Exemplo n.º 1
def test_tls_connect_cert_other_custom(mock_configobj):
    TLSConnect: 'cert'
    Other TLS params custom
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.tls_connect == 'cert'
    assert zbx_config.tls_ca_file == '/tmp/tls_ca_file.crt'
    assert zbx_config.tls_cert_file == '/tmp/tls_cert_file.crt'
    assert zbx_config.tls_crl_file == '/tmp/tls_crl_file.crt'
    assert zbx_config.tls_key_file == '/tmp/tls_key_file.crt'
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_issuer == '/tmp/tls_server__cert_issuer.crt'
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_subject == '/tmp/tls_server_cert_subject.crt'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_config_file_not_found(mock_configobj):
    Not found zabbix_agentd.conf
    hostname should fallback to socket.getfqdn
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{}]
    with mock.patch('socket.getfqdn', return_value='myhostname'):
        zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
        assert zbx_config.data_type is None
        assert zbx_config.dryrun is False
        assert zbx_config.server_active == ''
        assert zbx_config.server_port == 10051
        assert zbx_config.log_type == 'file'
        assert zbx_config.log_file == '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log'
        assert zbx_config.debug_level == 3
        assert zbx_config.timeout == 3
        assert zbx_config.hostname == 'myhostname'
        assert zbx_config.tls_connect == 'unencrypted'
        assert zbx_config.tls_ca_file is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_cert_file is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_crl_file is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_key_file is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_issuer is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_subject is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_psk_identity is None
        assert zbx_config.tls_psk_file is None
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_config_file_default(mock_configobj):
    Default Zabbix Agent configuration from Zabbix
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
        'Server': '',
        'ServerActive': '',
        'Hostname': 'Zabbix server'
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.data_type is None
    assert zbx_config.dryrun is False
    assert zbx_config.server_active == ''
    assert zbx_config.server_port == 10051
    assert zbx_config.log_type == 'file'
    assert zbx_config.log_file == '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log'
    assert zbx_config.debug_level == 3
    assert zbx_config.timeout == 3
    assert zbx_config.hostname == 'Zabbix server'
    assert zbx_config.tls_connect == 'unencrypted'
    assert zbx_config.tls_ca_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_cert_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_crl_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_key_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_issuer is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_subject is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_psk_identity is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_psk_file is None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_tls_connect_unencrypted_other_custom(mock_configobj):
    TLSConnect: 'unencrypted'
    All other TLS parameters should default to None
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('TLSConnect_unencrypted')
    assert zbx_config.tls_connect == 'unencrypted'
    assert zbx_config.tls_ca_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_cert_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_crl_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_key_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_issuer is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_subject is None
Exemplo n.º 5
        def zabbix_send(value):
            cfg = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig()
            cfg.server_active = trapper
            zbx = protobix.DataContainer(cfg)

            zbx.data_type = 'items'
            zbx.add_item(host='Zabbix server', key='test.alerta', value=value)
            response = zbx.send()
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_dryrun(mock_configobj):
    Test dryrun. Default is False
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{}]
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('default_configuration')
    assert zbx_config.dryrun is False
    zbx_config.dryrun = True
    assert zbx_config.dryrun is True
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        self.logProtobix = logging.getLogger('Protobix')
        self.zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig()
        self.zbx_config.server_active = os.getenv('ZBX_SERVER_HOST')
        self.zbx_config.server_port = \
            int(os.getenv('ZBX_SERVER_PORT', '10051'))
        self.zbx_config.timeout = 10

        self.zbx_datacontainer = None
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_log_config_invalid_log_type(mock_configobj):
    Invalid LogType
    Should raise an ValueError with proper message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogType': 'invalid',
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'LogType must be one of [file,system,console]'
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_dryrun_invalid(mock_configobj):
    Test dryrun with invalid value
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{}]
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('default_configuration')
    assert zbx_config.dryrun is False
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        zbx_config.dryrun = 'invalid'
    assert str(err.value) == 'dryrun parameter requires boolean'
    assert zbx_config.dryrun is False
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_data_type_invalid(mock_configobj):
    Test data_type with invalid value
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{}]
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('default_configuration')
    assert zbx_config.data_type is None
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        zbx_config.data_type = 'invalid'
    assert str(err.value) == 'data_type requires either "items" or "lld"'
    assert zbx_config.data_type is None
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_tls_connect_psk_tls_msk_identity_file_missing(mock_configobj):
    TLSConnect: 'psk'
    Should raise a NotImplementedError with appropriate message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{'TLSConnect': 'psk'}]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(
    ) == 'TLSConnect is psk. TLSPSKIdentity and TLSPSKFile are mandatory'
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_data_type(mock_configobj):
    Test data_type. Default is None
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{}]
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('default_configuration')
    assert zbx_config.data_type is None
    zbx_config.data_type = 'items'
    assert zbx_config.data_type == 'items'
    zbx_config.data_type = 'lld'
    assert zbx_config.data_type == 'lld'
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_log_config_fallback_log_file(mock_configobj):
    LogType set to 'file'
    LogFile unset
    LogFile should default to '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log'
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{'LogType': 'file'}]
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.log_type == 'file'
    assert zbx_config.log_file == '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log'
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_tls_connect_invalid(mock_configobj):
    invalid TLSConnect
    Should raise a ValueError with appropriate message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'TLSConnect': 'invalid',
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'TLSConnect must be one of [unencrypted,psk,cert]'
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_server_port_invalid_lower_than_1024(mock_configobj):
    Invalid serverPort.
