Exemplo n.º 1
    figure_name = 'out/figure.pdf'
    ampl_fnames = ['GW_1_amplitude.all', 'GW_2_amplitude.all', 'GW_3_amplitude.all', 'GW_4_amplitude.all', 'GW_5_amplitude.all', 'GW_6_amplitude.all', 'W_1_amplitude.all']
    # ---------------------------------------
    # END user inputs END
    # ---------------------------------------

    path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, file_folder, file_name) )
    fign = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, figure_name))

    # read extremum-data for all wells into pd.dataframe and save it to list...
    AMPLITUDES = list()
    for ampl_fn in ampl_fnames:
        a_fn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, amplitudes_folder, ampl_fn))
        ht, lt, amp = process2pandas.read_amplitudes_into_pandas(a_fn)
        AMPLITUDES.append([ht, lt])

    # read hydrograph-data into pd.dataframe
    data = process2pandas.read_hydrographs_into_pandas(fname, datetime_indexes=True)
    # now plot figure...
    # ---------------------
    #AMPLITUDES = None
    #fign = None

    with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"):
        plot(data, saveName=fign, extrem=AMPLITUDES,
            axeslabel_fontsize=18., title_fontsize=20., axesvalues_fontsize=18., annotation_fontsize=18., legend_fontsize=18.)
def method_3_from_cycle(savemode=None):
        calculates timelag based on modified method of Erskine 1991
        utilazing cycle approach (see documentation)

        the result is saved in an excel file

        Mean timelag is not saved, and only showed in console,
        since it can be easily assesed in excel
    # ---------------------------------------
    # user inputs
    # ---------------------------------------
    file_folder       = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/hydrographs/'
    amplitudes_folder = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/amplitude/'
    file_name         = 'Farge-ALL_10min.all'
    river_name        = 'Farge-W1_1min.all'
    river_ampl_fname  = 'W_1_amplitude.all'
    fname_Ei          = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/output_tidal_efficiency_with_E.xls'

    path_out          = 'out/'
    fname_out         = 'timelag_calculated_for_every_cycle'

    # search limits for a timelag, (0, 80) means that script will iterate OVER tlag=[0, 1, 2, ... 80]
    MIN = dict()
    MIN['GW_1'] = (0, 80)
    MIN['GW_2'] = (0, 80)
    MIN['GW_3'] = (0, 80)
    MIN['GW_4'] = (0, 80)
    MIN['GW_5'] = (0, 80)
    MIN['GW_6'] = (0, 80)
    # ---------------------------------------
    # END user inputs END
    # ---------------------------------------

    path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, file_folder, file_name) )
    RIVER_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, file_folder, river_name) )

    # read data into pd.dataframe
    data       = process2pandas.read_mean_hydrographs_into_pandas(fname, datetime_indexes=True, decimal='.',  skiprows=1)
    RIVER_data = process2pandas.read_mean_hydrographs_into_pandas(RIVER_fname, datetime_indexes=True, decimal='.',  skiprows=4)
    # get hightide, lowtide for accessing TIME of each
    river_hightide, river_lowtide, _ = process2pandas.read_amplitudes_into_pandas(os.path.join(path, amplitudes_folder, river_ampl_fname))

    print "reading xlx with Ei"
    # read_ XLS into dictionary with key=sheet_name, value=pd.DataFrame
    xl_file = pd.ExcelFile(os.path.join(path, fname_Ei))
    dfs = {sheet_name: xl_file.parse(sheet_name)  # read
          for sheet_name in xl_file.sheet_names}
    TLAG = dict()
    # loop over wells...
    for well in ['GW_1', 'GW_2', 'GW_3', 'GW_4', 'GW_5', 'GW_6']:
        # for each well...
        TLAG[well] = []

        mean = data[well].mean()
        print 'MEAN = ', mean

        t_ht = dfs[well]['Datetime High Tide']
        E_amp = dfs[well]['E_i (amplitude ratio)']
        E_std = dfs[well]['E_i (std ratio)']

