Exemplo n.º 1
def nm_to_name(n, m):
    """Convert an (n,m) index into a human readable name.

    n : int
        radial polynomial order
    m : int
        azimuthal polynomial order

        a name, np.g. Piston or Primary Spherical

    # piston, tip tilt, az invariant order
    if n == 0:
        return 'Piston'
    if n == 1:
        if sign(m) == 1:
            return 'Tilt X'
            return 'Tilt Y'
    if n == 2 and m == 0:
        return 'Defocus'
    if m == 0:
        accessor = int((n / 2) - 1)
        prefix = _names.get(accessor, f'{accessor}th')
        return f'{prefix} Spherical'
    return _name_helper(n, m)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __repr__(self):
        ''' Pretty-print pupil description.
        if self.normalize is True:
            header = 'rms normalized Fringe Zernike description with:\n\t'
            header = 'Fringe Zernike description with:\n\t'

        strs = []
        for number, (coef, func) in enumerate(zip(self.coefs, z.zernikes)):
            # skip 0 terms
            if coef == 0:

            # positive coefficient, prepend with +
            if m.sign(coef) == 1:
                _ = '+' + f'{coef:.3f}'
            # negative, sign comes from the value
                _ = f'{coef:.3f}'

            # create the name
            name = f'Z{number+self.base} - {func.name}'

            strs.append(' '.join([_, name]))
        body = '\n\t'.join(strs)

        footer = f'\n\t{self.pv:.3f} PV, {self.rms:.3f} RMS'
        return f'{header}{body}{footer}'
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __repr__(self):
        '''Pretty-print pupil description
        header = 'Standard Zernike description with:\n\t'

        strs = []
        for number, (coef, name) in enumerate(zip(self.coefs, _names)):
            # skip 0 terms
            if coef == 0:

            # positive coefficient, prepend with +
            if m.sign(coef) == 1:
                _ = '+' + f'{coef:.3f}'
            # negative, sign comes from the value
                _ = f'{coef:.3f}'

            # adjust term numbers
            if self.base is 1:
                if number > 9:  # two-digit term
                    name_lcl = ''.join(
                        [name[0], str(int(name[1:3]) + 1), name[3:]])
                    name_lcl = ''.join(
                        [name[0], str(int(name[1]) + 1), name[2:]])
                name_lcl = name

            strs.append(' '.join([_, name_lcl]))
        body = '\n\t'.join(strs)

        footer = f'\n\t{self.pv:.3f} PV, {self.rms:.3f} RMS'
        return f'{header}{body}{footer}'
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __repr__(self):
        """Pretty-print pupil description."""
        if self.normalize is True:
            header = f'rms normalized {self._name} Zernike description with:\n\t'
            header = f'{self._name} Zernike description with:\n\t'

        strs = []
        for number, coef in enumerate(self.coefs):
            # skip 0 terms
            if coef == 0:

            # positive coefficient, prepend with +
            if m.sign(coef) == 1:
                _ = '+' + f'{coef:.3f}'
            # negative, sign comes from the value
                _ = f'{coef:.3f}'

            # create the name
            idx = self._map[number]
            name = f'Z{number+self.base} - {zernikes[idx].name}'

            strs.append(' '.join([_, name]))
        body = '\n\t'.join(strs)

        footer = f'\n\t{self.pv:.3f} PV, {self.rms:.3f} RMS [{self.phase_unit}]'
        return f'{header}{body}{footer}'
Exemplo n.º 5
def _name_helper(n, m):
    accessor = _name_accessor(n, m)
    prefix = _names.get(accessor, f'{accessor}th')
    name = _names_m.get(abs(m), f'{abs(m)}-foil')
    if n == 1:
        name = 'Tilt'

    if is_odd(m):
        if sign(m) == 1:
            suffix = 'X'
            suffix = 'Y'
        if sign(m) == 1:
            suffix = '00°'
            suffix = '45°'

    return f'{prefix} {name} {suffix}'
Exemplo n.º 6
def Q2d(n, m, r, t):
    """2D Q polynomial, aka the Forbes polynomials.