    Should raise an ValueError with proper message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'ServerActive': '',
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'ServerPort must be between 1024 and 32767'
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_timeout_custom(mock_configobj):
    Custom Timeout.
    Should not fallbackback to 3
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
        'Timeout': 5,
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.timeout == 5
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_server_active_custom(mock_configobj):
    Custom serverActive & serverPort
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.server_active == 'myzabbixserver'
    assert zbx_config.server_port == 10052
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_debug_level_invalid_greater_than_5(mock_configobj):
    Invalid DebugLevel.
    Should raise an ValueError with proper message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
        'DebugLevel': 10
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'DebugLevel must be between 0 and 5, 10 provided'
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_debug_level_custom(mock_configobj):
    Custom DebugLevel.
    Should not fallbackback to 3
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
        'DebugLevel': 4
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.debug_level == 4
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_timeout_invalid_greater_than_30(mock_configobj):
    Invalid Timeout.
    Should raise an ValueError with proper message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
        'Timeout': 50,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == 'Timeout must be between 1 and 30'
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_tls_default_config(mock_configobj):
    Default TLS configuration
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{}]
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('TLS_default_configuration')
    assert zbx_config.tls_connect == 'unencrypted'
    assert zbx_config.tls_ca_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_cert_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_crl_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_key_file is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_issuer is None
    assert zbx_config.tls_server_cert_subject is None
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_log_config_use_syslog(mock_configobj):
    LogType set to 'system'
    LogFile should be None
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogType': 'system',
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.log_type == 'system'
    assert zbx_config.log_file is None
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_log_config_use_console_fallback_log_file(mock_configobj):
    LogType set to 'console'
    LogFile unset
    LogFile should be None
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogType': 'console',
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.log_type == 'console'
    assert zbx_config.log_file is None
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_tls_connect_psk(mock_configobj):
    TLSConnect: 'psk'
    Should raise a NotImplementedError with appropriate message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'TLSConnect': 'psk',
        'TLSPSKIdentity': 'TLS PSK Zabbix Identity',
        'TLSPSKFile': '/tmp/psk.file',
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig('TLSConnect_psk')
    assert zbx_config.tls_psk_identity == 'TLS PSK Zabbix Identity'
    assert zbx_config.tls_psk_file == '/tmp/psk.file'
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_hostname_custom(mock_configobj):
    Custom hostname.
    Should *NOT* fallback to socket.getfqdn
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log',
        'Hostname': 'myhostname'
    with mock.patch('socket.getfqdn', return_value='myhostname.domain.tld'):
        zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
        assert zbx_config.hostname == 'myhostname'
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_log_config_custom(mock_configobj):
    LogType set to 'file'
    LogFile set to '/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log'
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogType': 'file',
        'LogFile': '/tmp/test_zabbix_agentd.log',
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.log_type == 'file'
    assert zbx_config.log_file == '/tmp/test_zabbix_agentd.log'
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_log_config_zabbix_24_compatibility(mock_configobj):
    Missing LogType & LogFile set to '-'
    LogType should fallbackback to system
    LogFile should fallback to '/dev/log'
    This is for Zabbix 2.4.x retro compatibility
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'LogFile': '-',
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.log_type == 'system'
    assert zbx_config.log_file is None
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_tls_connect_cert_tls_cert_key_missing(mock_configobj):
    TLSConnect: 'cert'
    TLSCertFile unset
    TLSKeyFile unset
    Should raise a ValueError with appropriate message
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{'TLSConnect': 'cert'}]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert str(
    ) == 'TLSConnect is cert. TLSCertFile, TLSKeyFile and TLSCAFile are mandatory'
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_tls_connect_cert_tls_cert_key_custom(mock_configobj):
    TLSConnect: 'cert'
    TLSCertFile set
    TLSKeyFile set
    mock_configobj.side_effect = [{
        'TLSConnect': 'cert',
        'TLSCertFile': '/tmp/tls_cert_file.pem',
        'TLSKeyFile': '/tmp/tls_key_file.pem',
        'TLSCAFile': '/tmp/tls_ca_file.pem',
    zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(
    assert zbx_config.tls_connect == 'cert'
    assert zbx_config.tls_cert_file == '/tmp/tls_cert_file.pem'
    assert zbx_config.tls_key_file == '/tmp/tls_key_file.pem'
    assert zbx_config.tls_ca_file == '/tmp/tls_ca_file.pem'
Exemplo n.º 30
 def zbx_sender(self, host, data, data_type='items'):
     """Function to send trapper data to Zabbix"""
     # In order to use the Zabbix Agent Config portion of protobix, I cannot simply provide
     # a config dictionary.  I have to provide a config file.  These lines will create a
     # viable, temporary config file and then delete it once the config object has been created.
     pzalogger = None
     pdclogger = None
     if self.debug:
         pzalogger = logging.getLogger('protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig')
         pdclogger = logging.getLogger('protobix.DataContainer')
     zbx_config = protobix.ZabbixAgentConfig(config_file=self.zbxconfigfile,
     zbx_datacontainer = protobix.DataContainer(config=zbx_config,
     zbx_datacontainer.data_type = data_type
     self.logger.debug('DATA = {0}'.format({host: data}))
     zbx_datacontainer.add({host: data})
     return zbx_datacontainer.send()