Exemplo n.º 1
 def process(self):
     '''Process buy orders in an optimal match-up fashion. O(n2) time.'''
     # A buy order for $x can only be processed if there is an existing sell order with price $y
     # such that $x >= $y.
     summary = ''
     temp_buyers = PriorityQueue()  # Create a temp pq for buyers
     while self.buyers.peek() is not None:  # Iterate all buyers
         buyer = self.buyers.pop()  # Get the next buyer
         temp_sellers = PriorityQueue()
         buyer_matched = False  # Assume there's no match for this buyer
         while self.sellers.peek() is not None:
             seller = self.sellers.pop()  # Get the next seller
             if buyer._key >= seller._key:  # This is a valid matchup
                 buyer_matched = True
                 summary += ('Buyer $' + str(buyer._key) +
                             ' matched with seller $' + str(seller._key) +
                 # if this seller was no good, push it on the temp seller pq
                 temp_sellers.push(seller._key, seller._value)
         self.sellers = temp_sellers  # Copy the temp seller pq back to the original
         if not buyer_matched:
             temp_buyers.push(buyer._key, buyer._value)
     self.buyers = temp_buyers  # Copy the temp buyer pq back to the original
     return summary
def test_priority_queue(make_jobs):
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    assert pq.jobs == []
    assert pq._iterations == 0
    pq = PriorityQueue(make_jobs)
    temp = [p.priority for p in pq.jobs]
    assert temp == [9, 9, 9, 7, 8, 3, 7, 3, 7, 4]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, board, data):
        self.board = board
        self.data = data

        self.forward_begin_state = State(self.board, None, None, 0, 0, 0)
        self.forward_data = Data(data.board_num, data.heuristic, data.time_limit, data.indicators, data.given_solution,
                                 data.min_cost_path, data.use_difficulty)
        self.forward_data.bidirectional_direction = BidirectionalDirection.FORWARD
        self.forward_f_values = dict()
        self.forward_open_list = PriorityQueue()
        self.forward_closed_list = set()

        state = self.forward_begin_state.run_steps_on_board(data, False, False)
        self.backward_begin_state = State(state.board, None, None, 0, 0, 0)
        self.backward_data = Data(data.board_num, data.heuristic, data.time_limit, data.indicators, data.given_solution,
                                  data.min_cost_path, data.use_difficulty)
        self.backward_data.bidirectional_direction = BidirectionalDirection.BACKWARD
        self.backward_f_values = dict()
        self.backward_open_list = PriorityQueue()
        self.backward_closed_list = set()

        self.forward_data.goal_board = self.backward_begin_state.board
        self.backward_data.goal_board = self.forward_begin_state.board

        f = self.forward_begin_state.calculate_f(self.forward_data)
        self.forward_begin_state.f_value = f
        self.forward_f_values[hash(self.forward_begin_state.board.grid_to_str())] = f
        f = self.backward_begin_state.calculate_f(self.backward_data)
        self.backward_begin_state.f_value = f
        self.backward_f_values[hash(self.backward_begin_state.board.grid_to_str())] = f

        self.forward_prev_state = None
        self.backward_prev_sate = None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def shortest_path(self, source, destination=None, q=None):
        API: shortest_path(self, source, destination = None, display = None)
        Generic implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm.
        if destination is not specified:
           This method determines all nodes reachable from "source" ie. creates
           precedence tree and returns it (dictionary).
        if destination is given:
           If there exists a path from "source" to "destination" it will return
           list of the nodes is a shortest path. If there is no such path, it will
           return the precedence tree constructed from source (dictionary).
            source: Search starts from node with this name.
            destination: Destination node name.
            Returns predecessor tree in dictionary form if destination is
            not specified, returns list of node names in the path from source
            to destination if destination is specified and there is a path.
            If there is no path returns predecessor tree in dictionary form.
            See description section.

