Exemplo n.º 1
class PIDYawDirective(AbstractDroneDirective):

    # sets up this directive
    # plrratformColor: color to hover over. Altitude is maintained
    def __init__(self, poseTracker, target, yaw, platformNumber, waitDist=0.1):

        #self.Kp,self.Ki,self.Kd = 0.1,20.0,0.0005 #best
        self.Kp, self.Ki, self.Kd = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0005
        self.moveTime = 0.2
        self.waitTime = 0.0
        self.tracker = poseTracker
        self.target = target
        self.waitDist = waitDist
        self.worldTarget = self.tracker.body2World(target)[:, 0]
        self.processVideo = ProcessVideo()
        self.platformNumber = platformNumber
        self.centery = 360 / 2.0
        self.centerx = 640 / 2.0
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher('ardrone/tracker', tracker)
        self.track = tracker()
        self.platform = [0, 0, 0]
        self.filterSize = 50
        self.buff = np.repeat(np.asarray([self.worldTarget]).T,
        self.KpYaw, self.KiYaw, self.KdYaw = (1 / 180.0) * 0.8, 0, 0
        self.targetYaw = (yaw + 360) % 360

        self.worldPoint = np.asarray([[0, 0, 0]]).T
        #the amount of weight we would like to put towards correcting the drones drift by recognizing landmarks
        self.correctionRatio = 0.9999

    def distance(self, x, y):
        dist = (x[0] - y[0])**2 + (x[1] - y[1])**2
        dist = dist**(0.5)
        return dist

    def weightedUpdate(self, prediction, updateTerm):
        return (self.correctionRatio * updateTerm[0, 0] +
                (1 - self.correctionRatio) * prediction[0, 0],
                self.correctionRatio * updateTerm[1, 0] +
                (1 - self.correctionRatio) * prediction[1, 0],
                updateTerm[2, 0], 1.0)

    # given the image and navdata of the drone, returns the following in order:
    # A directive status int:
    #   0 if algorithm is still running and drone isn't on orange yet
    #   1 if algorithm is finished and drone is now on orange
    # A tuple of (xspeed, yspeed, yawspeed, zspeed):
    #   indicating the next instructions to fly the drone
    # An image reflecting what is being done as part of the algorithm
    def RetrieveNextInstruction(self, image, navdata):

        segImage, radius, center = self.processVideo.RecognizeShape(
            image, 'orange', (None, None))
        blue = self.processVideo.detectColor(image, 'blue', 'segmented')
        lines, blueImg = self.processVideo.MultiShowLine(blue)
        bestTheta = None
        minDist = -1
        for line in lines:
            theta = line[0]
            theta = -theta
            tapeCenter = line[1]
            dist = self.distance(center, tapeCenter)
            if minDist == -1 or dist < minDist:
                minDist = dist
                bestTheta = theta
        if bestTheta != None:
            self.currentYaw = bestTheta
            self.currentYaw = 0

        #Calculate closest rotation to get to target angle
        theta = ((0 - self.currentYaw) % 360 + 360) % 360
        theta = (theta - 360) if (theta > 180) else theta
        loc = (0, 0, 0, 0)
        #circle detection
        #rospy.logwarn("x: "+str(self.tracker.translation[0])+" y: "+str(self.tracker.translation[1]))
        if radius != None:
            predictedZ = self.processVideo.CalcDistanceNew(88.0,
                                                           radius * 2) / 1000.0
            scale = (88.0 / (radius * 2)) / 1000.0  #meters/pixel
            x = (center[0] - self.centerx) * scale
            y = (self.centery - center[1]) * scale

            tape = self.tracker.camera2Body([x, y, -predictedZ])
            worldPoint = self.tracker.camera2World([x, y, -predictedZ])
            self.worldPoint = worldPoint
            if (self.distance(worldPoint, self.worldTarget) < 0.35):

                for i in range(self.filterSize - 1):
                    self.buff[:, i] = self.buff[:, i + 1]
                self.buff[:, self.filterSize - 1] = np.asarray(
                    [worldPoint[0, 0], worldPoint[1, 0], worldPoint[2, 0]])
                self.worldTarget = np.mean(self.buff, 1)
            if self.tapeLocation != None:
                dist = self.distance(worldPoint,self.tapeLocation)
                if dist < 0.35 and dist > 0.15:
                    loc = self.tracker.tape2World([x,y,-predictedZ],self.yaw,[self.tapeLocation[0],self.tapeLocation[1],0])
                    loc = self.weightedUpdate(worldPoint,loc)
                    rospy.logwarn("Fixing location to ..."+str(loc))
            self.track.landMark = (self.worldTarget[0], self.worldTarget[1],
                                   0.0, 1.0)
            self.track.landMark = (0, 0, 0, 0.0)

