def read_results(filename):
    res, obs, mod = reader.results_from(path_res + filename)
    # update data table
    res['run_params']['data_table'] = path_wdir + 'data/halo7d_with_phot.fits'
    mod = reader.get_model(res)
    # update filters
    filternames = [str(ii) for ii in obs['filters']]
    obs['filters'] = load_filters(filternames, directory=filter_folder)
    # load sps
    sps = reader.get_sps(res)
    return (res, obs, mod, sps)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_results(cluster, ID, binNum, results_type='dynesty', version=''):
    # convenience function

    infile = '{}/h5/{}_ID_{}_bin_{}{}.h5'.format(cluster, cluster, ID, binNum,

    result, obs, _ = reader.results_from(infile, dangerous=True)
    model = reader.get_model(result)
    sps = reader.get_sps(result)

    # t_hr = result['sampling_duration']/3600
    # print('The sampling took {:.2f} hours'.format(t_hr))

    return result, obs, model, sps
Exemplo n.º 3
# --------------
# Read command line arguments
# --------------
sargv = sys.argv
argdict = {'restart_from': '', 'niter': 1024}
clargs = model_setup.parse_args(sargv, argdict=argdict)

# ----------
# Result object and Globals
# ----------
result, global_obs, global_model = pr.results_from(clargs["restart_from"])
is_emcee = (len(result["chain"].shape) == 3) & (result["chain"].shape[0] > 1)
assert is_emcee, "Result file does not have a chain of the proper shape."

# SPS Model instance (with libraries check)
sps = pr.get_sps(result)
run_params = result["run_params"]

# Noise model (this should be doable via read_results)
from prospect.models.model_setup import import_module_from_string
param_file = (result['run_params'].get('param_file',
                                       ''), result.get("paramfile_text", ''))
path, filename = os.path.split(param_file[0])
modname = filename.replace('.py', '')
user_module = import_module_from_string(param_file[1], modname)
spec_noise, phot_noise = user_module.load_gp(**run_params)

# -----------------
# LnP function as global
# ------------------
Exemplo n.º 4
N = res['lnprobability'].shape[0] * res['lnprobability'].shape[1]  # all values
print('N is', N)
imaxmult = np.argpartition(res['lnprobability'], -N, axis=None)[-N:]

csz = res["chain"].shape

i, j = np.unravel_index(imax, res['lnprobability'].shape)
theta_max = res['chain'][i, j, :].copy()
flatchain = res["chain"].reshape(csz[0] * csz[1], csz[2])

max_percentile = np.zeros(model.ndim)
for i in range(model.ndim):
    max_percentile[i] = stats.percentileofscore(flatchain[:, i], theta_max[i])
    print('max percentile', max_percentile[i])

sps = reader.get_sps(res)

# generate fake obs to get full resolution spectra
fake_obs = obs.copy()
fake_obs['spectrum'] = None
fake_obs['wavelength'] = None

spec, phot, x = model.predict(theta_max, obs=obs, sps=sps)

full_spec = model.predict(theta_max, obs=fake_obs, sps=sps)[0]

wave_eff = [f.wave_effective for f in res['obs']['filters']]

print('Maximum posterior probability parameters: ')
file = open(args.path + "/Analysis/bestfit_params.txt", "w")
for i in range(len(res['theta_labels'])):
Exemplo n.º 5
print('now reading files')
galaxy_num = "{:03d}".format(galaxy)
infile = prosp_dir + '/galaxy_' + str(int(galaxy)) + '_pagboff.h5'
globfiles = glob.glob(infile)

for prosp_output in glob.glob(infile):
    res, obs, mod = pread.results_from(prosp_output)
pdfile = pd_dir + '/grid_physical_properties.305_galaxy' + str(
    int(galaxy)) + '.npz'
pd_data = np.load(pdfile)
int_mass = np.log10(np.sum(pd_data['grid_star_mass']) / 1.989e33)

print('sps and model')
#sps = build_sps()
sps = pread.get_sps(res)
#mod = build_model()
thetas = mod.theta_labels()

thetas_50 = []
thetas_16 = []
thetas_84 = []
print('quantiles for all thetas')
for theta in thetas:
    idx = thetas.index(theta)
    chain = [item[idx] for item in res['chain']]
    quan = quantile(chain, [.16, .5, .84])
Exemplo n.º 6
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as reader

results_type = 'dynesty'  # 'emcee' or 'dynesty'
verbose = True
plots = True

# get the results and observation dictionaries
result, obs, _ = reader.results_from('demo_params_{}.h5'.format(results_type),

