def spt_height(spt: SimplePrefixTree) -> int:
    """Return the height of the spt

    Precondition: spt is not an empty SimplePrefixTree
    if spt.is_leaf():  # an internal node with only 1 leaf
        return 1
        # spt is not a leaf
        count = 1
        for subtree in spt.subtrees:
            height = spt_height(subtree)
            if height >= count:
                count = height + 1  # + 1 including the own tree
        return count
def num_nodes(spt: SimplePrefixTree) -> int:
    """Return the number of nodes an SPT has

    >>> spt = SimplePrefixTree('sum')
    >>> spt.insert('x', 1, ['x'])
    >>> num_nodes(spt)
    >>> spt.insert('che', 3,['c','h','e'])
    >>> num_nodes(spt)
    >>> spt.insert('xenon', 2, ['x','e','n','o','n'])
    >>> num_nodes(spt)
    if spt.weight == 0:
        return 1
    elif spt.is_leaf():
        return 1
        # it's an internal node
        count = 1
        for subtree in spt.subtrees:
            count += num_nodes(subtree)
        return count