Exemplo n.º 1
def test_conditional_multiple():
    """ Check that multiple ELIF sections are supported """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    # Open the conditional
    if_arg = random_str(5, 10)
    cond.open("if", if_arg)
    # Create multiple ELIF transitions
    elif_args = [random_str(5, 10) for _x in range(randint(2, 10))]
    for arg in elif_args:
        cond.transition("elif", arg)
    # Create final transition to ELSE
    else_arg = random_str(5, 10)
    cond.transition("else", else_arg)
    # Close the conditional
    cond.close("endif", "")
    # Check the contents
    assert cond.opened and cond.closed
    assert cond.if_section[0] == "if"
    assert cond.if_section[1] == if_arg
    assert len(cond.elif_sections) == len(elif_args)
    for elif_sect, elif_arg in zip(cond.elif_sections, elif_args):
        assert elif_sect[0] == "elif"
        assert elif_sect[1] == elif_arg
    assert cond.else_section[0] == "else"
    assert cond.else_section[1] == else_arg
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_conditional_append_unopened():
    """ Try appending lines to an unopened conditional """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    with pytest.raises(PrologueError) as excinfo:
        cond.append("Hello 1234")
    assert "Trying to append a line to an unopened conditional" in str(
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_conditional_single():
    """ Check a conditional directive opens with 'if', closed with 'endif' """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    # Check that initial state is correct
    assert not cond.opened and not cond.closed
    assert cond.if_section == None
    assert cond.elif_sections == []
    assert cond.else_section == None
    # Open with a valid statement
    cond.open("if", "a == b")
    assert cond.opened and not cond.closed
    assert cond.if_section != None
    assert cond.if_section[0] == "if"
    assert cond.if_section[1] == "a == b"
    assert isinstance(cond.if_section[2], Block)
    assert cond.elif_sections == []
    assert cond.else_section == None
    # Close the block
    cond.close("endif", "")
    assert cond.opened and cond.closed
    assert cond.if_section != None
    assert cond.if_section[0] == "if"
    assert cond.if_section[1] == "a == b"
    assert isinstance(cond.if_section[2], Block)
    assert cond.elif_sections == []
    assert cond.else_section == None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_conditional_append():
    """ Append text to different sections of the conditional block """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    # First populate the 'IF' opening section
    if_arg = random_str(5, 10)
    cond.open("if", if_arg)
    if_lines = gen_body(cond)
    # Now populate a number of 'ELIF' sections
    elif_args = []
    elif_lines = []
    for _x in range(randint(1, 3)):
        elif_args.append(random_str(5, 10))
        cond.transition("elif", elif_args[-1])
    # Finally populate the 'ELSE' section
    else_arg = random_str(5, 10)
    cond.transition("else", else_arg)
    else_lines = gen_body(cond)
    # Close the conditional
    cond.close("endif", "")
    # Check the lines are stored correctly for 'IF'
    assert cond.if_section[0] == "if"
    assert cond.if_section[1] == if_arg
    assert cond.if_section[2].content == if_lines
    # Now check 'ELIF' sections
    assert len(elif_args) == len(elif_lines)
    assert len(elif_args) == len(cond.elif_sections)
    for arg, lines, sect in zip(elif_args, elif_lines, cond.elif_sections):
        assert sect[0] == "elif"
        assert sect[1] == arg
        assert sect[2].content == lines
    # Finally check 'ELSE' section
    assert cond.else_section[0] == "else"
    assert cond.else_section[1] == else_arg
    assert cond.else_section[2].content == else_lines
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_conditional_append_closed():
    """ Try appending lines to a closed conditional """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    cond.open("if", random_str(5, 10))
    cond.close("endif", random_str(5, 10))
    with pytest.raises(PrologueError) as excinfo:
        cond.append("Hello 1234")
    assert "Trying to append a line to a closed conditional" in str(
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_conditional_bad_open():
