Exemplo n.º 1
def polynomial_function_find_negative():

    max_coeff_abs = 144
    min_degree = 2
    max_degree = 5

    degree = randint(min_degree, max_degree)

    coeffs = around(random.rand(6) * (max_coeff_abs * 2)) - max_coeff_abs

    x = symbols('x')

    # f(x)
    expr = 0
    # f(-x)
    neg_expr = 0

    # arange is half open; it doesn't include the top value, so we add 1
    for i in arange(degree - 1) + 1:
        coeff = Rational(coeffs[int(i)])
        power = Rational(degree - i)

        expr += coeff * (x)**power
        neg_expr += coeff * (-x)**power

    question = fmath("f(x) = " + latex(expr))

    answer = fmath("f(-x) = " + latex(neg_expr))

    return create_full_text_problem([question], [answer])
Exemplo n.º 2
def addition_integers(length=2, low=1, high=10) -> Problem:
    length = int(length)
    low = int(low)
    high = int(high)
    if length < 2:
        raise ValueError("addition problem must have length of 2")

    if low > high:
        raise ValueError("max must be greater than or equal to min")

    equation = ""
    sum = 0

    for i in range(length):
        value = random.randrange(low, high)
        equation += str(value)
        sum += value
        if i < length - 1:
            equation += "+"

    problem_value = fmath(equation)
    solution_value = "\\({}\\)".format(sum)
    problem_widget = Widget(build_text_widget_options(problem_value))
    solution_widget = Widget(build_text_widget_options(solution_value))

    return Problem([problem_widget], [solution_widget])
Exemplo n.º 3
def quadratic_function_find_vertex_intercept_form():

    # We may want to include fractions for more difficult problems in the future
    min_c = 1
    max_c = 6

    min_n = 1
    max_n = 30

    min_a = 1
    max_a = 5

    c = randint(min_c, max_c)
    n = randint(min_n, max_n)
    a = randint(min_a, max_a)

    c = -c if rand() < 0.5 else c

    x = symbols('x')

    expr = a * (x + c)**2

    # Expand into standard form

    expr = expand(expr)

    # Remove c^2

    expr = expr - a * c**2

    # Add n

    expr = expr + n

    eval_expr = a * (x + c)**2 + n - (a * (c**2))

    problem_instruction = "Find vertex "

    problem_expr = fmath(latex(expr) + ' = 0')

    problem_solution = fmath(latex(eval_expr) + ' = 0')

    return create_full_text_problem([problem_expr], [problem_solution])
Exemplo n.º 4
def compound_interest_continuous_find_effective_roi():
    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    r_e = f_effective_rate_of_interest_continuous(r)

    problem_instruction = "Find the effective return on investment for this investment (round to 3 decimal points):"

    problem_text = f"For {fmath(fper(r))} compounded continuously"

    solution_text = fmath(fper(r_e))

    return create_full_text_problem(
        [problem_instruction, problem_text], [solution_text]
Exemplo n.º 5
def compound_interest_discrete_find_effective_roi():
    n = choice(compounding_n_choices)

    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    r_e = f_effective_rate_of_interest_discrete(r, n)

    problem_instruction = "Find the effective return on investment for this investment (round to 3 decimal points):"

    problem_text = f"For {fmath(fper(r))} compounded {compounding_choices[n]}"

    solution_text = fmath(fper(r_e))

    return create_full_text_problem(
        [problem_instruction, problem_text], [solution_text]
Exemplo n.º 6
def compound_interest_continuous_find_p():

    a = 50 * randint(1, 21)

    t = randint(1, 3) + choice([0, 0.5])

    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    p = round(f_present_value_continuous(a, r, t), 2)

    plural_end = "s" if t != 1 else ""

    problem_instruction = "Find the present value of this investment:"

    problem_text = f"To get {fmath(fcur(a))} after {fmath(ffrac(t))} year{plural_end} at {fmath(fper(r))} compounded continuously"

    solution_text = fmath(fcur(p))

    return create_full_text_problem(
        [problem_instruction, problem_text], [solution_text]
Exemplo n.º 7
def compound_interest_discrete_find_p():
    a = 50 * randint(1, 21)

    n = choice(compounding_n_choices)

    t = randint(1, 3) + choice([0, 0.5])