        number_of_cycles = len(t_ht)

        i = 0
        TLAG_I = list()
        for t_ht_i, E_amp_i, E_std_i in zip(t_ht, E_amp, E_std):
        # for each cycle...
            i += 1
            t_stac_gw = t_ht_i   - timedelta(minutes=180)    # here we go 180min before highpeak
            t_endc_gw = t_stac_gw + timedelta(minutes=720)   # here we go 720min after beggining of cycle
            #t_stac_gw, t_endc_gw  - datetime of start, end of cycle in DataFrame "data[]" (hydrographs, 10min) for a specific well

            # now, we know exact time of start and stop of cycle >>> slice data!
            h = copy.deepcopy(data.ix[t_stac_gw:t_endc_gw, well])  # slice data for correct time (t_ht:t_lt), and select well
            mean = RIVER_data.ix[t_stac_gw:t_endc_gw].mean()[0]    # mean of a tidal stage for current cycle
            E = E_std_i                                            # tidal efficiency of current well for current cycle

            # shift, amplify data....
            h = mean + (h - mean) / E
            print '\nCalculating timelag... for well={2}, cycle {0}/{1}'.format(i, number_of_cycles, well)
            print '\ttstart={0}\n\ttstop={1}\n\tE={2}'.format(t_stac_gw, t_endc_gw, E)
            SUMM_LIST = list()
            TLAG_LIST = list()
            for timelag in xrange(MIN[well][0], MIN[well][1]+1):  # try all timelags from 0 to 60 minutes, or those specified in 'timetuple'
                timelag_datetime = timedelta(minutes=timelag)     # convert minutes to datetime object

                # now cycle through all records in GROUNDWATERLEVEL data...
                summ = 0.
                for time_index, h_value in h.iteritems():
                    T = RIVER_data.loc[(time_index-timelag_datetime)][0]
                    summ += (h_value - T)**2

            print '\ttlag >>>', TLAG_LIST[SUMM_LIST.index(min(SUMM_LIST))], 'min'
            TLAG_I.append(TLAG_LIST[SUMM_LIST.index(min(SUMM_LIST))])  # append correct timelag corresponding to minimum sum
        TLAG[well] = TLAG_I

    print '+'*50
    for n, v in TLAG.iteritems():
        TLAG[n] = np.array(v)
        print n, '\t >>> average tlag = ', TLAG[n].mean(), 'min'

    # save to EXCEL file
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=TLAG)
    outputfname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, path_out, fname_out+'.xls'))
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outputfname)
    df.to_excel(writer, na_rep='---', index=True)
    print "File created:", outputfname
def method_2_from_cycle(savemode=None):

        DEPRECATED !!!
        USE FUNCTION method_3_from_cycle()
        DEPRECATED !!!

        calculates timelag based on modified method of Erskine 1991
        utilazing cycle approach (see documentation)

        the result is saved in an excel file

        Mean timelag is not saved, and only showed in console,
        since it can be easily assesed in excel

    # ---------------------------------------
    # user inputs
    # ---------------------------------------
    file_folder       = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/hydrographs/'
    amplitudes_folder = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/amplitude/'
    file_name         = 'Farge-ALL_10min.all'
    river_name        = 'Farge-W1_1min.all'
    river_ampl_fname  = 'W_1_amplitude.all'

    path_out          = 'out/'
    fname_out         = 'timelag_calculated_for_every_cycle'
    E_GW_1 = 0.25218  #  Tidal Efficiency [-] for well 1
    E_GW_2 = 0.31209  #  Tidal Efficiency [-] for well 2
    E_GW_3 = 0.24625  #  Tidal Efficiency [-] for well 3
    E_GW_4 = 0.17867  #  Tidal Efficiency [-] for well 4
    E_GW_5 = 0.33024  #  Tidal Efficiency [-] for well 5
    E_GW_6 = 0.36874  #  Tidal Efficiency [-] for well 6
    # ---------------------------------------
    # END user inputs END
    # ---------------------------------------

    path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, file_folder, file_name) )
    RIVER_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, file_folder, river_name) )

