Exemplo n.º 1
def get_alpha_beta_L0frame(M, q, chi1, chi2, times, f_ref = 20.):
	"Wrapper to precession.orbit_vectors()"
	M_sun = 4.93e-6
		#computing alpha, beta
	q_ = 1./q #using conventions of precession package
	m1=M/(1.+q_) # Primary mass
	m2=q_*M/(1.+q_) # Secondary mass (<m1)
	S1=chi1*m1**2 # Primary spin magnitude
	S2=chi2*m2**2 # Secondary spin magnitude
	r_0 = precession.ftor(f_ref,M)
	L_0 = precession.get_L(r_0, q_)
	print("q, L0, r_0 ", q_, L_0, r_0)

	r_f = 1.* M #final separation: time grid is s.t. t = 0 when r = r_f
	sep = np.linspace(r_0, r_f, 5000)

	Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, t = precession.orbit_vectors(0,0,L_0, *S1, *S2, sep, q_, time = True)
	L = np.sqrt(Lx**2 + Ly**2 + Lz**2)
	alpha = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(Ly,Lx))
	beta = np.arccos(Lz/L)

	t_out = (t-t[-1])*M_sun*M #output grid
	if times is None:
		return t_out, alpha, beta
Exemplo n.º 2
    xi, J, S = precession.from_the_angles(t1, t2, dp, q, S1, S2, sep[0])

    print(xi, S, J, q, S1, S2, sep[0])
    Jvec, Lvec, S1vec, S2vec, Svec = precession.Jframe_projection(
        xi, S, J, q, S1, S2, sep[0])  #initial conditions given angles

    print("Initial conditions: ", Jvec, Lvec, Svec)

    good_couple = (J >= min(precession.J_allowed(xi, q, S1, S2, sep[0]))
                   and J <= max(precession.J_allowed(xi, q, S1, S2, sep[0])))
    if not good_couple:
        print("Wrong initial conditions")

    Lx_fvals, Ly_fvals, Lz_fvals, S1x_fvals, S1y_fvals, S1z_fvals, S2x_fvals, S2y_fvals, S2z_fvals, t_fvals = precession.orbit_vectors(
        *Lvec, *S1vec, *S2vec, sep, q, time=True)

    #precession avg
    #t1_prec,t2_prec,dp_prec = precession.evolve_angles(t1,t2, sep[0], sep, q,S1,S2)

    #computing J
    Jx_fvals = Lx_fvals + S1x_fvals + S2x_fvals
    Jy_fvals = Ly_fvals + S1y_fvals + S2y_fvals
    Jz_fvals = Lz_fvals + S1z_fvals + S2z_fvals

    L_fvals = np.sqrt(Lx_fvals**2 + Ly_fvals**2 + Lz_fvals**2)
    J_fvals = np.sqrt(Jx_fvals**2 + Jy_fvals**2 + Jz_fvals**2)
    S1_fvals = np.sqrt(S1x_fvals**2 + S1y_fvals**2 + S1z_fvals**2)

    print("S1: ", S1_fvals, chi1)
    print(Jx_fvals, Jy_fvals, Jz_fvals)
Exemplo n.º 3
def PNwrappers():
    Wrappers of the PN integrators. Here we show how to perform orbit-averaged,
    precession-averaged and hybrid PN inspirals using the various wrappers
    implemented in the code. We also show how to estimate the final mass, spin
    and recoil of the BH remnant following a merger.

    **Run using**

        import precession.test

    q = 0.9  # Mass ratio. Must be q<=1.
    chi1 = 0.5  # Primary spin. Must be chi1<=1
    chi2 = 0.5  # Secondary spin. Must be chi2<=1
    print "We study a binary with\n\tq=%.3f, chi1=%.3f, chi2=%.3f" % (q, chi1,
    M, m1, m2, S1, S2 = precession.get_fixed(q, chi1,
                                             chi2)  # Total-mass units M=1
    ri = 1000 * M  # Initial separation.
    rf = 10. * M  # Final separation.
    rt = 100. * M  # Intermediate separation for hybrid evolution.
    r_vals = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(ri), numpy.log10(rf),
                            10)  # Output requested
    t1i = numpy.pi / 4.
    t2i = numpy.pi / 4.
    dpi = numpy.pi / 4.  # Initial configuration
    xii, Ji, Si = precession.from_the_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, q, S1, S2, ri)
    print "Configuration at ri=%.0f\n\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (
        ri, xii, Ji, Si, t1i, t2i, dpi)

