Exemplo n.º 1
def runSimulationTime(state_machine, max_time):
    # Assumptions
    # time starts at zero

    xyz_hist = np.array([None, None, None])
    w_hist = []
    q_hist = []
    torque_hist = []
    power_hist = []
    time_hist = []

    #J, J_inv, m_max, power_max = ps.hardware.getHardwareProperties()
    time = 0
    while time <= max_time:
        delta_t, _ = state_machine.runStep(None)
        state_machine.hardware.state = propagate(state_machine.hardware, delta_t, str(state_machine.getCurrentState()))
        state_machine.hardware.time += (delta_t/86400)
        time += delta_t
        state_machine.hardware.time += (delta_t/86400)
        print('current time: %.1f min' %(time/60))

        xyz_hist = np.vstack((xyz_hist, state_machine.hardware.state[0:3]))
        w_hist = np.append(w_hist, state_machine.hardware.state[6:9])
        q_hist = np.append(q_hist, state_machine.hardware.state[9:13])
        torque_hist = np.append(torque_hist, state_machine.hardware.state[13:16])
        power_hist = np.append(power_hist, state_machine.hardware.state[16:18])
        time_hist = np.append(time_hist, time)

    return (time_hist, xyz_hist, w_hist, q_hist, torque_hist, power_hist)
Exemplo n.º 2
def runSimulationSteps(state_machine, num_steps):
    # Assumptions
    # time starts at zero
    xyz_hist = np.zeros((num_steps, 3))
    w_hist = np.zeros((num_steps, 3))
    q_hist = np.zeros((num_steps, 4))
    torque_hist = np.zeros((num_steps, 3))
    power_hist = np.zeros((num_steps, 2))
    time_hist = np.zeros(num_steps)

    time = 0
    for i in range(num_steps):
        delta_t, _ = state_machine.runStep(None)
        state_machine.hardware.state = propagate(state_machine.hardware, delta_t, str(state_machine.getCurrentState()))
        state_machine.hardware.time += (delta_t/86400)
        time += delta_t
        xyz_hist[i, :] = state_machine.hardware.state[0:3]
        w_hist[i,:] = state_machine.hardware.state[6:9]
        q_hist[i,:] = state_machine.hardware.state[9:13]
        torque_hist[i,:] = state_machine.hardware.state[13:16]
        power_hist[i,:] = state_machine.hardware.state[16:18]
        time_hist[i] = time
        #print('current time: %.1f min' %(time/60))

    return (time_hist, xyz_hist, w_hist, q_hist, torque_hist, power_hist)
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_sim(dat, route_step, n_hop, max_con, avg_con, n_sat, perimiter_only,
            length, year):
    current_file_path = Path(__file__).resolve()
    code_source_path = str(current_file_path.parents[0])
    TLE_path = code_source_path + f'/TLEs/{n_sat}.txt'

    # Create directory for sim results
    results_path = f'{code_source_path}/results/{dat}'


    print('________ ' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') +
          ' ________')

    # Propagate orbits
    pos_table = propagate(TLE_path, length, year)

    # Provision at every time step. Returns results from routing time steps
    (distable_linkdicts, all_xyz_rsteps) = provision(pos_table, route_step,

    # print links and distance table for each routing time step
    for i in range(len(distable_linkdicts)):
        print_txt(distable_linkdicts, all_xyz_rsteps, i, results_path)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def evaluationPerformed(self, iterations_count, evaluations_count, orbits,
                            evaluations_provider, lsp_evaluation):
        drivers = estimated_orbital_parameters.getDrivers()

        state = orekit_drivers_to_values(drivers)
        print("{}:\t{} {} {}\t{} {} {}".format(iterations_count, *state))

        print("r = {}\tv = {}".format(norm(state[0:3]), norm(state[3:6])))

        earth_moon_state = np.zeros(48)
        earth_moon_state[0:6] = state
        earth_moon_state[6:12] = spice.spkez(301, et0, 'J2000', 'NONE',
                                             399)[0] * 1000.0
        earth_moon_state[12:] = np.identity(6).reshape(36)

        print("Trying to plot...")

        t0 = orbits[0].date
        x0 = orekit_state(state)
        tf = orekit_time(self.tf)

        eph = propagate(t0, x0, tf, write=False)

        ax.plot(eph.x[:, 0] * 1000.0,
                eph.x[:, 1] * 1000.0,
                eph.x[:, 2] * 1000.0,
                alpha=(1 / 40.0) * iterations_count,
Exemplo n.º 5
def optimize(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost=False):
    costs = []

    for i in range(num_iterations):
        # Cost and gradient calculation (≈ 1-4 lines of code)
        ### START CODE HERE ###
        grads, cost = prop.propagate(w, b, X, Y)
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        # Retrieve derivatives from grads
        dw = grads["dw"]
        db = grads["db"]

        # update rule (≈ 2 lines of code)
        ### START CODE HERE ###
        w = w - learning_rate * dw
        b = b - learning_rate * db
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        # Record the costs
        if i % 100 == 0:

        # Print the cost every 100 training examples
        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
            print("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))

    params = {"w": w, "b": b}

    grads = {"dw": dw, "db": db}

    return params, grads, costs
Exemplo n.º 6
def optimize(w, b, X, y, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost=False):
    costs = [
    ]  #This is an empty list created so that it stores all the values later
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        grads, cost = pp.propagate(
            w, b, X, y)  #we are calling the previously defined function
        dw = grads[
            'dw']  #we are accessing the derivatives of cost with respect to w
        db = grads[
            'db']  #we are accessing the derivatives of cost with respect to b
        w = w - learning_rate * dw  #we are modifying the parameter w so that the cost would reduce in the long run
        b = b - learning_rate * db  #we are modifying the parameter b so that the cost would reduce in the long run
        if i % 100 == 0:
            )  #we are giving all the cost values to the empty list that was created initially
        if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0:
            print("cost after iteration {}: {}".format(i, cost))
    plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')
    plt.title("Learning rate = " + str(learning_rate))
    params = {
        'w': w,
        'b': db
    }  #we are storing this value in the dictionary so that it could be accessed later
    grads = {
        'dw': dw,
        'db': db
    }  #we are storing these valeus in the dictionary so that they could be accessed later
    return params, grads, costs
Exemplo n.º 7
def optimize(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost=False):

    costs = []

    for i in range(num_iterations):

        grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)

        dw = grads["dw"]
        db = grads["db"]

        w = w - (learning_rate * dw)
        b = b - (learning_rate * db)

        if i % 100 == 0:

        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
            print("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))

    params = {"w": w, "b": b}

    grads = {"dw": dw, "db": db}

    return params, grads, costs
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(rays_per_side, nr_of_propagations, raster_dimension, mirror,
         normalize_brightness, to_png):
    t0 = time.time()

    raster = None

    dx_source = np.array([[0], [0], [-1]])

    environment = Environment()
    x_camera = np.array([[3], [1], [3]])
    dx_camera = np.array([[0], [-1], [0]])
    focal_directions = get_raster_focal_directions(raster_dimension, dx_camera)

    camera = Camera(x_camera, dx_camera, raster_dimension)

    for epoch in range(NR_OF_EPOCHS):
        foolog('starting epoch {0} of {1}...'.format(epoch + 1, NR_OF_EPOCHS))

        #foolog('generating rays...')
        #x, dx, intensity = generate_rays(rays_per_side)

        x, dx, intensity = generate_rays_from_light_source(
            2, 8, 2, 8, 9, dx_source, True, rays_per_side)

        #foolog('starting ray propagation...')
        for r in range(nr_of_propagations + 1):
            #foolog('Step {0}. Remaining average intensity: {1:2.3f}'.format(r, np.average(intensity)))
            #foolog('Average position: {0}'.format(np.average(x, axis=1)))

            # foolog('rasterize...')
            # result = rasterize3(x, dx, intensity, x_camera, dx_camera, RASTER_DIMENSION, focal_directions)
            # if raster is None:
            #     raster = result
            # else:
            #     raster += result

            if r < nr_of_propagations:
                #    foolog('propagate...')
                x, dx, intensity = propagate(x,

        if to_png:
            #    foolog('output to png...')
            camera.to_png(epoch, normalize_brightness)
            # brightness_factor = 1
            # if normalize_brightness:
            #     m = np.max(raster)
            #     if m > 0:
            #         brightness_factor = 255.0 / m
            # output_raster = (brightness_factor * raster).astype(np.uint8)
            # png.from_array(output_raster, 'L').save('output/output_epoch={0}.png'.format(epoch))

    t1 = time.time()
    foolog('total time: {0:2.3f} seconds'.format(t1 - t0))
Exemplo n.º 9
def optimize(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost=False):
    This function optimizes w and b by running a gradient descent algorithm
    w -- weights, a numpy array of size (num_px * num_px * 3, 1)
    b -- bias, a scalar
    X -- data of shape (num_px * num_px * 3, number of examples)
    Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat), of shape (1, number of examples)
    num_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization loop
    learning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update rule
    print_cost -- True to print the loss every 100 steps
    params -- dictionary containing the weights w and bias b
    grads -- dictionary containing the gradients of the weights and bias with respect to the cost function
    costs -- list of all the costs computed during the optimization, this will be used to plot the learning curve.
    You basically need to write down two steps and iterate through them:
        1) Calculate the cost and the gradient for the current parameters. Use propagate().
        2) Update the parameters using gradient descent rule for w and b.

    costs = []

    for i in range(num_iterations):

        # Cost and gradient calculation (≈ 1-4 lines of code)
        ### START CODE HERE ###
        grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        # Retrieve derivatives from grads
        dw = grads["dw"]
        db = grads["db"]

        # update rule (≈ 2 lines of code)
        ### START CODE HERE ###
        w = w - learning_rate * dw  # need to broadcast
        b = b - learning_rate * db
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        # Record the costs
        if i % 100 == 0:

        # Print the cost every 100 training examples
        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
            print("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))

    params = {"w": w, "b": b}

    grads = {"dw": dw, "db": db}

    return params, grads, costs
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_propagate(self):
        w, b, X, Y = np.array([[1.,
                                2.]]), 2., np.array([[1., 2., -1.],
                                                     [3., 4., -3.2]
                                                     ]), np.array([[1, 0, 1]])
        parameters = {'W1': w, 'b1': b}

        grads, cost = propagate(parameters, X, Y)
            np.allclose(grads['dW1'], np.array([[0.99845601, 2.39507239]])))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(grads['db1'], np.array([[0.00145558]])))
        self.assertEqual(cost, 5.801545319394553)
def update_parameters(w,
    This function optimizes w and b by running a gradient descent algorithm

    w : weights, a numpy array of size (num_px * num_px * 3, 1)
    b : bias, a scalar
    X : data of shape (num_px * num_px * 3, number of examples)
    Y : true "label" vector (containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat), of shape (1, number of examples)
    num_iterations : number of iterations of the optimization loop
    learning_rate : learning rate of the gradient descent update rule
    print_cost : True to print the loss every 100 steps
    params : dictionary containing the weights w and bias b
    grads : dictionary containing the gradients of the weights and bias with respect to the cost function
    costs : list of all the costs computed during the optimization, this will be used to plot the learning curve.