    # load data into pd.dataframe
    data       = process2pandas.read_mean_hydrographs_into_pandas(fname, datetime_indexes=True, decimal='.',  skiprows=1)
    RIVER_data = process2pandas.read_mean_hydrographs_into_pandas(RIVER_fname, datetime_indexes=True, decimal='.',  skiprows=4)
    # get hightide, lowtide for accessing TIME of each
    river_hightide, river_lowtide, _ = process2pandas.read_amplitudes_into_pandas(os.path.join(path, amplitudes_folder, river_ampl_fname))

    print 'shifting, amplifying well data...'
    data['shifted_amplified_GW_1'] = data['W_1'].mean() + (data['GW_1'] - data['GW_1'].mean()) / E_GW_1
    data['shifted_amplified_GW_2'] = data['W_1'].mean() + (data['GW_2'] - data['GW_2'].mean()) / E_GW_2
    data['shifted_amplified_GW_3'] = data['W_1'].mean() + (data['GW_3'] - data['GW_3'].mean()) / E_GW_3
    data['shifted_amplified_GW_4'] = data['W_1'].mean() + (data['GW_4'] - data['GW_4'].mean()) / E_GW_4
    data['shifted_amplified_GW_5'] = data['W_1'].mean() + (data['GW_5'] - data['GW_5'].mean()) / E_GW_5
    data['shifted_amplified_GW_6'] = data['W_1'].mean() + (data['GW_6'] - data['GW_6'].mean()) / E_GW_6

    TLAG = dict()
    TLAG['GW_1'] = []
    TLAG['GW_2'] = []
    TLAG['GW_3'] = []
    TLAG['GW_4'] = []
    TLAG['GW_5'] = []
    TLAG['GW_6'] = []
    number_of_cycles = len(river_lowtide['datetime'])
    print 'Looping over Tidal Cycles of a River...'
    for t_ht, t_lt, i in zip(river_hightide['datetime'], river_lowtide['datetime'], river_lowtide.index):  # iterate over RIVER cycle times...
        print '\n\n Calculating timelag... for cycle {0}/{1}'.format(i+1, number_of_cycles)
        TLAG_I = dict()
        # loop over wells...
        for n1, timetuple in zip(['GW_1',  'GW_2',   'GW_3',   'GW_4',   'GW_5',   'GW_6'],
                                [(-10, 80), (-10, 80), (-10, 80), (-10, 80), (-10, 80), (-10, 80)]):
            h = data.ix[t_ht:t_lt, 'shifted_amplified_'+n1]  # slice data for correct time (t_ht:t_lt), and select well
            SUMM_LIST = list()
            TLAG_LIST = list()
            # loop over possible timelag values.... (see explanation in script <calculate_timelag.py>)
            for timelag in xrange(timetuple[0], timetuple[1]+1):  # try all timelags specified in 'timetuple'
                timelag_datetime = timedelta(minutes=timelag)     # convert minutes to datetime object

                # now cycle through all records in GROUNDWATERLEVEL data...
                summ = 0.
                for time_index, h_value in h.iteritems():
                    T = RIVER_data.loc[(time_index-timelag_datetime)][0]
                    summ += (h_value - T)**2


            TLAG_I[n1] = TLAG_LIST[SUMM_LIST.index(min(SUMM_LIST))]
        # save tlags of all wells into one dictionary
        for n, v in TLAG_I.iteritems():

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # now we got all timelags for each cycle for each well...
    # So... calculate mean!
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    print '+'*50
    for n, v in TLAG.iteritems():
        TLAG[n] = np.array(v)
        print n, '\t >>> average tlag = ', TLAG[n].mean(), 'min'