        Unit Test:
        >>> G = Network(type = UNDIRECTED_NETWORK, splines = 'true', K = 1.5, display = 'off')
        >>> G.random(numnodes = 7, density = 0.7, Euclidean = True, seedInput = 9)
        >>> print G.shortest_path(0)
        {1: 4, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0}

        # example how to modify some attribute for node
        #        neighbors = self.neighbors
        #        for i in self.get_node_list():
        #            self.get_node(i).set_attr('label', '-')
        #            self.get_node(i).set_attr('distance', 0)
        q = PriorityQueue()
        s = PriorityQueue()
        for j in self.get_node_list():
            q.push(j, float('inf'))
        q.push(source, 0)
        while not q.isEmpty():
            current = q.peek()
            value = q.get_priority(current)
            s.push(current, value)
            for i in self.get_neighbors(current):
                if i in q.aList:
                    temp = value + self.get_edge_attr(current, i, 'cost')
                    #                 if temp<q.get_priority(i):
                    #                     q.push(i,temp)
                    q.push(i, min(temp, q.get_priority(i)))
                if i is destination:

        return q.aList, s.aList
Exemplo n.º 5
    def init(self):
        self._edge_labels_forward = []
        self._edge_labels_backward = []

        self._adjacency_list_forward = PriorityQueue()
        self._adjacency_list_backward = PriorityQueue()


        self._best_path = BestConnection(EdgeId(-1, -1), EdgeId(-1, -1),
        self._threshold: float = float('inf')
Exemplo n.º 6
def iterative_deepening_a_star_search(start_grid, use_manhattan):
    This function performs Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*)

    :param start_grid: initial configuration grid
    :param use_manhattan: tells whether to use manhattan heuristic or not
    :return: None
    Initialize the bound to the current f value of the root node instead of infinity like with branch_and_bound
    The algorithm calls for calling branch and bound, but a tweak was required, so the code is partially repeated 
    root = Node(curr_grid=start_grid,
    limit = root.f
    result_node = None
    num_nodes_expanded = 0
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    exec_time_str = ''
    Branch and Bound. See above method for details
    while result_node is None:
        evaluated_weight = INFINITY
        open_list = PriorityQueue()
        while open_list.size() > 0:
            num_nodes_expanded += 1
            current_node = open_list.delete()
            if current_node.h == 0 and current_node.f <= limit:
                end_time = time.perf_counter()
                exec_time = end_time - start_time
                exec_time_str = f'Execution Time: {exec_time:0.4f} seconds'
                limit = current_node.f
                result_node = current_node
                successors = current_node.generate_successors()
                temp_list = PriorityQueue()
                for successor in successors:
                    if successor.f <= limit:
                    elif evaluated_weight > successor.f:
                        evaluated_weight = successor.f
                while temp_list.size() > 0:

        limit = evaluated_weight  # Update the weight
    trace_and_print(root, result_node, num_nodes_expanded,
                    exec_time_str)  # Call trace and print for the solution
 def test_enqueue_dequeue_two(self):
     Dequeuing from a two-element queue returns the one with highest priority.
     pq = PriorityQueue()
     lower_priority = Job(1, 'of')
     higher_priority = Job(3, 'the')
     self.assertEqual(higher_priority, pq.dequeue())
     pq = PriorityQueue()
     self.assertEqual(higher_priority, pq.dequeue())
Exemplo n.º 8
def Dijkstra_algorithm(graph: Graph,
                       starting_node: int) -> DijkstraAlgorithmResult:

    dist = [INFINITY for _ in range(graph.nodes_count)]
    prev = [None for _ in range(graph.nodes_count)]

    dist[starting_node] = 0
    prev[starting_node] = starting_node

    # prepare list of tuples of nodes labels with their starting distances
    dist_nodes = [
        PQNode(key=i, priority=dist[i]) for i in range(0, graph.nodes_count)

    Q = PriorityQueue(raw=dist_nodes)

    while not Q.is_empty:
        # pick the closest node
        fst = Q.pop().key
        for e in graph.get_neighbourhood(fst):
            # scan the neighbourhood
            snd = e.snd
            weight = e.weight
            if dist[snd] > dist[fst] + weight:
                # update if better route found
                dist[snd] = dist[fst] + weight
                prev[snd] = fst
                Q.bottom_bound_flatten_priority(snd, dist[snd])

    return DijkstraAlgorithmResult(dist=dist, prev=prev)
Exemplo n.º 9
def a_star(start, goal='Bucharest'):
    Retorna uma lista com o caminho de start até
    goal segundo o algoritmo A*

    # Cria uma fila prioritária onde os primeiros elementos sempre serão as possibilidades de rota mais curtas.
    queue = PriorityQueue(priority_asc=False)

    # Instancia o ponto de partida utilizando a estrutura City.
    start_city = City(start)

    # Adiciona o ponto de partida à fila prioritária.
    # Como o grau de prioridade não foi informado, será considerado O.
    queue.push(start_city.get_estimated_total_cost(), start_city)

