Exemplo n.º 1
    def tags(self):
        tags = []
        tags_local = self.get('tags', '')
        if isinstance(tags_local, list):
            tags += tags_local
        elif isinstance(tags_local, str):
            tags += tags_local.split(",")

        if self.economic > math_helpers.value_of_variable('high'):
        if self.economic > math_helpers.value_of_variable('great'):
        if self.education > math_helpers.value_of_variable('high'):
        if self.education > math_helpers.value_of_variable('great'):

        # Lowercase, remove empties, and remove dupes
        tags = [tag.lower().strip() for tag in tags if tag]
        tags = list(set(tags))

        return ",".join(tags)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_biorhythms(self, age=None):
        if age is None:
            age = self.age

        HUSBAND_IMPROVEMENTS = "Extraversion,Artistic,Happiness,Happiness,Happiness,Business,Meekness,Conscienciousness,Religiousness"
        HUSBAND_DEGRADATIONS = "Extraversion,Artistic,Happiness,Meekness,Conscienciousness"
        WIFE_IMPROVEMENTS    = "Extraversion,Artistic,Happiness,Happiness,Happiness,Business,Meekness,Conscienciousness,Religiousness"
        WIFE_DEGRADATIONS    = "Extraversion,Artistic,Happiness,Conscienciousness,Religiousness"
        HAPPY_FORMULA = "Happiness,Anger-,Terror-,Extraversion,Intelligence-,Meekness,Appearance,Realism-"
        PASSION_FORMULA = "Artistic,Extraversion,Constitution,Religiousness-,Constraint-,Realism-,Passion,Meekness-"
        CONSCIENCE_FORMULA = "Conscienciousness,Terror-,Intelligence,Manipulation-,Charisma"
        HEALTH_FORMULA = "Constitution,Strength,Dexterity,Anger-,Intelligence,Weight-,Lifespan,Neuroticism-,Immune System"

        happy = math_helpers.get_formula_from_obj(self.attribute_mods, HAPPY_FORMULA, -10, 20)
        passion = math_helpers.get_formula_from_obj(self.attribute_mods, PASSION_FORMULA, -10, 20)
        conscience = math_helpers.get_formula_from_obj(self.attribute_mods, CONSCIENCE_FORMULA, -10, 20)
        health = math_helpers.get_formula_from_obj(self.attribute_mods, HEALTH_FORMULA, -10, 20)

        if self.education is None or not isinstance(self.education, float):
            self.education = math_helpers.rand_range(1.0, 120.0, 3, 4.0)
        if self.economic is None or not isinstance(self.economic, float):
            self.economic = math_helpers.rand_range(1.0, 120.0, 3, 4.0)
        if self.conflict is None or not isinstance(self.conflict, float):
            self.conflict = math_helpers.rand_range(1.0, 120.0, 3, 4.0)

        # TODO: Revise by modified age
        if age > 60:
            self.attribute_mod_update('Constitution', -.4)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Appearance', -.2)
            conscience += 3
            passion -= 3
            health -= 1
        elif age > 40:
            self.attribute_mod_update('Constitution', -.3)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Appearance', -.1)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Wisdom', .3)
            conscience += 1
            passion -= 1
        elif age > 20:
            self.attribute_mod_update('Passion', .2)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Happiness', .2)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Constitution', .2)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Conscienciousness', .2)
            self.attribute_mod_update('Appearance', .1)
            conscience -= 1
            passion += 3
            happy += 2
            health += 4
        elif age > 17:
            self.attribute_mod_update('Appearance', .2)

        if self.education >= 40.0:
            conscience += 3
            happy -= 1
            passion += 1
        elif self.education >= 13:
            conscience += 1
            passion -= 1
            happy -= 1
            health -= 2
        elif self.education >= 5:
            conscience -= 1
            passion += 2
            happy += 1
            health -= 1
            health -= 1
            happy -= 1

        if self.economic >= 40.0:
            conscience -= 3
            happy += 3
            passion += 2
            health += 1
        elif self.economic >= 13:
            conscience -= 1
            passion += 1
            happy += 1
        elif self.economic >= 5:
            conscience += 1
            passion += 1
            happy -= 1
            health -= 1
            health -= 2
            happy -= 2
            passion += 2

        if self.conflict >= 40.0:
            conscience -= 3
            happy -= 2
            passion += 2
            health -= 2
        elif self.conflict >= 13:
            conscience -= 2
            passion += 1
            happy -= 2
            health -= 1
        elif self.conflict >= 5:
            conscience -= 1
            passion += 1
            happy -= 1
            health -= 1