    # Create a list to keep the cost on every iteration so that we can print it
    costs = []

    for i in range(num_iterations):
        # Calculate cost and gradients for every iteration
        grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)

        # Retrieve derivatives from grads dictionary
        dw = grads["dw"]
        db = grads["db"]

        # Update the parameters
        w = w - learning_rate * dw
        b = b - learning_rate * db
        # Record the costs
        if i % 100 == 0:
        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
            print("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))

    params = {"w": w, "b": b}

    grads = {"dw": dw, "db": db}

    return params, grads, costs
Exemplo n.º 12
def run_sim(dat, route_step, n_hop, max_con, avg_con, n_sat, perimiter_only,
            length, year):
    current_file_path = Path(__file__).resolve()
    code_source_path = str(current_file_path.parents[0])
    TLE_path = code_source_path + f'/TLE/{n_sat}.txt'

    # Create directory for sim results
    results_path = f'{code_source_path}/dial_results/{dat}'
    data_path = f'{results_path}/{dat}_data.csv'


    print('________ ' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') +
          ' ________')

    # Propagate orbits
    pos_table = propagate(TLE_path, length, year)

    # Provision at every time step. Returns results from routing time steps
    (distable_linkdicts, all_xyz_rsteps) = provision(pos_table,
                                                     length=length + 1)

    # print links and distance table of last time step
    print_txt(distable_linkdicts, all_xyz_rsteps, -1, results_path)

    # # Perform routing at specified time steps
    # @timing
    # def route_sum():
    #     sim_data = []
    #     for i in range(len(distable_linkdicts)):
    #         route_data_time_i = route(n_node=n_sat, nbrhood_hop=n_hop,
    #                                   border=perimiter_only,
    #                                   linkdict=distable_linkdicts[i][1],
    #                                   distable=distable_linkdicts[i][0],
    #                                   results_path=results_path)
    #         # append routing results from a single time step
    #         sim_data.append(route_data_time_i)
    #     return sim_data
    # route_data = route_sum()
    # # Write routing results to csv
    # np_data = pd.DataFrame(route_data)    # initialize pd dataframe
    # np_data.columns = ['n_node', 'n_hop', 'total', 'bad', 'loop', 'no_path']
    # np_data.to_csv(data_path, index=False)

Exemplo n.º 13
def run():
    # text = u'Surface expression of mir-21 activates tgif beta receptor type II expression. Expression of mir-21 and mir-132  directly mediates cell migration . mir-21 mediates cell migration and proliferation. mir-21 seems to mediate apoptosis. mir-21 is  involved in cellular processes, such as cell migration and cell proliferation. mir-21 regulates the ectopic expression of smad2 .'
    # text = u'transport of annexin 2 not only to dynamic actin-rich ruffles at the cell cortex but also to cytoplasmic and perinuclear vesicles.'
    doc_id = '99999999'
    rule_phase0_filename = '/home/leebird/Projects/nlputils/visual/uploads/rules_phase0.txt'
    rule_phase1_filename = '/home/leebird/Projects/nlputils/visual/uploads/rules_phase1.txt'
    rule_phase2_filename = '/home/leebird/Projects/nlputils/visual/uploads/rules_phase2.txt'
    fh0 = open(rule_phase0_filename, "r")
    rule0_lines = fh0.readlines()
    fh1 = open(rule_phase1_filename, "r")
    rule1_lines = fh1.readlines()
    fh2 = open(rule_phase2_filename, "r")
    rule2_lines = fh2.readlines()

    with open('/home/leebird/Projects/nlputils/utils/typing/test.json') as f:
        json_doc = json.load(f)
        for t in json_doc['entity'].values():
            t['entityType'] = t['entityType'].upper()
        text = json.dumps(json_doc)
        raw_doc = json_format.Parse(text, document_pb2.Document(), True)

    param_helper = ParamHelper(text, doc_id, rule0_lines, rule1_lines,

    # raw_doc = document_pb2.Document()
    edg_rules = edgRules_pb2.EdgRules()

    # param_helper.setDocProtoAttributes(raw_doc)

    # Parse using Bllip parser.
    doc = parse_using_bllip(raw_doc, edg_rules)
    helper = DocHelper(doc)
    invalid_deps = constraint_args(helper, {'arg0': {document_pb2.Entity.GENE}})
    propagate(helper, {'arg0': {document_pb2.Entity.GENE}}, invalid_deps)
def optimize(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost=False):
    This function optimizes w and b by running a gradient descent algorithm
    w -- weights, a numpy array of size (num_px * num_px * 3, 1)
    b -- bias, a scalar
    X -- data of shape (num_px * num_px * 3, number of examples)
    Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat), of shape (1, number of examples)
    num_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization loop
    learning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update rule
    print_cost -- True to print the loss every 100 steps
    params -- dictionary containing the weights w and bias b
    grads -- dictionary containing the gradients of the weights and bias with respect to the cost function
    costs -- list of all the costs computed during the optimization, this will be used to plot the learning curve.
    You basically need to write down two steps and iterate through them:
        1) Calculate the cost and the gradient for the current parameters. Use propagate().
        2) Update the parameters using gradient descent rule for w and b.
    costs = []
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        # 计算代价和梯度
        grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)
        dw = grads["dw"]
        db = grads["db"]
        # 更新参数
        w = w - learning_rate * dw
        b = b - learning_rate * db
        # 记录代价
        if i % 100 == 0:

        # 每100次迭代打印代价
        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
            print("第%i次迭代的代价为:%f" % (i, cost))
    params = {"w": w,
        "b": b}
    grads = {"dw": dw,
        "db": db}
    return params,grads,costs
Exemplo n.º 15
def predict(pointing):
    field, ra, dec, mjd = pointing.split()
    jd = float(mjd) + 2400000.5
    ra = float(ra)
    dec = float(dec)
    p = propagate(np.array(known.a),
                  np.zeros(len(known.a)) + jd,
    mag = known.H + 5 * np.log10(p.r * (p.delta))
    ra_matched = abs(p.ra * 180 / np.pi - ra) < 0.17
    dec_matched = abs(p.dec * 180 / np.pi - dec) < 0.1
    matched = ra_matched * dec_matched
    if matched.sum() != 0:
        print(field, jd, list(known.name[matched]),
              p.ra[matched] * 180 / np.pi, p.dec[matched] * 180 / np.pi,
Exemplo n.º 16
        init_t = init_target(frame)
        if init_t is not None:
            target, target_model, target_hist, weights, particles = init_t
    ret, frame = capture.read()
    while target is None:
        init_t = init_target(frame)
        if init_t is not None:
            target, target_model, target_hist, weights, particles = init_t
            print(target_model[4] * target_model[5])

while True:
    start = time.time()
    particles = resample(particles, weights)
    particles = propagate(particles, noise, (width, height),
    # get frame
    ret, frame = capture.read()
    if not ret:
        frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)

