def run_train_test(self): acc_list = [] allData, allLabel, labelMap = prepareData.loadData( self.input, 700, self.dataType, self.mode) NUM_CLASS = len(set(allLabel)) for i in range(self.nFold): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( allData, allLabel, test_size=self.test_size, shuffle=True, random_state=i**i) acc_dict, model_dict = self.train_val(X_train, y_train, i, self.weighted) # use the value of acc_dict to control weighted or not, acc_dict == {} means no weight if not self.weighted: acc_dict = {} acc = self.test(model_dict, acc_dict, X_test, y_test, i) acc_list.append(acc) print('the weight used here is: ', acc_dict) avg_acc = mean(acc_list) tmp = 'acc list is: ' + str(acc_list) tmp2 = 'average acc is: ' + str(avg_acc) contents = '\n'.join([tmp, tmp2]) write2file(contents, self.output) return acc_list, avg_acc
def generateNotMonitoredData(opts, unmonitoredDir, mode): print('generate unmonitored onlyOrder data now...') allData, _, _ = prepareData.loadData(opts.input, 800, 'onlyOrder', mode) data = pd.DataFrame(allData) fname = 'not_onlyOrder.csv' fpath = os.path.join(unmonitoredDir, fname) print('data save to {}'.format(fpath)) data.to_csv(fpath, sep=',') print('generate data unmonitored both now...') allData, _, _ = prepareData.loadData(opts.input, 800, 'both', mode) data = pd.DataFrame(allData) fname = 'not_both.csv' fpath = os.path.join(unmonitoredDir, fname) print('data save to {}'.format(fpath)) data.to_csv(fpath, sep=',')
def runTests(opts): modelList = ['cnn', 'sae', 'cudnnLstm'] modelPathList = [] report_list = [] # load original data allData, allLabel, _ = prepareData.loadData(opts.input, 600, opts.dataType) print('finish loading original data') X_train_raw, X_test_raw_1, y_train_raw, y_test_raw_1 = train_test_split(allData, allLabel, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=77) NUM_CLASS = len(set(y_test_raw_1)) # load batch data batch1_dir = '/home/carl/work_dir/data/batches/2nd_round' batch2_dir = '/home/carl/work_dir/data/batches/3rd_round' X_test_raw_2, y_test_raw_2, _ = prepareData.loadData(batch1_dir, 600, opts.dataType) print('finish loading batch1 data') X_test_raw_3, y_test_raw_3, _ = prepareData.loadData(batch2_dir, 600, opts.dataType) print('finish loading batch2 data') testDataList = [(X_test_raw_1, y_test_raw_1), (X_test_raw_2, y_test_raw_2), (X_test_raw_3, y_test_raw_3)] for model in modelList: print('select model {} to with dataType {} to run defense testing...'.format(model, opts.dataType)) myOpts = MyOptions(model, opts.dataType) params, modelObj = nFold.chooseModel(myOpts) params['NUM_CLASS'] = NUM_CLASS print('start experiment with model {}'.format(model)) acc_list = doExperiment(X_train_raw, y_train_raw, testDataList, params, modelObj) tmp = 'model {} with dataType {} and has an accuracy list {}'.format(model, opts.dataType, acc_list) print(tmp) report_list.append(tmp) ''' ensemble_acc, ensemble_fp, ensemble_tp = doEnsembleTest(modelPathList, X_test_raw_d, y_test_raw_d, NUM_CLASS, opts.dataType) tmp = 'ensemble results with dataType {} and train with Original Data and Test with Defense data to run defense testing has an accuracy {:f}'.format(opts.dataType, ensemble_acc) report_list.append(tmp) tmp = 'ensemble false positive rate is: {:f}, true positive rate is: {:f}'.format(ensemble_fp, ensemble_tp) report_list.append(tmp) ''' contents = '\n#########################\n'.join(report_list) contents = contents + '\n' nFold.write2file(contents, opts.output)