    # Obtém-se a cidade com maior prioridade de ser expandida, que nesse momento ainda é o ponto inicial.
    city = queue.pop()

    # Enquanto a cidade prioritária não for o destino, continuaremos no laço.
    while city.is_name(goal) is False:
        # Expande as próximas cidades a partir da cidade atual.
        for next_city in dists.dists[city.name]:
            # Cria um novo ponto a partir do nome da próxima cidade, do custo de locomoção e da rota feita até aqui.
            new_city = City(name=next_city[0],
            # Adiciona o ponto à fila prioritária dando o custo estimado até o destino como grau de prioridade.
            queue.push(new_city.get_estimated_total_cost(), new_city)

        # Atualiza a cidade a ser analisada pela próxima iteração.
        city = queue.pop()

    # Retorna uma lista contendo a melhor rota
    return [p.name for p in city.route_made]
Exemplo n.º 10
def dijkstra(g, start):
    # Distance is the priority in PQ
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    visited = set()  # Redundant as weighs are always positive
    distance = {}  # Store distance to nodes from start
    previous = {}  # Store the previous node to reach a node

    # Set all the weight to infinity
    for node_id in g.get_vertices():
        distance[node_id] = float('inf') # infinity
    distance[start] = 0  # start to start have zero distance
    previous[start] = None  # No previous for start
    # Add start to priority queue
    pq.add_with_priority(start, 0)

    while pq.length > 0:  # PQ will have unvisited nodes
        node_id = pq.extract_min()
        node = g.vert_list[node_id]

        for neigh in node.get_neighs():
            if neigh not in visited:
                n_dist = node.get_weight(neigh)
                # if distance to neigh is less through, node_id, update.
                if distance[node_id] + n_dist < distance[neigh]:
                    distance[neigh] = distance[node_id] + n_dist
                    previous[neigh] = node_id
                    # Update/add neigh in PQ, with new distance
                    pq.decrease_priority(neigh, distance[neigh])
        # Done processing the node. Mark it as visited

Exemplo n.º 11
    def trace_back(goal_node, start_node, v_distances, visited_nodes, n, mazearray, diags=False):
        # begin the list of nodes which will represent the path back, starting with the end node
        path = [goal_node]
        current_node = goal_node
        # Set the loop in motion until we get back to the start
        while current_node != start_node:
            # Start an empty priority queue for the current node to check all neighbours
            neighbour_distances = PriorityQueue()
            neighbours = get_neighbours(current_node, n, diags)

            # Had some errors during testing, not sure if this is still necessary
                distance = v_distances[current_node]
            except Exception as e:
            # For each neighbour of the current node, add its location and distance
            # to a priority queue
            for neighbour, ntype in neighbours:
                if neighbour in v_distances:
                    distance = v_distances[neighbour]
                    neighbour_distances.push(distance, neighbour)
            # Pop the lowest value off; that is the next node in our path
            distance, smallest_neighbour = neighbour_distances.pop()
            current_node = smallest_neighbour

def dijkstra(g, n, origin=0):

    # Set initial condition for dijkstra algorithm
    toVisit = [True] * n
    dist = [sys.maxint] * n

    pq = PriorityQueue()

    for u in range(n):
        if u == origin:
            pq.push([0, u])
            pq.push([sys.maxint, u])

    while not pq.empty():
        cost, u = pq.pop()
        toVisit[u] = False
        for v in range(0, n):
            if g[u][v] != 0 and toVisit[v] and cost + g[u][v] < pq[v]:
                pq.push([g[u][v] + cost, v])
                dist[v] = pq[v]

    print("(origem, destino) -> custo")
    for i in range(1, n):
        print("({}, {}) -> {}".format(origin, i, dist[i]))
Exemplo n.º 13
def dijkstra(g, start):
    # Distance is the priority in PQ
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    visited = set()  # Redundant as weighs are always positive
    distance = {}  # Store distance to nodes from start
    previous = {}  # Store the previous node to reach a node