        #rospy.logwarn("world target: " + str(self.worldTarget))
        self.track.landMark = (self.worldTarget[0], self.worldTarget[1], 0.0,
        self.track.loc = loc
        self.currentTarget = self.tracker.world2Body(self.worldTarget)
        self.currentTime = time.time()

        if self.lastTime == 0:
            self.rollError = 0
            self.pitchError = 0
            self.yawError = 0
            self.rollError = self.currentTarget[0]
            self.pitchError = self.currentTarget[1]
            self.yawError = theta
        self.dt = (self.currentTime - self.lastTime) / 1000.

        self.totalError = [
            self.totalError[0] + self.rollError * self.dt,
            self.totalError[1] + self.pitchError * self.dt,
            self.totalError[2] + self.yawError * self.dt, 0

        pRoll = -self.Kp * (self.rollError)
        iRoll = -self.Ki * (self.totalError[0])
        dRoll = -self.Kd * ((self.rollError - self.lastError[0]) / self.dt)

        pPitch = self.Kp * (self.pitchError)
        iPitch = self.Ki * (self.totalError[1])
        dPitch = self.Kd * ((self.pitchError - self.lastError[1]) / self.dt)

        pYaw = self.KpYaw * (self.yawError)
        iYaw = self.KiYaw * (self.totalError[2])
        dYaw = self.KdYaw * ((self.yawError - self.lastYawError) / self.dt)
        yaw = pYaw + iYaw + dYaw

        self.lastError = self.currentTarget
        self.lastYawError = self.yawError

        self.lastTime = self.currentTime

        roll = pRoll + iRoll + dRoll
        pitch = pPitch + iPitch + dPitch

        if (abs(self.rollError) <= self.waitDist
                and abs(self.pitchError) <= self.waitDist
                and abs(self.yawError) < 2):
            directiveStatus = 1
            directiveStatus = 0
        #Trim commands over the drones command limit
        roll = 1 if roll > 1 else roll
        roll = -1 if roll < -1 else roll
        pitch = 1 if pitch > 1 else pitch
        pitch = -1 if pitch < -1 else pitch

        #rospy.logwarn("roll: "+str(self.tracker.roll))
        #rospy.logwarn("pitch: "+str(self.tracker.pitch))
        return directiveStatus, (
            roll, pitch, 0,
            0), segImage, None, self.moveTime, self.waitTime, None

    # This method is called by the state machine when it considers this directive finished
    def Finished(self):
        #tapeLocation = self.tracker.body2World(self.target)[:,0]
        #loc = self.tracker.tape2World([x,y,-predictedZ],self.yaw,[tapeLocation[0],tapeLocation[1],0])
        if (self.platformNumber % 3 == 0):
            loc = np.asarray([self.target]).T
            loc[2] = 1.0
            rospy.logwarn("Reseting location to" + str(loc))
            loc = self.weightedUpdate(self.worldPoint, loc)
            self.track.loc = loc

    def Reset(self):
        self.dt = 0
        self.currentTime = time.time()
        self.lastTime = 0
        self.rollError = 0
        self.pitchError = 0
        self.lastError = [0, 0, 0]
        self.lastYawError = 0
        self.totalError = [0, 0, 0, 0]
Exemplo n.º 2
class PIDHoverDirective(AbstractDroneDirective):