    print " *Orbit-averaged evolution*"
    print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (ri, rf)
    Jf, xif, Sf = precession.orbit_averaged(Ji, xii, Si, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (xif[-1], Jf[-1], Sf[-1])
    t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.orbit_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1],
    Jvec, Lvec, S1vec, S2vec, Svec = precession.Jframe_projection(
        xii, Si, Ji, q, S1, S2, ri)
    Lxi, Lyi, Lzi = Lvec
    S1xi, S1yi, S1zi = S1vec
    S2xi, S2yi, S2zi = S2vec
    Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z = precession.orbit_vectors(
        Lxi, Lyi, Lzi, S1xi, S1yi, S1zi, S2xi, S2yi, S2zi, r_vals, q)
    print "\t(Lx,Ly,Lz)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(S1x,S1y,S1z)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n\t(S2x,S2y,S2z)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (
        Lx[-1], Ly[-1], Lz[-1], S1x[-1], S1y[-1], S1z[-1], S2x[-1], S2y[-1],

    print " *Precession-averaged evolution*"
    print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (ri, rf)
    Jf = precession.evolve_J(xii, Ji, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(xi,J,S)=(%.3f,%.3f,-)" % (xii, Jf[-1])
    t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.evolve_angles(t1i, t2i, dpi, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1],
    print "Evolution ri=%.0f --> infinity" % ri
    kappainf = precession.evolve_J_backwards(xii, Jf[-1], rf, q, S1, S2)
    print "\tkappainf=%.3f" % kappainf
    Jf = precession.evolve_J_infinity(xii, kappainf, r_vals, q, S1, S2)
    print "Evolution infinity --> rf=%.0f" % rf
    print "\tJ=%.3f" % Jf[-1]

    print " *Hybrid evolution*"
    print "Prec.Av. infinity --> rt=%.0f & Orb.Av. rt=%.0f --> rf=%.0f" % (
        rt, rt, rf)
    t1f, t2f, dpf = precession.hybrid(xii, kappainf, r_vals, q, S1, S2, rt)
    print "\t(theta1,theta2,deltaphi)=(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (t1f[-1], t2f[-1],

    print " *Properties of the BH remnant*"
    Mfin = precession.finalmass(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2)
    print "\tM_f=%.3f" % Mfin
    chifin = precession.finalspin(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2)
    print "\tchi_f=%.3f, S_f=%.3f" % (chifin, chifin * Mfin**2)
    vkick = precession.finalkick(t1f[-1], t2f[-1], dpf[-1], q, S1, S2)
    print "\tvkick=%.5f" % (vkick)  # Geometrical units c=1
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_alpha_beta(q, chi1, chi2, theta1, theta2, delta_phi, times, f_ref = 20., smooth_oscillation = False, verbose = False):
	Returns angles alpha and beta by solving PN equations for spins. Uses module precession.
	Angles are evaluated on a user-given time grid (units: s/M_sun) s.t. the 0 of time is at separation r = M_tot.
		q (N,)				mass ratio (>1)
		chi1 (N,)			dimensionless spin magnitude of BH 1 (in [0,1])
		chi1 (N,)			dimensionless spin magnitude of BH 2 (in [0,1])
		theta1 (N,)			angle between spin 1 and L
		theta2 (N,)			angle between spin 2 and L
		delta_phi (N,)		angle between in plane projection of the spins
		times (D,)			times at which alpha, beta are evaluated (units s/M_sun)
		f_ref				frequency at which the orbital parameters refer to (and at which the computation starts)
		smooth_oscillation	whether to smooth the oscillation and return the average part and the residuals
		verbose 			whether to suppress the output of precession package
		alpha (N,D)		alpha angle evaluated at times
		beta (N,D)		beta angle evaluated at times (if not smooth_oscillation)
		beta (N,D,3)	[mean of beta angles, amplitude of the oscillating part, phase of the oscillating part] (if smooth_oscillation)
	#have a loook at precession.evolve_angles: it does exactly what we want..
	M_sun = 4.93e-6
	t_min = np.max(np.abs(times))
	r_0 = 2. * np.power(t_min/M_sun, .25) #starting point for the r integration #look eq. 4.26 Maggiore #uglyyyyy
	#print(f_ref, precession.rtof(r_0, 1.))
	r_0 = precession.ftor(f_ref,1)
	if isinstance(q,float):
		q = np.array(q)
		chi1 = np.array(chi1)
		chi2 = np.array(chi2)
		theta1 = np.array(theta1)
		theta2 = np.array(theta2)
		delta_phi = np.array(delta_phi)

	if len(set([q.shape, chi1.shape, chi2.shape, theta1.shape, theta2.shape, delta_phi.shape])) != 1:
		raise RuntimeError("Inputs are not of the same shape (N,). Unable to continue")

	if q.ndim == 0:
		q = q[None]
		chi1 = chi1[None]; chi2 = chi2[None]
		theta1 = theta1[None]; theta2 = theta2[None]; delta_phi = delta_phi[None]
		squeeze = True
		squeeze = False

