def search_solution_dfs(state: list,
                        problem: Problem,
                        interactive=False) -> list:
    """ Search the sequence of actions that leads to the goal state and puts
    it on self.solve_stack variable 
    # keep up a history of most recent states viseted
    history = []
    # create the root node with the current state
    root = Node(state, 'None', None)
    frontier = [root]  # create the frontier stack and append the root to it
    # holds the stack sequence of actions the agent is going to do to
    # achieve his goal
    solve_stack = []

    while frontier:  # while frontier is not empty
        node = frontier.pop(-1)  # pop the last node on the frontier

        # if this node is the goal state
        if node.content == problem.define_goal(state):
            # append all the nodes parents while it's not the root node
            while node.parent != None and node.parent.parent != None:
                node = node.parent
            # since we found a solution
            print(f'Steps needed: {len(solve_stack)}')
            return solve_stack

        # if we've crossed the threshold and there is any node on the frontier
        if node.depth >= threshold and frontier:

        # if the state is not the goal state
        if node.content not in history:
            problem.apply_operators(node, frontier)
            if len(history) > 100:

        # if we are doing a interactive search
        if interactive and not frontier:
            print(f'No answer was found on a node of depth less than '
                  f'{threshold}, We are gonna keep looking')
            frontier = [root]
            threshold += 2
        elif not interactive and not frontier:
            print(f'No answer was found on a node of depth less than \
            return []

    # if we don't found any soluction
    return []
def search_solution_bfs(state: list,
                        problem: Problem,
                        history_len=100) -> list:
    "" """ Search the sequence of actions that leads to the goal state and puts
    it on self.solve_stack variable 
    # keep up a history of most recent states viseted
    history = []
    # create the root node with the current state
    root = Node(state, 'None', None)
    frontier = [root]  # create the frontier queue and append the root to it
    # holds the stack sequence of actions the agent is going to do to
    # achieve his goal
    solve_stack = []

    while frontier:  # while frontier is not empty
        node = frontier.pop(0)  # pop the first node on the frontier

        # if this node is the goal state
        if node.content == problem.define_goal(state):
            # append all the nodes parents while it's not the root node
            while node.parent != None and node.parent.parent != None:
                node = node.parent
            # since we found a solution
            print(f'Steps needed: {len(solve_stack)}')
            return solve_stack

        # if the state is not the goal state and we keep history
        if keep_history:
            # if the state is not in the history
            if node.content not in history:
                problem.apply_operators(node, frontier)
                if len(history) > history_len:
            problem.apply_operators(node, frontier)

    # if we don't found any soluction
    return []