Exemplo n.º 1
def processTest(testImageNumList, K, idfList, centers):
    This method used to process test images, and transform images to space vector model, and 
    return testImage list.
    testImages = []
    processGap = len(testImageNumList)/10.0
    processIndex = 0
    for testImageIndex in xrange(len(testImageNumList)):
        if testImageIndex == len(testImageNumList) - 1:
            print ''
        elif testImageIndex > processIndex*processGap:
                processIndex = processIndex + 1
        imageName = readImage.getImageName(testImageNumList[testImageIndex])
        SIFTdescr = processSIFT.getSIFT(imageName)
        # new train image object, with image name, testImageIndex and SIFT
        testImageObject = Image.Image(imageName, testImageIndex, SIFTdescr)
        wordList = []
        SIFTdescr = testImages[testImageIndex].SIFTdescr

        # get distances between SIFT and centers
        distances = getDistances(centers, SIFTdescr)
        for siftIndex in xrange(len(testImages[testImageIndex].SIFTdescr)):
            # minIndex, minValue = min(enumerate(distances[siftIndex], key = operator.itemgetter(1)))
            minIndex = np.argmin(distances[siftIndex])
        # save word list into test image
        # get tf list
        tfList = getTFlist(wordList, K)
        svm = getVSM(tfList, idfList)
        # print svm
    return testImages
Exemplo n.º 2
def processTest(testImageNumList, K, idfList, centers):
    This method used to process test images, and transform images to space vector model, and 
    return testImage list.

    testImages = []

    processGap = len(testImageNumList) / 10.0
    processIndex = 0

    for testImageIndex in xrange(len(testImageNumList)):

        if testImageIndex == len(testImageNumList) - 1:
            print ''

        elif testImageIndex > processIndex * processGap:

            processIndex = processIndex + 1

        imageName = readImage.getImageName(testImageNumList[testImageIndex])
        SIFTdescr = processSIFT.getSIFT(imageName)

        # new train image object, with image name, testImageIndex and SIFT
        testImageObject = Image.Image(imageName, testImageIndex, SIFTdescr)

        wordList = []
        SIFTdescr = testImages[testImageIndex].SIFTdescr

        # get distances between SIFT and centers
        distances = getDistances(centers, SIFTdescr)

        for siftIndex in xrange(len(testImages[testImageIndex].SIFTdescr)):
            # minIndex, minValue = min(enumerate(distances[siftIndex], key = operator.itemgetter(1)))

            minIndex = np.argmin(distances[siftIndex])

        # save word list into test image

        # get tf list
        tfList = getTFlist(wordList, K)

        svm = getVSM(tfList, idfList)
        # print svm

    return testImages
Exemplo n.º 3
def getImageObject(imageName, mleng, imageNumber):
    This method used to transform a image to a vector space model and edgeColorHistogram.
        str, mleng => image object

    SIFTdescr = processSIFT.getSIFT(imageName)
    img = cv.imread(imageName)
    imageShape = img.shape
    # new train image object, with image name, classIndex and SIFT
    trainImageObject = Image.Image(imageNumber, SIFTdescr, imageShape[0], imageShape[1])
    trainImageObject.edgeColorHist = getEdgeColorHistogram(imageName, mleng)
    return trainImageObject
Exemplo n.º 4
def processTrainImages(classSize, K):
    This method used to process train images, and return cluster centers, trainImage list and
        int, int => [[int, int,...],..], trainImages, [int, int,...]
    totalDsecr =  np.array([])
    imageCountList = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    trainImages = []
    testImageNumList = []
    # read train images
    for classIndex in xrange(classSize):
        randomNum = random.randint(1, 4)
        # randomNum = 4
        #print 'Find testImage',
        #print classIndex*5 + randomNum
        testImageNumList.append(classIndex*5 + randomNum)
        for imageNumber in imageCountList:
            if imageNumber != randomNum:
                imageNumber = classIndex*5 + imageNumber
                #print 'Find trainImage',
                #print imageNumber
                imageName = readImage.getImageName(imageNumber)