    # draw all particles
    frame_copy = copy.deepcopy(frame)
        for particle in particles:
            top_left, bottom_right = particle_center_to_particle_corners(
            cv2.rectangle(frame_copy, top_left, bottom_right, (0, 0, 255), 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
    seed = []
    '''seed = list(np.loadtxt("seed_index.txt", dtype=int))'''
    T = propagate.get_t(train_words, "train_graph")
    o = propagate.get_score("da.csv")
    o_train = o[train_words_index]
    beta = 0.3

    while len(seed) < 30:
        coefficient_index = -1
        i = 0
        max_coefficient = 0
        while i < train_words_number:
            if i not in seed:
                s = propagate.get_seed_score_fb(i, o_train, seed)
                P = propagate.propagate(s, T, beta)

                i_list = [i]
                index = seed + i_list
                coefficient = evaluate.get_pearson_correlation_coefficient(
                    o_train, P, index)
                if coefficient > max_coefficient:
                    max_coefficient = coefficient
                    coefficient_index = i
            i = i + 1
        if coefficient_index != -1:
        print max_coefficient
    np.savetxt("seed_index.txt", seed, fmt='%d')

    print "testing..."
def success_user():
    user_email = flask.session['authenticated_email']
    user = database.query_user(email=user_email)
    credentials = user_to_credentials(user)
    return flask.redirect('https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r')
Exemplo n.º 19
print("sanity check after reshaping: " + str(train_set_x_flatten[0:5, 0]))

train_set_x = train_set_x_flatten / 255.
test_set_x = test_set_x_flatten / 255.

print("sigmoid(0) = " + str(sigmoid(0)))
print("sigmoid(9.2) = " + str(sigmoid(9.2)))

dim = 2
w, b = initialize_with_zeros(dim)
print("w = " + str(w))
print("b = " + str(b))

w, b, X, Y = np.array([[1], [2]]), 2, np.array([[1, 2],
                                                [3, 4]]), np.array([[1, 0]])
grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)
print("dw = " + str(grads["dw"]))
print("db = " + str(grads["db"]))
print("cost = " + str(cost))

params, grads, costs = optimize(w,
print("w = " + str(params["w"]))
print("b = " + str(params["b"]))
print("dw = " + str(grads["dw"]))
print("db = " + str(grads["db"]))
def graph_theory(dV_max, disp_flag):

    ### IMPORTS ###
    #local files needed
    from distance_SSP_to_target import distance_SSP_to_target
    from load_hurricane_data import import_hurricane
    from lowering_maneuver import lowering_maneuver
    from raising_maneuver import raising_maneuver
    from propagate import propagate

    #Other python packages needed
    import math
    import numpy as np
    import networkx as nx
    import datetime
    import os
    import csv
    #for plotting:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #imports below from https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/auto_examples/drawing/plot_circular_tree.html
        import pygraphviz
        from nx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout
    except ImportError:
            import pydot
            from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import graphviz_layout
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("This example needs Graphviz and either "
                              "PyGraphviz or pydot")

    ### INPUTS ###
    #delta-V for each manuever given as an input
    #- the number of values corresponds to the number of manuevers which is equal to the number of targets
    #possible dV options (negative dV represents lowering maneuvers, positive dV represents raising maneuvers)
    dV_min = -dV_max
    dV_step = 0.5
    dV_list = np.arange(dV_min, dV_max + dV_step, dV_step).tolist()

    ###Initialize satellites--------------------------------------------------
    #A list of lists is used to store satellite(s) states and their
    #maneuver info, and target access information
    num_sats = 1

    #epoch Oct 10, 2010, 12:00 UTC
    date_epoch = datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10, 12)

    #note that AOL and RAAN at epoch start are used as opposed to RAAN and argument of perigee
    sat_elems = ['Satellite Number', 'Semi-major Axis (m)', 'Inclination (deg)',\
                 'RAAN (deg)', 'Argument of Latitude (deg)', 'RA at Epoch Start (deg)', \
                 'SSP Lat. (deg)', 'SSP Lon. (deg)', \
                 'Time Since Epoch (sec)', \
                 'Delta-V Used in current maneuver',
                 'Dist to Current Target (km)']
    satellites = []

    for i in range(num_sats):
        semi_major_axis = 7074000  #m
        incl = 40  #deg
        RAAN0 = 0 + 20 * i  #deg - this means for multiple satellites, satellites are spaced by 20 deg RAAN
        u0 = 0  #deg
        RAepoch = -161.155  #deg
        satellites.append([i, semi_major_axis, incl, \
                           RAAN0, u0, RAepoch, \
                           0, 0, \
                           0, 0,\
    #note the ssp, delt-V and dist to target are initially clear

    if disp_flag == 1:
        print('Satellite(s) initial states:')
        for i in range(num_sats):
            for x in range(len(sat_elems)):
                print(sat_elems[x], x, ':\t', satellites[i][x])

    #this is the max acceleration available on the satellite
    satellite_mass = 4  #kg
    max_thrust = 0.35 * 10**(-3)  #N
    accel = max_thrust / satellite_mass  #m/s^2

    ###Initialize Targets-----------------------------------------------------

    num_targets = 3
    targets = []

    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    file = os.path.join(
        dir, 'target_tracks\megi_data.xlsx'
    )  #(!) path may need to be changed for non-Windows users
    #These are locations of the eye of Typhoon Megi (2010)
    target_interval = 2.5 * 24 * 3600  #sec
    targets_time, targets_lat, targets_long, time_since_epoch, latitude, longitude = import_hurricane(
        file, date_epoch, num_targets, target_interval)
    targets = [[targets_time[i], targets_lat[i], targets_long[i]]
               for i in range(num_targets)]