    # prepare the start node
    distance[start] = 0  # start to start have zero distance
    previous[start] = None  # No previous for start
    # Add start to priority queue
    pq.add_with_priority(start, 0)

    while pq.length > 0:  # PQ will have unvisited nodes
        node_id = pq.extract_min()
        node = g.vert_list[node_id]

        for neigh in node.get_neighs():
            if neigh not in visited:
                n_dist = node.get_weight(neigh)
                # if distance to neigh is less through, node_id, update.
                if neigh not in distance or distance[node_id] + n_dist < distance[neigh]:
                    distance[neigh] = distance[node_id] + n_dist
                    previous[neigh] = node_id
                    # Update/add neigh in PQ, with new distance
                    # Here, decrease_priority will add as well as update.
                    # If such is not available, we will have to prepare PQ with
                    # all nodes with float('inf') distance, except start
                    pq.decrease_priority(neigh, distance[neigh])
        # Done processing the node. Mark it as visited

def mst(wg: WeightedGraph[V], start: int = 0) -> Optional[WeightedPath]:
    if start > (wg.vertex_count - 1) or start < 0:
        return None
    result: WeightedPath = []  # holds the final MST
    pq: PriorityQueue[WeightedEdge] = PriorityQueue()
    visited: [bool] = [False] * wg.vertex_count  # where we've been

    def visit(index: int):
        visited[index] = True  # mark as visited
        for edge in wg.edges_for_index(index):
            # add all edges coming from here to pq
            if not visited[edge.v]:

    visit(start)  # the first vertex is where everything begins

    while not pq.empty:  # keep going while there are edges to process
        edge = pq.pop()
        if visited[edge.v]:
            continue  # don't ever revisit
        # this is the current smallest, so add it to solution
        visit(edge.v)  # visit where this connects

    return result
def a_star(maze, start, goal):
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    # In the A* trace we said that the F value for the initial cell position would be equal to
    # the H value...but we are not required to have to calculate that manually because there's only
    # going to be one item on the queue at this point, it will automatically
    # have the highest priority so we can set it equal to 0
    pq.put(start, 0)
    predecessors = {start: None}
    g_values = {start: 0}
    # In our representation of these mazes, we have cells connected by edges and the weight
    # of each edge is just one. So the new cost is just one more than the previous cost
    # putting it in g values and in predecessors is equivalent to saying *we've discovered this

    while not pq.is_empty():
        current_cell = pq.get()
        if current_cell == goal:
            return get_path(predecessors, start, goal)
        for direction in ["up", "right", "down", "left"]:
            row_offset, col_offset = offsets[direction]
            neighbour = (current_cell[0] + row_offset,
                         current_cell[1] + col_offset)
            if is_legal_pos(maze, neighbour) and neighbour not in g_values:
                new_cost = g_values[current_cell] + 1
                g_values[neighbour] = new_cost
                f_value = new_cost + heuristic(goal, neighbour)
                pq.put(neighbour, f_value)
                predecessors[neighbour] = current_cell
        return None
Exemplo n.º 16
    def trace_back(goal_node, start_node, v_distances, visited_nodes, n, mazearray, diags=False, visualise=VISUALISE):
        path = [goal_node]
        current_node = goal_node
        while current_node != start_node:
            neighbour_distances = PriorityQueue()
            neighbours = get_neighbours(current_node, n, diags)
                distance = v_distances[current_node]
            except Exception as e:

            for neighbour, ntype in neighbours:
                if neighbour in v_distances:
                    distance = v_distances[neighbour]
                    neighbour_distances.push(distance, neighbour)
            distance, smallest_neighbour = neighbour_distances.pop()
            current_node = smallest_neighbour

Exemplo n.º 17
def extract_sentences_ucs(graph, original_sentences):
    # uniform cost search
    pk = PriorityQueue()
    # (vertex, parent, accumulated cost)
    start = (graph.vert_dict[0], None, 0)
    end_position = len(graph.vert_dict) - 1
    pk.insert(start, start[2])
    visited = [start[0].position]
    current = None
    # finding path to last sentence
    while not pk.isEmpty():
        current = pk.pop().data

        if current[0].position == end_position:

        for v, weigth in current[0].adjacent.items():
            if v.position <= current[0].position:
            if v.position not in visited:
                cost = current[2] + abs(v.position - current[0].position)/(weigth * v.rank)
                pk.insert((v, current, cost), cost)

    # building path
    path = []
    while current is not None:
        current = current[1]

    sentences = list(original_sentences[v.position] for v in path)
    return sentences
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, map: OccupancyGridMap, s_start: (int, int, int),
                 s_goal: (int, int, int)):
        :param map: the ground truth map of the environment provided by gui
        :param s_start: start location
        :param s_goal: end location
        ## we need to also update our occupancy grid map
        self.new_edges_and_old_costs = None