def loadTestData(opts, PARAMS): allData, allLabel, labelMap = prepareData.loadData(opts.input, PARAMS['data_dim'], opts.dataType, opts.mode) NUM_CLASS = len(set(allLabel)) allLabel = np_utils.to_categorical(allLabel, NUM_CLASS) return allData, allLabel, labelMap, NUM_CLASS
def loadTestData(opts, params): allData_raw, allLabel_raw, labelMap = prepareData.loadData( opts.input, params['data_dim'], opts.dataType, mode=opts.mode) NUM_CLASS = len(set(allLabel_raw)) allData = allData_raw.reshape(allData_raw.shape[0], allData_raw.shape[1], 1) allLabel = np_utils.to_categorical(allLabel_raw, NUM_CLASS) return allData, allLabel, labelMap, NUM_CLASS
def runNormalTest(opts): PARAMS, modelObj = chooseModel(opts) if 'ensemble' == opts.model: ensembleModel = ensemble.EnsembleModel(opts) acc_list, acc = print(acc_list) print(acc) else: allData, allLabel, labelMap = prepareData.loadData(opts.input, PARAMS['data_dim'], opts.dataType, opts.mode) acc_list, trainTimeList, testTimeList = runTestOnce(opts, allData, allLabel, PARAMS) contents = resReport(opts.model, acc_list, trainTimeList, testTimeList) print(contents) write2file(contents, opts.output)
name="Y") self.keepProb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.defineCNN() self.defineLoss() self.SGD(X, Y, startLearningRate, miniBatchFraction, epoch, keepProb) def predict_proba(self, X): """ 使用神经网络对未知数据进行预测 """ sess = self.sess pred = tf.nn.softmax(logits=self.out, name="pred") prob =, feed_dict={self.input: X, self.keepProb: 1.0}) return prob if __name__ == "__main__": data = loadData() print(data[0].shape) trainData, validationData, trainLabel, validationLabel = train_test_split( data[0], data[1], test_size=0.3, random_state=1001) trainSet = {"X": trainData, "Y": trainLabel} validationSet = {"X": validationData, "Y": validationLabel} testSet = {"X": data[2]} # Windows下的存储路径与Linux并不相同 if == "nt": ann = CNN("logs\\mnist_cnn", trainSet, validationSet, testSet) else: ann = CNN("logs/mnist_cnn", trainSet, validationSet, testSet)
def runTests(opts): epsilon = os.path.basename(opts.defense) modelList = ['sae', 'cnn', 'cudnnLstm'] #modelList = ['cnn'] modelPathList = [] report_list = [] print('load original data...') o_allData, o_allLabel, _ = prepareData.loadData(opts.original, 600, opts.dataType) X_train_raw_o, X_test_raw_o, y_train_raw_o, y_test_raw_o = train_test_split( o_allData, o_allLabel, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=77) print('\nload defense data...') d_allData, d_allLabel, _ = prepareData.loadData(opts.defense, 600, opts.dataType) X_train_raw_d, X_test_raw_d, y_train_raw_d, y_test_raw_d = train_test_split( d_allData, d_allLabel, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=44) try: assert (len(set(y_test_raw_d)) == len(set(y_test_raw_o))) except Exception: print('y_test_raw len is {:d}, y_test_denfense len is {:d}'.format( len(set(y_test_raw_o)), len(set(y_test_raw_d)))) NUM_CLASS = len(set(y_test_raw_o)) for model in modelList: print( 'select model {} to with dataType {} and epsilon={} to run defense testing...' .format(model, opts.dataType, epsilon)) myOpts = MyOptions(model, opts.dataType) params, modelObj = nFold.chooseModel(myOpts) params['NUM_CLASS'] = NUM_CLASS print('train with original data and test with defense data...') acc, fp, tp, modelPath = doExperiment(X_train_raw_o, y_train_raw_o, X_test_raw_d, y_test_raw_d, params, modelObj) modelPathList.append(modelPath) tmp = 'model {} with dataType {} and