    # sets up this directive
    # plrratformColor: color to hover over. Altitude is maintained
    def __init__(self,

        #self.Kp,self.Ki,self.Kd = 0.1,20.0,0.0005 #best
        #self.Kp,self.Ki,self.Kd = 0.2,0.0,0.0005
        #self.Kp,self.Ki,self.Kd = 0.21,0.0,0.0006
        self.Kp, self.Ki, self.Kd = 0.17, 10, 0.0005
        self.Kpz = 0.1
        self.KpYaw, self.KiYaw, self.KdYaw = (2 / 90.), 0, 0
        self.targetYaw = -yaw
        self.moveTime = 0.2
        self.waitTime = 0.0
        self.tracker = poseTracker
        self.target = target
        self.target[2] = target[2] - self.tracker.translation[2]
        self.waitDist = waitDist
        self.worldTarget = self.tracker.body2World(target)[:, 0]
        self.processVideo = ProcessVideo()
        self.platformNumber = platformNumber
        self.centery = 360 / 2.0
        self.centerx = 640 / 2.0
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher('ardrone/tracker', tracker)
        self.track = tracker()
        self.platform = [0, 0, 0]
        self.filterSize = 30
        self.platformBuff = np.repeat(np.asarray([self.worldTarget]).T,
        self.heightBuff = np.zeros(4)
        self.yawBuff = np.zeros(4)
        self.worldPoint = np.asarray([[0, 0, 0]]).T
        self.lastLocation = self.tracker.translation
        #the amount of weight we would like to put towards correcting the drones drift by recognizing landmarksgggs
        self.correctionRatio = 0.9999

    def distance(self, x, y):
        dist = (x[0] - y[0])**2 + (x[1] - y[1])**2
        dist = dist**(0.5)
        return dist

    def weightedUpdate(self, prediction, updateTerm):
        return (self.correctionRatio * updateTerm[0, 0] +
                (1 - self.correctionRatio) * prediction[0, 0],
                self.correctionRatio * updateTerm[1, 0] +
                (1 - self.correctionRatio) * prediction[1, 0],
                updateTerm[2, 0], 1.0)

    # given the image and navdata of the drone, returns the following in order:
    # A directive status int:
    #   0 if algorithm is still running and drone isn't on orange yet
    #   1 if algorithm is finished and drone is now on orange
    # A tuple of (xspeed, yspeed, yawspeed, zspeed):
    #   indicating the next instructions to fly the drone
    # An image reflecting what is being done as part of the algorithm
    def RetrieveNextInstruction(self, image, navdata):
        #algTime = time.time()
        image = cv2.inRange(image, np.array([200, 200, 200]),
                            np.array([255, 255, 255]))
        row, col = image.shape
        img, circles = self.processVideo.detectCircles(image)
        if len(circles) != 0:
            #just use a circle width to filter out bad lines
            circle = circles[0]
            radius = circle[1]
            lineWidth = (2 * radius) * (40.0 / 88.0)
            image, lines = self.processVideo.detectLines(image, int(lineWidth))
            image = cv2.bitwise_or(image, img)

        bestTheta = None
        self.pixCoord = self.tracker.world2Camera(self.worldTarget)
        if len(circles) != 0:
            minDist = -1
            for circle in circles:
                radius = circle[1]
                center = circle[0]
                predictedZ = self.processVideo.CalcDistanceNew(
                    88.0, radius * 2) / 1000.0
                scale = (88.0 / (radius * 2)) / 1000.0  #meters/pixel
                x = (center[0] - self.centerx) * scale
                y = (self.centery - center[1]) * scale
                ex = self.pixCoord[0] / scale + self.centerx
                why = self.centery - self.pixCoord[1] / scale
                rospy.logwarn("circle loc:" + str(ex) + "," + str(why))
                point = self.tracker.camera2World([x, y, -predictedZ])
                #dist = self.distance(point,self.worldTarget)
                dist = self.distance([center[0], center[1]], [ex, why])
                if dist < minDist or minDist == -1:
                    worldPoint = point
                    z = predictedZ
                    Center = center
                    X = center[0]
                    Y = center[1]
                    minDist = dist
            rospy.logwarn("nearest circle choosen: (" + str(X) + "," + str(Y) +
                          ") out of:")
            minDist = -1
            for line in lines:
                line = line[0]
                rho = line[0]
                theta = line[1]
                dist = self.processVideo.line2PointDist(rho, theta, Center)
                if minDist == -1 or dist < minDist:
                    minDist = dist
                    bestTheta = theta
        if bestTheta != None:
            self.currentYaw = bestTheta
            self.currentYaw = 0
        theta = self.currentYaw
        for i in range(len(self.yawBuff) - 1):
            self.yawBuff[i] = self.yawBuff[i + 1]
        self.yawBuff[len(self.yawBuff) - 1] = theta
        theta = np.mean(self.yawBuff)
        #Calculate closest rotation to get to target angle
        #theta = (self.currentYaw+360)%360
        #theta = (theta-360) if (theta >180) else theta

        zError = 0
        loc = (0, 0, 0, 0)