    #Time window corresponds to allowed viewing time around each target (ie +/- 20 hrs target time)
    time_window = 20 * 3600  #sec

    #Establishes minimum acceptable distance to eye of the storm
    min_distance_to_eye = 100000  #m

    ### PARAMETERS ###
    #Model Parameters---------------------------------------------------------
    mu = 3.98600 * 10**14  # standard gravitational parameter, m^3/s^2
    Re = 6371000  # mean Earth radius, m
    J2 = 1082.7 * (
    )  # coefficient of the Earth's gravitational zonal harmonic of the 2nd degree
    vel_e = 7.29212 * 10**(-5)  # angular velocity of the earth, rad/s
    rad = math.pi / 180  # conversion of deg to rad
    flattening = 0.00335281  # flattening factor of the earth
    time_step = 10  # propagation time step (for viewing window propagation)

    ### CODE START ###
    #Satellite state is stored in dictionary nodes, and node numbers themselves in Graph G
    nodes = {0: satellites}
    G = nx.Graph()
    if disp_flag == 1:
        print("Executing maneuvers...")
    node_per_target = {
    }  #this stores which nodes correspond to which targets for plotting clarity

    #the node we are starting to pull from
    origin_node = 0
    # the node we are creating
    current_node = 1

    #the information we start with
    old_sat_list = nodes[origin_node].copy()
    calc_nodes_last_target = [0]
    num_target = 0  #start with first target in list

    calc_nodes_current_target = []
    for target in targets:
        num_target = num_target + 1

        solution_found = False

        #Define viewing window for each target
        time_min = target[0] - time_window
        time_max = target[0] + time_window
        time_list = np.arange(time_min, time_max + time_step, time_step)

        #Interpolate between known track points for the viewing window time
        #this will be used to see if the satellite gets close to the storm
        lat_interp = np.interp(time_list, time_since_epoch, latitude)
        long_interp = np.interp(time_list, time_since_epoch, longitude)
        current_target = [time_list, lat_interp, long_interp]

        if disp_flag == 1:
            print("\nChecking accesses for target:" + "\t" + str(num_target))
            print('Target time: ' + str(target[0] / 3600 / 24) + ' days')
            print('Target latitude: ' + str(target[1]) + ' deg')
            print('Target longitude: ' + str(target[2]) + ' deg')

        #Create new place to store satellite states
        new_sat_list = []
        for i in range(num_sats):

        # (leftover from tree generation approach)- move from one set of notes to the next
        for origin in calc_nodes_last_target:
            old_sat_list = nodes[origin].copy()
            #for multiple satellites, each will be manuevered in sequence
            for sat in range(len(old_sat_list)):
                maneuvering_sat = old_sat_list[sat][:]
                sat_time = maneuvering_sat[8]

                #Define the vewing window duration for each target, relative to satellite
                duration_min = time_min - sat_time
                duration_max = time_max - sat_time
                duration_list = np.arange(duration_min,
                                          duration_max + time_step, time_step)

                for dV in dV_list:
                    #Now execute the maneuvers- either propagate/lower/raise according to the delta-V
                    if dV == 0:
                        flag = 'N/A'
                        updated_sat = propagate(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                flattening, maneuvering_sat,
                                                accel, duration_min)

                    if dV < 0:
                        flag = 'LOWER'
                        #timing of manuevers (seconds of manuever, propogate, maneuver duration which correspond to the 3 phases can also be stored)
                         timing] = lowering_maneuver(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                     maneuvering_sat, accel,
                                                     abs(dV), duration_min)
                        if updated_sat != None:
                            updated_sat[9] = abs(dV)
                    if dV > 0:
                        flag = 'RAISE'
                        #timing of manuevers (seconds of manuever, propogate, maneuver duration which correspond to the 3 phases can also be stored)
                         timing] = raising_maneuver(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                    maneuvering_sat, accel, dV,
                        if updated_sat != None:
                            updated_sat[9] = abs(dV)

                    #If the manuever was successful (time was sufficient for the delta-V), updated sat will have been created
                    if updated_sat != None:

                        #now propogate the satellite to the end of the time window to see the number/quality of accesses
                        propagate_sat_options = propagate(
                            mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad, flattening, updated_sat,
                            accel, (duration_list - duration_min))

                        distance = distance_SSP_to_target(
                            mu, Re, rad, propagate_sat_options[6],
                            propagate_sat_options[7], lat_interp, long_interp)
                        num_accesses = 0
                        num_accesses = sum(1 for x in distance
                                           if x < min_distance_to_eye)

                        if num_accesses > 0:
                            #If the storm was accessed, record the accesses in the 'satellite' list
                            #also maneuver timing can be stored- not currently done
                            access_distance = []
                            index = 0
                            for x in distance:
                                #record number of accesses
                                index = index + 1
                                if x < min_distance_to_eye:
                                    #record access distance at each possible access:
                                    lat = propagate_sat_options[6][index]
                                    long = propagate_sat_options[7][index]
                                    lateye = lat_interp[index]
                                    longeye = long_interp[index]
                                    distance = distance_SSP_to_target(
                                        mu, Re, rad, lat, long, lateye,

                                    totalSeconds = time_min + index * time_step  #time since epoch in sec

                                    if disp_flag == 1:
                                        print('---successful access---')
                                        print('Distance: ' + str(x / 1000) +
                                        print('Current Time: ' + str(
                                                2010, 10, 10, 12) +
                                                seconds=totalSeconds)) + 'UTC')
                                        print('Hurricane: Lat. ' + str(lat) +
                                              ' deg  Long. ' + str(long) +
                                              ' deg')
                            #Mark that a solution has been found for this target
                            solution_found = True
                            #Record the mean and minimum access distances
                            mean_distance_pass = sum(
                                access_distance) / num_accesses
                            min_distance_pass = min(access_distance)

                            #Either distance can be saved
                            updated_sat[10] = min_distance_pass