    # save to EXCEL file
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=TLAG)
    outputfname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, path_out, fname_out+'.xls'))
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outputfname)
    df.to_excel(writer, na_rep='---', index=True)
    print "File created:", outputfname
def method_2_from_cycle_std(savemode=None):
        savemod =
                None              - Default. No output will be saved
                'excel' or 'xls'  - output will be saved into EXCEL spreedsheet
                'csv'             - output will be saved into CSV text file

        Functions caclulates tidal effcicency  for each t.cycle Ei in two ways:
                Ei = std(Hydrograph_gw_i)/std(Hydrograph_w_i)
                Ei = amplitude(Hydrograph_gw_i)/amplitude(Hydrograph_w_i)
        and them saves all values into output file
    # ---------------------------------------
    # user inputs
    # ---------------------------------------
    file_folder       = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/hydrographs/'
    amplitudes_folder = '../data/SLICED_171020141500_130420150600/amplitude/'
    file_name         = 'Farge-ALL_10min.all'
    path_out          = 'out/'
    fname_out         = 'output_tidal_efficiency'
    ampl_fnames = ['GW_1_amplitude.all', 'GW_2_amplitude.all', 'GW_3_amplitude.all', 'GW_4_amplitude.all', 'GW_5_amplitude.all', 'GW_6_amplitude.all']
    river_ampl_fname  = 'W_1_amplitude.all'
    # ---------------------------------------
    # END user inputs END
    # ---------------------------------------

    path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, file_folder, file_name) )

    # checking how to save output
    if savemode in ['xls', 'xlsx', 'excel', 'msexcel', 'Excel', 'XLS', 'XLSX']:
            outputfname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, path_out, fname_out+'.xls'))
            writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outputfname)
    elif savemode in ['CSV', 'csv']:
        writer = None
        writer = None

    # read hydrographs into pandas dataframe
    data = process2pandas.read_hydrographs_into_pandas(fname, log=False)
    print '-'*50
    print 'Standart deviation all hydrographs'
    for n in ['GW_1', 'GW_2', 'GW_3', 'GW_4', 'GW_5', 'GW_6', 'W_1', ]:
        print '\t', n, data[n].std()
    print '-'*50
    # read amplitude&high/low-tide into pandas dataframe
    river_hightide, river_lowtide, river_amp = process2pandas.read_amplitudes_into_pandas(os.path.join(path, amplitudes_folder, river_ampl_fname))
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (1) WORKING WITH River data............................
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    W_1 = pd.DataFrame()  # creating new dataframe
    W_1['Datetime High Tide'] = river_hightide['datetime']
    W_1['Datetime Low Tide']  = river_lowtide['datetime']
    W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]'] = river_hightide['y']
    W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']  = river_lowtide['y']
    W_1['Amplitude_W [m]']    = river_amp
    W_1['STD_W_i']            = 0

    W_1['H_gw1_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw2_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw3_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw4_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw5_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw6_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw1_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw2_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw3_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw4_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw5_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks
    W_1['H_gw6_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = 0  # waterlevel at GW wells at the moment of River peaks

    # now loop over tidal-cycles, picking values at corresponding H/L-tides in wells
    nCycle = 0
    for t_ht_w, t_lt_w in zip(river_hightide["datetime"], river_lowtide["datetime"]):
        i_ht_w = data[data['datetime'] == t_ht_w].index[0]  # should return index of an element <t_ht_gw> in series <data>
        i_start_cycle_w = i_ht_w - 18           # here we go 180min before highpeak
        i_end_cycle_w   = i_start_cycle_w + 73  # here we go 730min after beggining of cycle
        std_w = data.ix[i_start_cycle_w:i_end_cycle_w, "W_1"].std()  # calculate standart deviation of current tidal-cycle for river
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'STD_W_i'] = std_w  # save value

