to  '\
                                      + 'download data')
                if item['type'] in TEXT_BASED_ITEM_TYPES:
                    text = portal.item_data(item['id'])
                    if text and len(text) > 0:
                        item['text'] = text
                elif item['type'] in FILE_BASED_ITEM_TYPES:
                    data_dir = os.path.join(item_dir, 'data')
                    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
                    portal.item_datad(item['id'], data_dir, item.get('name'))

            # Write the metadata to a file
            if self.metadata:
                if not portal:
                    raise PortalError('The "portal" argument is required to  '\
                                      + 'download metadata')
                portal.item_metadatad(item['id'], item_dir)

            # Write the item itself to a file (do this at the end, as the data
            # will get writen to the item if the item type is text)
            self.to_file(item, os.path.join(item_dir, 'item.json'))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def deserialize_users(self, path):
     """ Deserialize users from CSV. """
     users = []
     if not os.path.isfile(path):
         raise PortalError('Specific path is not a file: ' + path)
     user_reader = csv.DictReader(open(path, "rb"))
     for user in user_reader:
     return users
Exemplo n.º 4
 def deserialize_groups(self, path):
     """ Deerialize groups from CSV. """
     groups = []
     if not os.path.isfile(path):
         raise PortalError('Specific path is not a file: ' + path)
     group_reader = csv.DictReader(open(path, "rb"))
     for group in group_reader:
     return groups
Exemplo n.º 5
def copy_user_contents(source, source_user, target, target_user, ids=None,
                       relationships=None, work_dir=tempfile.gettempdir()):
    """ Copy a user's items from the source portal to the target portal."""
    if not source.is_logged_in():
        raise PortalError('Must be logged into source portal to copy a '\
                          + 'user\'s contents')
    if not target.is_logged_in():
        raise PortalError('Must be logged into target portal to copy a '\
                          + 'user\'s contents')

    # Get the user's content
    root_items, folders = source.user_contents(source_user)

    # Create a temporary folder to use for copying items.
    copy_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='copy_user_content_',
        # Copy the items in the root folder
        copied_items = _copy_items(root_items, source, target, target_user, None,
                                   ids, copy_dir)

        # Loop over all of the folders in the source portal, and get or create
        # the corresponding folder in the target portal
        for folder_id, folder_title, items in folders:
            target_folder_id = _get_or_create_folder(target, target_user, folder_title)
            copied_folder_items = _copy_items(items, source, target, target_user,
                                              target_folder_id, ids, copy_dir)

        # Copy the related items (if specified)
        if relationships:
            related_items = _copy_relationships(copied_items, source, target,
                                                target_user, None, relationships, copy_dir)

        if clean_temp_files:

    return copied_items
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_basemap_gallery_group(portal,

    # If it's a single tenant portal change 'org' access to 'public' access
    if not portal.is_multitenant() and access == 'org':
        access = 'public'

    # Prepare the group object
    group = {
        'title': title,
        'tags': tags,
        'access': access,
        'isinvitationonly': invitation_only
    if desc:
        group['description'] = desc
    if snippet:
        group['snippet'] = snippet
    if phone:
        group['phone'] = phone

    # Create the group
    group_id = portal.create_group(group, thumbnail)
    if not group_id:
        raise PortalError('Unable to create basemap group: ' + title)

    # Share the contents of the current basemap group, if directed to do so
    if copy:
        old_group_id = _prop_to_group_id(portal, 'basemapGalleryGroupQuery')
        if old_group_id:
            item_query = 'group:' + old_group_id
            if copy_filter:
                item_query += ' ' + copy_filter
                item_ids = unpack(
                    portal.search(['id'], item_query, scope='public'))
                for item_id in item_ids:
                    portal.share_item(item_id, [group_id])

    # Update the portal to use the new basemap gallery group
    portal.update_property('basemapGalleryGroupQuery', 'id:' + group_id)
    return group_id
Exemplo n.º 7
def load_users(portal, path, f='json', cls=None, **kw):
    """ Load users stored on disk into the portal. """
    if portal.is_multitenant():
        raise PortalError('Loading users into a multi-tenant portal is not '
                          + 'supported at this time')