epsilon={} to train with Original Data and Test with Defense data has a defense testing accuracy {:f}'.format( model, opts.dataType, epsilon, acc) print(tmp) report_list.append(tmp) tmp = 'model {} false positive rate is: {:f} and its true positive rate is: {:f}'.format( model, fp, tp) report_list.append(tmp) ensemble_acc, ensemble_fp, ensemble_tp = doEnsembleTest( modelPathList, X_test_raw_d, y_test_raw_d, NUM_CLASS, opts.dataType) tmp = 'ensemble results with dataType {} and epsilon={} to train with Original Data and Test with Defense data has a defense testing accuracy {:f}'.format( opts.dataType, epsilon, ensemble_acc) report_list.append(tmp) tmp = 'ensemble false positive rate is: {:f}, true positive rate is: {:f}'.format( ensemble_fp, ensemble_tp) report_list.append(tmp) contents = '\n#########################\n'.join(report_list) contents = contents + '\n' nFold.write2file(contents, opts.output + '_train_with_origin') report_list = [] NUM_CLASS = len(set(y_test_raw_d)) for model in modelList: print('select model {} to with dataType {} to run defense testing...'. format(model, opts.dataType)) myOpts = MyOptions(model, opts.dataType) params, modelObj = nFold.chooseModel(myOpts) params['NUM_CLASS'] = NUM_CLASS print('train with defense data and test with defense data...') acc, fp, tp, modelPath = doExperiment(X_train_raw_d, y_train_raw_d, X_test_raw_d, y_test_raw_d, params, modelObj) modelPathList.append(modelPath) tmp = 'model {} with dataType {} and epsilon={} to train with Defense Data and Test with Defense data have a defense testing accuracy {:f}'.format( model, opts.dataType, epsilon, acc) print(tmp) report_list.append(tmp) tmp = 'model {} false positive rate is: {:f} and its true positive rate is: {:f}'.format( model, fp, tp) report_list.append(tmp) ensemble_acc, ensemble_fp, ensemble_tp = doEnsembleTest( modelPathList, X_test_raw_d, y_test_raw_d, NUM_CLASS, opts.dataType) tmp = 'ensemble results with dataType {} and epsilon={} to train with Defense Data and Test with Defense data have a defense testing accuracy {:f}'.format( opts.dataType, epsilon, ensemble_acc) report_list.append(tmp) tmp = 'ensemble false positive rate is: {:f}, true positive rate is: {:f}'.format( ensemble_fp, ensemble_tp) report_list.append(tmp) contents = '\n#########################\n'.join(report_list) contents = contents + '\n' nFold.write2file(contents, opts.output + '_train_with_defense')
] stateSpace = [state for state in it.product(agentStates, targetStates)] reset = GE.Reset(actionSpace, agentStates, targetStates) print('Generating Optimal Policy...') optimalPolicy = PD.generateOptimalPolicy(stateSpace, actionSpace) print('Optimal Policy Generated.') maxTimeStep = int(gridSize * gridSize / 2) sampleTrajectory = PD.SampleTrajectory(maxTimeStep, transitionFunction, isTerminal, reset) trajNum = 5000 dataSetPath = "all_data.pkl" #PD.generateData(sampleTrajectory, optimalPolicy, trajNum, dataSetPath, actionSpace) dataSet = PD.loadData(dataSetPath) random.shuffle(dataSet) trainingDataSizes = list(range(1000, 9900, 1000)) trainingDataList = [([state for state, _ in dataSet[:size]], [label for _, label in dataSet[:size]]) for size in trainingDataSizes] testDataSize = 5000 testData = PD.sampleData(dataSet, testDataSize) learningRate = 0.001 regularizationFactor = 1e-4 generatePolicyNet = NN.GeneratePolicyNet(4, 8, learningRate, regularizationFactor) models = [generatePolicyNet(3, 32) for _ in range(len(trainingDataSizes))]