        # rands = numpy.random.randint(-2, 2, 4)
        # happy = math_helpers.clamp(happy+rands[0], -10, 10)
        # passion = math_helpers.clamp(passion+rands[1], -10, 10)
        # conscience = math_helpers.clamp(conscience+rands[2], -10, 10)
        # health = math_helpers.clamp(health+rands[3], -10, 10)

        self.conscience = conscience
        self.passion = passion
        self.happy = happy
        self.health = health

        #Annual family modifiers
        economic_tithe = float(self.economic) * .03

        #Inflation and growth from working - #TODO: Make job dependent
        self.economic += math_helpers.weighted_number(mid=0.03, max=self.economic / 4, weight=8)

        #shift some money between parents
        if self.married and self.spouse:
            spouse = self.spouse

            #TODO: Should everyone have house?
            house = self.get("house", random_number=True, mid=0.02, max=self.economic)
            house = math_helpers.value_of_variable(house)

            if self.economic > spouse.economic:
                self.economic -= economic_tithe
                spouse.economic += economic_tithe

            #Increase parents stats through marriage
            improvements = HUSBAND_IMPROVEMENTS if self.gender is "Male" else WIFE_IMPROVEMENTS
            degradations = HUSBAND_DEGRADATIONS if self.gender is "Male" else WIFE_DEGRADATIONS
            for improvement in numpy.random.choice(improvements.split(","), 2):
                self.attribute_mod_update(improvement, 1)
            for degradation in numpy.random.choice(degradations.split(","), 1):
                self.attribute_mod_update(degradation, -1)

            house += economic_tithe
            self.set("house", house)
            self.economic -= economic_tithe

        if self.economic < 2:
            self.attribute_mod_update("Happiness", -1)

        if not self.deceased and self.health < -9:
Exemplo n.º 3
def apply_event_effects(person_data={}, world_data={}, event_data={}, event_type='birthplace', year=None,
                        age=None, tag_manager={}, event_id=42):
    message = ""

    if not year:
        year = world_data.get("year", 1100)
    world_data["year"] = year

    if age is None:
        age = person_data.get("age", 16 + numpy.random.randint(20))
    person_data["age"] = age

    name = event_data.get("name", "in a barn")
    properties = event_data.get("properties", {})

    if isinstance(properties, basestring):
        properties = math_helpers.convert_string_to_properties_object(properties)

    math_helpers.add_tags(tag_manager, 'event', event_data.get("tags", []))

    effect_was_applied = False
    generated_items = []
    addional_messages = []
    effects = event_data.get("effects", [])

    for effect in effects:
        # Don't consider if it's a unique effect
        prevent = effect.get("unique", False)

        if prevent and effect_was_applied:

        family = world_data.get("family", {})

        # Roll the dice, if the chance occurs then parse the rest
        chance = effect.get("chance", None)
        if chance:
            chance_modifier = family.get("conflict", 1)

                chance_modifier = float(chance_modifier)
            except ValueError:
                chance_modifier = 1

                chance = math_helpers.value_of_variable(chance)
                chance += chance_modifier
                chance /= 100

                if not numpy.random.random() < chance:
            except ValueError:

        # Check the requirements # family.enemy has Elves, "family.*.profession sailor", family.*.profession has doctor
        requirement = effect.get("requirement", None)
        if requirement:
            passes = math_helpers.check_requirements(requirement, world_data)
            if not passes:

        # Update the message # "An innkeeper named [barmaid.name] assists, You were born the day your father was killed in battle. His [weapon.type] and [armor.type] are passed to you.
        ef_message = effect.get("message", None)
        if ef_message:

        # Generators can create objects/items for use in the story
        #TODO: Generate a generator also if it's in a message text and not called out explicitly
        generator_data = {"generator": effect.get("generator", None),
                          "role": effect.get("role", None),
                          "years": effect.get("years", None),
                          "override": effect.get("override", None),
                          "power": effect.get("refresh", None) or effect.get("power", None)
        # Run methods for everything in effects
        effect_data = effect.get("effect", None)  # pay = good, father.leave, disease = infection
        effect_data = math_helpers.convert_string_to_properties_object(effect_data)
        effect_data = math_helpers.add_or_merge_dicts(effect_data, generator_data)
        generated_items_new = apply_effects(person_data, world_data, effect_data, tag_manager)
        generated_items = generated_items + generated_items_new