        #circle detection
        #rospy.logwarn("x: "+str(self.tracker.translation[0])+" y: "+str(self.tracker.translation[1]))
        if len(circles) != 0:
            self.worldPoint = worldPoint
            if (self.distance(worldPoint, self.worldTarget) < 0.35):
                for i in range(self.heightBuff.shape[0] - 1):
                    self.heightBuff[i] = self.heightBuff[i + 1]
                self.heightBuff[self.heightBuff.shape[0] - 1] = z
                height = np.mean(self.heightBuff)
                zError = (self.worldTarget[2] - height)
                for i in range(self.filterSize - 1):
                    self.platformBuff[:, i] = self.platformBuff[:, i + 1]
                self.platformBuff[:, self.filterSize - 1] = np.asarray(
                    [worldPoint[0, 0], worldPoint[1, 0], self.worldTarget[2]])
                self.worldTarget = np.mean(self.platformBuff, 1)
            self.track.landMark = (self.worldTarget[0], self.worldTarget[1],
                                   0.0, 1.0)
            self.track.landMark = (0, 0, 0, 0.0)
            rospy.logwarn("not seen")

        #rospy.logwarn("world target: " + str(self.worldTarget))
        self.track.landMark = (self.worldTarget[0], self.worldTarget[1], 0.0,
        self.track.loc = loc
        self.track.yaw = (self.targetYaw, 0.0)
        self.currentTarget = self.tracker.world2Body(self.worldTarget)
        self.currentTime = time.time()

        if self.lastTime == 0:
            self.rollError = 0
            self.pitchError = 0
            self.zError = 0
            self.yawError = 0
            self.rollError = self.currentTarget[0]
            self.pitchError = self.currentTarget[1]
            self.zError = zError
            self.yawError = theta

        if (self.tracker.translation[0] == self.lastLocation[0]
                and self.tracker.translation[1] == self.lastLocation[1]
                and self.lastLocation[2] == self.tracker.translation[2]):
            #self.rollError = 0
            #self.pitchError = 0
            rospy.logwarn("Error: State estimation may be crashed")
        self.dt = (self.currentTime - self.lastTime) / 1000.

        self.totalError = [
            self.totalError[0] + self.rollError * self.dt,
            self.totalError[1] + self.pitchError * self.dt,
            self.totalError[2] + self.yawError * self.dt, 0

        pRoll = -self.Kp * (self.rollError)
        iRoll = -self.Ki * (self.totalError[0])
        dRoll = -self.Kd * ((self.rollError - self.lastError[0]) / self.dt)

        pPitch = self.Kp * (self.pitchError)
        iPitch = self.Ki * (self.totalError[1])
        dPitch = self.Kd * ((self.pitchError - self.lastError[1]) / self.dt)

        pYaw = self.KpYaw * (self.yawError)
        iYaw = self.KiYaw * (self.totalError[2])
        dYaw = self.KdYaw * ((self.yawError - self.lastYawError) / self.dt)

        self.lastError = self.currentTarget
        self.lastYawError = self.yawError

        pHeight = self.Kpz * (self.zError)

        self.lastTime = self.currentTime

        roll = pRoll + iRoll + dRoll
        pitch = pPitch + iPitch + dPitch
        yaw = pYaw + iYaw + dYaw

        zVel = pHeight

        if (abs(self.rollError) <= self.waitDist
                and abs(self.pitchError) <= self.waitDist
                and abs(self.zError) <= self.waitDist) and abs(
                    self.yawError) <= 6:  # and len(circles) != 0):
            directiveStatus = 1
            directiveStatus = 0
        #Trim commands over the drones command limit
        roll = 1 if roll > 1 else roll
        roll = -1 if roll < -1 else roll
        pitch = 1 if pitch > 1 else pitch
        pitch = -1 if pitch < -1 else pitch
        yaw = -1 if yaw < -1 else yaw
        yaw = 1 if yaw > 1 else yaw
        zVel = -1 if zVel < -1 else zVel
        zVel = 1 if zVel > 1 else zVel

