Exemplo n.º 1
 def setTimeEnd( self, timeEnd ):
     Sets the end time for this item.  This method will only affect the 
     start time if the end time is set to occur before its start, in which
     case it will set the start time as 60 minutes before.
     Otherwise, this method will scale the duration of the event.
     :param      timeEnd | <QTime>
     timeEnd = QTime(timeEnd)
     if ( timeEnd < self._timeStart ):
         self._timeStart = timeEnd.addSecs(-60 * 60)
     self._timeEnd = timeEnd
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setTimeEnd(self, timeEnd):
        Sets the end time for this item.  This method will only affect the 
        start time if the end time is set to occur before its start, in which
        case it will set the start time as 60 minutes before.
        Otherwise, this method will scale the duration of the event.
        :param      timeEnd | <QTime>
        timeEnd = QTime(timeEnd)

        if (timeEnd < self._timeStart):
            self._timeStart = timeEnd.addSecs(-60 * 60)
        self._timeEnd = timeEnd
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setTimeStart( self, timeStart ):
     Sets the start time for this item.  This will automatically push the
     end time to match the length for this item.  So if the item starts
     at 11a and ends on 1p, and the start time is changed to 12p
     the end time will change to 2p.  To affect the length of the 
     item, use either setLength, or setTimeEnd.
     :param      timeStart | <QDate>
     timeStart = QTime(timeStart)
     length = self.length() # in minutes
     self._timeStart = timeStart
     self._timeEnd   = timeStart.addSecs(length * 60)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def setTimeStart(self, timeStart):
        Sets the start time for this item.  This will automatically push the
        end time to match the length for this item.  So if the item starts
        at 11a and ends on 1p, and the start time is changed to 12p
        the end time will change to 2p.  To affect the length of the 
        item, use either setLength, or setTimeEnd.
        :param      timeStart | <QDate>
        timeStart = QTime(timeStart)

        length = self.length()  # in minutes
        self._timeStart = timeStart
        self._timeEnd = timeStart.addSecs(length * 60)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__( self ):
     super(XCalendarItem, self).__init__()
     curr_dtime = QDateTime.currentDateTime()
     curr_date  = curr_dtime.date()
     curr_time  = curr_dtime.time()
     self.setFlags(self.flags() | self.ItemIsSelectable)
     # round to the nearest 15 minute segment
     curr_time = QTime(curr_time.hour(),
                       curr_time.minute() - curr_time.minute() % 30,
     self._rebuildBlocked = False
     self._textData   = []
     self._customData        = {}
     self._textColor         = QColor('white')
     self._fillColor         = QColor('blue')
     self._borderColor       = QColor('blue')
     self._highlightColor    = QColor('blue')
     self._title             = 'No Title'
     self._description       = ''
     self._dateStart         = curr_date
     self._dateEnd           = curr_date
     self._timeStart         = curr_time
     self._timeEnd           = curr_time.addSecs(60 * 60)
     self._allDay            = True
     self._rebuildRequired   = False
     if ( QTime(23, 0, 0) <= self._timeStart ):
         self._timeEnd       = QTime(23, 59, 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        super(XCalendarItem, self).__init__()

        curr_dtime = QDateTime.currentDateTime()
        curr_date = curr_dtime.date()
        curr_time = curr_dtime.time()

        self.setFlags(self.flags() | self.ItemIsSelectable)

        # round to the nearest 15 minute segment
        curr_time = QTime(curr_time.hour(),
                          curr_time.minute() - curr_time.minute() % 30, 0)

        self._rebuildBlocked = False
        self._textData = []

        self._customData = {}
        self._textColor = QColor('white')
        self._fillColor = QColor('blue')
        self._borderColor = QColor('blue')
        self._highlightColor = QColor('blue')

        self._title = 'No Title'
        self._description = ''
        self._dateStart = curr_date
        self._dateEnd = curr_date
        self._timeStart = curr_time
        self._timeEnd = curr_time.addSecs(60 * 60)
        self._allDay = True
        self._rebuildRequired = False

        if (QTime(23, 0, 0) <= self._timeStart):
            self._timeEnd = QTime(23, 59, 0)

Exemplo n.º 7
 def rebuildDays( self ):
     Rebuilds the interface as a week display.
     time = QTime(0, 0, 0)
     hour = True
     x = 6
     y = 6 + 24
     w = self.width() - 12 - 25
     dh         = 48
     indent     = 58
     text_data  = []
     vlines      = []
     hlines      = [QLine(x, y, w, y)]
     time_grids  = []
     for i in range(48):
         if ( hour ):
             hlines.append(QLine(x, y, w, y))
                               y + 6, 
                               indent - 6, 
                               Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop,
             hlines.append(QLine(x + indent, y, w, y))
         time_grids.append((time, y, dh / 2))
         # move onto the next line
         hour = not hour
         time = time.addSecs(30 * 60)
         y += dh / 2
     hlines.append(QLine(x, y, w, y))
     h = y
     y = 6 + 24
     # load the grid
     vlines.append(QLine(x, y, x, h))
     vlines.append(QLine(x + indent, y, x + indent, h))
     vlines.append(QLine(w, y, w, h))
     today     = QDate.currentDate()
     curr_date = self.currentDate()
     # load the days
     if ( self.currentMode() == XCalendarScene.Mode.Week ):
         date = self.currentDate()
         day_of_week = date.dayOfWeek()
         if ( day_of_week == 7 ):
             day_of_week = 0
         min_date = date.addDays(-day_of_week)
         max_date = date.addDays(6-day_of_week)
         self._minimumDate = min_date
         self._maximumDate = max_date
         dw    = (w - (x + indent)) / 7.0
         vx    = x + indent
         date  = min_date
         for i in range(7):
             vlines.append(QLine(vx, y, vx, h))
             text_data.append((vx + 6,
                               date.toString('ddd MM/dd')))
             self._dateGrid[date.toJulianDay()] = ((0, i),
                                                   QRectF(vx, y, dw, h - y))
             # create the date grid for date time options
             for r, data in enumerate(time_grids):
                 time, ty, th = data
                 dtime = QDateTime(date, time)
                 key = dtime.toTime_t()
                 self._dateTimeGrid[key] = ((r, i), QRectF(vx, ty, dw, th))
             if ( date == curr_date ):
                 self._buildData['curr_date'] = QRectF(vx, y, dw, h - 29)
             elif ( date == today ):
                 self._buildData['today'] = QRectF(vx, y, dw, h - 29)
             date = date.addDays(1)
             vx += dw
     # load a single day
         date = self.currentDate()
         self._maximumDate = date
         self._minimumDate = date
         text_data.append((x + indent,
                           date.toString('ddd MM/dd')))
         self._dateGrid[date.toJulianDay()] = ((0, 0), 
                                               QRectF(x, y, w - x, h - y))
         # create the date grid for date time options
         for r, data in enumerate(time_grids):
             time, ty, th = data
             dtime = QDateTime(date, time)
             key = dtime.toTime_t()
             rect = QRectF(x + indent, ty, w - (x + indent), th)
             self._dateTimeGrid[key] = ((r, 0), rect)
     self._buildData['grid'] = hlines + vlines
     self._buildData['regular_text'] = text_data
     rect = self.sceneRect()
     rect.setHeight(h + 6)
     super(XCalendarScene, self).setSceneRect(rect)