    # Deserialize the users, and then loop over them one at a time to
    # add them to the portal
    deserializer = _select_deserializer(f, cls, **kw)
    users = deserializer.deserialize_users(path)
    for user in users:

        # Remove any properties that have no entry
        for property in list(user.keys()):
            if user[property] is None:
                del user[property]

        # Signup users in the portal using the signup operation
        portal.signup(user['username'], user['password'],
                      user['fullname'], user.get('email'))

    return users
Exemplo n.º 8
    def serialize_groups(self, groups, path, portal=None):
        """ Serialize groups to CSV. """
        groups_copy = copy.deepcopy(groups)
        field_names = GROUP_EXTRACT_PROPERTIES

        if self.thumbnails:
            if not portal:
                raise PortalError('The "portal" argument is required to  '\
                                  + 'download thumbnails')
            base_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            for i, group in enumerate(groups):
                if 'thumbnail' in group:
                    group_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, group['id'])
                    thumbnail_path = portal.group_thumbnaild(
                        group['id'], group_dir, group['thumbnail'])
                    groups_copy[i]['thumbnail'] = os.path.relpath(
                        thumbnail_path, base_dir)

        group_writer = csv.DictWriter(open(path, "wb"), field_names)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def serialize_groups(self, groups, path, portal=None):
        """ Serialize groups to JSON. """
        base_dir = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
        elif not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
            base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_dir)

        for group in groups:
            group_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, group['id'])
            if not os.path.exists(group_dir):

            # Write the thumbnail to a file (per the name specified in the item)
            if self.thumbnails:
                if not portal:
                    raise PortalError('The "portal" argument is required to  '\
                                      + 'download thumbnails')
                thumbnail = group.get('thumbnail')
                if thumbnail:
                    portal.item_thumbnaild(group['id'], group_dir, thumbnail)

            # Write the group itself to a file
            self.to_file(group, os.path.join(group_dir, 'group.json'))
Exemplo n.º 10
def _select_serializer(f, cls, **kw):
    if not cls:
        cls = _known_serializers.get(f)
    if not cls:
        raise PortalError('Unsupported format \'' + f + '\' for serialization')
    return cls(**kw)
Exemplo n.º 11
def copy_groups(groups, source, target, target_owner=None,
    """ Copy group from the source portal to the target portal."""
    if not target.is_logged_in():
        raise PortalError('Must be logged into target portal to copy')

    # Create the temporary directory to use for copying groups (required
    # for thumbnails)
    copy_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='copy_groups_', dir=work_dir)

    # Loop over each of the groups, copying one at a time
    copied_groups = dict()
        for group in groups:
            groupid = group['id']
            group_dir = os.path.join(copy_dir, groupid)

            # Create a new groups with the subset of properties we want to
            # copy to the target portal. Handle switching between org and
            # public access when going from an org in a multitenant portal
            # and a single tenant portal
            target_group = _select_properties(group, GROUP_COPY_PROPERTIES)
            if target_group['access'] == 'org'\
            and not target.is_multitenant():
                target_group['access'] = 'public'
            elif target_group['access'] == 'public'\
                 and not source.is_multitenant()\
                 and target.is_multitenant() and target.is_org():
                target_group['access'] = 'org'

            # Handle the thumbnail (if one exists)
            thumbnail_file = None
            if 'thumbnail' in group:
                thumbnail_file = source.group_thumbnaild(
                    groupid, group_dir, group['thumbnail'])

            # Create the group in the target portal
            target_groupid = target.create_group(target_group, thumbnail_file)

            # If the group was created successfully, handling reassigning
            # the group (if the target_owner is specified and it's
            # different from the logged in user of the target portal
            if target_groupid:
                target_username = target.logged_in_user()['username']
                if target_owner and (target_owner != target_username):
                    target.reassign_group(target_groupid, target_owner)
                copied_groups[groupid] = target_groupid
                _log.info('Copied group ' + groupid + ' in source portal '
                          + 'to ' + target_groupid + ' in target portal')
                _log.warning('Group ' + groupid + ' was not copied '\
                             + 'to target portal')

            # Clean up the group directories as we go
            if clean_temp_files:

    # Make sure we clean up the whole copy folder
        if clean_temp_files:

    return copied_groups