Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: lsdb.py Projeto: donbro/lsdb
 def do_push(in_value):
     """(push) (2 => 3) [(1, 40014149), (2, 42755279), (3, 45167012)]"""
     (depth, folder_file_id) = in_value
     # test for push of something other than just one.  shouldn't happen.
     if prev_depth != len(in_stak):
         GPR.print_it1( "(push) prev_depth (%d) != len(in_stak) (%d)\n" %  (prev_depth, len(in_stak)) )
     GPR.print_it0( "(push) (%r" % (prev_depth,) )
     GPR.print_it0( "=> %r)" % (  depth) )
     GPR.print_it1( "%r"  %  in_stak                             )
     GPR.print_it1( "" )
     tally["(push)"] +=1
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: lsdb.py Projeto: donbro/lsdb
    def do_pop():
        """ (pop) (3 => 2)  [(1, 40014149), (2, 42755279)]"""

        # test for pop of something other than just one. can happen.  is okay:)
        if   depth+1 != len(in_stak):
            GPR.print_it1( " (pop) depth+1 (%d) != len(in_stak) (%d)\n" %  (depth+1, len(in_stak)) )

        GPR.print_it0( " (pop) (%r"% (len(in_stak), ) )
        tally["(pop)"] +=1

        (d,ffid) = in_stak.pop()
        GPR.print_it0( "=> %r) "% (len(in_stak), ) )
        # this should really be a method on a subclass of stak?
        if hasattr(in_stak, 'RS'):
            if (d,ffid) in in_stak.RS: # in_stak.RS.keys():
                GPR.print_it0( "key %r in stak: %r" % ((d,ffid), in_stak) )
                GPR.print_it1( "(dict)")
                return in_stak.RS.pop((d,ffid))   # in_stak.RS[(d,ffid)]
                # not error, directory was up to date(?)
                GPR.print_it1( "key %r not in stak: %r" % ((d,ffid), in_stak) ) 
                return []
            GPR.print_it0( "in_stak has no attr 'RS'" )
            GPR.print_it1( "%r"  %  in_stak )
            return []
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: lsdb.py Projeto: donbro/lsdb
def do_arg_gen(basepath, cnx, options):  
    x_gen = files_generator(basepath, options)

    my_stak = stak() # contains self.RS

    fs_gen = partial(files_stak_gen, in_stak=my_stak, cnx=cnx) 

    y_gen = partial(vol_id_gen, cnx)

    # for fs_dict in  y_gen( fs_gen( x_gen ) ):    
    for fs_dict in  fs_gen( y_gen( x_gen ) ):    
        depth = fs_dict['depth']
        file_id = fs_dict['NSFileSystemFileNumber']

        if is_a_directory(fs_dict, options):
            GPR.print_it0( "(directory)" )
            if (depth < 0 ):
                GPR.print_it1( "(depth < 0)" )  # eol
                dir_is_up_to_date = not options.force_folder_scan and db_file_exists(cnx, fs_dict) 
                fs_dict['directory_is_up_to_date'] = dir_is_up_to_date                  
                if (dir_is_up_to_date):
                    GPR.print_it1( "(up_to_date)" )  # eol
                    GPR.print_it0( "(to_be_scanned)" )
                    GPR.print_it0( "(scanning)" )
                    rel = db_query_folder(cnx, fs_dict)
                    GPR.print_it0( "(len=%r)" % (len(rel),) )
                    GPR.print_it0( "(storing at) %r" % ( (depth+1, file_id) ,) )
                    # don't store those of zero length because you'll never pop them?  no:
                    #   do store zero lengths because we will want to "subtract against them" in directory check.
                    my_stak.RS[ (depth+1, file_id)  ] =  rel
                    GPR.print_it1( "stak: %r" % (my_stak,) ) # eol
                    fs_dict['sql_action'] = "update_directory"
                    GPR.print_it0( "(update directory)" )

        folder_id = fs_dict['NSFileSystemFolderNumber']

        fs_dict['current_item_directory_is_being_checked'] =  (depth, folder_id) in my_stak.RS
        if fs_dict['current_item_directory_is_being_checked']:          
            GPR.print_it0( "(check against container directory %r)" % ((depth,folder_id ) ,) , verbose_level_threshold=3)
            vol_id          = fs_dict['vol_id']
            filename        = fs_dict[NSURLNameKey]                                 # still unicode, encode late.

            required_fields =  ['vol_id', 'folder_id', 'file_name', 'file_id', 'file_mod_date' ]

            sql_dict = GetDR(fs_dict, required_fields, quote_and_escape=False, verbose_level_threshold=4)  #ie, not for sql, just for values

            rs = (  vol_id,   folder_id,  filename,  file_id, sql_dict['file_mod_date'])
            rs2 = tuple([filename if k == 'file_name' else sql_dict[k] for k in required_fields]) # unicode filename
            if rs != rs2:
                print "\n%r != %r\n" % (rs, rs2)

            if rs in my_stak.RS[ (depth,folder_id ) ]:
                my_stak.RS[ (depth,folder_id ) ] -= rs   
                GPR.print_it0( "(ignore)" )
                GPR.print_it0( "(already in database) %r" % my_stak )
                fs_dict['to_be_inserted'] = True
                fs_dict['sql_action'] = "insert"
                GPR.print_it0( "(insert)" )
            # try:                
            #     my_stak.RS[ (depth,folder_id ) ] -= rs       # my_stak.RS[ (depth,folder_id ) ]._convert_to_row(rs) , or just, tuple(in_row) 
            #     GPR.print_it0( "(ignore)" )
            #     GPR.print_it0( "(already in database) %r" % my_stak )
            # except KeyError:  # ie, the key of rs is not in the set of stak.ts[(d,fid)]
            #     fs_dict['to_be_inserted'] = True
            #     fs_dict['sql_action'] = "insert"
            #     GPR.print_it0( "(insert)" )

        yield fs_dict

    #   end gen

    if options.verbose_level >= 3:
        print "end do_arg_gen. my_stak is", my_stak