    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    p = round(f_present_value_discrete(a, r, n, t), 2)

    year_word = fplural("year", "years", t)

    problem_instruction = "Find the present value of this investment:"

    problem_text = f"To get {fmath(fcur(a))} after {fmath(ffrac(t))} {year_word} at {fmath(fper(r))} compounded {compounding_choices[n]}"

    solution_text = fmath(fcur(p))

    return create_full_text_problem(
        [problem_instruction, problem_text], [solution_text]
Exemplo n.º 8
def compound_interest_discrete_find_a():
    p = 50 * randint(1, 21)

    n = choice(compounding_n_choices)

    t = randint(1, 3) + choice([0, 0.5])

    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    a = f_compound_interest_discrete(p, r, n, t)

    year_word = fplural("year", "years", t)

    problem_instruction = "Find the amount that results from this following investment:"

    problem_text = f"{fmath(fcur(p))} invested at {fmath(fcur(r))} compounded {compounding_choices[n]} after a period of {fmath(ffrac(t))} {year_word}"

    solution_text = fmath(fcur(a))

    return create_full_text_problem(
        [problem_instruction, problem_text], [solution_text]
def sum_consecutive_integers(integer_count: bool = None, max_initial_integer: int = 50) -> Problem:
    if integer_count is not None and integer_count < 2:
        raise ValueError('parameter integer_count on sum_consecutive_integers must be greater than or equal to 2')

    integer_count = integer_count if integer_count is not None else Random().randint(3, 5)

    base_integer = Random().randrange(0, max_initial_integer)

    final_integer = 0

    for i in range(integer_count):
        final_integer += base_integer + i

    nth_integer_to_find = Random().randint(1, integer_count)

    ordinal_number = ford(nth_integer_to_find)

    question_label = f"The number {fmath(final_integer)} is the sum of {fmath(integer_count)} consecutive integers. What is the {ordinal_number}?"

    solution_integer = base_integer + (nth_integer_to_find - 1)

    solution = fmath(solution_integer)

    return create_full_text_problem([question_label], [solution])
Exemplo n.º 10
 def formatted_interval_from_continuous(values):
     interval = interval_from_continuous(values)
     interval_string = '[{}, {}]'.format(interval[0], interval[1])
     interval_formatted = fmath(interval_string)
     return interval_formatted
Exemplo n.º 11
def find_trig_func_arc_inverse_with_calculator():
    problem_instruction = "Use a calculator to find the value of this expression rounded to two decimal places:"

    functions = {
        "arccsc": ("csc", lambda x: arcsin(1 / x), True),
        "arcsec": ("sec", lambda x: arccos(1 / x), True),
        "arccot": ("cot", lambda x: arctan(1 / x), False),
    function_keys = list(functions.keys())

    picked_function_key = function_keys[randint(0, len(function_keys))]
    picked_function = functions[picked_function_key]

    picked_function_has_gap = picked_function[2]

    number_types = ["fraction", "sqrt", "whole"]
    picked_number_type = choice(number_types)

    picked_number = None

    fraction_range = (-4, 4)
    sqrt_range = (1, 10)
    whole_range = (-10, 10)

    def pick_number():
        if picked_number_type == "fraction":
            # denominator shouldn't be 1
            denominator = choice([
                randint(fraction_range[0], -1),
                randint(2, fraction_range[1] + 1)
            denominator_sign = 1 if denominator >= 0 else -1
            if picked_function_has_gap:
                numerator = denominator_sign * (abs(denominator) + 1)
                numerator = denominator_sign * (abs(denominator) +
                                                choice([-1, 1]))

            fraction = Fraction(numerator, denominator).limit_denominator()
            # simplify
            numerator = fraction.numerator
            denominator = fraction.denominator

            return (numerator / denominator, ffrac(numerator, denominator))
        elif picked_number_type == "sqrt":
            square = randint(sqrt_range[0], sqrt_range[1])
            return (square**0.5, f"\sqrt{{{square}}}")
        elif picked_number_type == "whole":
            whole_number = choice(
                [randint(whole_range[0], 0),
                 randint(1, whole_range[1] + 1)])
            return (whole_number, str(whole_number))

    picked_number = pick_number()

    answer = around(picked_function[1](picked_number[0]), 3)

    problem_text = fmath(f"\{picked_function[0]}^{{-1}}({picked_number[1]})")
    solution_text = fmath(str(answer))

    problem = build_gen_problem_content([problem_instruction, problem_text],

    # if env.is_debug():
    #     debug_info = [
    #         {"picked_number_type": picked_number_type},
    #         {"picked_function": picked_function_key},
    #         {"picked number": picked_number},
    #     ]
    #     return DebugProblemWrapper(debug_info, problem)

    return problem