        #rospy.logwarn("roll: "+str(self.tracker.roll))
        #rospy.logwarn("pitch: "+str(self.tracker.pitch))
        #rospy.logwarn("zError: "+str(self.zError))
        #rospy.logwarn("yaw: " +str(self.currentYaw))
        rospy.logwarn("yawErr: " + str(self.yawError))
        #rospy.logwarn("algTime: "+str(time.time()-algTime))
        if abs(self.rollError) > self.waitDist or abs(
                self.pitchError) > self.waitDist:
            yaw = 0
            #rospy.logwarn("not close enough to adjust yaw")
        return directiveStatus, (
            roll, pitch, yaw,
            zVel), image, None, self.moveTime, self.waitTime, None

    # This method is called by the state machine when it considers this directive finished
    def Finished(self):
        #tapeLocation = self.tracker.body2World(self.target)[:,0]
        #loc = self.tracker.tape2World([x,y,-predictedZ],self.yaw,[tapeLocation[0],tapeLocation[1],0])
        #if (self.platformNumber%2==0):
        loc = np.asarray([self.target]).T
        loc[2] = 1.2
        loc = (loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], 1.0)
        rospy.logwarn("Reseting location to" + str(loc))
        #loc = self.weightedUpdate(self.worldPoint,loc)
        self.track.loc = loc
        self.track.yaw = (self.targetYaw, 1.0)

    def Reset(self):
        self.dt = 0
        self.currentTime = time.time()
        self.lastTime = 0
        self.rollError = 0
        self.pitchError = 0
        self.lastError = [0, 0, 0]
        self.lastYawError = 0
        self.totalError = [0, 0, 0, 0]
Exemplo n.º 3
class FlightstatsReceiver(object):
    def __init__(self):

        super(FlightstatsReceiver, self).__init__()

        # Subscribe to the navdata topic, and call self.ProcessNavdata whenever
        # update navdata messages are recieved
        self.navdataSub = rospy.Subscriber('/ardrone/navdata', Navdata,
        self.altitudeSub = rospy.Subscriber('/ardrone/navdata_altitude',
        self.video = rospy.Subscriber('/ardrone/image_raw', Image,

        # dictionary will hold a useful subset of available flight info
        # Key is the variable name; value is (description, value, units, (optional) direction string following units)
        self.defaultValue = "?"
        self.flightInfo = collections.OrderedDict()
        self.flightInfo["batteryPercent"] = [
            "Battery Left: ", self.defaultValue, "%", ""
        self.flightInfo["state"] = ["Status: ", self.defaultValue, "", ""]
        self.flightInfo["altitude"] = [
            "Drone Altitude: ", self.defaultValue, "mm", ""
        self.flightInfo["altitude_raw"] = [
            "Drone Raw Altitude: ", self.defaultValue, "mm", ""

        self.flightInfo["SVCLAltitude"] = ["SVCL Altitude: ", -1, "mm", ""]
        self.flightInfo["center"] = [
            "Inferred Center: ", self.defaultValue, "", ""
        self.flightInfo["lastCenter"] = [
            "Previous Center: ", (None, None), "", ""
        self.flightInfo["lastRecordedCenter"] = [
            "Last Recorded Algorithm Center: ", (None, None), "", ""
        self.flightInfo["allCenters"] = [
            "All Centers: ", self.defaultValue, "", ""

        self.flightInfo["rotX"] = [
            "Left/Right Tilt: ", self.defaultValue, u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}', ""
        self.flightInfo["rotY"] = [
            "Front/Back Tilt: ", self.defaultValue, u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}', ""
        self.flightInfo["rotZ"] = [
            "Rotation Amount: ", self.defaultValue, u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}', ""