        # Properties are always applied to the person after all effects are run
        ef_properties = effect.get("properties", None)  # JSON or str, "mother.profession = waitress, lifespan +2
        if ef_properties:
            if isinstance(ef_properties, basestring):
                ef_properties = math_helpers.convert_string_to_properties_object(ef_properties)

            properties = math_helpers.add_or_merge_dicts(properties, ef_properties)
        effect_was_applied = True

    severity = 1
    if event_type == 'birthplace':
        if isinstance(name, basestring) and name is not '':
            name_lower = name[0].lower() + name[1:]
            name_lower = name
        person_name = person_data.get("name", "Jon Snow")

        message += "<b>" + person_name + " was born " + str(name_lower) + "</b>"
        addional_messages = [message] + addional_messages

    if properties:
        message_new = apply_properties(person_data, world_data, properties, generated_items)
        if message_new:

    if generated_items and "item_list" in person_data:
        person_data["item_list"] += generated_items

    addional_messages = [m.strip() for m in addional_messages]
    message = "<br/>".join(addional_messages)

    return {"id": event_id, "age": age, "year": year, "message": message, "world_data": json.dumps(world_data),
            "severity": severity}
Exemplo n.º 4
def apply_event_effects(
    message = ""

    if not year:
        year = world_data.get("year", 1100)
    world_data["year"] = year

    if age is None:
        age = person_data.get("age", 16 + numpy.random.randint(20))
    person_data["age"] = age

    name = event_data.get("name", "in a barn")
    properties = event_data.get("properties", {})

    if isinstance(properties, basestring):
        properties = math_helpers.convert_string_to_properties_object(properties)

    math_helpers.add_tags(tag_manager, "event", event_data.get("tags", []))

    effect_was_applied = False
    generated_items = []
    addional_messages = []
    effects = event_data.get("effects", [])

    for effect in effects:
        # Don't consider if it's a unique effect
        prevent = effect.get("unique", False)

        if prevent and effect_was_applied:

        family = world_data.get("family", {})

        # Roll the dice, if the chance occurs then parse the rest
        chance = effect.get("chance", None)
        if chance:
            chance_modifier = family.get("conflict", 1)

                chance_modifier = float(chance_modifier)
            except ValueError:
                chance_modifier = 1

                chance = math_helpers.value_of_variable(chance)
                chance += chance_modifier
                chance /= 100

                if not numpy.random.random() < chance:
            except ValueError:

        # Check the requirements # family.enemy has Elves, "family.*.profession sailor", family.*.profession has doctor
        requirement = effect.get("requirement", None)
        if requirement:
            passes = math_helpers.check_requirements(requirement, world_data)
            if not passes:

        # Update the message # "An innkeeper named [barmaid.name] assists, You were born the day your father was killed in battle. His [weapon.type] and [armor.type] are passed to you.
        ef_message = effect.get("message", None)
        if ef_message:

        # Generators can create objects/items for use in the story
        # TODO: Generate a generator also if it's in a message text and not called out explicitly
        generator_data = {
            "generator": effect.get("generator", None),
            "role": effect.get("role", None),
            "years": effect.get("years", None),
            "override": effect.get("override", None),
            "power": effect.get("refresh", None) or effect.get("power", None),
        # Run methods for everything in effects
        effect_data = effect.get("effect", None)  # pay = good, father.leave, disease = infection
        effect_data = math_helpers.convert_string_to_properties_object(effect_data)
        effect_data = math_helpers.add_or_merge_dicts(effect_data, generator_data)
        generated_items_new = apply_effects(person_data, world_data, effect_data, tag_manager)
        generated_items = generated_items + generated_items_new

        # Properties are always applied to the person after all effects are run
        ef_properties = effect.get("properties", None)  # JSON or str, "mother.profession = waitress, lifespan +2
        if ef_properties:
            if isinstance(ef_properties, basestring):
                ef_properties = math_helpers.convert_string_to_properties_object(ef_properties)

            properties = math_helpers.add_or_merge_dicts(properties, ef_properties)
        effect_was_applied = True

    severity = 1
    if event_type == "birthplace":
        if isinstance(name, basestring) and name is not "":
            name_lower = name[0].lower() + name[1:]
            name_lower = name
        person_name = person_data.get("name", "Jon Snow")

        message += "<b>" + person_name + " was born " + str(name_lower) + "</b>"
        addional_messages = [message] + addional_messages

    if properties:
        message_new = apply_properties(person_data, world_data, properties, generated_items)
        if message_new:

    if generated_items and "item_list" in person_data:
        person_data["item_list"] += generated_items

    addional_messages = [m.strip() for m in addional_messages]
    message = "<br/>".join(addional_messages)

    return {
        "id": event_id,
        "age": age,
        "year": year,
        "message": message,
        "world_data": json.dumps(world_data),
        "severity": severity,