		#initializing vectors
	alpha = np.zeros((q.shape[0],times.shape[0]))
	if smooth_oscillation:
		t_cutoff = -0.1 #shall I insert a cutoff here?
		beta = np.zeros((q.shape[0],times.shape[0], 3))
		beta = np.zeros((q.shape[0],times.shape[0]))
	if not verbose:
		devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
		old_stdout = sys.stdout
		sys.stdout = devnull
		old_stdout = sys.stdout

		#computing alpha, beta
	for i in range(q.shape[0]):
			#computing initial conditions for the time evolution
		q_ = 1./q[i] #using conventions of precession package
		M,m1,m2,S1,S2=precession.get_fixed(q_,chi1[i],chi2[i]) #M_tot is always set to 1

		#print(q_, chi1[i], chi2[i], theta1[i],theta2[i], delta_phi[i], S1, S2, M)
			#nice low level os thing
		print("Generated angle "+str(i)+"\n")
		#old_stdout.write("Generated angle "+str(i)+"\n")
		if np.abs(delta_phi[i]) < 1e-6:#delta Phi cannot be zero(for some reason)
			delta_phi[i] = 1e-6
		xi,J, S = precession.from_the_angles(theta1[i],theta2[i], delta_phi[i], q_, S1,S2, r_0) 

		J_vec,L_vec,S1_vec,S2_vec,S_vec = precession.Jframe_projection(xi, S, J, q_, S1, S2, r_0) #initial conditions given angles

		r_f = 1.* M #final separation: time grid is s.t. t = 0 when r = r_f
		sep = np.linspace(r_0, r_f, 5000)

		Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, t = precession.orbit_vectors(*L_vec, *S1_vec, *S2_vec, sep, q_, time = True) #time evolution of L, S1, S2
		L = np.sqrt(Lx**2 + Ly**2 + Lz**2)
		print(Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, t)
			#cos(beta(t)) = L(t).(0,0,1) #this is how I currently do!
			#cos(beta(t)) = L(t).L_vect #this is the convention that I want
		temp_alpha = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(Ly,Lx))
		temp_beta = np.arccos(Lz/L)
			#computing beta in the other reference frame
		L_0 = L_vec /np.linalg.norm(L_vec)
		L_t = (np.column_stack([Lx,Ly,Lz]).T/L).T #(D,3)
		temp_beta = np.einsum('ij,j->i', L_t, L_0) #cos beta
		print(L_t.shape, temp_beta.shape, L_vec)
		temp_beta = np.arccos(temp_beta)

		t_out = (t-t[-1])*M_sun #output grid
		print("\n\nTimes!! ",t_out[0], times[0])
		ids = np.where(t_out > np.min(times))[0]
		t_out = t_out[ids]
		temp_alpha = temp_alpha[ids]
		temp_beta = temp_beta[ids]
		alpha[i,:] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_alpha)
		if not smooth_oscillation:
			beta[i,:] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_beta)
		if smooth_oscillation:
			#mean, f_min, f_max = get_spline_mean(t_out, temp_beta[None,:], f_minmax = True)
			s = smoothener(t_out, temp_beta)
			#beta[i,:,0] = mean(times) #avg beta
			beta[i,:,0] = s(times)
			#beta[i,:,1] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_beta) - mean(times) #residuals of beta

