Exemplo n.º 1
def main(api_key):
    req_headers = {
        'Authorization': "key %s" % sys.argv[1],

    with app.app_context():
        # Weeks are Saturday to Saturday
        # Queries are Thursday to Thursday
        date_end = datetime.datetime.now(tzutc())
        query_date_start = dateutil.parser.parse(START_DATE)
        query_date_end = query_date_start + relativedelta(weeks=1)

        # nuke any existing data
        week_start = query_date_start + relativedelta(weekday=SA(-1))
        Transfer.query.filter(Transfer.week_start >= week_start).delete()

        while query_date_end < date_end:
            week_start = query_date_start + relativedelta(weekday=SA(-1))
            week_end = query_date_start + relativedelta(weekday=SA(+1))
            data = {}
            if DEBUG:
                print "Query", query_date_start, query_date_end, "week", week_start, week_end

            # Construct the LDS changeset url for the week
            url = BASE_LAYER_URL % (query_date_start.isoformat("T").replace("+00:00", "Z"), query_date_end.isoformat("T").replace("+00:00", "Z"))
            if DEBUG >= 2:
                print url
                print 'Requesting data from ' + url[:25] + '...'

                r = requests.get(url, headers=req_headers)
                if DEBUG >= 4:
                    print r.status
                    print r.text


                data = r.json()
            except MemoryError:
                print "MemoryError error. Skipping..."
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            except Exception as e:
                print "Unexpected error:", e

            # print data.keys()
            print "Importing %s -> %s: %d records..." % (week_start.date(), week_end.date(), len(data['features']))
            if DEBUG >= 3:
                print json.dumps(data, indent=2)

            def create_xfers(features):
                # generator for Transfer objects
                for feature in features:
                    if DEBUG >= 2:
                        print json.dumps(feature, indent=2)

                    props = feature['properties']
                    if props['__change__'] == 'DELETE':
                        # ignore DELETEs since title splits/etc will show up as INSERTs too.

                    action = 'new' if props['__change__'] == 'INSERT' else 'existing'

                    # use a point within the title (centroid normally)
                    if not feature['geometry']:

                    location = from_shape(shape(feature['geometry']).representative_point(), srid=4326)
                    owners = props['owners']
                    #DEV SECTION#
                    owner_type = ''
                    if bool(re.search(r"\bHer Majesty The Queen\b", props['owners'], re.I)) \
                            or bool(re.search(r"\bCouncil\b", props['owners'], re.I)):  
                        owner_type = 'govt'

                    elif bool(re.search(r"\bLimited\b", props['owners'], re.I)) \
                            or bool(re.search(r"\bIncorporated\b", props['owners'], re.I)):
                        owner_type = 'company'
                        owner_type = 'private'

                    # create our Transfer object
                    transfer = Transfer(props['title_no'], location, action, week_start, owners, owner_type)
                    yield transfer

            # Insert all the Transfers in one go
            db.session.add_all((t for t in create_xfers(data['features'])))
            # One transaction per-week

            # loop around again
            query_date_start += relativedelta(weeks=1)
            query_date_end = query_date_start + relativedelta(weeks=1)
            print "Successfully imported %d records!\n" % len(data['features'])
            if DEBUG:

        # Drama to run VACUUM ANALYZE
        conn = db.engine.connect()
        conn.execute('VACUUM ANALYZE;')
def main(api_key):
    req_headers = {"Authorization": "key %s" % sys.argv[1]}

    with app.app_context():
        # Weeks are Saturday to Saturday
        # Queries are Thursday to Thursday
        date_end = datetime.datetime.now(tzutc())
        query_date_start = dateutil.parser.parse(START_DATE)
        query_date_end = query_date_start + relativedelta(weeks=1)

        # nuke any existing data
        week_start = query_date_start + relativedelta(weekday=SA(-1))
        Transfer.query.filter(Transfer.week_date >= week_start).delete()

        while query_date_end < date_end:
            week_start = query_date_start + relativedelta(weekday=SA(-1))
            week_end = query_date_start + relativedelta(weekday=SA(+1))

            if DEBUG:
                print "Query", query_date_start, query_date_end, "week", week_start, week_end

            # Construct the LDS changeset url for the week
            url = BASE_LAYER_URL % (
                query_date_start.isoformat("T").replace("+00:00", "Z"),
                query_date_end.isoformat("T").replace("+00:00", "Z"),
            if DEBUG >= 2:
                print url

            r = requests.get(url, headers=req_headers)
            if DEBUG >= 4:
                print r.status
                print r.text


            data = r.json()
            print "%s -> %s: %d records" % (week_start.date(), week_end.date(), len(data["features"]))
            if DEBUG >= 3:
                print json.dumps(data, indent=2)

            def create_xfers(features):
                # generator for Transfer objects
                for feature in features:
                    if DEBUG >= 2:
                        print json.dumps(feature, indent=2)

                    props = feature["properties"]
                    if props["__change__"] == "DELETE":
                        # ignore DELETEs since title splits/etc will show up as INSERTs too.

                    action = "new" if props["__change__"] == "INSERT" else "existing"

                    # use a point within the title (centroid normally)
                    if not feature["geometry"]:

                    location = from_shape(shape(feature["geometry"]).representative_point(), srid=4326)

                    # create our Transfer object
                    transfer = Transfer(props["title_no"], location, action, week_start)
                    yield transfer

            # Insert all the Transfers in one go
            db.session.add_all((t for t in create_xfers(data["features"])))
            # One transaction per-week

            # loop around again
            query_date_start += relativedelta(weeks=1)
            query_date_end = query_date_start + relativedelta(weeks=1)
            if DEBUG:

        # Drama to run VACUUM ANALYZE
        conn = db.engine.connect()
        conn.execute("VACUUM ANALYZE;")