Exemplo n.º 1
 def substitution(self, replacement, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
     Equate the top level expression with a similar expression
     with the inner expression replaced by the replacement.
     from proveit.logic import Equals
     cur_inner_expr = self.expr_hierarchy[-1]
     equality = Equals(cur_inner_expr, replacement).prove(assumptions)
     equality.substitution(self.repl_lambda(), assumptions=assumptions)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test():
        substitution.specialize({fx:Not(x), x:a, y:b}, assumptions=[Equals(a, b)])
        expr = Equals(a, Add(b, Frac(c, d), Exp(c, d)))
        gRepl = Lambda.globalRepl(expr, d)
        d_eq_y = Equals(d, y)
        d_eq_y.substitution(gRepl, assumptions=[d_eq_y])
        d_eq_y.substitution(expr, assumptions=[d_eq_y])
        d_eq_y.substitution(expr, assumptions=[d_eq_y]).proof()
        innerExpr = expr.innerExpr()
        innerExpr = innerExpr.rhs
        innerExpr = innerExpr.operands[1]
        innerExpr = innerExpr.denominator
        d_eq_y.substitution(innerExpr, assumptions=[d_eq_y])
        d_eq_y.substitution(expr.innerExpr().rhs.operands[2].exponent, assumptions=[d_eq_y])
        d_eq_y.subRightSideInto(gRepl, assumptions=[d_eq_y,expr])
        d_eq_y.subRightSideInto(expr, assumptions=[d_eq_y,expr])
        y_eq_d = Equals(y, d)
        y_eq_d.subLeftSideInto(gRepl, assumptions=[y_eq_d,expr])
        y_eq_d.subLeftSideInto(expr, assumptions=[y_eq_d,expr])
        y_eq_d.subLeftSideInto(expr, assumptions=[y_eq_d,expr]).proof()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def deduce_equality(self, equality, *,
                        eq_via_elem_eq_thm=None, **defaults_config):
        from proveit import ExprRange
        from proveit import a, b, i
        from proveit.logic import Equals
        from proveit.core_expr_types.tuples import tuple_eq_via_elem_eq
        from proveit.relation import TransRelUpdater
        if not isinstance(equality, Equals):
            raise ValueError("The 'equality' should be an Equals expression")
        if equality.lhs != self:
            raise ValueError("The left side of 'equality' should be 'self'")

        from proveit.numbers import num, one

        # Handle the special counting cases.  For example,
        #   (1, 2, 3, 4) = (1, ..., 4)
        _n = len(self.entries)
        if all(self[_k] == num(_k + 1) for _k in range(_n)):
            if (isinstance(equality.rhs, ExprTuple)
                    and equality.rhs.num_entries() == 1
                    and isinstance(equality.rhs[0], ExprRange)):
                expr_range = equality.rhs[0]
                if (expr_range.true_start_index == one and
                        expr_range.true_end_index == num(_n)):
                    if len(self.entries) >= 10:
                        raise NotImplementedError("counting range equality "
                                                  "not implemented for more "
                                                  "then 10 elements")
                    import proveit.numbers.numerals.decimals
                    equiv_thm = proveit.numbers.numerals.decimals\
                        .__getattr__('count_to_%d_range' % _n)
                    return equiv_thm
        lhs, rhs = equality.lhs, equality.rhs
        if (lhs.num_entries() == rhs.num_entries() == 1
                and isinstance(lhs[0], ExprRange) 
                and isinstance(rhs[0], ExprRange)):
            # Prove the equality of two ExprRanges.
            r_range = rhs[0]
            expr = lhs
            if expr[0].is_decreasing():
                # We could handle different styles later, but
                # let's be consistent with increasing order for now
                # to make this easier to implement.
                expr = expr.inner_expr()[0].with_increasing_order()
            eq = TransRelUpdater(expr)
            if expr[0].true_start_index != r_range.true_start_index:
                # Shift indices so they have the same start.
                expr = eq.update(expr[0].shift_equivalence(
            if expr[0].lambda_map != r_range.lambda_map:
                # Change the lambda map.
                expr = eq.update(expr[0].range_fn_transformation(
            if expr[0].true_end_index != r_range.true_end_index:
                # Make the end indices be the same:
                end_eq = Equals(expr[0].true_end_index, r_range.true_end_index).prove()
                expr = eq.update(end_eq.substitution(
            return eq.relation
        # Try tuple_eq_via_elem_eq as the last resort.
        _i = lhs.num_elements()
        _a = lhs
        _b = rhs
        if eq_via_elem_eq_thm is None:
            eq_via_elem_eq_thm = tuple_eq_via_elem_eq
        return eq_via_elem_eq_thm.instantiate({i:_i, a:_a, b:_b})