        # algorithm start
        self.s_start = s_start  # now takes in an x, y and z
        self.s_goal = s_goal  # now takes in an x, y and z
        self.s_last = s_start  # now takes in an x, y and z
        self.k_m = 0  # accumulation
        self.U = PriorityQueue()
        self.rhs = np.ones((map.x_dim, map.y_dim, map.z_dim)) * np.inf
        self.g = self.rhs.copy()

        self.sensed_map = OccupancyGridMap(x_dim=map.x_dim,

        self.rhs[self.s_goal] = 0
                      Priority(heuristic(self.s_start, self.s_goal), 0))
def test_assign_priority_via_insert():
    new_pq = PriorityQueue()
    for i in range(5):
        new_pq.insert(Job(priority=i + 1))
    new_pq.jobs[-1].time_created -= 100
    assert [job.priority for job in new_pq.jobs] == [8, 5, 6, 1, 4, 2]
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_update(self):
        Q = PriorityQueue()
        Q.add_update(1, 2)
        Q.add_update(2, 1)
        Q.add_update(1, 0)

        self.assertEqual(Q.pop(), 1)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_sequence4(self):
     Q = PriorityQueue([1, 2, 3])
     self.assertEqual(Q.extract_max(), 3)
     self.assertEqual(Q.extract_max(), 2)
     self.assertEqual(Q.extract_max(), 1)
     with self.assertRaises(NoMoreDataError):
Exemplo n.º 22
    def run_algorithm(self):
        run the algorithm
        :return: True is there is a path from strat to end, False otherwise
        open_list = PriorityQueue(f=self.f)
        closed_list = set()
        while not len(open_list) == 0:
            next_n = open_list.pop()

            if self.end_point == next_n:
                self.value = next_n.total_value()
                self.path = next_n.arrived_from
                return True
                self.path_count += 1
            for suc in next_n.successors:
                suc.arrived_from = next_n.arrived_from + [self.get_direction(next_n.x, next_n.y, suc.x, suc.y)]
                suc.fathers = next_n.fathers + [next_n]
                if suc not in closed_list and suc not in open_list:
                elif suc in open_list and self.f(suc) < open_list[suc]:
                    del open_list[suc]

        self.path = self.NO_PATH
        return False
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_pop_one_item_works():
    test_pq = PriorityQueue()
    test_pq.insert(10, "test")
    assert test_pq.pop().val == 'test'
    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as error:
    assert 'The queue is empty' in str(error.value)
def dijkstra(wg: WeightedGraph[V], root: V) \
    -> Tuple[List[Optional[float]], Dict[int, WeightedEdge]]:

    first: int = wg.index_of(root) # 出発点の index を見つける
    # 最初は距離は分からない
    distances: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * wg.vertex_count
    distances[first] = 0
    path_dict: Dict[int, WeightedEdge] = {} # 各 vertex への行き方
    pq: PriorityQueue[DijkstraNode] = PriorityQueue()
    pq.push(DijkstraNode(first, 0))

    while not pq.empty:
        u: int = pq.pop().vertex # 次に近い vertex へ
        dist_u: float = distances[u]
        for we in wg.edges_for_index(u):
            # この vertex への古い距離
            dist_v: float = distances[we.v]
            # 古い距離が無い、またはより短い path が見つかった場合
            if dist_v is None or dist_v > we.weight + dist_u:
                # この vertex への距離を更新
                distances[we.v] = we.weight + dist_u
                # この vertex への最短の path の edge を更新
                path_dict[we.v] = we
                # 探索する
                pq.push(DijkstraNode(we.v, we.weight + dist_u))

    return distances, path_dict
Exemplo n.º 25
def __search(graph: Graph, start: Node, goal: Node):
    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(start, 0)
    came_from = {}
    cost_so_far = {}
    came_from[start] = None
    cost_so_far[start] = 0

    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()

        if current == goal:

        for next_node in graph.neighbours(current):
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + distance(current, next_node)
            if next_node not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next_node]:
                cost_so_far[next_node] = new_cost
                priority = new_cost + distance(goal, next_node)
#                print("Priority: ", priority)
#                print("next_node: ", next_node.name())
                frontier.put(next_node, priority)
                came_from[next_node] = current

    return came_from, cost_so_far
Exemplo n.º 26
def best_first(game, heuristic):
    """ Create priority queue for all child fields of Rush Hour board, get first
    in first out. Check if field is unique, then call heuristic and append to queue.
    Heuristic 'cars to exit' counts the number of cars blocking the red car to the exit.
    Hueristic 'cars in traffic' counts the number of cars to move, before the
    red car can be moved.
    Return number of moves needed to solve the game and number of states checked.