    """ Test opening a conditional with a random string """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    for opening in (["elif", "else", "endif"] +
                    [random_str(1, 10, avoid=["if"]) for _x in range(10)]):
        with pytest.raises(PrologueError) as excinfo:
            cond.open(opening, random_str(5, 15))
        assert f"Conditional opening invoked with '{opening}'" in str(
        assert cond.if_section == None
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_conditional_bad_transition():
    """ Test transition between blocks with a random string """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    cond.open("if", random_str(5, 10))
    for transition in (
        ["if", "endif"] +
        [random_str(1, 10, ["elif", "else"]) for _x in range(10)]):
        with pytest.raises(PrologueError) as excinfo:
            cond.transition(transition, random_str(5, 15))
        assert f"Conditional transition invoked with '{transition}'"
        assert len(cond.elif_sections) == 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_conditional_bad_close():
    """ Try closing the conditional without 'endif' """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    cond.open("if", random_str(5, 10))
    cond.transition("elif", random_str(5, 10))
    cond.transition("else", random_str(5, 10))
    # Try a number of random closing statements
    for closing in (["if", "elif", "else"] +
                    [random_str(5, 10) for _x in range(randint(1, 10))]):
        with pytest.raises(PrologueError) as excinfo:
            cond.close(closing, random_str(5, 10))
        assert f"Conditional close invoked with '{closing}'" in str(
        assert not cond.closed
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_conditional_evaluate(mocker):
    """ Check that evaluating a conditional returns the right contents """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    # First populate the 'IF' opening section
    if_arg = random_str(5, 10)
    cond.open("if", if_arg)
    if_lines = gen_body(cond)
    # Now populate a number of 'ELIF' sections
    elif_args = []
    elif_lines = []
    for _x in range(randint(1, 3)):
        elif_args.append(random_str(5, 10))
        cond.transition("elif", elif_args[-1])
    # Finally populate the 'ELSE' section
    else_arg = random_str(5, 10)
    cond.transition("else", else_arg)
    else_lines = gen_body(cond)
    # Close the conditional
    cond.close("endif", "")
    # Evaluate the 'IF' section
    ctx = MagicMock()
    ctx.evaluate.side_effect = [True] + ([False] * (len(elif_args) + 1))
    assert [x for x in cond.evaluate(ctx)] == if_lines
    # Evaluate each 'ELIF' section in turn
    call_list = [call(if_arg)]
    for idx, (arg, lines) in enumerate(zip(elif_args, elif_lines)):
        ctx = MagicMock()
        ctx.evaluate.side_effect = (([False] * (idx + 1)) + [True] +
                                    ([False] * (len(elif_lines) - idx)))
        assert [x for x in cond.evaluate(ctx)] == lines
    # Evaluate the 'ELSE' section
    ctx = MagicMock()
    ctx.evaluate.side_effect = ([False] * (len(elif_lines) + 1)) + [True]
    assert [x for x in cond.evaluate(ctx)] == else_lines
    ctx.evaluate.assert_has_calls(call_list + [call(else_arg)])
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_conditional_bad_after_else():
    """ Test that transitions after 'else' is seen are flagged """
    cond = Conditional.directive(None)
    cond.open("if", random_str(5, 10))
    cond.transition("elif", random_str(5, 10))
    cond.transition("else", random_str(5, 10))
    elif_sects = cond.elif_sections[:]
    e_tag, e_arg, e_blk = cond.else_section
    # Try a number of random transitions
    for _x in range(10):
        use_elif = choice((True, False))
        with pytest.raises(PrologueError) as excinfo:
            if use_elif:
                cond.transition("elif", random_str(5, 10))
                cond.transition("else", random_str(5, 10))
        # Sanity check result
        assert f"Transition '{'elif' if use_elif else 'else'}' detected after 'else' clause" in str(
        assert cond.elif_sections == elif_sects
        assert cond.else_section[0] == e_tag
        assert cond.else_section[1] == e_arg
        assert cond.else_section[2] == e_blk