Exemplo n.º 1
print '/'.join(sentence)
indices = p.word_list_to_index_list(sentence)
print indices
print '/'.join(p.index_list_to_word_list(indices))

# You may also want to fit the dictionary from corpus
print 'Vocab size:', p.vocab_size

# questions: list of sentences, where a sentence is a list comprising of word indices
# answers: list of sentences, where a sentence is a list comprising of word indices
# labels: a 1-D numpy array
# These 3 variables should share the same length.
questions, answers, labels = p.get_training_data()
print('writing '+gl.train_pkl)
with open(gl.train_pkl,'wb') as pkl:
    pickle.dump([questions, answers, labels],pkl)
# if you want to transfer a sequence of indices into a sequence of words,
# you may want to use:
print '/'.join(p.index_list_to_word_list(questions[0]))
print '/'.join(p.index_list_to_word_list(answers[0]))


questions, answers, _ = p.get_testing_data()
print('writing '+gl.test_pkl)
with open(gl.test_pkl,'wb') as pkl: