Exemplo n.º 1
 def begin_process(self):
     current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
     logNotifyInfo("current_date", current_date)
     current_time = return_hour_minute(current_date)
     # if current_time != NOTIFY_TIME :
     #     logNotifyInfo("current_time", current_time)
     #     logNotifyInfo("NOTIFY_TIME", NOTIFY_TIME)
     #     return
     client_info = self.get_client_db_list()
     for c in client_info:
         try :
             le_id = c["legal_entity_id"]
             deletion_period = self.get_deletion_period(le_id)
             task = AutoNotify(
                 c["database_ip"], c["database_username"],
                 c["database_password"], c["database_name"],
                 c["database_port"], c["client_id"], le_id,
                 c["file_ip"], c["file_port"], deletion_period
             print task
         except Exception, e :
             print e
             logNotifyError("DailyProcess", e)
             logNotifyError("DailyProcess", (traceback.format_exc()))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def save_notification_users(notification_id, user_id):
     if user_id is not "NULL" and user_id is not None :
         q = "INSERT INTO tbl_notifications_user_log(notification_id, user_id) " + \
             " VALUES (%s, %s) "
         v = (notification_id, user_id)
         logNotifyInfo("save_notification_users", q % v)
         self.execute(q, v)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_email_id_for_users(self, user_id):
     q = "SELECT employee_name, email_id from tbl_users where user_id = %s"
     logNotifyInfo("user_email_id", q % (user_id))
     row = self.select_one(q, [user_id])
     if row :
         return row["employee_name"], row["email_id"]
     else :
         return None, None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def reminder_to_assignee(self, client_info, compliance_info):
        current_date = get_current_date()
        print "Reminder to assignee ", self.legal_entity_id, " - ", current_date
        try :
            # print "begin process to remind inprogress compliance task %s " % (current_date)
            # client_info = get_client_settings(db)
            if client_info :
                # reminder_interval = int(client_info["assignee_reminder"])
                # logNotifyInfo("reminder_to_assignee", reminder_interval)
                count = 0
                for c in compliance_info:
                    if c["due_date"] is None :

                    # if c["due_date"].date() < current_date.date() :
                    #     print "skipped due_date because due_date crossed", c["due_date"].date()
                    #     logNotifyInfo("skipped due_date", c["due_date"].date())
                    #     continue
                    days_left = abs((c["due_date"].date() - current_date.date()).days) + 1

                    if c["document_name"] not in (None, "None", "") :
                        compliance_name = c["document_name"] + " - " + c["compliance_task"]
                    else :
                        compliance_name = c["compliance_task"]
                    # date_diff = abs((current_date.date() - c["start_date"].date()).days)
                    # if date_diff == 0:
                    #     logNotifyInfo("skipped due_date reminder days is 0", current_date.date())
                    #     logNotifyInfo("skipped due_date", c["start_date"].date())
                    #     logNotifyInfo("skipped date_diff ", 0)
                    #     continue

                    # print date_diff
                    # print (date_diff % reminder_interval)

                    notification_text = "%s day(s) left to complete %s task" % (days_left, compliance_name)
                    extra_details = " %s - Reminder" % (c["compliance_history_id"])
                    # if (date_diff % reminder_interval) == 0 :
                        c["country_id"], c["domain_id"], c["business_group_id"], c["legal_entity_id"],
                        c["division_id"], c["unit_id"], c["compliance_id"], c["assignee"],
                        c["concurrence_person"], c["approval_person"],
                        notification_text, extra_details, notification_type_id=2, notify_to_all=False
                    a_name, assignee_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(c["assignee"])
                        a_name, days_left, compliance_name,
                        c["unit_name"], assignee_email
                    count += 1

                logNotifyInfo("reminder_to_assignee ", "%s compliances remind to assignee" % (count))
        except Exception, e:
            print e
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_client_settings(self):
     query = "SELECT assignee_reminder, escalation_reminder_in_advance, escalation_reminder, reassign_service_provider, " + \
         " c.email_id " + \
         " FROM tbl_reminder_settings as r" + \
         " INNER JOIN tbl_client_groups as c on c.client_id = r.client_id " +\
         " where legal_entity_id = %s "
     logNotifyInfo("client_settings", query % (self.legal_entity_id))
     rows = self.select_one(query, [self.legal_entity_id])
     if rows :
         return rows
     else :
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_inprogress_compliances(self):
     query = "SELECT distinct t1.compliance_history_id, t1.unit_id, t1.compliance_id, t1.start_date, " + \
         " t1.due_date, t3.document_name, t3.compliance_task, " + \
         " t2.assignee, t2.concurrence_person, t2.approval_person, t4.unit_code, t4.unit_name, " + \
         " t4.business_group_id, t4.legal_entity_id, t4.division_id, t2.country_id, " + \
         " t3.domain_id, t3.frequency_id FROM  " + \
         " tbl_compliance_history t1 INNER JOIN tbl_assign_compliances t2 on " + \
         " t1.compliance_id = t2.compliance_id " + \
         " INNER JOIN tbl_compliances t3 on t1.compliance_id = t3.compliance_id " + \
         " INNER JOIN tbl_units t4 on t1.unit_id = t4.unit_id WHERE " + \
         " IFNULL(t1.approve_status, 0) != 1 "
     logNotifyInfo("get_inprogress_compliances", query)
     rows = self.select_all(query)
     return rows
Exemplo n.º 7
 def escalation_reminder_in_advance(self):
     q = "select ch.compliance_history_id, ch.unit_id, ch.compliance_id, ch.start_date, " + \
         "ch.due_date, c.document_name, c.compliance_task, " + \
         " ch.completed_by as assignee, ch.concurred_by as concurrence_person, ch.approved_by as approval_person, " + \
         " u.unit_code, u.unit_name, u.business_group_id, u.legal_entity_id, " + \
         " u.division_id, u.country_id, c.domain_id, c.frequency_id " + \
         " from tbl_compliance_history as ch " + \
         " inner join tbl_compliances as c on ch.compliance_id = c.compliance_id " + \
         " inner join tbl_units as u on ch.unit_id = u.unit_id " + \
         " left join tbl_reminder_settings as rs on ch.legal_entity_id = rs.legal_entity_id " + \
         " Where ch.current_status < 3 and" + \
         " date_sub(ch.due_date, INTERVAL rs.escalation_reminder_in_advance DAY) = date(CONVERT_TZ(UTC_TIMESTAMP,'+00:00','+05:30'));"
     logNotifyInfo("get_inprogress_compliances", q)
     rows = self.select_all(q)
     return rows
Exemplo n.º 8
    def escalation_reminder_after_due_date(self):
        q = "select ch.compliance_history_id, ch.unit_id, ch.compliance_id, ch.start_date, " + \
            "ch.due_date, c.document_name, c.compliance_task, " + \
            "ch.completed_by as assignee, ch.concurred_by as concurrence_person, ch.approved_by as approval_person, " + \
            " u.unit_code, u.unit_name, u.business_group_id, u.legal_entity_id, " + \
            " u.division_id, u.country_id, c.domain_id, c.frequency_id, c.statutory_mapping, " + \
            " le.legal_entity_name, u.geography_name " + \
            " from tbl_compliance_history as ch " + \
            " inner join tbl_compliances as c on ch.compliance_id = c.compliance_id " + \
            " inner join tbl_units as u on ch.unit_id = u.unit_id " + \
            " inner join tbl_legal_entities as le on u.legal_entity_id = le.legal_entity_id " + \
            " left join tbl_reminder_settings as rs on ch.legal_entity_id = rs.legal_entity_id " + \
            " Where ch.current_status < 3 and" + \
            " date(ch.due_date) < date(CONVERT_TZ(UTC_TIMESTAMP,'+00:00','+05:30')) " + \
            " AND MOD(datediff(CONVERT_TZ(UTC_TIMESTAMP,'+00:00','+05:30'),ch.due_date),rs.escalation_reminder) = 0 "

        logNotifyInfo("get_inprogress_compliances", q)
        rows = self.select_all(q)
        return rows
Exemplo n.º 9
    def begin_process(self):
        current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
        logNotifyInfo("current_date", current_date)
        current_time = return_hour_minute(current_date)

        client_info = self.get_client_db_list()
        # print client_info
        for c in client_info:
                print "-------------------------------"
                print "DATABASE>>", c
                print "-------------------------------"
                task = AutoNotify(c["database_ip"], c["database_username"],
                                  c["database_password"], c["database_name"],
                                  c["database_port"], c["client_id"],
                                  c["legal_entity_id"], current_date)
            except Exception, e:
                print e
                logNotifyError("AuditTrailAutoDeleteion", e)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def notify_escalation_to_all(self, client_info, compliance_info):
        current_date = get_current_date()
        print "Reminder escalation to all ", self.legal_entity_id, " - ", current_date
        logNotifyInfo("escalation_to_all", "begin process to notify escalations to all %s" % (current_date))
        # escalation_interval = int(client_info["escalation_reminder"])
        cnt = 0
        print compliance_info
        for c in compliance_info :
            if c["due_date"] is None :
            maps = json.loads(c["statutory_mapping"])[0]

            if c["document_name"] not in (None, "None", "") :
                compliance_name = c["document_name"] + " - " + c["compliance_task"]
            else :
                compliance_name = c["compliance_task"]

            compliance_name = '''"%s" under "%s"''' % (compliance_name, maps)
            uname = "%s & %s & %s" % (c["unit_code"], c["unit_name"], c["geography_name"])
            a_name, assignee_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(c["assignee"])

