Exemplo n.º 1
def set_tilt_profile(position, time_from_start):
    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    cmd.profile = 'blended_linear'
    cmd.position = position
    cmd.time_from_start = [rospy.Time.from_sec(x) for x in time_from_start]
    cmd.max_velocity = 10
    cmd.max_acceleration = 30
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("Couldn't set the profile on the laser. Exception %s" % e)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_tilt_profile(position, time_from_start):
    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    cmd.profile = 'blended_linear'
    cmd.position = position
    cmd.time_from_start = [rospy.Time.from_sec(x) for x in time_from_start]
    cmd.max_velocity = 10
    cmd.max_acceleration = 30
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("Couldn't set the profile on the laser. Exception %s" % e)
        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller = sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header = rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile = "blended_linear"
    #cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = .025
    #cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

    dur = 15
    cmd.position = [-.7, 1.2, -.7]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, dur, dur + 1]
    cmd.time_from_start = [
        rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start
    cmd.max_velocity = 10
    cmd.max_acceleration = 30

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(
        ['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxRate: %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAccel: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration
Exemplo n.º 4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller = sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header = rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile = "blended_linear"

    cycle_time = rospy.get_param('~cycle_time', 5.0)
    min_tilt_angle = rospy.get_param('~min_tilt_angle', -0.7)
    max_tilt_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_tilt_angle', 1.0)

    cmd.position = [min_tilt_angle, max_tilt_angle, min_tilt_angle]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, cycle_time - 1.0, cycle_time]
    cmd.time_from_start = [
        rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start
    cmd.max_velocity = 10
    cmd.max_acceleration = 30

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(
        ['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxRate: %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAccel: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller = sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header = rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile = "blended_linear"
    #cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = .025
    #cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

    dur = (float)(sys.argv[2])
    # cmd.position = [-0.7,  1.2, -0.7]
    cmd.position = [-0.4, 1.0, -0.4]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, dur, dur + 1.0]
    cmd.time_from_start = [
        rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start
    cmd.max_velocity = 10
    cmd.max_acceleration = 30

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(
        ['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxRate: %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAccel: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    rospy.init_node('laser_tilt_commander', anonymous=True)

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller   =    sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
    cmd.profile  = "linear"
    #cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = .025
    #cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]
    cmd.position = [1.5,  -.7, 1.5]
    #cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0] #[0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, 4.0, 8.0] #[0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
    cmd.time_from_start = [rospy.Time.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start]
    cmd.max_velocity = 5
    cmd.max_acceleration =  5

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxRate: %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAccel: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration

    rospy.wait_for_service(controller + '/set_traj_cmd')                                        
    s = rospy.ServiceProxy(controller + '/set_traj_cmd', SetLaserTrajCmd)
Exemplo n.º 7

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    #    print_usage()

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller = "laser_tilt_controller"
    cmd.header = rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile = "blended_linear"
    #cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = .025
    #cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

    cmd.position = [1.25, 0.9, 1.25]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, 1.8, 2.025]
    cmd.time_from_start = [
        rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start

    cmd.max_velocity = 2
    cmd.max_acceleration = 2

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(
        ['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxVelocity:     %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAcceleration: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration
Exemplo n.º 8
from pr2_msgs.msg import LaserTrajCmd
from pr2_msgs.srv import *
from time import sleep

cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
controller   =    'laser_tilt_controller'
cmd.header   =    rospy.Header(None, None, None)
cmd.profile  = "blended_linear"
#cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
d = .025
#cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

dur = 15;
cmd.position = [-1.0,  0, 1]
cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, dur, dur+1]
cmd.time_from_start = [rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start]
cmd.max_velocity = 10
cmd.max_acceleration = 30

print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
print '  MaxRate: %f' % cmd.max_velocity
print '  MaxAccel: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration

rospy.wait_for_service(controller + '/set_traj_cmd')                                        
s = rospy.ServiceProxy(controller + '/set_traj_cmd', SetLaserTrajCmd)
resp = s.call(SetLaserTrajCmdRequest(cmd))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller   =    sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header   =    rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile  = "blended_linear"
    #cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = .025
    #cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

    cmd.position        = [1.2,  -.7, 1.2]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, 1.8, 2.025]
    cmd.time_from_start = [rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start]

    cmd.max_velocity     =  5
    cmd.max_acceleration =  5

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxVelocity:     %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAcceleration: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration

    rospy.wait_for_service(controller + '/set_traj_cmd')
    s = rospy.ServiceProxy(controller + '/set_traj_cmd', SetLaserTrajCmd)
Exemplo n.º 10

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller = sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header = rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile = "blended_linear"
    # cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = 0.025
    # cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

    dur = 15
    cmd.position = [-0.7, 1.2, -0.7]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, dur, dur + 1]
    cmd.time_from_start = [rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start]
    cmd.max_velocity = 10
    cmd.max_acceleration = 30

    print "Sending Command to %s: " % controller
    print "  Profile Type: %s" % cmd.profile
    print "  Pos: %s " % ",".join(["%.3f" % x for x in cmd.position])
    print "  Time: %s" % ",".join(["%.3f" % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print "  MaxRate: %f" % cmd.max_velocity
    print "  MaxAccel: %f" % cmd.max_acceleration

    rospy.wait_for_service(controller + "/set_traj_cmd")
    s = rospy.ServiceProxy(controller + "/set_traj_cmd", SetLaserTrajCmd)
    resp = s.call(SetLaserTrajCmdRequest(cmd))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    cmd = LaserTrajCmd()
    controller = sys.argv[1]
    cmd.header = rospy.Header(None, None, None)
    cmd.profile = "blended_linear"
    #cmd.pos      = [1.0, .26, -.26, -.7,   -.7,   -.26,   .26,   1.0, 1.0]
    d = .025
    #cmd.time     = [0.0, 0.4,  1.0, 1.1, 1.1+d,  1.2+d, 1.8+d, 2.2+d, 2.2+2*d]

    cmd.position = [1.2, -.7, 1.2]
    cmd.time_from_start = [0.0, 1.8, 2.025]
    cmd.time_from_start = [
        rospy.Duration.from_sec(x) for x in cmd.time_from_start

    cmd.max_velocity = 5
    cmd.max_acceleration = 5

    print 'Sending Command to %s: ' % controller
    print '  Profile Type: %s' % cmd.profile
    print '  Pos: %s ' % ','.join(['%.3f' % x for x in cmd.position])
    print '  Time: %s' % ','.join(
        ['%.3f' % x.to_sec() for x in cmd.time_from_start])
    print '  MaxVelocity:     %f' % cmd.max_velocity
    print '  MaxAcceleration: %f' % cmd.max_acceleration