        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw1_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_ht_w, 'GW_1']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw2_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_ht_w, 'GW_2']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw3_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_ht_w, 'GW_3']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw4_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_ht_w, 'GW_4']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw5_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_ht_w, 'GW_5']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw6_at_W_high[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_ht_w, 'GW_6']

        i_lt_w = data[data['datetime'] == t_lt_w].index[0]  # should return index of an element <t_lt_gw> in series <data>
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw1_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_lt_w, 'GW_1']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw2_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_lt_w, 'GW_2']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw3_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_lt_w, 'GW_3']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw4_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_lt_w, 'GW_4']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw5_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_lt_w, 'GW_5']
        W_1.ix[nCycle, 'H_gw6_at_W_low[m AMSL]'] = data.ix[i_lt_w, 'GW_6']
        nCycle += 1

    # calculate overheads (ovepressure?) for each well
    W_1['Overhead_gw1_at_W_low[m]'] = W_1['H_gw1_at_W_low[m AMSL]']-W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw2_at_W_low[m]'] = W_1['H_gw2_at_W_low[m AMSL]']-W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw3_at_W_low[m]'] = W_1['H_gw3_at_W_low[m AMSL]']-W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw4_at_W_low[m]'] = W_1['H_gw4_at_W_low[m AMSL]']-W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw5_at_W_low[m]'] = W_1['H_gw5_at_W_low[m AMSL]']-W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw6_at_W_low[m]'] = W_1['H_gw6_at_W_low[m AMSL]']-W_1['Low Tide [m AMSL]']

    W_1['Overhead_gw1_at_W_high[m]'] = W_1['H_gw1_at_W_high[m AMSL]']-W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw2_at_W_high[m]'] = W_1['H_gw2_at_W_high[m AMSL]']-W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw3_at_W_high[m]'] = W_1['H_gw3_at_W_high[m AMSL]']-W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw4_at_W_high[m]'] = W_1['H_gw4_at_W_high[m AMSL]']-W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw5_at_W_high[m]'] = W_1['H_gw5_at_W_high[m AMSL]']-W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]']
    W_1['Overhead_gw6_at_W_high[m]'] = W_1['H_gw6_at_W_high[m AMSL]']-W_1['High Tide [m AMSL]']

    # SAVING......
    W_1['STD_W_i'] = W_1['STD_W_i'].map(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
    if savemode in ['xls', 'xlsx', 'excel', 'msexcel', 'Excel', 'XLS', 'XLSX']:
        W_1.to_excel(writer, 'RIVER', na_rep='---', index=False)
    elif savemode in ['CSV', 'csv']:
            outputfname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, path_out, 'output_'+'river_data'+'.csv'))
            datetime_fmt = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'
            with open(outputfname, 'w') as csv:
                header = '\n'.join(
                    [unicode(line, 'utf8') for line in 
                        [ 'This File is created by script "calculate_tidal_efficiencies.py',
                        'In order to convert it to EXCEL use parameter savemode="xlsx"',
                        'It is possible to save all files to different excel-sheets',
                        '-'*100, '',  # Ends up being the header name for the index.
                for line in header:
                hightide.to_csv(csv, sep=';', na_rep='---', index=False, encoding='utf-8', date_format=datetime_fmt, float_format='%.3f')
            print "File created:", outputfname