            over_due_days = abs((current_date.date() - c["due_date"].date()).days) + 1

            notification_text = "%s for %s is %s day(s) overdue by %s " % (compliance_name, uname, over_due_days, a_name)
            if c["frequency_id"] == 5 :
                notification_text = "On Occurrence Task - %s" % (notification_text)
            print notification_text
            extra_details = " %s - Escalation" % (c["compliance_history_id"])
            # if (over_due_days % escalation_interval) == 0 :
                c["country_id"], c["domain_id"], c["business_group_id"],
                c["legal_entity_id"], c["division_id"], c["unit_id"], c["compliance_id"],
                c["assignee"], c["concurrence_person"], c["approval_person"], notification_text,
                extra_details, notification_type_id=3

            cc_person = []
            concurrence_person = c["concurrence_person"]
            concur_msg = ''
            if concurrence_person == 0 :
                concurrence_person = None
            if concurrence_person is not None :
                c_name, concurrence_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(concurrence_person)
                concur_msg += '''"%s" for concurrence ''' % (c_name)
            ap_name, approval_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(c["approval_person"])

            concur_msg += '''and "%s" for approval''' % (ap_name)
            le_name = self.get_legal_entity_name(self.legal_entity_id)

            message = '''
                <p>Greetings from Compfie</p> \
                <p>We wish to notify that the "%s" assigned to %s with %s \
                for the "%s & %s" was expected to complete on or before %s. Now it
                has crossed due date and delayed for %s days. \
                This is a gentle reminder to rush up and comply  \
                the same in order to reduce the risk.</p> \
                <p>Always keep on track of reminders, messages, \
                escalations and statutory notifications and stay compliant.</p> \
                <p align="left">Thanks & regards,</p> \
                <p align="left">Compfie Administrator</p> \
            ''' % (compliance_name, concur_msg, le_name, uname, c["due_date"], over_due_days)

            email.notify_escalation(a_name, message, assignee_email, cc_person)
            cnt += 1
        logNotifyInfo("escalation count", cnt)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def reminder_before_due_date(self, client_info, compliance_info):
        current_date = get_current_date()
        print "Reminder before due date ", self.legal_entity_id, " - ", current_date
        logNotifyInfo("before_due_date", "begin process to remind inprogress compliance task to all %s " % (current_date))

        # reminder_interval = int(client_info["escalation_reminder_in_advance"])
        cnt = 0
        for c in compliance_info:
            if c["due_date"] is None :

            if c["document_name"] not in (None, "None", "") :
                compliance_name = c["document_name"] + " - " + c["compliance_task"]
            else :
                compliance_name = c["compliance_task"]

            # if c["due_date"].date() < current_date.date() :
            #     logNotifyInfo("skipped due_date crossed current date", c["due_date"])
            #     continue

            days_left = abs((c["due_date"].date() - current_date.date()).days) + 1

            notification_text = "%s day(s) left to complete %s task" % (days_left, compliance_name)
            extra_details = " %s - Reminder" % (c["compliance_history_id"])
            # if days_left == reminder_interval:
                c["country_id"], c["domain_id"], c["business_group_id"],
                c["legal_entity_id"], c["division_id"], c["unit_id"], c["compliance_id"],
                c["assignee"], c["concurrence_person"], c["approval_person"], notification_text,
                extra_details, notification_type_id=2
            uname = "%s & %s & %s" % (c["unit_code"], c["unit_name"], c["geography_name"])
            compliance_name = '''"%s" under "%s"''' % (compliance_name, maps)
            a_name, assignee_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(c["assignee"])
            cc_person = []
            concurrence_person = c["concurrence_person"]
            if concurrence_person == 0 :
                concurrence_person = None
            if concurrence_person is not None :
                c_name, concurrence_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(concurrence_person)
                concur_msg += '''"%s" for concurrence''' % (c_name)
            ap_name, approval_email = self.get_email_id_for_users(c["approval_person"])

            concur_msg += '''and "%s" for approval''' % (ap_name)
            le_name = self.get_legal_entity_name(self.legal_entity_id)

            message = '''
                <p>Dear %s</p> \
                <p>Greetings from Compfie</p> \
                <p>We wish to notify that the "compliance_name" assigned to "%s" with %s \
                for the "%s & %s" falls due on %s. \
                This is a gentle reminder to rush up and comply  \
                the same in order to reduce the risk.</p> \
                <p>Always keep on track of reminders, messages, \
                escalations and statutory notifications and stay compliant.</p> \
                <p align="left">Thanks & regards,</p> \
                <p align="left">Compfie Administrator</p> \
            ''' % (a_name, compliance_name, concur_msg, le_name, uname, c["due_date"])

                a_name, days_left, compliance_name,
                assignee_email, cc_person
            cnt += 1
        logNotifyInfo("before_due_date", "%s compliance remind before due date" % cnt)