                SIFTdescr = processSIFT.getSIFT(imageName)
                # new train image object, with image name, classIndex and SIFT
                trainImageObject = Image.Image(imageName, classIndex, SIFTdescr)
                # merge all descriptors together
                totalDsecr = np.append(totalDsecr, SIFTdescr)
    totalDsecr = np.reshape(totalDsecr, (len(totalDsecr)/128, 128))
    totalDsecr = np.float32(totalDsecr)
    print 'START run Kmeans'
    compactness, labels, centers = cv.kmeans(totalDsecr, K, criteria = (cv.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100000, 0.000001), attempts = 0, flags = cv.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)
    print 'Get compactness is', compactness
    print 'FINISH run Kmeans'
    start = 0
    # now, we assign labels to train images
    for trainImageIndex in xrange(len(trainImages)):

        descr = trainImages[trainImageIndex].SIFTdescr
        trainImages[trainImageIndex].setWordList(labels[start : start + len(descr)])
        wordList = trainImages[trainImageIndex].wordList
        tfList = getTFlist(wordList, K)

        start = start + len(descr)
    # then, we aims to get idf list
    idfList = []
    for element in xrange(K):
        totalValue = 0
        for trainImageIndex in xrange(len(trainImages)):
            if trainImages[trainImageIndex].tfList[element] > 0:
                totalValue = totalValue + 1
        idfValue = math.log(len(trainImages)/totalValue)
    # then, we build space vector model
    for trainImageIndex in xrange(len(trainImages)):
        tfList = trainImages[trainImageIndex].tfList
        svm = getVSM(tfList, idfList)
    return (centers, trainImages, idfList, testImageNumList)
Exemplo n.º 5
def processTrainImages(classSize, K):
    This method used to process train images, and return cluster centers, trainImage list and
        int, int => [[int, int,...],..], trainImages, [int, int,...]

    totalDsecr = np.array([])
    imageCountList = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    trainImages = []

    testImageNumList = []
    # read train images
    for classIndex in xrange(classSize):

        randomNum = random.randint(1, 4)
        # randomNum = 4
        #print 'Find testImage',
        #print classIndex*5 + randomNum
        testImageNumList.append(classIndex * 5 + randomNum)

        for imageNumber in imageCountList:
            if imageNumber != randomNum:
                imageNumber = classIndex * 5 + imageNumber
                #print 'Find trainImage',
                #print imageNumber
                imageName = readImage.getImageName(imageNumber)

                SIFTdescr = processSIFT.getSIFT(imageName)

                # new train image object, with image name, classIndex and SIFT
                trainImageObject = Image.Image(imageName, classIndex,

                # merge all descriptors together
                totalDsecr = np.append(totalDsecr, SIFTdescr)

    totalDsecr = np.reshape(totalDsecr, (len(totalDsecr) / 128, 128))
    totalDsecr = np.float32(totalDsecr)

    print 'START run Kmeans'
    compactness, labels, centers = cv.kmeans(
        criteria=(cv.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100000,
    print 'Get compactness is', compactness
    print 'FINISH run Kmeans'

    start = 0
    # now, we assign labels to train images
    for trainImageIndex in xrange(len(trainImages)):

        descr = trainImages[trainImageIndex].SIFTdescr
        trainImages[trainImageIndex].setWordList(labels[start:start +

        wordList = trainImages[trainImageIndex].wordList

        tfList = getTFlist(wordList, K)

        start = start + len(descr)

    # then, we aims to get idf list
    idfList = []
    for element in xrange(K):
        totalValue = 0

        for trainImageIndex in xrange(len(trainImages)):
            if trainImages[trainImageIndex].tfList[element] > 0:
                totalValue = totalValue + 1

        idfValue = math.log(len(trainImages) / totalValue)

    # then, we build space vector model
    for trainImageIndex in xrange(len(trainImages)):
        tfList = trainImages[trainImageIndex].tfList

        svm = getVSM(tfList, idfList)

    return (centers, trainImages, idfList, testImageNumList)