				#dealing with amplitude and phase
			residual = (temp_beta - s(t_out))
			if np.mean(np.abs(residual))< 0.001:
				residual[:] = 0
			id_cutoff = np.where(t_out>t_cutoff)[0]
			not_id_cutoff = np.where(t_out<=t_cutoff)[0]
			residual[id_cutoff] = 0.
			m_list, M_list = compute_spline_peaks(t_out, residual[None,:])
			amp = lambda t: (M_list[0](t) - m_list[0](t))/2.
			beta[i,:,1] = amp(times) #amplitude
			temp_ph = residual / (amp(t_out)+1e-30)
			temp_ph[id_cutoff] = 0.
			beta[i,:,2] = np.interp(times, t_out, temp_ph) #phase
			beta[i,np.where(np.abs(beta[i,:,2])>1)[0],2] = np.sign(beta[i,np.where(np.abs(beta[i,:,2])>1)[0],2])
			if False:# np.max(np.abs(temp_beta-s(t_out))) > 2: #DEBUG

				plt.title("Mean maxmin")
				#plt.title("Mean grad")
				#plt.plot(t_out, temp_beta)
				#plt.plot(t_out, mean_grad[0](t_out))
				#plt.plot(t_out,np.gradient(temp_beta, t_out))
				#plt.plot(t_out, amp(t_out))
				plt.plot(times, beta[i,:,1])
				plt.plot(t_out,np.squeeze(temp_beta - s(t_out) ))
	if not verbose:
		sys.stdout = old_stdout

	if squeeze:
		return np.squeeze(alpha), np.squeeze(beta)

	return alpha, beta
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_alpha_beta_M(M, q, chi1, chi2, theta1, theta2, delta_phi, f_ref = 20., smooth_oscillation = False, verbose = False):
	Returns angles alpha and beta by solving PN equations for spins. Uses module precession.
	Angles are evaluated on a user-given time grid (units: s/M_sun) s.t. the 0 of time is at separation r = M_tot.
		M (N,)				total mass
		q (N,)				mass ratio (>1)
		chi1 (N,)			dimensionless spin magnitude of BH 1 (in [0,1])
		chi1 (N,)			dimensionless spin magnitude of BH 2 (in [0,1])
		theta1 (N,)			angle between spin 1 and L
		theta2 (N,)			angle between spin 2 and L
		delta_phi (N,)		angle between in plane projection of the spins
		f_ref				frequency at which the orbital parameters refer to (and at which the computation starts)
		verbose 			whether to suppress the output of precession package
		times (D,)		times at which alpha, beta are evaluated (units s)
		alpha (N,D)		alpha angle evaluated at times
		beta (N,D)		beta angle evaluated at times (if not smooth_oscillation)
	M_sun = 4.93e-6
	if isinstance(q,np.ndarray):
		q = q[0]
		chi1 = chi1[0]
		chi2 = chi2[0]
		theta1 = theta1[0]
		theta2 = theta2[0]
		delta_phi = delta_phi[0]

		#initializing vectors
	if not verbose:
		devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
		old_stdout = sys.stdout
		sys.stdout = devnull
		old_stdout = sys.stdout

		#computing alpha, beta
	q_ = 1./q #using conventions of precession package
	m1=M/(1.+q_) # Primary mass
	m2=q_*M/(1.+q_) # Secondary mass
	S1=chi1*m1**2 # Primary spin magnitude
	S2=chi2*m2**2 # Secondary spin magnitude
	r_0 = precession.ftor(f_ref,M)
	xi,J, S = precession.from_the_angles(theta1,theta2, delta_phi, q_, S1,S2, r_0)
	J_vec,L_vec,S1_vec,S2_vec,S_vec = precession.Jframe_projection(xi, S, J, q_, S1, S2, r_0) #initial conditions given angles

	r_f = 1.* M #final separation: time grid is s.t. t = 0 when r = r_f
	sep = np.linspace(r_0, r_f, 5000)

	Lx, Ly, Lz, S1x, S1y, S1z, S2x, S2y, S2z, t = precession.orbit_vectors(*L_vec, *S1_vec, *S2_vec, sep, q_, time = True) #time evolution of L, S1, S2
	L = np.sqrt(Lx**2 + Ly**2 + Lz**2)

	L_0 = np.array([Lx[0], Ly[0], Lz[0]])/L[0]

		#in L0 frame
	Ln = (np.array([Lx, Ly, Lz])/L).T
	L0_y = np.array([1.,0.,0.])
	L0_y = L0_y - np.dot(L0_y,L_0) * L_0
	L0_x = np.cross(L0_y,L_0)

	alpha = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(np.dot(Ln,L0_y),np.dot(Ln,L0_x)))
	beta = np.arccos(np.dot(Ln,L_0))
		#in J frame
	#alpha = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(Ly,Lx))
	#beta = np.arccos(Lz/L)

	t_out = (t-t[-1])*M_sun*M #output grid
	if not verbose:
		sys.stdout = old_stdout

	return t_out, alpha, beta