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (2) WORKING WITH GW data............................
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Loop over files with amplitude data for gw well...
    for ampl_fn in ampl_fnames:
        a_fn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, amplitudes_folder, ampl_fn))
        hightide, lowtide, amp = process2pandas.read_amplitudes_into_pandas(a_fn)  # read amplitude&high/low-tide into pandas dataframe
        #add columns....
        hightide['Amplitude_GW [m]'] = amp
        hightide['Amplitude_W [m]']  = river_amp
        hightide['STD_GW_i']         = 0.
        hightide['STD_W_i']          = 0.
        hightide['E_i (amplitude ratio)'] = hightide['Amplitude_GW [m]']/hightide['Amplitude_W [m]']
        hightide['E_i (std ratio)']  = 0.
        # now loop trough all tidal-cycles (more precisely - hightide datetimes)
        for nCycle, t_ht_gw in enumerate(hightide["datetime"]):  # nCycle - number of current tidal-cycle
            # find indexes in hydrograph series for gw...
            i_ht_gw = data[data['datetime'] == t_ht_gw].index[0]  # should return index of an element <t_ht_gw> in series <data>
            i_start_cycle_gw = i_ht_gw - 18           # (same values as in River section above) here we go 180min before highpeak
            i_end_cycle_gw   = i_start_cycle_gw + 73  # (same values as in River section above) here we go 730min after beggining of cycle
            # find indexes in hydrograph series for w...
            t_ht_w = river_hightide.ix[nCycle, "datetime"]
            i_ht_w = data[data['datetime'] == t_ht_w].index[0]  # should return index of an element <t_ht_w> in series <data>
            i_start_cycle_w = i_ht_w - 18           # (same values as in River section above) here we go 180min before highpeak
            i_end_cycle_w   = i_start_cycle_w + 73  # (same values as in River section above) here we go 730min after beggining of cycle

            # calculate STD for current tidal-cycle
            std_w  = data.ix[i_start_cycle_w:i_end_cycle_w, "W_1"].std()
            std_gw = data.ix[i_start_cycle_gw:i_end_cycle_gw, ampl_fn[:4]].std()
            E_i = std_gw/std_w
            #print ampl_fn[:4], '\te_cycle:', E_i, std_w, std_gw
            hightide.ix[nCycle, 'STD_GW_i'] = std_gw  # save to dataframe
            hightide.ix[nCycle, 'STD_W_i']  = std_w   # save to dataframe
            hightide.ix[nCycle, 'E_i (std ratio)'] = E_i  # save to dataframe

        # at this moment everything is already caclculated and stays in memory....

        # Now create nice file....
        col_names    = list(hightide.columns.values)
        col_names[0] = "Datetime High Tide"
        col_names[1] = "High Tide [m AMSL]"
        hightide.columns = col_names
        hightide.insert(1, 'Datetime Low Tide', lowtide["datetime"])
        hightide.insert(3, 'Low Tide [m AMSL]', lowtide["y"])
        E1 = hightide['E_i (std ratio)'].mean()
        E2 = hightide['E_i (amplitude ratio)'].mean()
        print ampl_fn
        print 'mean_E(std), mean_E(ampl)', E1, E2

        # change precision to 3 digits
        hightide['STD_GW_i'] = hightide['STD_GW_i'].map(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
        hightide['STD_W_i']  = hightide['STD_W_i'].map(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
        hightide['E_i (std ratio)'] = hightide['E_i (std ratio)'].map(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
        hightide['E_i (amplitude ratio)'] = hightide['E_i (amplitude ratio)'].map(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)

        # Write to file
        if savemode in ['xls', 'xlsx', 'excel', 'msexcel', 'Excel', 'XLS', 'XLSX']:
            hightide.to_excel(writer, ampl_fn[:4], na_rep='---', index=False)
        elif savemode in ['CSV', 'csv']:
            outputfname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, path_out, 'output_'+ampl_fn[:-4]+'.csv'))
            datetime_fmt = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'
            with open(outputfname, 'w') as csv:
                header = '\n'.join(
                    [unicode(line, 'utf8') for line in
                        [ 'This File is created by script "calculate_tidal_efficiencies.py',
                        'In order to convert it to EXCEL use parameter savemode="xlsx"',
                        'It is possible to save all files to different excel-sheets',
                        '-'*100, '',  # Ends up being the header name for the index.
                for line in header:
                hightide.to_csv(csv, sep=';', na_rep='---', index=False, encoding='utf-8', date_format=datetime_fmt, float_format='%.3f')
            print "File created:", outputfname

    # close XLS writer if exist
    if savemode and writer:
        print "File created:", outputfname