                            propagate_sat = propagate(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                      flattening, updated_sat,
                                                      accel, time_window * 2)
                            new_sat_list[updated_sat[0]] = propagate_sat
                            nodes[current_node] = new_sat_list.copy()
                            propagate_sat = []
                            updated_sat = []
                            if dV == 0:
                                dV_adj = 0.00001  #to ensure graph is connected (edge length cannot be 0)
                                dV_adj = abs(
                                )  #to ensure graph is connected (edge length cannot be negative)

                            #Leftover from tree generation- add edge and then move on to next node
                            current_node = current_node + 1

                            if disp_flag == 1:
                                print('---summary of accesses for target ',
                                      str(num_target), '---')
                                print('Mean Distance: ' +
                                      str(round(mean_distance_pass /
                                                1000, 2)) + ' km')
                                print('Min Distance: ' +
                                      str(round(min_distance_pass / 1000, 2)) +
                                      ' km')
                                print('Delta-V Used: ' + str(dV) + ' m/s')
                                print('Total Access Time: ' +
                                      str(num_accesses * time_step) + ' s')

        if solution_found == False:
            #if a solution cannot be found, propogate sat, and record 0 accesses
            for origin in calc_nodes_last_target:
                old_sat_list = nodes[origin].copy()
                for x in range(len(old_sat_list)):
                    flag = 'N/A'
                    sat = old_sat_list[x][:]
                    propagate_sat = propagate(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                              flattening, sat, accel,
                    propagate_sat[10] = 999999
                    new_sat_list[sat[0]] = propagate_sat.copy()
                    nodes[current_node] = new_sat_list.copy()
                    propagate_sat = []
                    current_node = current_node + 1
        calc_nodes_last_target = calc_nodes_current_target[:]
        calc_nodes_current_target = []
        node_per_target[num_target] = calc_nodes_last_target

    #Leftover from tree generation
    #Tree Generation is complete... finding shortest path:
    complete_path = {}
    #record all possible path lengths
    path = nx.dijkstra_path(G, source=0, target=None, weight='dV')
    #only want the complete paths that view all targets
    for key in path:
        if len(path[key]) == num_targets + 1:
            current_path = path[key]
            length = nx.dijkstra_path_length(G,
            complete_path[length] = current_path
    #then select shortest path
    #note that this will just select one of the shortest lengths if multiple of the same length exist
    min_path_length = 9999
    for path_length in complete_path:
        if path_length < min_path_length:
            min_path_length = path_length
            shortest_complete_path = complete_path[path_length]
    shortest_complete_path_edges = zip(shortest_complete_path,
    shortest_complete_path_edges = set(shortest_complete_path_edges)

    #Left over from tree generation- record the shortest path information
    dV_total = 0
    num_accesses_total = 0
    dist_sum_length = []
    for i in shortest_complete_path_edges:
        dV_total = dV_total + G.edges[i]['dV']
        num_accesses_total = (num_accesses_total +
        if G.edges[i]['dist_to_target'] < min_distance_to_eye:
    if len(dist_sum_length) > 0:
        dist_mean = sum(dist_sum_length) / len(dist_sum_length)
        dist_mean = 99999

    total_access_time = num_accesses_total * time_step
    if disp_flag == 1:
        print('Total delta-V used: ', round(dV, 2), ' m/s')
        print('Total access time: ', total_access_time, ' s')
        print('Mean distance to storm (across all accesses): ',
              round(dist_mean / 1000, 2), ' km')

    with open("output/graph_theory_nodes_example.csv", 'w') as f:
        w = csv.writer(f)
        for key, val in nodes.items():
            w.writerow([key, val])

    #Generate a visuzalition of the graph
    pos = graphviz_layout(G, prog='twopi')
    plt.figure(figsize=(100, 100))

    #color nodes based on which target they are associated with
    #(!) change this for different numbers of targets!
    color_map = ['gray']
    for node in G:
        if node in node_per_target[1]:
        if node in node_per_target[2]:
        if node in node_per_target[3]:
        # if node in node_per_target[4]:
        #     color_map.append('orange')
        # if node in node_per_target[5]:
        #     color_map.append('purple')

    #create plot and edge labels
    nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=1000, node_color=color_map, with_labels=True)
    #edge labels from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60397606/how-to-round-off-values-corresponding-to-edge-labels-in-a-networkx-graph
    edge_labels = dict([((
    ), f"{d['dV']:.2f} m/s, {d['dist_to_target']:.2f}, {d['target_accesses']:.2f} accesses"
                         ) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True)])
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, width=2)


    #save the figure to a new file

    return [dV_total, -num_accesses_total, dist_mean, G, nodes]
Exemplo n.º 21
import numpy as np
from initgame import initgame
from visualize import visualize
from propagate import propagate
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tick import tick
import time

t = np.arange(10)
g, sidx = initgame(1000)
mode = 'Store'

if mode == 'Store':
    G = propagate(g, t)
    ani = visualize(G)
elif mode == 'Live':
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
    G = g
    # Im = plt.imshow(g)
    # Im.show()
    while 1:
        t = time.time()
        G = tick(G)
        elapsed = time.time() - t
Exemplo n.º 22
def optimize(W, b, X, Y, num_iteration, learning_rate=0.009):
    for i in range(num_iteration):
        _, dW, db = propagate(W, b, X, Y)
        W = W - learning_rate * dW
        b = b - learning_rate * db
    return W, b
def series_of_maneuvers(dV1, dV2, dV3, disp_flag):

    ### IMPORTS ###
    #local files needed
    from distance_SSP_to_target import distance_SSP_to_target
    from load_hurricane_data import import_hurricane
    from lowering_maneuver import lowering_maneuver
    from raising_maneuver import raising_maneuver
    from propagate import propagate

    #Other python packages needed
    import math
    import numpy as np
    import networkx as nx
    import datetime
    import os

    ### INPUTS ###
    #delta-V for each manuever given as an input
    #- the number of values corresponds to the number of manuevers which is equal to the number of targets
    #delta-V stored here
    dV_list = [[dV1, dV2, dV3]]

