Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_draw_save_action(self, actions, proj_list, overview, main_window):
        # Make sure that this action is valid
        assert 'Draw  Save' in actions

        # Make sure the first item is selected

        # Get the name of the selected hcube item
        item = proj_list.item(0)
        hcube_name = item.text()
        hcube = overview.hcubes[overview.names.index(hcube_name)]

        # Turn the option for smoothing on
        set_box_value(main_window.options.option_entries['smooth'].box, True)

        # Trigger the action
        actions['Draw  Save'].trigger()

        # Set the options back to default

        # Check if a new figure has been saved
        figpath = overview.call_proj_attr('get_fig_path', hcube)[1]
        assert path.exists(figpath)

        # Close the figure that was just drawn
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_create_draw_action(self, actions, proj_list, overview,
        # Make sure that this action is valid
        assert 'Create  Draw' in actions

        # Make sure the first item is selected

        # Get the name of the selected hcube item
        item = proj_list.item(0)
        hcube_name = item.text()

        # Use a threaded progress dialog for this
        box = main_window.options.option_entries['use_progress_dialog'].box
        set_box_value(box, True)

        # Trigger the show action
        actions['Create  Draw'].trigger()

        # Do not use a threaded progress dialog anymore

        # Check if its corresponding entry exists
        assert hcube_name in overview.proj_fig_registry

        # Check the entry itself
        proj_fig_entry = overview.proj_fig_registry[hcube_name]
        assert isinstance(proj_fig_entry[0], plt.Figure)
        assert isinstance(proj_fig_entry[1], QW.QMdiSubWindow)
        assert isinstance(proj_fig_entry[1].widget(), FigureCanvas)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_set_bad_cmap(self, monkeypatch, box):
        # Monkey patch the QMessagebox.warning function
        monkeypatch.setattr(QW.QMessageBox, 'warning',
                            lambda *args: QW.QMessageBox.Ok)

        # Set the value of the box
        set_box_value(box, cm.get_cmap('jet'))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_connect_modified_signal(self, qtbot, box):
        # Create a checkbox
        checkbox = QW.QCheckBox()

        # Connect signals

        # Check if modifying checkbox automatically triggers modified signal
        with qtbot.waitSignal(box.modified):
            set_box_value(checkbox, True)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_invalid_BaseBox(self, qtbot):
        # Create a CustomBox
        box = CustomBox()

        # Try to set the value of this box
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            set_box_value(box, 150)

        # Try to get the value of this box
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_bool(self, qtbot, box):
        # Request a bool box
        set_box_value(box.type_box, 'bool')

        # Check that the value box is now a check box
        assert isinstance(box.value_box, QW.QCheckBox)

        # Try to toggle the value box
        with qtbot.waitSignal(box.modified):

        # Check that the value is now True
        assert get_box_value(box)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_button(self, qtbot):
        # Create a button
        box = QW.QCheckBox()

        # Obtain modified signal of this box
        signal = get_modified_box_signal(box)

        # Set the value of this box
        with qtbot.waitSignal(signal):
            set_box_value(box, True)

        # Check the value of this box
        assert get_box_value(box)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_spinbox(self, qtbot):
        # Create a spinbox
        box = QW.QSpinBox()

        # Obtain modified signal of this box
        signal = get_modified_box_signal(box)

        # Set the value of this box
        with qtbot.waitSignal(signal):
            set_box_value(box, 50)

        # Check the value of this box
        assert (get_box_value(box) == 50)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_lineedit(self, qtbot):
        # Create a lineedit
        box = QW.QLineEdit()

        # Obtain modified signal of this box
        signal = get_modified_box_signal(box)

        # Set the value of this box
        with qtbot.waitSignal(signal):
            set_box_value(box, "This is a test!")

        # Check the value of this box
        assert (get_box_value(box) == "This is a test!")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_valid_BaseBox(self, qtbot):
        # Create a ProperBox
        box = ProperBox()

        # Obtain modified signal of this box
        signal = get_modified_box_signal(box)

        # Set the value of this box
        with qtbot.waitSignal(signal):
            set_box_value(box, 150)

        # Check the value of this box
        assert (get_box_value(box) == 150)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_BaseBox_parent(self, qtbot, box):
        # Create a layout for the CustomBox
        layout = QW.QHBoxLayout(box)

        # Create a checkbox child
        checkbox = QW.QCheckBox()

        # Check if modifying checkbox automatically triggers modified signal
        with qtbot.waitSignal(box.modified):
            set_box_value(checkbox, True)

        # Check if attempting to set the signal again ignores it
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_combobox(self, qtbot):
        # Create a combobox
        box = QW.QComboBox()
        box.addItems(['a', 'b', 'c'])

        # Obtain modified signal of this box
        signal = get_modified_box_signal(box)

        # Set the value of this box
        with qtbot.waitSignal(signal):
            set_box_value(box, 'b')

        # Check the value of this box
        assert (get_box_value(box) == 'b')
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_set_entry_duplicate(self, qtbot, option_entries, kwargs_dicts):
        # Obtain the fig_kwargs page and the index of the last row
        page = option_entries['fig_kwargs'].box
        row = page.kwargs_grid.count() // 3 - 2

        # Obtain the kwargs_box
        kwargs_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1).widget()

        # Set the value of this kwargs_box
        qtbot.keyClicks(kwargs_box, 'a_test')

        # Set the field box to a float of 1.5
        field_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 2).widget()
        set_box_value(field_box.type_box, 'float')
        set_box_value(field_box.value_box, 1.5)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_invalid_box(self, qtbot):
        # Create a label
        box = QW.QLabel()

