class RosTargetDispatcher:
    """ translates ros commands into drone function calls """
    # settings
    TARGET_RADIUS = 50 #mm
    # variables
    target = None
    state = None
    principalplane = None
    comorg = None
    def __init__(self, drone, allow_ros_control):
        # init vars
        self.allow_ros_control = allow_ros_control
        self.principalplane = Principalplane()
        self.comorg = CommandOrganiser(drone)
        # ros subscriptions
        rospy.Subscriber("/goal", PoseStamped, self.setTarget)
        rospy.Subscriber("/ardrone/hybriddata", String, self.updateDirection)
    def reset(self, target=None):
        self.state = State() = target
    def setTarget(self, poseStamped):
        if poseStamped.header.frame_id == '-1':
            print "  [targetdispatcher] done"
        elif != poseStamped.pose:
    def updateDirection(self, string_obj):
        """ init & checks """
        pos = decode_string_to_dict(string_obj)
        if not
            return self.comorg.stop()
        if not self.allow_ros_control():
            return self.comorg.stop()
        # transform pos to principalplane
        pos = self.principalplane.updateAndTransform(pos)
        P_quad = array([pos['x'], pos['y']])
        psi_q = pos['psi']
        """ check confidence & num points """
        if pos['confidence'] < 0.6:
            print "  [targetdispatcher] no confidence"
            return self.comorg.stop()
        elif pos['num_found_points'] < 100:
            print "  [targetdispatcher] not enough SLAM points"
            return self.comorg.stop()

        """ get local target """
        # <disable state system>
        #if self.state.state == State.IDLE:
        #    self.state.startpos = P_quad
        #    self.state.state = State.SET_ANGLE
        #    P_target = P_quad
        #elif self.state.state == State.SET_ANGLE:
        #    P_target = self.state.startpos
        #elif self.state.state == State.FLY_TO_TARGET:
        #    P_target = array([,])
        P_target = array([,])
        dP = P_target - P_quad

        """ get target psi """
        o =
        target_psi = 180/pi * euler_from_quaternion([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])[2]
        angle_diff = ((target_psi - psi_q + 180) % 360) - 180

        """ check if reached target """
        reached_target_pos = norm(dP) < self.TARGET_RADIUS
        reached_target_angle = abs(angle_diff) < 5 #deg
        """ update state """
        if reached_target_angle and reached_target_pos:
            # <disable state system>
            #if self.state.state == State.SET_ANGLE:
            #    print "angle ok, proceeding"
            #    self.state.state = State.FLY_TO_TARGET
            #elif self.state.state == State.FLY_TO_TARGET:
            #    if not self.comorg.stopped: print "target reached"
            #    self.comorg.stop()
            if not self.comorg.stopped: print "target reached"
            return self.comorg.stop()
        """ update commands """
        if not reached_target_pos:
            psi = psi_q / 180.0 * pi
            u_qx = array([cos(psi), sin(psi)])
            u_qy = array([-sin(psi), cos(psi)])
            dFront = dot(dP, u_qx)
            dRight = -dot(dP, u_qy)
            for diff, action in ((dFront, 'moveforward'), (dRight, 'moveright')):
                if abs(diff) < self.TARGET_RADIUS/sqrt(2):
                    self.comorg.schedule(action, diff)
        if not reached_target_angle:
            self.comorg.schedule('turnright', -angle_diff)
Exemplo n.º 2
class PointParser:
    slamScaleToMetricScale = None
    principalplane = None

    def __init__(self, room_num):
        """ get slam-to-metric scale """
        self.slamScaleToMetricScale = float(
            open(mapdir(room_num) + '/slamtometric').readline())
        self.slamScaleToMetricScale /= Scale.get(room_num)  # apply scaling
        """ recover principalplane """
        tfstring = open(mapdir(room_num) + '/principalplane').read()
        self.principalplane = Principalplane()

    def parse(self, pt, fromstring=False, frompose=False):
        """ step 0: convert to point """
        if fromstring:
            pt = self.stringToArray(pt)
        if frompose:
            pt = self.lnToTranslation(pt)
        """ step 1: convert from PTAM to ROS axes """
        pt = array([
            pt[1] / self.slamScaleToMetricScale,
            -1 * -pt[0] / self.slamScaleToMetricScale,  ## TMP mirror around XY
            pt[2] / self.slamScaleToMetricScale,
        """ step 2: transform via principalplane """
        pt = self.principalplane.updateAndTransform(pt, update=False)
        pt[2] += 200  # TMP (ad hoc)
        """ step 3: convert mm to m """
        pt /= 1e3
        """ step 3: remove if outlier """
        if norm(pt) > 20:
            return None
        return pt

    def stringToArray(string):
        return array([float(x) for x in string.strip().split(' ')])