    ###Initialize satellites--------------------------------------------------
    #A list of lists is used to store satellite(s) states and their
    #maneuver info, and target access information
    num_sats = 1

    #epoch Oct 10, 2010, 12:00 UTC
    date_epoch = datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10, 12)

    #note that AOL and RAAN at epoch start are used as opposed to RAAN and argument of perigee
    sat_elems = ['Satellite Number', 'Semi-major Axis (m)', 'Inclination (deg)',\
                 'RAAN (deg)', 'Argument of Latitude (deg)', 'RA at Epoch Start (deg)', \
                 'SSP Lat. (deg)', 'SSP Lon. (deg)', \
                 'Time Since Epoch (sec)', \
                 'Delta-V Used in current maneuver',
                 'Dist to Current Target (km)']
    satellites = []

    for i in range(num_sats):
        semi_major_axis = 7074000  #m
        incl = 40  #deg
        RAAN0 = 0 + 20 * i  #deg - this means for multiple satellites, satellites are spaced by 20 deg RAAN
        u0 = 0  #deg
        RAepoch = -161.155  #deg
        satellites.append([i, semi_major_axis, incl, \
                           RAAN0, u0, RAepoch, \
                           0, 0, \
                           0, 0,\
    #note the ssp, delt-V and dist to target are initially clear

    if disp_flag == 1:
        print('Satellite(s) initial states:')
        for i in range(num_sats):
            for x in range(len(sat_elems)):
                print(sat_elems[x], x, ':\t', satellites[i][x])

    #this is the max acceleration available on the satellite
    satellite_mass = 4  #kg
    max_thrust = 0.35 * 10**(-3)  #N
    accel = max_thrust / satellite_mass  #m/s^2

    ###Initialize Targets-----------------------------------------------------

    num_targets = len(dV_list[0])
    targets = []

    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    file = os.path.join(
        dir, 'target_tracks\megi_data.xlsx'
    )  #(!) path may need to be changed for non-Windows users
    #These are locations of the eye of Typhoon Megi (2010)
    target_interval = 2.5 * 24 * 3600  #sec
    targets_time, targets_lat, targets_long, time_since_epoch, latitude, longitude = import_hurricane(
        file, date_epoch, num_targets, target_interval)
    targets = [[targets_time[i], targets_lat[i], targets_long[i]]
               for i in range(num_targets)]

    #Time window corresponds to allowed viewing time around each target (ie +/- 20 hrs target time)
    time_window = 20 * 3600  #sec

    #Establishes minimum acceptable distance to eye of the storm
    min_distance_to_eye = 100000  #m

    ### PARAMETERS ###
    #Model Parameters---------------------------------------------------------
    mu = 3.98600 * 10**14  # standard gravitational parameter, m^3/s^2
    Re = 6371000  # mean Earth radius, m
    J2 = 1082.7 * (
    )  # coefficient of the Earth's gravitational zonal harmonic of the 2nd degree
    vel_e = 7.29212 * 10**(-5)  # angular velocity of the earth, rad/s
    rad = math.pi / 180  # conversion of deg to rad
    flattening = 0.00335281  # flattening factor of the earth
    time_step = 10  # propagation time step (for viewing window propagation)

    ### CODE START ###
    #Satellite state is stored in dictionary nodes, and node numbers themselves in Graph G
    nodes = {0: satellites}
    G = nx.Graph()
    if disp_flag == 1:
        print("Executing maneuvers...")

    #the node we are starting to pull from
    origin_node = 0
    # the node we are creating
    current_node = 1

    #the information we start with
    old_sat_list = nodes[origin_node].copy()
    calc_nodes_last_target = [0]
    num_target = 0  #start with first target in list

    calc_nodes_current_target = []
    for target in targets:
        num_target = num_target + 1

        solution_found = False

        #Define viewing window for each target
        time_min = target[0] - time_window
        time_max = target[0] + time_window
        time_list = np.arange(time_min, time_max + time_step, time_step)

        #Interpolate between known track points for the viewing window time
        #this will be used to see if the satellite gets close to the storm
        lat_interp = np.interp(time_list, time_since_epoch, latitude)
        long_interp = np.interp(time_list, time_since_epoch, longitude)
        current_target = [time_list, lat_interp, long_interp]

        if disp_flag == 1:
            print("\nChecking accesses for target:" + "\t" + str(num_target))
            print('Target time: ' + str(target[0] / 3600 / 24) + ' days')
            print('Target latitude: ' + str(target[1]) + ' deg')
            print('Target longitude: ' + str(target[2]) + ' deg')

        #Create new place to store satellite states
        new_sat_list = []
        for i in range(num_sats):

        # (leftover from tree generation approach)- move from one set of notes to the next
        for origin in calc_nodes_last_target:
            old_sat_list = nodes[origin].copy()
            #for multiple satellites, each will be manuevered in sequence
            for sat in range(len(old_sat_list)):
                maneuvering_sat = old_sat_list[sat][:]
                sat_time = maneuvering_sat[8]

                #Define the vewing window duration for each target, relative to satellite
                duration_min = time_min - sat_time
                duration_max = time_max - sat_time
                duration_list = np.arange(duration_min,
                                          duration_max + time_step, time_step)

                dV = dV_list[sat][num_target - 1]
                #Now execute the maneuvers- either propagate/lower/raise according to the delta-V
                if dV == 0:
                    flag = 'N/A'
                    updated_sat = propagate(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad, flattening,
                                            maneuvering_sat, accel,

                if dV < 0:
                    flag = 'LOWER'
                    #timing of manuevers (seconds of manuever, propogate, maneuver duration which correspond to the 3 phases can also be stored)
                     timing] = lowering_maneuver(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                 flattening, maneuvering_sat,
                                                 accel, abs(dV), duration_min)
                    if updated_sat != None:
                        updated_sat[9] = abs(dV)
                if dV > 0:
                    flag = 'RAISE'
                    #timing of manuevers (seconds of manuever, propogate, maneuver duration which correspond to the 3 phases can also be stored)
                     timing] = raising_maneuver(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                flattening, maneuvering_sat,
                                                accel, dV, duration_min)
                    if updated_sat != None:
                        updated_sat[9] = abs(dV)

