Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: pgwthf/TSB
 def clear(self, startcash=0):
     (Re-)Initialise the equity table in memory.
     self.startcash = startcash
     self.cash = StockPrice([], [])
     self.stocks = StockPrice([], [])
     self.total = StockPrice([], [])
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: pgwthf/TSB
 def load(self, system_id):
     Read all equity of <system> from the database.
     equity = Equity.objects.filter(system=system_id).order_by('date')
     dates = []
     cash = []
     stocks = []
     totals = []
     for row in equity:
         totals.append(row.cash + row.positions)
     self.cash = StockPrice(cash, dates)
     self.stocks = StockPrice(stocks, dates)
     self.total = StockPrice(totals, dates)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: pgwthf/TSB
class EquityHistory(object):
    This class maintains the history of equity.

    Equity is a DatedList of cash, stock and total value of the positions. 
    These lists are kept in memory.

    The associated database table holds the equity position for each trading day.
    Total equity = cash + positions value on each date.

    def __init__(self, startcash=None, system_id=None):
        if startcash:
        if system_id:

    def clear(self, startcash=0):
        (Re-)Initialise the equity table in memory.
        self.startcash = startcash
        self.cash = StockPrice([], [])
        self.stocks = StockPrice([], [])
        self.total = StockPrice([], [])

    def percentage(self):
        Return total equity, scaled so that the starting capital is 100.
        factor = 100 / self.total[0]
        percentages = [t * factor for t in self.total]
        return StockPrice(percentages, self.total.dates)

    def update(self, date, cashflow, positions_value):
        Store the equity position on <date> in the DatedLists.
            lastcash = self.cash[-1]
        except IndexError:
            lastcash = self.startcash
        cash = lastcash + cashflow
        self.cash.append((date, cash))
        self.stocks.append((date, positions_value))
        self.total.append((date, cash + positions_value))

    def exists(self):
        Returns True if any equity exists in this instance, False otherwise.
        return bool(self.total)

    def get(self, period='month'):
        Returns a list of the equity position on each <period>. Where <period>
        may be one of the following: 'day', 'week', 'month' or 'year'.
        data = zip(self.stocks.dates, self.stocks.as_list(), self.cash, self.total) 
        start_equity = self.total[0]
        period_start = start_equity
        maxlen = len(self.stocks) - 1
        equity = []
        for i, (date, stocks, cash, total) in enumerate(data):
            total = float(total)
            if (period == 'day') or (i == maxlen) or (i == 0) or ( 
                    period == 'year' and 
                    date.year != self.stocks.dates[i+1].year) or (
                    period == 'month' and  
                    date.month != self.stocks.dates[i+1].month) or (
                    period == 'week' and date.isocalendar()[1] != 
                period_equity = {
                        'date': date,
                        'cash': cash,
                        'stocks': stocks,
                        'total': total,
                if period != 'day':
                    period_equity['period_gain'] = 100.*(total/period_start-1)
                period_start = total
        return equity

    def calc_results(self):
        Returns a dict with:
        * max_dd: The maximum drawdown over a 1 year period.
        * min_dd_ratio: The lowest ratio of gain/max_dd in any one year period.
        * min_month: The lowest gain in any calender month (or highest loss)
        * max_month: The highest gain in any calender month (or lowest loss)
        * neg_month: the average number of negative months per year
        * sum_neg_months: the annualised sum of the losses during those months
        * ann_gain: annualised profit in %
        * min_year: The lowest gain in any 1 year period
        * max_year: The highest gain in any 1 year period
        year = 252 # avg no of trading days in a year
        data = {'max_dd':0, 'min_dd_ratio': 999.99}
        year_gains = self.total.roc(year)[year-1:]
        if len(year_gains):
            data['min_year'] = min(year_gains)
            data['max_year'] = max(year_gains)
            data['min_year'] = 0
            data['max_year'] = 0

        year_drawdowns = self.total.drawdown(year)
        for year_dd, year_gain in zip(year_drawdowns, year_gains)[year-1:]:
            dd_ratio = div(year_gain, year_dd) # in %/%
            data['max_dd'] = max(data['max_dd'], year_dd)
            if dd_ratio is not None:
                data['min_dd_ratio'] = min(data['min_dd_ratio'], dd_ratio)

        total_gain = max(0, self.total[-1] / self.total[0])
        dt = self.total.dates[-1] - self.total.dates[0]
        data['ann_profit'] = 100 * (total_gain ** (365./dt.days) - 1)

        months = self.get('month')
        data['min_month'] = min([x['period_gain'] for x in months])
        data['max_month'] = max([x['period_gain'] for x in months])
        neg_months = [x['period_gain'] for x in months if x['period_gain'] < 0]
        data['n_neg_month'] = 12. * len(neg_months) / len(months)
        data['sum_neg_mths'] = 12. * sum(neg_months) / len(months)

        # sanitise results:
        data['max_dd'] = min (data['max_dd'], 99)
        for key in ('ann_profit', 'sum_neg_mths', 'min_year', 'max_year',
                'min_month', 'max_month', 'min_dd_ratio'):
            data[key] = min(max(data[key], -999), 999)
        return data

    def save(self, system):
        Writes the equity history from the lists to the Equity database table.
        with transaction.commit_on_success(): # for inserting in bulk (quicker)
            for date, cash, stocks in zip(self.cash.dates, self.cash, self.stocks):
                equity = {'system': system, 'date': date, 
                          'cash':cash, 'positions': stocks}

    def load(self, system_id):
        Read all equity of <system> from the database.
        equity = Equity.objects.filter(system=system_id).order_by('date')
        dates = []
        cash = []
        stocks = []
        totals = []
        for row in equity:
            totals.append(row.cash + row.positions)
        self.cash = StockPrice(cash, dates)
        self.stocks = StockPrice(stocks, dates)
        self.total = StockPrice(totals, dates)

    def write_thumbnail_to_db(self, system, width=100, height=32):
        Calculate and store the y coordinates for generating a thumbnail image.
        totals = self.total.as_list()
        Thumbnail.write_to_db(totals, system, width, height)