# also get the sps and model objects. This works if using a parameter file with
# `build_*` methods
sps = reader.get_sps(result)
model = reader.get_model(result)

# print the contents of the `results` dictionary
if verbose:

# STEP 1: invetigate the parameter traces
if plots:
    if results_type == 'emcee':
        chosen = np.random.choice(result['run_params']['nwalkers'],
        tracefig = reader.traceplot(result, figsize=(16, 9), chains=chosen)
        tracefig = reader.traceplot(result, figsize=(16, 9))
Exemplo n.º 7

        # Calculate Prospector attenuation curves
        # Take bestfit parameters from dust fit, use only
        # non-dust related parameters with nodust model
        # to give dust-free spectrum
        if attBool:
            nodust_path = '/scratch/ntf229/RT_fit/projects/' + galaxies[
                i] + '/maxLevel13/wavelengths601/numPhotons1e9/niter4096/inc0/nodust/' + phot[
                    k] + '/walkers512/Prospector_files/fit.h5'
            dust_path = '/scratch/ntf229/RT_fit/projects/' + galaxies[
                i] + '/maxLevel13/wavelengths601/numPhotons1e9/niter4096/inc0/dust/dustFraction0.2/maxTemp8000/' + phot[
                    k] + '/walkers512/Prospector_files/fit.h5'
            nodust_res, nodust_obs, nodust_model = reader.results_from(
            nodust_sps = reader.get_sps(nodust_res)
            dust_res, dust_obs, dust_model = reader.results_from(dust_path)
            dust_sps = reader.get_sps(dust_res)

            # generate fake obs to get full resolution spectra
            nodust_fake_obs = nodust_obs.copy()
            nodust_fake_obs['spectrum'] = None
            nodust_fake_obs['wavelength'] = None
            nodust_theta_max = [
                estMasses[i, k], estLogzsol[i, k], estAges[i, k], estTaus[i, k]
            ]  # non-dust related bestfit parameters from dust fit
            nodust_full_spec = nodust_model.predict(nodust_theta_max,

            dust_fake_obs = dust_obs.copy()
Exemplo n.º 8
# --------------
# Read command line arguments
# --------------
sargv = sys.argv
argdict = {'restart_from': '', 'niter': 1024}
clargs = model_setup.parse_args(sargv, argdict=argdict)

# ----------
# Result object and Globals
# ----------
result, global_obs, global_model = pr.results_from(clargs["restart_from"])
is_emcee = (len(result["chain"].shape) == 3) & (result["chain"].shape[0] > 1)
assert is_emcee, "Result file does not have a chain of the proper shape."

# SPS Model instance (with libraries check)
sps = pr.get_sps(result)
run_params = result["run_params"]

# Noise model (this should be doable via read_results)
from prospect.models.model_setup import import_module_from_string
param_file = (result['run_params'].get('param_file', ''),
              result.get("paramfile_text", ''))
path, filename = os.path.split(param_file[0])
modname = filename.replace('.py', '')
user_module = import_module_from_string(param_file[1], modname)
spec_noise, phot_noise = user_module.load_gp(**run_params)

# -----------------
# LnP function as global
# ------------------
Exemplo n.º 9
         label='True Attenuation')

plt.xlim([900, 7000])
plt.xlabel('$\lambda$ [$\AA$]', fontsize=23)
plt.ylim([0, 5])
plt.ylabel('A$_{\lambda}$ / A$_{V}$', fontsize=23)
plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Galaxy ' + str(gal) + ': KC Attenuation', fontsize=23)

#plt.savefig('/Users/sidneylower/Documents/prosp_final_plots/attenuation_curve'+str(gal)+'.png', dpi=300)

# In[9]:

sps_dir = pread.get_sps(res_dir)
thetas_dir, theta_best_dir = get_best(res_dir)
dust2_idx_dir = [i for i, s in enumerate(thetas_dir) if 'dust2' in s]
dust2_dir = theta_best_dir[dust2_idx_dir[0]]
dustindex_idx_dir = [i for i, s in enumerate(thetas_dir) if 'dust_index' in s]
dust_index_dir = theta_best_dir[dustindex_idx_dir[0]]

# In[10]:

sps_dust1 = pread.get_sps(res_dust1)
thetas_dust1, theta_best_dust1 = get_best(res_dust1)
dust2_idx_dust1 = [i for i, s in enumerate(thetas_dust1) if 'dust2' in s]
dust2_dust1 = theta_best_dust1[dust2_idx_dust1[0]]
dustindex_idx_dust1 = [
    i for i, s in enumerate(thetas_dust1) if 'dust_index' in s