    n : int
        radial polynomial order
    m : int
        azimuthal polynomial order
    r : numpy.ndarray
        radial coordinate, slope orthogonal in [0,1]
    t : numpy.ndarray
        azimuthal coordinate, radians

        array containing Q2d_n^m(r,t)
        the leading coefficient u^m or u^2 (1 - u^2) and sines/cosines
        are included in the return

    # Q polynomials have auxiliary polynomials "P"
    # which are scaled jacobi polynomials under the change of variables
    # x => 2x - 1 with alpha = -3/2, beta = m-3/2
    # the scaling prefix may be found in A.4 of oe-20-3-2483

    # impl notes:
    # Pn is computed using a recurrence over order n.  The recurrence is for
    # a single value of m, and the 'seed' depends on both m and n.
    # in general, Q_n^m = [P_n^m(x) - g_n-1^m Q_n-1^m] / f_n^m

    # for the sake of consistency, this function takes args of (r,t)
    # but the papers define an argument of u (really, u^2...)
    # which is what I call rho (or r).
    # for the sake of consistency of impl, I alias r=>u
    # and compute x = u**2 to match the papers
    u = r
    x = u**2
    if m == 0:
        return Qbfs(n, r)

    # m == 0 already was short circuited, so we only
    # need to consider the m =/= 0 case for azimuthal terms
    if sign(m) == -1:
        m = abs(m)
        prefix = u**m * np.sin(m * t)
        prefix = u**m * np.cos(m * t)
        m = abs(m)

    P0 = 1 / 2
    if m == 1:
        P1 = 1 - x / 2
        P1 = (m - .5) + (1 - m) * x

    f0 = f_q2d(0, m)
    Q0 = 1 / (2 * f0)
    if n == 0:
        return Q0 * prefix

    g0 = g_q2d(0, m)
    f1 = f_q2d(1, m)
    Q1 = (P1 - g0 * Q0) * (1 / f1)
    if n == 1:
        return Q1 * prefix
    # everything above here works, or at least everything in the returns works
    if m == 1:
        P2 = (3 - x * (12 - 8 * x)) / 6
        P3 = (5 - x * (60 - x * (120 - 64 * x))) / 10

        g1 = g_q2d(1, m)
        f2 = f_q2d(2, m)
        Q2 = (P2 - g1 * Q1) * (1 / f2)

        g2 = g_q2d(2, m)
        f3 = f_q2d(3, m)
        Q3 = (P3 - g2 * Q2) * (1 / f3)
        # Q2, Q3 correct
        if n == 2:
            return Q2 * prefix
        elif n == 3:
            return Q3 * prefix

        Pnm2, Pnm1 = P2, P3
        Qnm1 = Q3
        min_n = 4
        Pnm2, Pnm1 = P0, P1
        Qnm1 = Q1
        min_n = 2

    for nn in range(min_n, n + 1):
        A, B, C = abc_q2d(nn - 1, m)
        Pn = (A + B * x) * Pnm1 - C * Pnm2

        gnm1 = g_q2d(nn - 1, m)
        fn = f_q2d(nn, m)
        Qn = (Pn - gnm1 * Qnm1) * (1 / fn)

        Pnm2, Pnm1 = Pnm1, Pn
        Qnm1 = Qn

    # flake8 can't prove that the branches above the loop guarantee that we
    # enter the loop and Qn is defined
    return Qn * prefix  # NOQA
Exemplo n.º 7
def nm_to_fringe(n, m):
    """Convert (n,m) two term index to Fringe index."""
    term1 = (1 + (n + abs(m)) / 2)**2
    term2 = 2 * abs(m)
    term3 = (1 + sign(m)) / 2
    return int(term1 - term2 - term3) + 1  # shift 0 base to 1 base