                #If the manuever was successful (time was sufficient for the delta-V), updated sat will have been created
                if updated_sat != None:

                    #now propogate the satellite to the end of the time window to see the number/quality of accesses
                    propagate_sat_options = propagate(
                        mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad, flattening, updated_sat, accel,
                        (duration_list - duration_min))

                    distance = distance_SSP_to_target(mu, Re, rad,
                                                      lat_interp, long_interp)
                    num_accesses = 0
                    num_accesses = sum(1 for x in distance
                                       if x < min_distance_to_eye)

                    if num_accesses > 0:
                        #If the storm was accessed, record the accesses in the 'satellite' list
                        #also maneuver timing can be stored- not currently done
                        access_distance = []
                        index = 0
                        for x in distance:
                            #record number of accesses
                            index = index + 1
                            if x < min_distance_to_eye:
                                #record access distance at each possible access:
                                lat = propagate_sat_options[6][index]
                                long = propagate_sat_options[7][index]
                                lateye = lat_interp[index]
                                longeye = long_interp[index]
                                distance = distance_SSP_to_target(
                                    mu, Re, rad, lat, long, lateye, longeye)

                                totalSeconds = time_min + index * time_step  #time since epoch in sec

                                if disp_flag == 1:
                                    print('---successful access---')
                                    print('Distance: ' + str(x / 1000) + 'km')
                                    print('Current Time: ' + str(
                                        datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10, 12) +
                                            seconds=totalSeconds)) + 'UTC')
                                    print('Hurricane: Lat. ' + str(lat) +
                                          ' deg  Long. ' + str(long) + ' deg')
                        #Mark that a solution has been found for this target
                        solution_found = True
                        #Record the mean and minimum access distances
                        mean_distance_pass = sum(
                            access_distance) / num_accesses
                        min_distance_pass = min(access_distance)

                        #Either distance can be saved
                        updated_sat[10] = min_distance_pass

                        propagate_sat = propagate(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                                  flattening, updated_sat,
                                                  accel, time_window * 2)
                        new_sat_list[updated_sat[0]] = propagate_sat
                        nodes[current_node] = new_sat_list.copy()
                        propagate_sat = []
                        updated_sat = []
                        if dV == 0:
                            dV_adj = 0.00001  #to ensure graph is connected (edge length cannot be 0)
                            dV_adj = abs(
                            )  #to ensure graph is connected (edge length cannot be negative)

                        #Leftover from tree generation- add edge and then move on to next node
                        current_node = current_node + 1

                        if disp_flag == 1:
                            print('---summary of accesses for target ',
                                  str(num_target), '---')
                            print('Mean Distance: ' +
                                  str(round(mean_distance_pass / 1000, 2)) +
                                  ' km')
                            print('Min Distance: ' +
                                  str(round(min_distance_pass / 1000, 2)) +
                                  ' km')
                            print('Delta-V Used: ' + str(dV) + ' m/s')
                            print('Total Access Time: ' +
                                  str(num_accesses * time_step) + ' s')

        if solution_found == False:
            #if a solution cannot be found, propogate sat, and record 0 accesses
            if disp_flag == 1:
                print('---no access available---')
            for origin in calc_nodes_last_target:
                old_sat_list = nodes[origin].copy()
                for x in range(len(old_sat_list)):
                    flag = 'N/A'
                    sat = old_sat_list[x][:]
                    propagate_sat = propagate(mu, Re, J2, vel_e, rad,
                                              flattening, sat, accel,
                    propagate_sat[10] = 999999
                    new_sat_list[sat[0]] = propagate_sat.copy()
                    nodes[current_node] = new_sat_list.copy()
                    propagate_sat = []
                    current_node = current_node + 1
        calc_nodes_last_target = calc_nodes_current_target[:]
        calc_nodes_current_target = []

    #Leftover from tree generation
    #Tree Generation is complete... finding shortest path:
    complete_path = {}
    #record all possible path lengths
    path = nx.dijkstra_path(G, source=0, target=None, weight='dV')
    #only want the complete paths that view all targets
    for key in path:
        if len(path[key]) == num_targets + 1:
            current_path = path[key]
            length = nx.dijkstra_path_length(G,
            complete_path[length] = current_path
    #then select shortest path
    min_path_length = 9999
    for path_length in complete_path:
        if path_length < min_path_length:
            min_path_length = path_length
            shortest_complete_path = complete_path[path_length]
    shortest_complete_path_edges = zip(shortest_complete_path,
    shortest_complete_path_edges = set(shortest_complete_path_edges)

    #Left over from tree generation- record the shortest path information
    dV_total = 0
    num_accesses_total = 0
    dist_sum_length = []
    for i in shortest_complete_path_edges:
        dV_total = dV_total + G.edges[i]['dV']
        num_accesses_total = (num_accesses_total +
        if G.edges[i]['dist_to_target'] < min_distance_to_eye:
    if len(dist_sum_length) > 0:
        dist_mean = sum(dist_sum_length) / len(dist_sum_length)
        dist_mean = 99999

    total_access_time = num_accesses_total * time_step
    if disp_flag == 1:
        print('Total delta-V used: ', round(dV, 2), ' m/s')
        print('Total access time: ', total_access_time, ' s')
        print('Mean distance to storm (across all accesses): ',
              round(dist_mean / 1000, 2), ' km')

    # For GA use, simply return the summary objectives:
    # Note that the GA assumes minimization of all objectives by default, so a negative total access time is returned
    # (want to minimize dV use, maximize total access time, minimize mean distance)
    # Different objectives could be used here as well (minimum distance)
    return [dV_total, -total_access_time, dist_mean]