Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_cbc_flip_fix(self):
     k = b'\x81\x0ff\t\x04\xb6\xcf\x1f.\x10\x8frd\xb4E\x19'
     iv = b'e|\x92\xd0\x8b\xd9\x00\xc8X\xf2Noi\xa1\x155'
     plain_text = b'2222222222222222hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'
     cipher = AES.new(k, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)
     cipher_text = cipher.encrypt(plain_text)
     t = cipher_text[31]
     assert cbc_flip_fix(
         k, 4, iv + cipher_text[:31] + flip(3, bytes([cipher_text[31]])) +
         cipher_text[32:]) == b'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'
     assert cbc_flip_fix(
         k, 4, iv + cipher_text[:32] + flip(6, bytes([cipher_text[32]])) +
         cipher_text[33:]) == b'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'
Exemplo n.º 2
def testing_flip(testsing_dict_flipped):
    errors = 1
    test_num = 1
    for test in testsing_dict_flipped:
        key, iv = test["key"], test["iv"]
        answers, ciphers, test_descriptions = test["block_to_return"], test[
            "corrupted_cipher"], test["description"]
        for answer, corrupted_cipher, test_description in zip(
                answers, ciphers, test_descriptions):
            num_of_blocks = len(corrupted_cipher) // 16
            my_output = cbc_flip_fix(key, num_of_blocks, iv + corrupted_cipher)
            if my_output != answer:
                print("Error #{} in Test #{}".format(errors, test_num))
                print("my output: {}\n\toriginal block is: {}\n".format(
                    errors, my_output, answer))
                errors += 1
                print("Passed Test #{}".format(test_num))
            test_num += 1
    if errors == 1:
        print("Passed The Test: testing_flip")
        print("Didn't Pass The Test: testing_flip")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_cbc_flip_fix(num_tests=100, message_length=8):
    from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
    import random
    from functools import reduce

    def repeat_byte():
        return get_random_bytes(1) * block_size

    for _ in range(num_tests):
        # we'll use AES CBC
        key = get_random_bytes(block_size)
        aes = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=get_random_bytes(block_size))

        # create message and encryption
        message = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                         [repeat_byte() for _ in range(message_length)])
        cipher = aes.iv + aes.encrypt(message)

        # choose flip bit index and flip that bit
        # (from the first n blocks, we cannot flip a bit at the last block)
        flip_message_block = random.randrange(message_length - 1) * block_size
        flip_cipher_block_byte = flip_message_block + block_size
        flip_byte = flip_cipher_block_byte + random.randrange(block_size)

        flipped_cipher = list(cipher)
        flipped_cipher[flip_byte] = flipped_cipher[flip_byte] ^ (1 << random.randrange(8))
        flipped_cipher = bytes(flipped_cipher)

        # save on the side the original message
        original_message = message[flip_message_block:flip_message_block + block_size]

        result = cbc_flip_fix(key, message_length, flipped_cipher)

        if result != original_message:
            print("-----Failed a test")
            print(f"Expected Result: {list(original_message)}")
            print(f"Got: {list(result)}")

        print("Passed all cbc_flip_fix tests successfully"
              f"({num_tests} random tests with message of length {message_length})")