    Keyword arguments:
    game -- RushHour object
    heuristic -- string containing heuristic to apply
    queue = PriorityQueue()
    moves = 0
    states = 0
    vehicles = list(game.vehicles.values())
    queue.push([moves, vehicles], 0)

    while not game.won(vehicles):
        moves, vehicles = queue.get_prio()
        child_fields = game.get_child_fields_whole_step(vehicles)
        moves += 1
        states += 1
        for field in child_fields:
            if game.is_unique(field):
                if heuristic == "cars_to_exit":
                    priority = moves + game.cars_to_exit(field)
                elif heuristic == "cars_in_traffic":
                    priority = moves + game.cars_in_traffic(field)
                queue.push([moves, field], priority)

    return moves, states
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, app_list, pe_list):
        self.app_list = app_list
        # self.app_list = sorted(app_list, key=lambda _app: _app.priority)
        self.layer_list = [l for _app in app_list for l in _app.layer_list]
        self.layer_set = set(self.layer_list)
        self.gene2fit = {}

        # FIXME
        self.single_mode = False
        first_node = app_list[0].layer_list[0]
        if len(app_list) == 1 and first_node.get_index() != 0:
            self.single_mode = True

        self.num_layer = len(self.layer_list)
        self.throughput_thresh = 100

        self.draw_iteration = 1

        self.num_pe = len(pe_list)

        self.prio_step = len(self.layer_list)  # Total number of layers
        self.pe_list = pe_list

        # variables for CPU utilization constraint
        self.elapsed_time_per_pe = [0] * self.num_pe

        self._ready_queues = [PriorityQueue() for _ in range(self.num_pe)]
        self._rq_set = set()
 def test_not_empty(self):
     A queue with one enqueued value is not empty.
     pq = PriorityQueue()
     pq.enqueue(Job(1, 'People'))
Exemplo n.º 29
def dijkstra(wg: WeightedGraph[V], root: V) -> Tuple[List[Optional[float]], Dict[int, WeightedEdge]]:
    first: int = wg.index_of(root) # find starting index
    # distances are unknown at first
    distances: List[Optional[float]] = [None] * wg.vertex_count
    distances[first] = 0 # the root is 0 away from the root
    path_dict: Dict[int, WeightedEdge] = {} # how we got to each vertex
    pq: PriorityQueue[DijkstraNode] = PriorityQueue()
    pq.push(DijkstraNode(first, 0))

    while not pq.empty:
        u: int = pq.pop().vertex # explore the next closest vertex
        dist_u: float = distances[u] # should already have seen it
        # look at every edge/vertex from the vertex in question
        for we in wg.edges_for_index(u):
            # the old distance to this vertex
            dist_v: float = distances[we.v]
            # no old distance or found shorter path
            if dist_v is None or dist_v > we.weight + dist_u:
                # update distance to this vertex
                distances[we.v] = we.weight + dist_u
                # update the edge on the shortest path to this vertex
                path_dict[we.v] = we
                # explore it soon
                pq.push(DijkstraNode(we.v, we.weight + dist_u))

    return distances, path_dict
Exemplo n.º 30
def mst(wg: WeightedGraph[V], start: int = 0) -> Optional[WeightedPath]:
    if start > (wg.vertex_count - 1) or start < 0:
        return None

    result: WeightedPath = []  # содержит окончательное MST
    pq: PriorityQueue[WeightedEdge] = PriorityQueue()
    visited: [bool] = [False] * wg.vertex_count  # здесь мы уже были

    def visit(index: int):
        visited[index] = True  # пометить как прочитанное
        for edge in wg.edges_for_index(index):
            # добавляем все ребра отсюда в pq
            if not visited[edge.v]:

    visit(start)  # первая вершина, с которой все начинается

    while not pq.empty:  # продолжаем пока есть необработанные вершины
        edge = pq.pop()
        if visited[edge.v]:
            continue  # чтобы никогда не просмотреть второй раз
        # на данный момент это минимальный вес, поэтому добавляем в дерево
        # идем дальше
    return result