Exemplo n.º 1
def createHistory(portfolioFile = None, forceReload = False):
    # Read all transactions from disk
    transactions = transaction.readTransactions(portfolioFile)
    startDate = transactions[0].date

    # And all investments
    investments = investment.learn_investments(transactions)

    # Build a list of all mentioned tickers
    tickerList = []
    for trans in transactions:
        if trans.ticker not in tickerList:

    # Hard code currency list.  !! Should pick these out of investments really.
    currencyList = ["USD", "Euro", "NOK"]

    # Build a history of our transactions
    history = History(transactions)

    # Load what we've got from disk
    prices = {}

    # Start reading all the HTML we're going to need now.
    urlCache, currencyInfo, tickerInfo = cacheUrls(tickerList, currencyList, investments, history, startDate, prices, forceReload)

    # Load currency histories
    for currency in currencyInfo:

    # Load current prices from the Web
    Price.loadCurrentPricesFromWeb(history.currentTickers(), prices, urlCache)

    # Now load historical prices from the Web
    for ticker in tickerInfo:
        Price.loadHistoricalPricesFromWeb(ticker[0], ticker[1], ticker[2], prices, urlCache)

    # Fill in any gaps

    # Now save any new data to disk

    # And fill in any gaps between the last noted price and today
    Price.fixLastPrices(prices, history.currentTickers())

    # Give the prices to our history

    # Done with all the HTML that we read

    return (history, investments)
Exemplo n.º 2
def compareShare(ticker):
    global newHistory
    global newInvestments
    global newPortfolio
    # Get price info about the ticker
    newPrices = {}
    urlCache, currencyInfo, tickerInfoList = cacheUrls([ticker], [], [], None, history.transactions[0].date, newPrices, forceReload = True)
    Price.loadCurrentPricesFromWeb([ticker], newPrices, urlCache)
    for tickerInfo in tickerInfoList:
        Price.loadHistoricalPricesFromWeb(tickerInfo[0], tickerInfo[1], tickerInfo[2], newPrices, urlCache)

    # Generate a new portfolio file with all tickers replaced with this one.
    newTransactions = []
    for tran in history.transactions:
        if tran.action == "BUY" or tran.action == "SELL":
            newTran = copy.copy(tran)
            newTran.ticker = ticker
            value = newTran.number * newTran.price
            newTran.price = newPrices[(ticker, tran.date)]
            newTran.number = value / newTran.price
    transaction.writeTransactions(newTransactions, TEMP_PORTFOLIO)

    # Now build an alternate history based on these new transactions
    print "Building portfolio history..."
    newHistory, newInvestments = createHistory(TEMP_PORTFOLIO, forceReload = True)
    print "Done"
    print ""
    newPortfolio = newHistory.getPortfolio(date.today())

    # And print some info
    print u"Hypothetical / real capital gain:   \N{pound sign}%.2f / \N{pound sign}%.2f"%(newPortfolio.capitalGain() / 100, portfolio.capitalGain() / 100)
    print u"Real portfolio dividends received:  \N{pound sign}%.2f"%(portfolio.totalDividends() / 100)
    print "Real portfolio yield:                %.2f%%"%(((portfolio.totalDividends() * 365.0 / (history.endDate() - history.startDate()).days)) * 100 / history.averageValue(history.startDate(), history.endDate()))