        # Try to obtain the modified signal of this box
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

        # Try to set the value of this box
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            set_box_value(box, 'test')

        # Try to get the value of this box
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_float(self, qtbot, box):
        # Request a float box
        set_box_value(box.type_box, 'float')

        # Check that the value box is now a double spinbox
        assert isinstance(box.value_box, QW.QDoubleSpinBox)

        # Remove the current value in the box
        qtbot.keyClick(box.value_box, QC.Qt.Key_A, QC.Qt.ControlModifier)
        qtbot.keyClick(box.value_box, QC.Qt.Key_Delete)

        # Try to set the value of the spinbox
        with qtbot.waitSignal(box.modified):
            qtbot.keyClicks(box.value_box, '13.13')

        # Check that the value is now 13.13
        assert (get_box_value(box) == 13.13)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_int(self, qtbot, box):
        # Request an integer box
        set_box_value(box.type_box, 'int')

        # Check that the value box is now a spinbox
        assert isinstance(box.value_box, QW.QSpinBox)

        # Remove the current value in the box
        qtbot.keyClick(box.value_box, QC.Qt.Key_A, QC.Qt.ControlModifier)
        qtbot.keyClick(box.value_box, QC.Qt.Key_Delete)

        # Try to set the value of the spinbox
        with qtbot.waitSignal(box.modified):
            qtbot.keyClicks(box.value_box, '100')

        # Check that the value is now 100
        assert (get_box_value(box) == 100)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_set_entry_empty(self, option_entries, kwargs_dicts):
        # Obtain the fig_kwargs page
        page = option_entries['fig_kwargs'].box

        # Check which row should have 'a_test'
        row = option_entries['fig_kwargs'].value.keys().index('a_test') + 1

        # Check that this row indeed has 'a_test'
        kwargs_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1).widget()
        assert (get_box_value(kwargs_box) == 'a_test')

        # Set the kwargs_box to empty
        set_box_value(kwargs_box, '')

        # Check that the associated field_box is now an empty label
        field_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 2).widget()
        assert isinstance(field_box, QW.QLabel)
        assert (field_box.text() == '')
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_str(self, qtbot, box):
        # Request a string box
        set_box_value(box.type_box, 'str')

        # Check that the value box is now a line edit
        assert isinstance(box.value_box, QW.QLineEdit)

        # Remove the current value in the box
        qtbot.keyClick(box.value_box, QC.Qt.Key_A, QC.Qt.ControlModifier)
        qtbot.keyClick(box.value_box, QC.Qt.Key_Delete)

        # Try to set the value of the line edit
        text = "This iS a Te$t! ;)"
        with qtbot.waitSignal(box.modified):
            qtbot.keyClicks(box.value_box, text)

        # Check that the value is correct
        assert (get_box_value(box) == text)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_set_standard_entry(self, page_name, entry_type, field_type,
                                field_value, option_entries, kwargs_dicts):
        # Obtain the proper page
        page = option_entries[page_name].box

        # Add a new entry to this page

        # Set the kwargs_box to entry_type
        row = page.kwargs_grid.count() // 3 - 1
        kwargs_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1).widget()
        set_box_value(kwargs_box, entry_type)

        # Check that the field box is an instance of given field_type
        field_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 2).widget()
        assert isinstance(field_box, field_type)

        # Set the value of this box
        set_box_value(field_box, field_value)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_set_entry_banned(self, option_entries, kwargs_dicts):
        # Obtain the impl_kwargs_2D page
        page = option_entries['impl_kwargs_2D'].box

        # Add a new entry to this page

        # Obtain a banned entry
        assert len(page.banned_entries)
        entry_type = page.banned_entries[0]

        # Set the corresponding kwargs_box to this entry_type
        row = page.kwargs_grid.count() // 3 - 1
        kwargs_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1).widget()
        set_box_value(kwargs_box, entry_type)

        # Check that the field_box is now a non-empty label
        field_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 2).widget()
        assert isinstance(field_box, QW.QLabel)
        assert (field_box.text() != '')
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_set_box_value(self, box):
        # Set the box value to a bool and check
        set_box_value(box, True)
        assert (get_box_value(box.type_box) == 'bool')

        # Set the box value to a float and check
        set_box_value(box, 13.13)
        assert (get_box_value(box.type_box) == 'float')

        # Set the box value to an integer and check
        set_box_value(box, 100)
        assert (get_box_value(box.type_box) == 'int')

        # Set the box value to a string and check
        set_box_value(box, "More Te3t1ng! -.-")
        assert (get_box_value(box.type_box) == 'str')
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_set_entry_default(self, qtbot, option_entries, kwargs_dicts):
        # Obtain the fig_kwargs page and the index of the second-last row
        page = option_entries['fig_kwargs'].box
        row = page.kwargs_grid.count() // 3 - 3

        # Obtain the kwargs_box
        kwargs_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 1).widget()

        # Make sure that 'a_test' is not a default entry type
        assert 'a_test' not in page.std_entries

        # Set the value of this kwargs_box
        qtbot.keyClicks(kwargs_box, 'a_test')

        # Check that the current value of the kwargs_box is 'a_test'
        assert (get_box_value(kwargs_box) == 'a_test')

        # Check that the field_box is an instance of the DefaultBox
        field_box = page.kwargs_grid.itemAtPosition(row, 2).widget()
        assert isinstance(field_box, DefaultBox)

        # Set the field_box to bool and False
        set_box_value(field_box.type_box, 'bool')
        set_box_value(field_box.value_box, False)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_set_sizes(self, box):
        # Set the value of the figsize box
        set_box_value(box, (13.13, 42.10))

        # Check that this is now the current value of the box
        assert (get_box_value(box) == (13.13, 42.10))