    def lnToTranslation(Self, mu):
        mu = array(mu)
        w = mu[3:]
        theta_sq = sum(w * w)
        theta = sqrt(theta_sq)
        w_x_mu = cross(w, mu[:3])
        if theta_sq < 1e-8:
            A = 1.0 - theta_sq / 6
            B = 0.5
            translation = mu[:3] + 0.5 * w_x_mu
            if theta_sq < 1e-6:
                C = (1.0 - theta_sq / 20) / 6
                A = 1.0 - theta_sq * C
                B = 0.5 - 0.25 * one_6th * theta_sq
                inv_theta = 1.0 / theta
                A = sin(theta) * inv_theta
                B = (1 - cos(theta)) * (inv_theta * inv_theta)
                C = (1 - A) * (inv_theta * inv_theta)
            translation = mu[:3] + B * w_x_mu + C * cross(w, w_x_mu)
        rotation = Self.rodrigues_so3_exp(w, A, B)
        # invert translation
        rotinv = rotation.I
        translinv = -(translation * rotinv.T)
        translinv = array(translinv).squeeze()
        return translinv

    def rodrigues_so3_exp(w, A, B):
        R = zeros((3, 3))
        wx2 = w[0] * w[0]
        wy2 = w[1] * w[1]
        wz2 = w[2] * w[2]
        R[0][0] = 1.0 - B * (wy2 + wz2)
        R[1][1] = 1.0 - B * (wx2 + wz2)
        R[2][2] = 1.0 - B * (wx2 + wy2)
        a = A * w[2]
        b = B * (w[0] * w[1])
        R[0][1] = b - a
        R[1][0] = b + a
        a = A * w[1]
        b = B * (w[0] * w[2])
        R[0][2] = b + a
        R[2][0] = b - a
        a = A * w[0]
        b = B * (w[1] * w[2])
        R[1][2] = b - a
        R[2][1] = b + a
        return matrix(R)
class RosTargetDispatcher:
    """ translates ros commands into drone function calls """
    # settings
    TARGET_RADIUS = 50  #mm
    # variables
    target = None
    state = None
    principalplane = None
    comorg = None

    def __init__(self, drone, allow_ros_control):
        # init vars
        self.allow_ros_control = allow_ros_control
        self.principalplane = Principalplane()
        self.comorg = CommandOrganiser(drone)
        # ros subscriptions
        rospy.Subscriber("/goal", PoseStamped, self.setTarget)
        rospy.Subscriber("/ardrone/hybriddata", String, self.updateDirection)

    def reset(self, target=None):
        self.state = State() = target

    def setTarget(self, poseStamped):
        if poseStamped.header.frame_id == '-1':
            print "  [targetdispatcher] done"
        elif != poseStamped.pose:

    def updateDirection(self, string_obj):
        """ init & checks """
        pos = decode_string_to_dict(string_obj)
        if not
            return self.comorg.stop()
        if not self.allow_ros_control():
            return self.comorg.stop()
        # transform pos to principalplane
        pos = self.principalplane.updateAndTransform(pos)
        P_quad = array([pos['x'], pos['y']])
        psi_q = pos['psi']
        """ check confidence & num points """
        if pos['confidence'] < 0.6:
            print "  [targetdispatcher] no confidence"
            return self.comorg.stop()
        elif pos['num_found_points'] < 100:
            print "  [targetdispatcher] not enough SLAM points"
            return self.comorg.stop()
        """ get local target """
        # <disable state system>
        #if self.state.state == State.IDLE:
        #    self.state.startpos = P_quad
        #    self.state.state = State.SET_ANGLE
        #    P_target = P_quad
        #elif self.state.state == State.SET_ANGLE:
        #    P_target = self.state.startpos
        #elif self.state.state == State.FLY_TO_TARGET:
        #    P_target = array([,])
        P_target = array([,])
        dP = P_target - P_quad
        """ get target psi """
        o =
        target_psi = 180 / pi * euler_from_quaternion([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])[2]
        angle_diff = ((target_psi - psi_q + 180) % 360) - 180
        """ check if reached target """
        reached_target_pos = norm(dP) < self.TARGET_RADIUS
        reached_target_angle = abs(angle_diff) < 5  #deg
        """ update state """
        if reached_target_angle and reached_target_pos:
            # <disable state system>
            #if self.state.state == State.SET_ANGLE:
            #    print "angle ok, proceeding"
            #    self.state.state = State.FLY_TO_TARGET
            #elif self.state.state == State.FLY_TO_TARGET:
            #    if not self.comorg.stopped: print "target reached"
            #    self.comorg.stop()
            if not self.comorg.stopped: print "target reached"
            return self.comorg.stop()
        """ update commands """
        if not reached_target_pos:
            psi = psi_q / 180.0 * pi
            u_qx = array([cos(psi), sin(psi)])
            u_qy = array([-sin(psi), cos(psi)])
            dFront = dot(dP, u_qx)
            dRight = -dot(dP, u_qy)
            for diff, action in ((dFront, 'moveforward'), (dRight,
                if abs(diff) < self.TARGET_RADIUS / sqrt(2):
                    self.comorg.schedule(action, diff)
        if not reached_target_angle:
            self.comorg.schedule('turnright', -angle_diff)