        self.flightInfo["velY"] = [
            "Left/Right Velocity: ", self.defaultValue, "mm/s", ""
        self.flightInfo["velX"] = [
            "Forwards/Backwards Velocity: ", self.defaultValue, "mm/s", ""
        self.flightInfo["velZ"] = [
            "Up/Down Velocity: ", self.defaultValue, "mm/s", ""

        self.flightInfo["accelZ"] = [
            "Up/Down Acceleration: ", self.defaultValue, "mm/s", ""

        self.flightInfo["dispLR"] = [
            "Left/Right Displacement: ", self.defaultValue, "mm", ""
        self.flightInfo["dispFB"] = [
            "Forwards/Backwards Displacement: ", self.defaultValue, "mm", ""
        self.flightInfo["dispUD"] = [
            "Up/Down Displacement: ", self.defaultValue, "mm", ""

        self.flightInfo["segImage"] = [None]

        self.LRDisplacement = 0.0
        self.FBDisplacement = 0.0
        self.UDDisplacement = 0.0
        self.oldTime = rospy.Time.now()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.processVideo = ProcessVideo()

        # sometimes the altitude doesn't start at 0; "zero balances" the drone such that where it started is considered 0 altitude
        self.zeroBalanced = False
        self.zeroAltitude = 0

        # counter is designed to throttle the lag that comes with executing videoupdate too often
        # a higher videoUpdateMax will make everything run faster, but getting height/center updates will be slower
        # describes a ratio: compute/rest
        self.computeMax = 1
        self.restMax = 0
        self.counter = 0
        self.lastLocation = (None, None)
        self.lastLoc = (None, None)
        self.lastCenter = (None, None)
        self.lastCenterCount = 0
        self.lastCenterMax = 8

    def VideoUpdate(self, image):

        if (self.counter < self.computeMax) or self.restMax == 0:

            self.counter += 1

            # converting to hsv
            image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "bgr8")
            segImage, radius, center = self.processVideo.RecognizeShape(
                image, 'orange', self.lastLocation)

            (self.flightInfo["center"][1]) = self.InferCenter(

            if radius == None:
                if center == (None, None):
                    distance = -1
                    (self.flightInfo["SVCLAltitude"])[1] = distance
                distance = self.processVideo.CalcDistanceNew(88, radius * 2)
                (self.flightInfo["SVCLAltitude"])[1] = distance

            #(self.flightInfo["center"])[1] = center
            self.lastLocation = center
            (self.flightInfo["segImage"]) = segImage


            if self.counter < self.computeMax + self.restMax:
                self.counter += 1

            if self.counter >= self.computeMax + self.restMax:
                self.counter = 0

    # Uses a more complex way to infer what platform to use. If there is only one platform, this is trivial,
    # but becomes more useful if there are >1 visible.
    def InferCenter(self, image):

        centers, _ = self.processVideo.MultiCenterOfMass(image)
        (self.flightInfo["allCenters"][1]) = centers

        if len(centers) == 0:

            #rospy.logwarn("No Platform")
            center = (None, None)

        elif len(centers) == 1:

            center = centers[0]
            #rospy.logwarn("Found 1")

        elif len(centers) == 2:

            if self.lastLoc != (None, None):
                #rospy.logwarn("Found 2 -- picking closer to last")

                # just pick whichever is closer to the last center
                c1Dist = math.sqrt(
                    math.pow((self.lastLoc[1] - centers[0][1]), 2) +
                    math.pow((self.lastLoc[0] - centers[0][0]), 2))

                c2Dist = math.sqrt(
                    math.pow((self.lastLoc[1] - centers[1][1]), 2) +
                    math.pow((self.lastLoc[0] - centers[1][0]), 2))

                if c1Dist < c2Dist:
                    center = centers[0]
                    center = centers[1]


                #rospy.logwarn("Found 2 -- picking closer to center")
                # just pick whichever's x-coord is nearer to center
                xCenter = 320
                c1XDist = abs(xCenter - centers[0][0])
                c2XDist = abs(xCenter - centers[1][0])

                if c1XDist < c2XDist:
                    center = centers[0]
                    center = centers[1]

        # if there are 3 or more platforms

            centers = sorted(centers, key=self.getX)

            if len(centers) % 2 == 0:
                midX = int((centers[len(centers) / 2][0] +
                            centers[(len(centers) / 2) + 1][0]) / 2)
                midY = int((centers[len(centers) / 2][1] +
                            centers[(len(centers) / 2) + 1][1]) / 2)
                midX = centers[int((len(centers) / 2.0) + 0.5) - 1][0]
                midY = centers[int((len(centers) / 2.0) + 0.5) - 1][1]

            center = (midX, midY)

            #rospy.logwarn("Found " + str(len(centers)) + ": " + str(centers))
            #rospy.logwarn("Using " + str(center))

        if len(centers) > 1 and self.lastCenter != (None, None):

            closest = None
            smallestLen = None
            # loop to pick whichever is closer to the last center
            for i in range(len(centers)):

                cXDist = abs(self.lastCenter[0] - centers[i][0])
                cYDist = abs(self.lastCenter[1] - centers[i][1])
                length = math.sqrt(math.pow(cXDist, 2) + math.pow(cYDist, 2))
                if smallestLen == None or length < smallestLen:
                    closest = centers[i]
                    smallestLen = length

            self.lastCenter = closest
            (self.flightInfo["lastCenter"][1]) = self.lastCenter

        # algorithm waits for a brief moment if last location changes drastically to make
        # sure that it really changed
        if self.lastLoc != (None, None) and center != (None, None):
            dist = math.sqrt(
                math.pow((self.lastLoc[1] - center[1]), 2) +
                math.pow((self.lastLoc[0] - center[0]), 2))
            if dist > 140:
                self.lastCenterCount += 1
                rospy.logwarn("visible: " + str(len(centers)) +
                              " change Center Count: " +
                              str(self.lastCenterCount) + " / " +
                if self.lastCenterCount >= self.lastCenterMax:
                    rospy.logwarn("Changing center")
                    self.lastCenterCount = 0
                    # saving last center in case
                    self.lastCenter = self.lastLoc
                    self.lastLoc = center
                self.lastCenterCount = 0
                self.lastLoc = center
            self.lastLoc = center

        #return center
        return self.lastLoc

    def getX(self, coordinates):
        return coordinates[0]

    # force set what the center is
    def SetCenter(self, center):
        self.lastLoc = center

    def UpdateRecordedCenter(self, center):
        (self.flightInfo["lastRecordedCenter"][1]) = center

    def UpdateAltitude(self, altitude):
        if self.zeroBalanced:
             )[1] = altitude.altitude_raw - self.zeroAltitude
            self.zeroBalanced = True
            self.zeroAltitude = altitude.altitude_raw

    # update dictionary as new info from drone comes
    def UpdateNavdata(self, navdata):

        # first, update instance variables
        (self.flightInfo["batteryPercent"])[1] = navdata.batteryPercent
        (self.flightInfo["state"])[1] = navdata.state
        #(self.flightInfo["altitude"])[1] = navdata.altd
        (self.flightInfo["rotX"])[1] = navdata.rotX
        (self.flightInfo["rotY"])[1] = navdata.rotY
        (self.flightInfo["rotZ"])[1] = navdata.rotZ
        (self.flightInfo["velX"])[1] = navdata.vx
        (self.flightInfo["velY"])[1] = navdata.vy
        (self.flightInfo["velZ"])[1] = navdata.vz
        (self.flightInfo["altitude"])[1] = navdata.altd
        (self.flightInfo["accelZ"])[1] = navdata.az

        dt = rospy.Time.now() - self.oldTime
        # Calculating horizontal displacement
        currLRVelocity = self.flightInfo["velY"][1]
        self.LRDisplacement += float(currLRVelocity) * dt.to_sec()
        (self.flightInfo["dispLR"])[1] = self.LRDisplacement

        # Calculating vertical displacement
        currFBVelocity = self.flightInfo["velX"][1]
        self.FBDisplacement += float(currFBVelocity) * dt.to_sec()
        (self.flightInfo["dispFB"])[1] = self.FBDisplacement

        # Calculating Z displacement
        currUDAcceleration = self.flightInfo["accelZ"][1]
        self.UDDisplacement += float(currUDAcceleration * dt.to_sec() *
        (self.flightInfo["dispUD"])[1] = self.UDDisplacement

        self.oldTime = rospy.Time.now()